iPiC H TOZZ ! A MISTAKE TO WAIT VHEN "ACID INDIGESTION" STARTS CARRY YOUR I ALKALIZER - WITH YOU Z ALWAYS WkAM " The fastest way to "alkalize" is to 1 cany your alkaliier with you. That's what thousands do now that gen- uine Phillips' comes in tiny, peppcr-: mint flavored tablets in a flat tin for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready, - Use it this way. Take 2 Phillips' S tablets equal in "alkalizing" effect f to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Philips' from the bottle. At once you feel 2 "gas," nausea, "over-crowding" i from hypcr-acidity begin to ease. "Acid headaches," "acid breath," 1 over-acid stomach are corrected at 2 the source. This is the quick way 5 to ease your own distress avoid - ouense to others. CANADA 45j :uJl - iSr I DUBEAU IS VETS' HEAD Annual Meetin? of Canadian Lefion Held at Terrace TERRACE, Jan. 29: The Canadian Legion held its annual meeting on Wednesday. The president for the new term Is M. Dubeau; vice-president R. W. Beecher; secretary. A. Attree. and treasurer. S. N. O. Klrlcaldy. There was a very good attendance at the meeting. A. Creelman, the retiring president, expressed his appreciation of the full attendance, as showing increasing interest In the Legion affairs. Mr. Kirkaldy proposed a vote of thanks to the .shown untiring zeal In the work ; they had done for the branch dur-;lng the past year. "Pop" Adams, In a happy speech, stressed the value to the Legion at and of the the women's auxiliary in helping at social events. As a result the branch now possessed a I respectable balance at the bank. Following the business meeting a social evening was spent In the Odd fellows' Hall when cards and dancing were enjoyed. TERRACE Fred Nash, B.C.L.S. left Thurs- ; day night for the Queen Charlotte Islands to engage In survey work. ELIO'S ci JANUARY earance SALE THIRD AVENUE WEST PRINCE RUPERT BEDROOM SUITE 3-I'iccc Suite Including bed, chest and C C Q C A dresser. Reg. $75.00. Clearance .... VJtJt)V SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS 2 Only Seamless Axminster Rugs Lovely designed, have deep wool pile which gives lasting wear and durability. Size 9x10-6. Reg. $42.00. COO A A Clearance Price tjt A.VU REDS COMPLETE 1 Only Reds Complete-cable spring and felt mattress. Size 4-6 and 4-0. 29Q A A Regular $30.00 tJd.VU REVERSIBLE WOOL RUGS I I Only Reversible Wool Rugs A beautiful rug for the bedroom. In four colors, green blue, rose and mauve. Size. 25x48. Regular $4.50. QO Off Special t?QAD AXMINSTER MATS 15 Axminster Mats Size 27x51. Reg. O CA $4.50. Special J0.JV SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUG 1 Only Seamless Axminster Rug Size COA A A 6'9x9. Reg. $26.00. Special V.UU CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS 6 Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs Size A A A 9x10-6. Reg. $10.75. Special PtJ.VV SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES I Only Spring Filled Mattresses Sleeping on one of these high quality mattresses is like CQO C A sleeping on air. Reg. $37.50. Special . . v O u O V BUNGALOW BED 1 Only Bungalow Bed Complete. Size Ci A A 3-0. Reg. $21.00. Special tJAO.VV ence, the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association of Prince Rupert conceived the Idea of the conference. SeatUe and Ketchikan boat owners and fishermen have already endorsed the plan and will be represented with delegates. Vancouver, Petersburg and Juneau have also been Invited to be I Towards the end of this week herring have again been running In the harbor In sufficient quantities to permit of seining operations for the Tucks Inlet ad Port Edward reduction plants. Following the settlement ofUheelners' strike at the first of! the Week, there was little success in seining bit, 'with the DATLT NZX3 Saturday, Jaaary Waterfront Whiffs Conference of Representatives from Various Coast Ports on Fishing Curtailment to Ik? Held Here .Manager of New Oil Company Arrives With a view to reaching a general agreement upon a curtailment plan for the coming year in the interests of fish conservation and price stabilization, a conference of representatives of halibut boat owners and fishermen from various ports on the Pacific Coast is being arranged to take place in Prince Rupert not earlier than February 16. Oecidln inai more aiong uus' lin ronlrf hp arrnmnlichprf hp rvr. retiring officers, who he said, hadsona, CQntact bj. correspond. TM iiT l l Ihnmac Wakh i Commissioner Only One Nomination for Vacancy on Terrace Board TERRACE, Jan. 29: The municipal election resulted in one nomination only, that being T.H. Walsh. Mr. Walsh was, therefore, elected by acclamation and will hold office as one of the Village Commissioners for the next three years. Mr. Walsh has had previous experience as a Commissioner of Terrace. The Commissioners constituting the Board of Terrace Village Corporation are Gordon Temple, E. Haugland and T. H. Walsh. Each arrival oi cooler weather Thursday, holds office for a period of three J. A. Barman returned to Terrace !the 0111 taProved and rr tn Pt years, one retiring each year as in from Vancouver on Thursday's train. , couple of days good catches have the case of school trustees. been made. a slight change has recently been I made in the sections dealing with Motorship Norco arrived In port the election of village commlssion-at H:30 last night from Ketchikan ' ers. The time for holding elections with three carloads of mild cured has been advanced one month, salmon for transshipment East over .Therefore, the next election will be, Canadian National Railways after not In January,' but in December, discharging which she sailed for seaiue. A notice to mariners issued by the Queries Future 'Department of Transport announ-, ft VniinO" Ffilkc ices a number of uncharted rocks VA 1 UUUg 1 Ulrvo off the east coast of Queen Char-! lotte Islands in vicinity of Tanui Australian Say Women Smoke and and Lyell Islands. Drink Too Much To assume the management ol MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 29: he newly established local branch (CP) Sir John Harris. Victoria f the Standard Oil Co. of British j Minister of Health, wonders what '-olumbia, M. c. Brock arrived in young people are coming to. He he cty pa .the. Princess Adelaide made some pointed remarks In ad-estry.frnobnfrom Vancou-, dressing a deputation of Australian ver, "He -'wifl be: joined later bv ! women who made aTnumber of re-Mrs. Brock and family. E. A quests and asked that smoking In .ence of the Standard Oil sales restaurants be restricted, 'cnartment also arrived fromj "Women are smokn? and drink-Vancouver on the Princess Ade-1 .. in? t0o much.. slr Jonn sald talde The comnanvs new plant began ,n war.tlme to keep on the local waterfront Is nov.(the soldlers. darllngsthe urses ........... What tho tViimrr iinnnT nr C. C. Kuchcl of Adelaide. Aus Australian government, returned to I do not know." The health minister declared that tralia. who Is at present statloneC. 3Tr T, ' at the Prince Rupert Fisheries uLT" as ff1 ma" . he had een ad Sllls tS follow f0ll0W the thc ExnrrWntnl Experimental Station Statl MrMn, carrying out Z ,T vlce w of doctors , , to sneeiai rrrh t women to drink beer. to the city on the Princess Ade- :. ne a.grwa WUh tne vlew of em- rs 01 in? dePuwtIon that smok- lalde yesterday afternoon aftei . maklng a brief trip to Vancouver " meal-times was objectionable ! but he could not see that it was narmful ron a health point of Squadron Leader E. L. MacLeod' view of Victoria and D. H. McLean, air engineer, arrived here at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from Vancou 3, TILI) HOPE TO SNAKE ver with a Royal Canadian Air! SEA LAKE, Aust.. Jan. 29: (CP) iForce Falrchlld seaplane and wiU rP1",5, ropc round a snake's !be was dppcaring down in Prince Rrr. fnr thp nPv, , , ' " a cracK ln tne concrete floor of uw weeK.. iney icu Vancouver his home, a man dug down outside at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, the wall and killed it. EASTERN CANADA ON SALE DAILY FEBRUARY 19 TO MARCH 5 -15 dav Limit From PRINCE RUPERT and Return TO , TORONTO ) ' " OTTAWA J MONTREAL - - Coach $C3.50 61.30 QUEBEC ... 67.95 HALIFAX - - - 81.40 1 Tourist tStandard $77.50 78.45 83.00 99.10 $91.15 92.C0 97,95 117.33 Good ln Tourist Sleeper on payment ot regular oenn rare t Good in Standard Sleepers on payment of regular berth far Corrttpondingly low fre from other Western stations, also to other points in Eastern Canada Children, 5 years and under 12, Half Fare. Stopovers allowed atW,nn,pegndeast r. , emnT BARGAIN FARES from " :.. T m a . i m a I AIR " ' to WESTERN CANADA points Ftdl information from any Agent IIM 1 Man in the Moon Good afternoon. What a day! Jake says it's what he calls a delightful day. The president of the council cf the League of Nations Is the Aga Khan. After he has tried to do snmtthln with thp leairue hp will probably find that Aga Khant. Believe It or not there was a hospital meeting last night and it was the most profitable on Marj" had a little drink. You've heard the yarn before? And then she passed her glas again And had a little more. It was Abe Lincoln or Bamum or some other guy who said you could fool most of the people aV the time but you couldn't fool the Man in the Moon long enough for him to blink an eye. Jake says he can't fool half thi-people even once. He doesn't believe there's anybody foolish enough in this town to read this column or lend him a dollar. There seems to be more preaching In the world today than evei in history but people do not go to church to hear It. It's cheapei to listen sitting In the easy chair at home. Advertising Saleman I to the pro prletor of a small store) "Why don't you advertise?" Proprietor "Because I'm agalns'. dvertlsing." Advertising Salesman "But whv re you against it?" Proprietor "It don't leave a nan no time. I advertised one ist summer and the consequenc as I was so busy I didn't havt 10 time to go fishing all season.'' IIOTKI, WAS GOLD .MINK PIETERSBURG, South Africi ' fan. 29: iCPi Believed hidden ?r ears, a rjarcel of gold nugget vas found behind the bar of thr ".oldflelds Hotel here. It L' honcht a miner left the bag with 'he barman and forgot about It. POLECAT KILLS BABY WADHURST. Eng.. Jan. 29: (CP -Bitten by a polecat while asleep n a carriage In thc garden of her home here, a five-months-old babv died from shock and loss of blood. The polecat Is a small type of skunk, PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD baa mJ Bm r Bwi mmi liHiliiii Mine mm Wmimc MitU. AM Ty ml Ch Xm .wmhri m4 OrrkalW. Hyde Transfer WOOD COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 '515 SECOND AVE. Ride Bathtubs To Prosperity Woman Promoter Suggests Uritons Help Nation With More Bathing WELLINGTON. Shropshire. Eng. Jan. 29. CP: Declaring the average Englishman took about 20 baths a year. Mrs. Eileen Murphv representing the British Commercial Gas Association, told the Na-Uonal Union of Townswomen Guilds here if Britons bathed dally national prosperity would Increase with the use of more bathtubs, soap and fuel. t Mrs. Murphy pointed out thousands of English houses still have no running water and 25 percent vcrc without a hot-water system Up till recently, she said. man :oal miners refused to wash theit backs becausethey feared? it mlgh. 'ead to spinal weakness Capt. Ivan Halsey. local'Salvatlon Army commandant, left on last evening's train for a trip to Hazelton on Army business. Says Old King Coal I know a clever little trick To keep you warm if well or sick, Just phone 651 and say Please send a ton of coal today. r-rra'n.rgi LAST TLMES TONIGHT 2nd Show at 9:10 Errol Flynn JOAN RLONDELL IN "The Perfect Specimen" With Edw. Kverttt Morton, .May Kobson, Hush Herbert, Beverly Roberts (At 7:29 & 9:53) ALSO NLWS - TUAVF.L - CARTOON COMING .MON. TUKS. The Great Sequel to "All (Juift on the Western Tronf THE KOAI) BACK- aKo The Bom bine of the Panav" i Try a Daily New wni-ad. Mates fofs PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Foothills Alberta, Nanalmo-Wcllinfton and Itulklcy Valley Co4lj I AMAZINC VALUE! Model 86BT MAGIC DRAIN; with 6 tubes, new Save-ihe-Bittery dial. Distance Booster: tone control, (uper-seosititx speaker, Gives amazing world-wide reception with tremendous power and selectivity. R. C. A, Victor PROVEN Performance Don't Experiment K.C.A. Victor Radio in actual op emtio n in Northern B.C. EXCELS in RESULTS. Write for full particulars, prices, etc. No Obligation and "Satisfaction Cuarauteed Consult Your Radio Specialists for Northern B.C. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. I'rincc Rupert, B.C.