THE DAILY NEWS “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500, Vancouver, B.C. WEEKLY NEWS It has all the news of the week’s progress in the city and district. It tells more about the place than you could write in a month. It will come regularly each week like a letter from you. ‘“‘We feel as if we know everything and everybody in Prince Rupert through reading your paper. It’s the most interesting paper we receive, writes a sub- scriber from England. —POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS [N— United States or Eng. Canada ; $2.50 per year $2.00 SSIS IAAI rorcoreraeracraisragy X tego yA A Z A A Aa & Am A Z A, Z 2 Ss S é BEIRNES & MULVANY Skeena Mail and Express Leave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans- fer Co., 807 Third Ave., and insure prompt forwarding. All accounts and correspondence addressed to if Po. fox 06 BEIRNES & MULVANY ——Hatwn 86. will receive immediate attention ; MEK, ys BR vcvaunconnnnan SEO machine for one was received in Chicago from Berlin, the capital jof Germany. That was. thirty years ago, and he is still a young looking and active man. He has made so close and so special a study of this one thing during all these years that he has ar- where. Probably because {Rupert people are too prosaically > 4 4 . > When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the 3 ; § Vat CARLTON HOTEL = 35 ... cs Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. $ ieee t Hot and Cold Water in each room. $ 5 7 4 . £ » , re ta tie CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS ¢ ‘ One e or oe : _ pili : ne > rince upert people do no ake | i Vancouver, B.C. Zh a stroll out to Seal Gove, There} ri ww $/are fine plank roads all the way, ; land the view that bursts on you - 3 eg AE, ste }a8S you top the cliff is one of the i ; ee - |most delightful to be found any- practical to take any stock In 5 jscenery. If such be the case, |why is it they have not visited {Seal Gove and taken an interest lin the establishment of a great | industry there, one which will be j;known far and wide in a very few | | years and one of the notable jsights that tourists to this city |will insist on seeing. One reason may be that the leonstruction of the great fish and cold storage plant has been go- ing on for some time and the sub- ject therefore grown common- lplace. From April of last year until recently the monthly pay roll of the Atlin Construction Company was a considerable vem, | | stack, for jand since the offices of Foley, Welch & Stewart, railway tractors, removed from the city jlast autumn it has been practi- cally the only pay roll except that lof the city itself. Yet very little |publie interest seems to be taken {in the enterprise, while any other j new city would be proud to brag i having such a pay roll and would pay good money to adver- tise the fact. The pay roll now is fonly about $5,000 per month, but LL ALS dad NNN fh Rl unre pie for LAI VF™ PRINCE RUPERT'S FIRST GREAT INDUSTRY Largest and Best Equipped Fish ena. Cold Storage Plant on the Amnertvait Prince} con-} jone sees in the plant is an auto- Continent Will be Completed and in Operation Early in May of This Year PPAR PRR POPP PPP PED PP IBD PALI DA POO OOOO 50 feet wide by leum It is somewhat relieved|the engine room, by the lesser buildings, as these/80 feet long, containing refriger- have windows, and very much sojating machinery of the most hy the slenderly graceful smoke-| modern type and haying a capac- stach, which rises to a height of/ity of about 150 tons daily. There in2 feet. Not so slender as itjis also an electric generator, of jlooks, however, for its mean in+fgsuflicient capacity to generate ternal diameter is five feet. It/all the electricity for lighting and y}is constructed of reinforced|motors the plant can possibly re- }stec! concrete, as are all the rest/quire. On the floor above this of the buildings, built on the solidjengine room is an ice making room with a capacity of fifty tons of merchantable daily, and during the coming summer the citizens of Prince Rupert will be furnished with this ice from rock and haying anchor bolts ex- tending into the surrounding solid rock a depth of six feet. The managers of the enter- jprise have glimpsed into the fu- made jture to a time when the lovely|/distilled water at cheap rates. views in this section will lead Next to the engine building is to every foot being taken up with|the machine shops, occupying handsome residences and lawns,|50 by 65 feet, in which there is and they raised this lofty shafl,/now being #mStalled lathes and which looks like a monolith, tolother tools, so that the company avoid any confliction with the]wil] be able to make its own re- smoke nuisance bylaws the suc- pairs to the machinery of the cessors of the present aldermen plant as well as to its gasoline pass. Not that vessels and trawlers. if any, of a will undoubtedly there can be much, nuisance from this particular one of the most mod- ern of all the modern appliances and steam Buying Trawlers in England. In regard to the latter, by the way, Mr. H. Collins, the gen- eral manager of the company, who is now in Eifgland, has pur- G, ie oriesovea: ular true chased for the company fifteen boilers of 250 horsepower each trawling vessels, 70 feet long by 12 feet beam schooners with gaso- are fitted with chain grate stok- ars line auxiliary, These will cost . . 60,000 each, But when it comes Automatic Stokers. Ca : vag -— ; to figures the machinery and pipe There is no firehole, so to re : cost $50,000, and by the first of speak, for the two boilers. Over- ; : May the whole plant will have head are two hoppers, or bunk- 1 into the lar um, exclusive oO e large s » exc } ers, which discharge the coal eee E of boats and seagoing outfit, of jafter the first of the very ne xt| direct on the patent grates. The saR0 00 | ast May, when the great concern|bars form an endless chain go- ouD RON i Mathieu’s Syrup | i of far and Cod Liver Oi! | Foie DE Wort De + MATRIE \ : MATHIBGS not only st ops a cough but cures it. Its tonic and restorativ properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold | ITUp of Tar E | G00 LIVER Ofug) 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. J. 1. MATHIKU CO., ERY Prop., BSHERBROOK? Tr OF TAR @ COD LIVER Te THREE DAY CURE FOR DRINK HABN Appeais to the Business and Professional Man, the Banker, and Man in all the Higher Walks of Life BECAUSE OF THE TIME IT SAVES THEM When a man’s time is worth ,; of the pois 1 sys || a great deal more to him than | tem of e the the cost of a drink habit cure | drinker hat he is not going to drag along | he was bef 6 ior for twenty-eight to forty-two | so far as 1! f hol days taking a treatment when | may li Appt he can get a cure in three days, — tite for d hea without hypodermic injections, | new mar }f and be surrounded with every ee | The trea of comfort of home. i Hiterne A PERFECT CURE. a harmless 1 The Neal internal treatment | its action the cures the periodical, occasion- | eraving f very al or moderate drinker and the | few hours nervous man who has to drink DRUG HABIT CURED. to keep from becoming nervy- ous. It takes away all incHna- At the \V tule tion to drink, all desire and | we also | i craving to drink, by neutraliz- | with unifo: Call, ing the poison of alcohol in the | write or ph t, giv. system and ridding the blood | ing ful! inf THE NEAL INSTITUTE 1250 Broadway W., Vancou ver, B. C. Phone Bayview 68% Lis kt ! It Is The Trained Man or Woman Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder! oes oe | ( career The best place to send t To fit your son or daughter for a_ business them a business training. Nanaimo Business College It is the nearest business college to Prince Rupert. It’s fees are withineeach of everyone. Its tuition is ersonal, and develops the individuality of the pupil. Room and board is cheap Our shorthand course The Ben Pitn Shorthan Business Eng ter writing Commercial A! Office Routin: tuition i in Nanaimo. The pupils Spellir are away from the distrac- Tenewniting tions of the larger cities Penmanship It May Mean all the Difference Between —, Failure to You Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to writ: THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COL a C. E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, a } omg re oon ¥ a through trains are running the}couver and Seal! \ : total number of men employed|will be from 0! will run to five hundred and over.| fifty to two hund Steamers to Vancouver. boats calling ev: ra also establish | (a The dockage is sufficiently ports, and at Mo! Loe large to conveniently dock, and|Quebec, Boston, \ unload a dozen large fishing|don and Hongkos boats at the same time, the whole So you see tha mater Oe: of the . dock} dustry, of which sv neasuring 400 feet by 140 feet | ; vard { which in width, It will no doubt be a heand and:to busy wharf, sideration has }' i for it is rumored that in addition to the fifteen trawlers already really worthy of I! purchased the company|tion and is an enter! will have its own freight steam-]Prince Rupert © ers plying between here and Van- proud,