PAGE TOUR Roy Smooth, mellow Canadian Ry Whulirt. Look for the dale trip on each brand the Government' Guarantee of Age. "3 STAR" 13 oz ..$1-00 25 oz 51-80 40 oz 2-75 "B. C. SPECIAL" 16 oz $1-35 25 oz 2-10 40 oz 3-25 '16 YEAR OLD, D.D.' 25 oz $2-75 40 oz. ... $4.00 m w look for ihit Seal on B. C. D. Brand, WHIFFLETS From I he Waterfront REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Klock PHONE 658 iN'ohorlv Knocks The KNOX lhe Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brascll N. M. Brasell aboard ths two Squadron Leader i Flight Lieutenant Lieutenant Pretty, R-l-M (I i ii laaiii 1 TWi I '" This advertisement is hot published or displayed by the Liquor control Board or by the Government of British Columbia snips, fnT I ELIO'S FURNITURE Dress Up Your Home For EASTER : FLOOR FIRST Come and see our fine selection of the latest patterns In Floor Coverings AXM1NSTER CAKPEST DOMINION INLAID BATTLESHIP LINOLEUM and PRINTED LINOLEUM Just Arrived! A fine selection of Small tables, the very Latest Designed COFFEE TABLES END TABLES OCCASIONAL TABLES MAGAZINE TABLES TEA WAGON'S MATTRESS TRADE-IN SALE Trade Your Old Mattress For Thc New Allowance for your pld mattress $5.00 0n any new spring filled mattress In our stock. Priced $27.50 or more USED FURNITURE RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES From VACUUM CLEANERS From BED SPRINGS 0 A A TABLES From $O.UU prom iird Avenue. $14.00 $7.00 82,00 Prince Rupert. B.C. I II IS GREAT POTENTIAL INDUSTRY (Continued from Page One) are estimated at 27,529 million board feet on the coast of whici 14,601 million board feet are rated as accessible. With a cut of 173,171 cords of spruce and balsam pulpwood in 1936, equivalent to 121 million board feet, the drain oi these species is again less than one percent of the available In Vancouver district there was an available total of 23,091 mil lion feet of pulpwood of which 5,601 million feet was Western hemlock, In Prince Rupert district 10 me recem Rlddell Flbht openlng of a new PulP and PaPR'- ,total Prcduction, or 397,388 tons vii rvffuo- ai- oeiungnam, onnging great serious competitor Jasper and CaptNodwell, medical "SJl?,rity V cily through ex A ruoslion period followed Prof. officer attached to Jericho Beach 1 ..L ' " 001ars uecKnagcw address, a number of : air station. ?.S..b. of a lar"e V9to queries being made of the SDeaker THB DAILT NEWS Wday, April , Mills at Ocean Falls, making groundwood, unbleached sulphite and unbleached sulphate from which newsprint wrapping papers and toilet, towel and napkin pa pers were manufactured; Powell: River Co. at Powell River, making j groundwood and unbleached sul-' phite for newsprint paper; Sid ! ney Roofing & Paper Co. at Vic toria, making groundwood and manufacturing paper boards, felt building roofins paper and miscellaneous products; the B. C Pulp & Paper Co.'s modern and i high-grade pulp plants (only) at I Port Alice and Woodflbre making! bleached and unbleached sulphi: there was 16,548 million feet of or "dissolving pulp" for rayon, and pulp timber available of whicn .tne Westminster Paper Co.. a con- 7,703 million feet was Western hemlock. On the Queen Charlotte Islands there was an accessible vcrter paper mill only at New Westminster.. This was not much of a showing compared with the stand of 9,254 million feet of mer- J neighbors to the south, especially I chantable timber of which hem- i'n view of the extraordinary ! lock and spruce constituted 7,173 'wealth of timber and other natur : million feet 3,888 hemlock and al advantages for the manfuacturc 3,285 spruce. Why Not B.C, "The development . of the pulp ' wnai a cmrerence such a thir ;;,One of these concerned the fast- C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide. MiUs mant, Pulp V, and , Caot. S. K. Gray, is due in port a "'n,g. .., ... , . uuuau vuiumoia, con- ., filth, !r,e" l7T.o.ur!r were few 5, ' and will sail at 10 her n.m. on re- . i j lit . .: t aiiujuutrr ii ui. wir.n ruin nnrih a "Spring Fever" is brought on by poisuui wastes which clog jour child's foodwavs and undermine vitality. Needed is the gentle flushing action of Eno's "Fruit Silt" to dear the digestive tract and neutralize hyperacidity. Eno is pleasant-tasting, safe, and much more effective than "sulphur and molassea". I I U Hill al Canadian Air Force Snuadron ' from Vancouver ln six hours' flying Produced only 13,000 tons at a Dnuriion output. Despite this, pulp I is the first season he On Service Flisht Halibut timc stops at Alert Bay and cost of about one million.' " iand Paper was second in gross enough for export. It is , . nDu nii, Th wom Prof. Recknacel added withn-it V31ue of output among thc manu- stood that shinments will Here ere La of pulp and paper. In addition t the actually operating plants Prof. Recknagel mentioned ' the and DaDer industry in the Pacific Port Mellon plant, not now in op- North-West is of comparatively j cratIon' and tho rumored new recent date but it has beerr swift mills at Notka on the West Coast and almost overwhelming in its'of Vancouver Island, the rumored scope and complexity," said Prof- ncw mlu of, Crown-Wllliamette on Recknagel. "The Puget Sound sec- ,the east cSi of Vancouver Isl-tion of the states of Oregon ar.d;and near thc north end- and thl-Washington is the centre of the "pulp and PaPer mil1 to e to-industry. A glance at the statis-,cated at Princo Rupert Itself, pre-tics of the pulp and paper millslsumabIy financed by British capi-in these States shows an almost I tal "but which ls far frm being mushmom-llkp tn-nwth Rut tr,u- an accomplished fact." SMITHERS SUPPLYING NEWSTUFF Young Radishes and Onions Arrived Last Night From Interior Points The first shipment of new rad- growth, this expansion, has not ex- lhe average cost of pulpwood In I ishes and vounS onions arrived this tended north of the International nmish Columbia, said Prof. Reel.- morning from Smithers district - " : : (Boundary. H. R. MacMillan pointed niRel- was'- $6.4? per cord as where they were raised under glass two Royal Canadian Air Force out In a recent statement: 'Over a5alnst $6.85 in all Canada. j by Arthur Evitt, brother of C. V. twin-motored flying boats, with the last five years Washington In 1036 B c- mills produced..: Evitt of thls citv- Tney are- extra Squadron Leader E. L. MacLeod in and Oregon have produced annu- 318-153 tons of t,apcr 35 percent j large and fresh and price is moder-command and having eleven men allv 150 thousand tons of pulp at of wnich was newsprint and 388,- ate. altogether aboard, arrived here at 'a cost of 10 millions while British 268 tons ,f P"lo a total of 706.- I Mr. Evitt has been raising flowers 3: 30 yesterday afternoon from Columbia, with ample' timber re- 421 tons' of pulp and paper ctland vegetables under glass at Vancouver. They made the flight Sources the cheapest in the world about 10 percent of the total , Smithers for some years but this anuings at seauie , . ..... ... " fnr,,rio. .... . to the Sino- er products. hs nas naa under- I be made been to return south today but poor 1-u"imc"1' a siaiemeni oi Mr. Aiac in uruisn reguiany as long as iney tasi ana On a routine service flisht from W conditions have made it Mlllan that "our debt and continu- 'Sbia-!xP2rtt,nSl.'h!C"y ) thc that these wiU be followcd by cu" T.rin.oct.iotv, o, necessary to DostDone the denarture UHIBU' nas W a rea nRh'.ir. " "llKU "aa no cumoers, leuuce, tomatoes ana otn ,.,.l,..UUvav.wi.1Mo. .am.uu.n, ..." r .. am nit th nnj i.j... o'sannoared nw n until tomorrow. Other officers Z "' n Jam, P i t i.w ut aVJiiLiaii iiiiiim run 'i n war; Austria and tht . Thp miatttv nt this first, shinmont. United States. 56 percent of thr. spems tn hp PYPPiiont. 9nH HnnMi growing slash pine bf the south, eastern states which, due to a nc process of treatment the professor predicted would become a serious S i I ' v"w ,,MkulC CA- .UUIUCLLLL competitor to British Columbia lUxi. w v-ucuuvw, uiu waypouiu.. ceptions, none too modern. Hc'pulpwood Five boats sold halibut catcteiCT , ,11.. . ? P' Lyons 0CCP the chair at . , - " "c onute racnic last nights 6"fc3 meetinir uhlnh tn mteung wnicn, in tita ipri 57nnn nminrfs at Soattio yesterday as follows: Sonia, 15,000 pounds.; Viking, 12,000, New England, 12c and 8c; Pioneer III, 16,-000, Booth, 12.5c and 8c; Faith, 7000, Whiz, 13V4C and 8c; Forward, 7000, Washington, 12.5c and 8c: The VI-J king sold 700 pounds of ling cod at 5c and the Forward 7000 pounds of ling cod at 8c. there will be a good demand if the supply can be maintained. view of the Interest of the subject drew an attendance which wai considered dissapointlng. J. C. Gil-ker, president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, under auspices of which the lectures were held proposed a vote of thanks to Prof Recknagel. Dr. Joseph T. Mand) proposed a vote of thanks, to the Junior Chamber of Commerce for having sponsored thc lecture Food Time Money and have tastier meals! COOK ELECTRICALLY The waste of "overdone" or "underdone" foods ends, automatically, with Electric Cooking. You've perfect, even cooking heat of just the right temperature for the exact time required for every dish. You save endless time and footsteps, too: meat shrinkage is cut to a minimum: vegetables retain their full flavour and food value. Every Electrical Meal Is a tastier meal that saves money. Small down payment and comfortable terms make Electric Range ownership easy. aaH Hj Northern BritisIi Columbia Power Company Limited Ministerial Work On Prairies Was Subject Of Talk Rev. Roy Durnford of St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, was the guest speaker before a well attended Anglican Young People's Association meeting In St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall Wednesday' evening President Robert Yerburgh opened the meeting and introduced thc speaker who related many Inter estlng experiences of his work In' Northern Saskatchewan and the! Peace River country, painting a vivid picture of the life In these 1 areas. A business session followed In Which plans were discussed fot i the annual service in the Cath-j edral, May 8 being the date decided upon. A motion was passed to the effect that the present year be brought to a close with a banquet and dance as had been done previously. Miss Joan Cross and Miss Norcen Gibson were ap-pointed convenors for the affair "-f' -h""f srvr'd by tlr .committee for the month with Miss ITVit Shnrmnn In charcc while folk I dancing we.s enjoyed by some cf inc memners. Next Wednesday there will be he J i-eTiilar meof.'nt: Instead thc grouc "vlll atnd the Lenten Service In 'he Cathedral, 1 mi at LVNjHlaHaW l.:h SEES isuKlif.KI.AM) WM. POWELL ANNABELLA The Baroness AND The Butler" (At 7:43 and 9;i6) Added "March of Tirat-NEWS and CARTOON M'bUAL FOR THE KiDS; Sat. Matinee at 1:30 Hop-A-Lonj tin - .... Cassldj . . In Why Buy Sliced Bread? Customers Say They Like it isecause Its -k Sanitary Economical k Convenient k Good For Toast It's Wrapped It is Supplied ln Prince Rupert j Vanc RhIan I M.1I J aVUlLUlj SPRING SALE Used Radios To Clear at Bargain Prices Every Instrument is Completely RECONDITIONED In Our Fully Equipped and Up-TO-Date Service Department. GUARANTEED to Operate Perfectly Stewart Warner Console model 102B $33.00 Slromherg Carlson Console model 3011 (All .Wave) $30.00 Victor Console Model R.15 . $22.50 Victor Console Model R.12 $10.00 Freed Eisemann Console $21.50 General Electric All wave battery operated console A-7CD. (Inc. Rat.) $55.00 DelVrest CrossleyUattery operated console. (Including Batteries) $15.00 VictorV28 Mantel model $17.50 Pliilco Mantel mode) $1000 Kolstcr Mantel mode $20.00 See these Genuine Hargains in our store and window- Demonstration Without Obligation. Terms if Required Iluy Now Save At Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Ilulklcy Valley wheat it Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed I'mnimnt The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 for Uest Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Kate $1.00 nr 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Wt Prince Rupert, D C. fbone 181 T.O. Ii l" Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIKV PHONE 657