Today's Weather prince Rupert Overcast, southeast wind, 12 miles per hour; barometer. 30.30; temperature, 43; sea smooth. Vol. XXVII. No. 112. 01 sheriff. One of the candidates; wiled, KETCHIKAN ASKSROAD lolrfst Developing in Possibility 0' Linking Up With Haielton KETCIIIKAN, May 13. Growing Merest is developing here ln conation with the nosslbllitv of a (ad being built from Ketchikan vlaUnuk River to connect with the' foposed . Alaska hlahwav thmuch1 D..L. ' " r'"sh Columbia Via Hazelton. BUch a road would, it Is estimated, some $3,000,000. Sentiment Is Rowing in favor of conducting a Jaipaign to bring the project bc-"re the authorities at Washington, wn"ng out Us advantages. . Trapped In Mine; She Two Men Rescued Were Imprisoned for Several-Hours Underground In Lakeshore Gold at Klrkland Lake I KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont., May 13: ' (CP)Tw0 mcn trapped by falling rock ln the 2800-foot level of the Lakeshore gold mme here were res.. ..,, vo,lprdav after havinir been' imned ,or seVeral hours. The men, George Bolan and Peter West, were slightly Injured. SENATORS UP AGAIN Victory Over Detroit Gives Them Leadership Yanks and Indians Tied For Second Place WASHINGTON. D. C, May IS: (CP) Washington Senators are back' on top ln the hectic scramMe for the American League pennant, their close victory over the Detroit Tigers yesterday giving tnem a i i r ono game icau uvcr uic new Yanicees ana uieveiana inmaxi who are tied as a result of the 3 to 2 victory for the Indians yester- day over the Yanks ln one of tht finest ball games that has been seen for many a day in Yankee. Stadium with Bob Feller and Lefty n r.m m annqnlniT In O ntfVlPrc' wu.uc vibB"'b - duel. In the National League. Chlcaeo new xor uianu w me juu samni by downing the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Dodgers dropped from sixth . . . ..t t 1 it ui. ,nw) sevenm piace ueiow we m.c Si. Louis uaramais. ine iincuuiai-i tl Reds blanked the Boston Bees' and are but half a came behind' the third place Pittsburg Pirates. Cold weather and rain caused postponement of the National .Leaeue names of Philadelphia at Pittsburg and New York at St. and the American Lcagtm games of St. Louis at Philadelphia 'and Chicago at Boston. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Brooklyn, 5; Chicago, 9. . Boston, 0; Cinclnnatti, 4. American League Cleveland, 3; New York, 2. Detroit, 6; Washington, 7, The standings to date: ' Today's Weather (Ooternmont "lirrpb) south southwest wind, 16 miles per1 hour; light swell. I Langara Island Scattered clouds southwest wind, 25 miles per hour; barometer, 30.27; temperature, 43; sea rough. Dead Tree Point Showery, light southwest wind; barometer, 30.33; tcmDeraturc, 43: light chop. Alert Bay Broken clouds, light southeast wind; barometer, 3U.J0, temperature, 40; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northerly wind, four mles per hour; barometer, 30.44. Victoria Clear, westerly wind, three miles per hour; barometer, 30.44. Vancouver Clear, westerly wind, 12 miles per hour; barometer, 30.36. Prince George Clear, southerly wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 30.12.' Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera- ture 40. Alyansh-Ralningr calm, 42. Alice Arm-Raining, south wma, 43 , Anyox Part cloudy, calm, nn 39. Stewart Cloudy, strong south wind, 41. Hazelton-Cloudy, west wind, 50. Smlthcrs-Cloudy, windy, 54. Burns Lake-Bright,, calm,.(40. mmm PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, "MAY Commission Is Not Recognized W .... I 'Attitude of Quebec is Candidly. Presented Before Body Headed By Mr. justice Howell QUEBEC, May 13: (CP) The Rowell Royal Commlssjon on Inter leln governmental .,.. relations; "-, was - told T LT tr,he Umca. inj. . . , , . . . . hat Quebec A could not recognize the jurisaicuon ui u MEANING ,to of OF AMOY b,7 u iht . show -Shantung Town Taken- I Canton Raided Again SHANGHAI, May 13: Capture, of the town of Yunchlng. thirty miles from Soochow, was claimed by the Japanese last night as thy continued their efforts to gain control of the Lunghal Railway in south Shantung province. The opinion Is expressed ln Chinese quarters that the Japanese are not actually planning any major offensive ln south China but that they have plenty to occupy them ln other quarters. The capture of poorly-;garrlsoned Amoy, ,lt is lelt, was merely 10 snow ine Japanese people at home a victory Canton was shelled by warships and bombed by airplanes yester 'dav. - -A' - TO VISIT CHURCHILL I Annual Excursion To Hudson Bay I To Take Place In August WINNIPEO, May 13: The sixth annual excursion to Canada's .youngest port on Hudson Bay will leave Winnipeg on August 12 for .Churchill, tne mosi normeny point reached by rail in Canada and terminus of the Hudson Bay Railway, according to Robert Creelman, passenger traffic manager of the Canadian National Railways. One of the most unique rail trips of the summer, this all-expense-included excursion will afford an opportunity to visit points of unusual interest as stops will be made at Dauphin, Manitoba, for a motor trip to Riding Mountain Park, also at the Pas, Flin Flon, Manitoba's largest mining centre, with one of the most modern mining plants or the continent, Manltou Rapids and Kettle Rapids, finally reaching the port of. Churchill near the Arctic Six days will be occupied cov-' ering the round trip journey of 2200 miles and, In order to pro- vMo ariarmnto ornnmnrlaHnn pn. I . f anr, ot fh nnrtuor fp. uuvv. ""v. ..v... vv. eat on the traln durlng the fui; j0urney ..Many tourists have a desire to vlslt thU north ctry to get a gllmpse of the wonderful scenery, thrlvlng towns and Industrial en terprise enroute, to see the mighty turbulent rivers rushing- north to the Arctic, to feel the peculiar loneliness of the barrens as the train moves toward Hudson Bay This may be realized by taking; this special tour from Winnipeg on August 12," stated Mr. Creel- man. Another Protest Sent To Mexico LONDON, May 13. Great Britain has sent a third note to the Mexl can government protesting at the recent expropriation of the property of British oil companies in that republic ' , , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 13, 1938. British Cabinet Shuffle BIG STRIKE IS AVERTED hipping Interests In Fuget Sound jlett Ultimatum oi sjauors- Unlon ) . . SEATTLE, May 13.-A Li tie-up of &t port of Seattle through the tailing of a walk-out by the Sail- as Union was averted last night through the meeting by the Water- Iront Employers' Association an ultimatum to resume negotiations ilth the International Longshoremen's Association with a view to reopening the port-of Tacoma. The tailors' union had set 5 o'clock last evening as the deadline for the reopening of Tacoma. Otherwise, a talk-out was to have been called In Seattle. It appeared until the tut minute that the whole of Puget Sound might be tied up ln- eluding shipping to Alaska. if 1 ' f may wot uperaie Bristol Bay Area j .. Silmon Cannery Interests Ttil Workers Flatly They Cannot Pay Same As Last Year SAN FRANCISCO, May 13: The iiuka Packers' Association an- nrPd vestprdav that fishing in Hie Bristol Bay area for the 1938 . 1 1 nson win ds aDanaonca uno- tthcr if fishermen and cannery iru.r-, .ut miiph loncer in tfielr. demand. ior-tha.jsame, waK4.uc.Ci,,vuc .Mw. v"-c vi r rate as that of 1937. The canners declare that conditions this year w nnt rru thpm tn nav the . r r r i same rate as last year. ALARM FELT FOR INDIANS Parly From Skldegale Overdue on Trip to West Coast j Provincial police have recelveai ord from Queen Charlotte City I that William Russ and a party of I two other natives from Skldegate reserve, who left for a trip to Koot-tnay Harbour on the West Coast of Queen Charlotte Islands in William Russ's gasboat, are now twelve days overdue. The police are now investigating their whereabouts. Two Killed In Election Fight Cindidate For Sheriff In Tennessee Rorts to Use of Guns and One Is Dead DYERSBURG, Tennessee, May 13 -Two men arc dead and two ln-i tow as a result of an election gun- j null Harbor Part cloudy, south-kk here yesterday. The fight' west wind, seven miles per hour; the outcome of a quarrel be-( barometer, 30.36; temperature, 40; leen two candidates for the office .tea smooth. BULLETINS MOON ECLIPSE TONIGHT There will be a total eclipse of the moon tonight. The ending will be visible generally in the central and western part of North 1 America. The moon will enter , the penumbra 9:41 Pacific Standard Time, totality will start at 1 12:18 midnight and end at 1:09 a.m. The moon will leave the penumbra at 3:43 a.m. BELGIUM CABINET RESIGNS BRUSSELS The Belgium cabinet of Premier Emile Janson resigned today after five antl a half months in office. The resignation follows differences over government tax proposals designed to balance the budget. The cabinet was a coalition of Janson's Liberal party, Socialists and the Catholic party. NOT LIFTING EMBARGO WASHINGTON The United States foreign relations committee today voted 17 to 1 to table the Nye resolution which would have lifted the embargo on United States shipping arms to the Spanish government. The action came after Secretary of State Cordcil Hull opposed action at this time. The committee chair- man said that the action meant the resolution was postponed in definitely. I BIBLE STUDENT CHARGED PRINCETON William Peat, 22-j car-old Bible student, is en-route i to Okalja Prison at the coast to await trial at the spring assizes on a charge of attempting to murder his father, William Peat sr., evangelist. Young Peat is alleged to have used an axe and hammer on May Z. HUNGARIAN CABINET QUITS BUDAPEST The cabinet of Premier Koioman Daranyi, con fronted by an expanding Nail movement, has resigned. The res- pected Beia Imredi, economics minister, will form a new government. J INTERVENTION OPPOSED GENEVA The League of Nations council voted today against abandoning the policy of nonintervention In Spain. Russia favored intervening. Iresigns as . LABOR HEAD Thomas Black Retires as President Of Trades and Labor Council In view of his having Joined the service Buiuflu.uD.wi.y,, passengers will sleep and , ii.. it it n.lll.1. n.l i umwa rower uo in an o uciai ca- pacity, Thomas B. Black last night announces. io wie reBuuw mvm.u,, meeting of the Prince Rupert iraaes ana aoor uouncu ins ic- tirement as president of the coun- cu. j. j. uuns, vice-presiaeni, carries on ln the presidential ca-, pacity until the. election of of fleers j next month. ' , . i Business at last night's meeting was largely of a routine nature.1 There was a good attendance of t delegates. Today's Baseball American League Philadelphia 8, New York 6. Boston 10, Washington 0. Chlcago7, Cleveland, 6. Detroit 7, St. Louis 5, National League Pittsburg 4, Chicago 1. (ten ln-0 nlngs). (Lazzerl home run.) APPEASING ! STUDENTS London Hears That Settlement Of Contentious Issue Is Near-Conrad Heinlein in England LONDON, May 13: Conrad Heln- leader the -Sudeten Deutsch mto)rHy to czacho-slovakla, has XVSl SS S ' uiiiui.iiijr uucovtvii uiiwoa aiiu F;ench leaders ft feeUng .here that an amicable arrange- ment may be reached as a result the British and French -efforts settle the issue to the satisfac tion of all parties concerned. The Czecho-Slovaklan government, It Is said in well Informed quarters, ap- nn - - S SZ sires of the Sudetan Deutsch who Iwere promised autonomy and tain privileges under the treaty of ! peace which established the Czech nation but which were nevet granted. an GAINS FOR an INSURGENTS Are Winninsr Over Lovalists On Aragon Front Death List In Air I Raids Placed at Eighty-Six i HFNDAYE. Franco-Spanish Fron ! Her. May 13: Snanlsh insurgents 1 rortcOTtuedaln? asst .the J imyansis on me aragon iront ana claim that the capture of Castel-!lon Is Imminent. The number of fdead as a result of yesterday's air raids on Barcelona and Valencia was placed last night at 86 be-Itween the two cities with 140 ln-1 ljured. i The Insurgents today captured Fortanete. key point in the front; between Teruel and the Mediter- ranean, on which the insurgents are driving towards Castellon de la Plana and Valencia. Sitdown Strike In Penitentiary Shortening of Recreation Period at. San Quentin is Protested SAN QUENTIN, Cal., May 13. Forty convicts In San Quentin Penitentiary yesterday staged a sit- down strike in protest at the short ening of the recreation period. All! but five of the sitdowners had been Induced last night to abandon the sitdown. Halibut Sales Summary American 43,000 pounds, 9.6c and 5c to 10.1c and 5c. Canadian 69,900 pounds, 8.5c and 4c to 9.3c and 4c. American Mlddletori, 19,000, Booth,, 9.6c and 5c. Revilla, 9,000, Royal, 10c and 5c Rapid, 8,500, Royal, 10c and 5c. Visitor, 6,000, Cold Storage, 10.1c and 5c. Canadian Covenant 17,500, Pacific 9.3c and j 4c. Nornen, 8,500, Cold Storage, 8.5c and 4c. Finella, 9,500, Pacific, 8.6c and 4c. Rio Rita, 2,800, Booth, 9.1c and 4c. Pair of Jacks, 6,000, Royal, 8.6c and 4c. Torborg A. 900, Atlln, 9.1c and 4c; Southend, 2,000, Atlln, 9.1c and 4c. Oslo, 10,000, Cold Storage, 8.5c and 4c. P. Dorreen 2,500, Cold Storage, 9c and 4c. . Northland, 1,700, Atlln, 9.1c and 4c. - Tomorrow's Tides High Low Is Gov't Reorganization Cannot Be Much More Delayed Tis Certain Number of Peers in Ministry Air Defenses are Causes of Complaint Lord Swinton LONDON, May 13: (CP) Cabinet changes are The number of peers now in the cabinet and sharp attacks from both sides fw oiV tninictw voctprrlnv Wll L11U. CllA lilllllkJ VI w y vkjvo'A. v v y shake-up eannot be long deferred The resignation .s mooted of VlSCOUnt Swinton, Air becretary, Who tor a time has been tne ooject oi attack. Formation of a council of state composed of party leaders to speed up air rearmament Is sug gested. All government critics want Inquiry. Prime Minister Chamberlain had audience with King George today, presumably ln regard to the ministry. TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courtesy a. O. Joimston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .15. Big Missouri, .36. Bralorne. 8.8p. Aztec. .09. - Cariboo Quartz, 2.16. Dentonla, .04. Golconda, .04. Minto, .02Ve. Fairvlew, .02. Noble Five. .02 . Pend Orlelle, 1.55. Pioneer, 3.00. Porter Idaho, .02 y2. Premier, 2.00. Reeves McDonald, .25. Relief Arlington, .15. Reward, .04 Vi. Salmon Gold, .061 2. Taylor Bridge, .04 (ask). Hedley Amalgamated, .03 Vi. Premier Border, .01. Silbak Premier, 1.80. Congress, .OOi. Home Gold. .01. Grandview, .063,4 (ask). Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .023,4. Haida Gold, .072. Oils A. P. Con.. .21. Calmont, .38. C. & E.. 2.55 Freehold, .06. Hargal. .20. McDougall Segur, .19. Mercury, .10. Okalta, 1.60. Pacalta, .03 Vi. Home Oil, 1.25. Toronto Beattie, 1.08. Central Patricia, 2.45. Gods Lake, .44. Little Long Lac, 4.15. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.03. Red Lake Gold Shore, .20y2. Pickle Crow, 4.50. San Antonio, 1.24. Sherritt Gordon, 1.10. Smelters Gold, .01. McLeod Cockshutt, '3.60. klend. .21. Mosher, .49. Madsen Red Lake, .39. Stadacona, .60. Francoeur, .34. Moneta, 2.10. Bouscadlllac, .07'4. Thompson Cadillac, .25. Bankfield, .74. East Malartic, 1.62. Preston E. Dome, .85. Hutchison Lake, .05. j Dawson White, .04. I Aldermac, .44. Kerr Addison, 1.90. , Uchl Gold, 1.63. Inter'l Nickel, 46.75. Noranda, 61.50. Con. Smelters, 56.50. . Athona, .10. Barber Larder, .39. I Mandy, .15. ' 0:51 a.m. 21.3 ft. 13:03 p.m. 19.1 ft. . 7:34 ajn. 2.2 ft. 19:35 pjn. 6.7 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS Near and Condition of Country's To Go ot the House oi commons Ipnrl tn the conclusion that wv w-v TO PROBE SPY RING Federal Grand Jury To Make Investigation In United States, It Is Announced NEW YORK, May 13: A federal grand Jury will Investigate reports that a spy ring has been opera tlnV ln the effort to obtain United' States military secrets, It was announced yesterday. Put New Life-In -Grand Old Party Two Point Report on Rebuildin; Of Republican Platform Are Received at Chicago CHICAGO, May 13: -Republican committee heads, ln session here under chairmanship of Dr. Glenn Frank, yesterday received a two point report on the question of party rebuilding. A referendum to obtain the sentiment of the rank and file on matters of policy Is one recommendation. A midsummer institute to consider party platform Is an other. ARE GOING TO ALASKA Philadelphia Man And Sons To Hunt Big Game And Take Pictures WINNIPEG, May 13: Enroute to Juneau, Alaska, where they will spend the next month big game hunting, Klrkland D. Marter, accompanied by his two sons, Budd and Walter, left for the West yesterday over Canadian National lines. Mr. Marter, who lives In Philadelphia, will make a short stay In Jasper and will proceed to Prince Rupert where the party will board steamship for the north. Mr. Marter has been Interested ln big gamt hunting for many years. During his short stopover in Winnipeg he stated he had brought down a specimen of practically every type of big game on the North American Continent except the Kodiak bear which lives ln the Alaskan country. The Kodiak is the largest type of bear on th continent. Not all the time will be spent in hunting with rifle as Mr. Mar ter and his two sons are expert photographers. They havo with them several cameras, Including a movie outfit, and hope to be abb to bring back a series of interesting pictures after their month of holiday In the northwest section of this continent.