THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. P PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per insertion 17 News Department Telephons 8& Advertising and Citculation Telephone St Member ot Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION HOME BUILDING .02 .25 Friday, April 8, 1938. 1 iuai uxycuuzauun mat ioanea money at eight per cent and there Avas considerable demand for it. This proposal is for five per cent money. . The person who owns his own home becomes a real citizen with a new outlook on life. He can improve his place and feel that he is not only improving the city but increasing the value of the property. All he needs is the price of the lot and the prospect of being able to make the payments over a period of years. We suggest it is an opportunity not lightly to be set aside, i j OUR FOREST HERITAGE , t Just how long British Columbia timber will last it is! impossible to calculate with any degree of certainty be-! cause there are so many factors to be considered, accord-' ing to Professor Recknagel of Cornell University who has been visiting the city. He xlid not enumerate what those1 conditions were except to say that production of new tim ber was one of them. Possibly the professor might have5 suggested that fifty years from now people might all be building their houses with brick or cement or glass or iron or some material not yet discovered or developed. He also might have suggested that some process would be discovered to make wood last almost for ever. There might be a pestilence or a war that would wipe out the larger part of the population of the world with the result that timber for new homes will not be needed. There are so many possibilities. Some fertilizer may be discovered that will so hasten the growth of the forest that a full crop could be grown in twenty years instead of several hundred. All we can do is carry on, conserve what we have, improve our crop by reasonable means and leave the rest to the higher powers that control these things. ARE YOU READY FOR EASTER? Are you ready for Easter? Have you purchased your spring clothes? If you are a lady the least you want Is a new spring hat. If you are a man you must have a suit or a tie to indicate that spring L: here. How about a pair or flannel pants? Look for an advertisement for such things in this paper. If it is not there let your favorite merchant know that he or she is missing an opportunity. v Interest Show In International ! Soccer Tomorrow ! i l LONDON, ApriJ 8: (CP) Although England has already won the title, much interest is being displayed in the final international soccer match to be played at Wem- weakened for regular league play the international game. Biologists Win Bowling Fixture Rinlnsrical Station defeated Gyro rapped I.Cade 118 Carter 147 Lock ; 128 Pugsley 115 2 160 152 125 143 140 36 756 2 131 113 162 145 f 17 A EC uVVW UUtlL U Li 7 lull cago that has ever been staged in tat 3 Black Hawks 133 broken noSe, Gardens, tXe featurl 191 1 The score was not a fair indies 148) (ion of the trend of play, ttu 127 i Hawks having their full share 145.especially up to the middle of the b6 rthird period before the Maple 778 Leafs broke up the game. 1j Gordon Drillon opened the scor- ioTpng in one minute forty-two sec I OOJonds of the first period on a passi 103 from Syl Apps. Earl Siebert even There seems to be a feeling in some quarters thit thPistamford 124 120 141 anc! thirty:one eanmaign for home buHdinc is a scheme of thP .itv ,nJ, cap .f. . JiH.unMi 1 Vl O TP jnly a tew, if any, may be affected TORONTO P. A full nklko a in tariff arW . . . . MV)nd Klmn f I ho t.ajiv Hl.r.iTnuU n . nn Defeated Gyro Club by Score 01 1 Maple Leaf j tulUbees, whitefish and yellow pike c per pound, R. Halibut lc per pound, MR. Eels Vie per pound, MR. Sturgeon, fresh but net frozen i lc per pound. Mackerel 2c per pound. Blue pike, ciscees, 'lake herring, yellow perch, cod. haddock, hake. PUoc' CUk and lc per 7c,ed up "the count at eight minutes ! the firs' all deat on Bir pound. Fish, frssh or frozen "whether or of ol Britain' Britain's fighting fighting ships ships . . , . . . tha the glory glory of olaa those m"j thrilling thrilling word words "Britannia "Britannia rulea rules tha the waves waves I" I" V WKLSSii The The nam name Player's Player's on on a a packaga package of of cigarettea cigarettea guarantees guarantor VI Hfe''Jf''lY V tl1 the mildness, roildness, quality quality and and purity purity of of the the contents. contents. Player's Player's 1 Vk-T- flftiilllifx wa was yet yet young young as as a a name name when when the the "Old "Old Contemptibles" Contemptibles" It 25 for 25 and Pocket tins of fifty I PLAIN OR CORK TIP The grim guns of H.M.S. Hood world's largest warship symbolize the might went out to France, but even then 1 was the largest selling cigarette in England I Player's "Mild" have those same qualities, are made in the same traditional English way ' and are now offered at popular prices, in a smart new package. Cork tips for those who prefer them plain ends for those who like cigarettes plain but good. "Mild" NAVY CUT CIGARETTES Mil III I I li iii M s I Sis I Fish, pickled or salted (except for " in the cost of producing fillets P u" " " ""v. . and except fish pack- substances ita t the TTn(t United States is is about about 46 4.6 er "1" ar-tlght containers weighing nte a poHd ttu,.e man in um-" . '' j 15 lbs. each) : l ew .May lie Affected PUCK COUNTiiawia js.sstj . ' may be removed) I Canada w as their byproduct. Wild Serin, SPlurSe in Thl STSiS Ttes of duty Indl- WKen containing not more t a moisture by weight of Period Feature of Five To cateTAll these types of fish may percentum One Victory not come up for discussion, and W P Pu"" When containing more than 43 percentum of moisture by weight- covered and fierce fifth tins crew Where the rate is one which has cp" pu"d-.. , hake, pollock bley Stadium tomorrow. Some of " " iTTTiT and eusk. skinned or boned, wheth- the division teams Wlll be. "r"' "T u--J"!"-' ,BfrfHr(nWnramii: BiaeK Hawks to wtti tht i (the maximum Dermltted in me .".. r . a TTAinri t n r t nor nr ,w , . i j iai AiacKerai. wucuiei i ' being a third period wortiR srtunre h.rir-Hr nil inchidin do- tents more than 15 pounds eacn during which the Maple Ideals' f.rfj-llver oil tlus 3c Der lb.r per pound net weight m tnrce goats within a import excise tax under the Rev- oi.,K tr.,n r. in n In n Piim. minute nuuuLC and anu a nan its mty HJOh , miu Act nf 1M2 a ajnended.' not as a result of draft oi players ior . - u' '"r . . . hnnwi in bulk or in immediate con- Two Games to One m Com- merrial league Last Night loffs last night by a score of 5 U. items which have been found free miners weighing with their ton-tone, thus evening up the count of duty are indicated by the symbol tente more than 15 pounds each 'of the best three out of five gMRe'B ,and cntainin8 eacn more tnan 10 Iseries at one win each. Fourteen ' The Present Rates 1 pounds of herring, net weight- -lc ! thousand' tans witnessed one off Herring Oil 5c per gallon plus 3c per pound net weigm tne most thrilling puck battlci not boned, in bulk or in immediate con amended. enue Act of W32. as talners weighing with their con f fthort mi itu-iurtin fk-ftrti oil: lc 0 Alewives in bulk or In immed- i late containers weighing with their "" b""'" " ... . i ' , , . 16 nc nh fivtiirp auvanuiBe 01 oiieiunKS leu oy wit Crrm rtll i"rfA5Wj(J rtprirlln Binwm more " iuuu last night As a result, the Bio-1 nawras wno aoanoonea menifj H , -wperpurau .nsnv, logical Station moved out of the defences hi the effort to put on pish, fresh or frosen (whether or! Smoked herring (except herring rPllar for the second half of the-Pw?r and even up a two tc n(lt 1- who!e. or be-! Packed in oU or in oil and other season, leaving Canadian National count against them. It was ijheM-d or eviaoeratedlor Wh,,but substances and except herring. Recreation Association No. 2 in w"a a Hiy iicit-asmng w-lnot further advahced idxcept that pacnea jn air-uBuu t-oinmi.eis that nositlon Hieh average scorer fair in which no less than twelve VCjf finic x,fiv rMnovti: 1 . weighing with their contents not for the evening was Ellis MorrL penalties were issued. It was aT salmon l4c oer Dound. R. more than 15 pounds each! : of Gyr0 Club with 184. Individual scoring was lows: GYRO CLUB 1 Brocklesby ...110 Morris 150 Dibb 150 Bulger 141 Large 154 Handicap 36 Total 747 BIO. STATION 1 jlucky player that did not auffer! swordfish mot including natur- Hard dry-smoked, when whole or as f0. isome sort of an injury, the most a,iy or artlfteally fr02ra swordfisn) beheaded, but not further advanced serious Doc Romnes of the being .,e .nM r fec per pound. susmrara chubs, fresh -water mullet (cat- nanea, wneiner or imji SKinneo ostomusi, jacks, lake trout, saugers, lc pound. Pish, smoked or kippered except fish packed in oil or in oil and other substances and except fish packed ' in air-tight containers weighing with their contents not more than 15 pounds each: Salmon 25. Herring, eviscerated, split, skinned, boned, or divided into portions 3f per -pound. Cod, haddock, hake, pollock and cu:k, whole, or beheaded or eviscerated or both, but not further ad vanced (except that the vertebral missioner to get rid of vacant city lots and make them' ThTUmmerciaileague sndrn;, tae imiua tr S Seremt revenue neari no-an r rl-mf if ic one at the six rhinule eleven (Kelley in eleven minutes and eight " o ii, o ijui auJlJCLJIIJil' W iJJCJl SJlOulfl i u4tc ia an iunuwa receive the support of the citizens. While we have not risrn;sprl th Printers 27 with with Mr A Mm. ZZ . - 1 , . c"'Pa'gn Rupert Motors 23 Mr. Alder and a his opinion in regard to it does not Eiectrica workers .. .22 - r J1 ihe J?ast as he is thre ony t0 administer the c. n. r. a. no. i 20 affairs of the city to the best of his ability, it is uirto the North star 18 What we would like to sup-irest. tn Inpl n0nr,iQ. ;a . Won Lost PLs (second mark in the fcecond period 12 16 14 19 21 17 27 19 there never has been in the history of the citv a nronosal ,Dr'v.Hf h M Mo"ison: lnsc' inspector bv whioh proposal 0f schools, returned to the le city city hn mnnpv r-nnlrl Cld be cn,i Apv tnic cohomo mtney T? Se?Ured I at aS low Y7.V e a&un- u" the "lc Prince ri"lce Rupert nupert last lasi, evening evening fr. up 27 The deciding factor' of the gam'; 23 was Apps' breakaway in the third seconds. Syl Apps and George Parsons of Toronto and Alex Levlnsky of Chi 22 period as a result of which Drillon cago were the stars of the game 2C was able to score on the rebound 'Rookie Paul Goodman was in goal 15 at 9 minutes 4 seconds into a wide j for the Black Hawks. It was his 16 open net. Hamilton also got j first major league game and' was a 15 credit for an assist on this play (real "baptism of fire." He received 11 At 10 minutes 29 second, in an- Imuch commendation for a firf other breakaway, George Parsons ' showing- and the general opinion . scored on Pep Kelley's pass wiilwas that he never had a chancf on Jimmy Fowler getting credit foi 'to prevent at least three of the rromimaKing the play. Red Hornet nve goals that were scored. uci uiib btntme. ror people i Who would like to own a a trip to Stewart and Premier on started the play which enabled' The series will be resumed at nome and Who have a moderate security of tenure of their mdal duties- Parsons to make the fifth counter Chicago Sunday night, positions, there is nothing like it. Years ago there was a - pound. per Cod. haddock, hake, pollock and , cusk. filleted, fklnned. boned, sliced, or divided into portions 3c per; pound. ' I Fish, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for: ' In immediate containers weigh-' ing with their content not morej than 15 pounds each l4c per pound net weight. Razor clams 'slliqua patula).' packed In airtight containers 15' R. i Fish sounds Free. ; Fishskins, raw or salted Free. ! See herring and smelts, fresh or' frozen whether or not packed in ice. and whether or not whole-Free. B. Lnbstcri. fresh or frozen (whether or not packed In ice), or prepared or preserved in any manner including pastes and sauc?s, and n ;t .-necially provided for Free, B. Clam, quahaugs, oysters (except eea cyst?rs, and crabs, fresh or fr-n (whether or not pasked In' ice. and not specially provided for j Free. B; Scallops, fresh but not frozen i whether or not panked in icei 1 ' Fi "r. B, CUssiFlE WANTED HIGH, SCHOOL Girl for part time housework. Apply m writing to Box 14, Dally News. 82i WANTED Used coal stove. Ph Red 801'. LOST one (83) WANTED Capable girl, general housework, Anyox, B.C. Apply Immediately, 1215 Second Ave; West. (84) FOR SALE FOR SALE Modern 2-storey house, ! concrete piling, 7 rooms and bath!' 119 9th Ave. East. Apply a. L.' Rorie, Trustee. (80) FOR' SALE Furnished cabin, Ap- ply Seal Cove Post Office. (80) LOST Black and white male cat. Phone Green 994. (04) Frlda A , PADS TWO 1 1 "! THE DAILY NEWS 1ST Easter Footwear Styles of Distinction See Our Wonderful Variety of Styles in GABARDINE, SUEDES, KIDS and CALFS ... In all the Latest Shades and priced to suit you. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes MASSACnC'SSETTS AGAINST ! not packed In Ice), filleted, skinned, LOWER TARIFFS- ON FISH boned, sliced, or divided Into por- tlons, not specially provided ior t Continued from Page One) 2c per pound. Tune-lTp For Sprine' Winter Has Been Hard on Your Car . . . harder than The strain of sklddy roads, ;,; , weather ha.s tJ. parts out of iu Now is the; away the wir.N and sluggish w 1 adjust whc i- tune up i,h m advantage oi rate for AT MILL 6-inch and 8-inch Shiplap Untnmmr No. 1 Common 2-inch RouRh Cedar Plank think 'art flush worn ou l' ' j'stein ! brakes :- - Take COMPLETE i:. spection. lc .;; J:. , tune-up and be ct trouble-free c ".' ROYAL MOTORS General Motnn Dealerj srd Avenue pi1()ne a "Service Vith a Smile' LUMBER S12.O0 8I8.1 Tor Prince Rupr t Delivery Phone IW.LM0R Billmor Spruce Milk LTD. I.arn Tn Plar Violin, Viola, Cello, Hass G. C. WALKER, Instructor 212 Fourth Slrrrt Ear Test Cord "Resonoi : Free " I ! ! HYDE ! Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal 1 Wood - j Phone 580 i .. .1, THE SEAL QUALITY W0 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ilJ canning company with M the year round payru w Prince Rupert