ito- April 8. 103B. 8 Add one "for tfie potJ WaKm a crockery tea -pot C!D? ( Put in oneteaspoonful, of tea foKeach person and one "for the M? SQ.-Add fresh,bOILING water Steep 5 minutes and serve. Only Fine Quality gives Fine Flavour "SALADA April 21. TEA Announcements Ml advertisements In this col- iiimn will be charged for a full nonth at 25c a word. alvatlon Army Hale April is. ueen Mary Daffodil Ten April 18 aptlsi Tea, April 20. athpdm) Easter Sale, April 21. ) a n r i o k Display, uaaieuows 'rlnce Rupert Operatic Society jsent the Pirates of Penzance" tapltol Theatre, April 27 and papu. Missionary l ea. May 2. I Cnited Sale. May 5. Y P A, Variety Entertaln- Cit May 0, Pete Bazaar, May 10. H 6 MORE DAYS Ti T"I.. v ni. ji time i our volumes Cleaned and Pressed For EASTER ! One of the most important dress-up occasions of the WW Easter . . . requires that you take extra care In bavin your clothing cleaned and pre ;ed in the finest manner Send them here . . . every "garment wjll be returned fresh and clean . . . porfec'.'y pressed with not a trace of odor. Call this week avoid the last min-utc r rush. Phone 858 We Call and Delivrt IDEAL CLEANERS 70S Sees Possbilties Of Local Industry Being Established Professor Recknagel Urges Efforts to Bring Matter to a Head Soon As Financial Conditions Change The possible future industrial development of Prince Rupert was' discussed at the regularly weekly1 mallty of individual introductions except in the case of President J. C. Gilker of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and R.C. St. Clair, district forester. Paul Armour who had been away as a result of Illness, was welcomed back. In the course- of his address Professor Recknagel urged that there be a co-operative effort to capital- chikan; J. H. Studdy. K. Moore G. H. Tycho, Smithers; C. H. Sawle, New Hazelton; George Little, Terrace: A. H. Butt and H. Butt, Usk. Savoy Hugh McDonald and Ernest Webster. St-swart. Itoyal , M. S. Buchanan, Vancouver; R. Zllli, city. FOll COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY ami NIGHT MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Rubber Door Mats-climate Red room Mat 27x54 Stools- -Covered in Each Phone 775 -Ideal for this tapestry. Splendid value. $1.00 $1.00 $3.50 327 THIRD AVENUE Helman Evans, Bristol Bay cannery operator, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going though on a trip t the United States. Mrs. MePherson, wife of a White-horse dntegist, was a passenger aboard the. Princess Norah yester I day afternoon going through for a visit to her .home in Victoria, Thomas Vogel, retired cannery-man of Haines, Alaska, who now maker his home in Seattle, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon returning south after a trip to Alaska. r 20 CUTS 6 SORES Applr Minard'l freely. Il washes out poison and clvantei. Any wound haala quitMy after t uaa. There'i nothing better I luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro-1 . . . tary Club yesterday by Professor A.' Neff Mr and Mr;, 1Sime R B. Recknagel or Cornell university. Portlandi Oregon. were passenger There were so many visitors that Norah aboard tne princess yester-Presldent McAfee omitted the for-:ri!1, atinnnn rtmim smith f- ter a trip to Alaska. They had gone north to Skagway on the steamer Yukon. TO TROLLING BOAT OWNERS' A meeting, will be held in the Cooperative store at Cow Bay, Sunday, April 10 at 3 p.m. of all trolling boat owners to discuss the mutual protection of their boats ized the forest possibilities and at By order: Organization Committee the close he read rrom a Vancouver , 83 newspaper an editorial article! which indicated that the new min ister or industries, Hon. W. J. As-selstine. would be taking steps to see that these were developed. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Squadron Leader E. L. MacLeod, Lieutenant Pretty, Capt. Nodweii, Flying Officer Jasper, Corp, Harris, Corp; Beard, Leading Aircraftsman Smithers, Corp, Bondall, Corp. Randall and Corp. A. J. Beard, D, W. Wilson A. H. Colllngs and K. E. Tag Day For Soldiers' Graves Annual Canvass By Queen Mary Chapter Tomorrow In the early years following the soldiers In Prince Rupert who had served their Country during the Great War. Therefore, Adair Carss Chapter, Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, formed in November, 1917. and named in memory of a Hall, Vancouver; Annaurtxu, rnnnr,iim from prlnce Ru - " " ana . , t pert who fell in France, Inaugurat ed the Soldiers' Graves uommiuee, headed by the late Mrs. Charles then Reitent of the Chapter. This devoted band of workers carried on faithfully through the years until the disbanding of the chapter when, the work was taken up by Queen- Mary Chapter whose charge it now is. With the passing of years more and more of the ex-service men have joined the Great Majority un- til there are now nny-uirce in the Soldiers' Plot at Falrview. each marked with a lasting headstone, placed by the graves committee, whose work also consists of arranging an annual Decoration Dav. in conjunction with the Can- nrilnn Lesion and the Women's! Auxiliary, when a service is held at the cemetery and flowers, flags and poppies placed on the gravesand at the cenotaph and of holding an annual Tag Day, its only means of reveune for the parrying on cf this work. This year the soldiers' graves mittee has chosen April ff, Vimy Day. the anniversary of the most outstanding victory of Canadian forces during the Great War for their tag day. Hon steamships ltd. Stanmnra T.oava Prlnxo Tfiinert for Vancouver! T S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.8. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9: P . Vancouver, Tliurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Mldnigm M1, convenient, please purchase tickets at office F"rther Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A- W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 Trv n Datlv News r.jaxsified ad EASTER CANDIES And Novelties 1 Now on display at prices to suit everybody. All fresh stock. Your inspection is I ; invited at MUSSALLEM'S i CONFECTIONERY TH2TDAIE7 rTSWl LOCAL NEWS NOTES Satln-Glo Annual Sale lasts only one- dav more. we snau ne pleased to supply coupons upon request. Thompson Hardware Co'. (83) Big Barn Dance, Friday night. Moose Hal) (Bit Tag Day for soldiers' graves. Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E, Sat urday, April 9. (83) Miss Wlnslow, Wrangell nurse was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle. N. R. Walker, well Known Ketchl kan druggist,, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle. Charles Goldstein, prominent merchant of Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yes terday afternoon going through oi a trip to Seattle, caniornia anc elsewhere in the United States. FRE8H TODAY! Green onions extra large bunches, 5c bunch. . Kaciisnes, large ana crisp, oc bunch. These onions and radishes arc from Evitt's Greenhouse at Sml thers, B, C. Arriving on every train for THRIFT CASH & CARRY Phone 179 Mrs. E. B. Neff. whose husbanc' has taken up the practice of dentis-I try at Dawson, was a passenger 'aboard the Princess Norah yester-! day afternoon going through to i Vancouver. On her return north, " j 'Jie will be accompanied by other O I mpmhprc nf hpr fflmllv Benson Named To Hospital Board Is Choice of Commissioner Aldei As City's Representative Tenders For New Building Close Tomorrow R. E .Benson has been appointed city representative on the board of directors of the Princi Rupert General Hospital, it was announced this morning by Cits Commissioner W. J. Alder. The board will be in regular monthlj session tonight. Tenders for the new hospital building are to close tomorrow and it is expected there will be a special meeting of the board to open and consider them. At least one local contracting concern and a numoer oi Vancouver companies are tendering, lr is understood, Tht sale of bonds to. finance the cop1 struction of the new hospital is- reported to be meeting- with quite favorable response. Card of Thanks Mrs. Matt Pederson wishes to ex-. press her thanks to the people who remembered her while at the Smithers Hospital for an appendicitis operation. JONES Family Market Saturday Specials l'ot Roast Beef Per lb. Prime llib Roll Per lb - Sirloin Tip Per lb. RUmp Roast Per lb Hamburger Steak 3 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 3 lbs. Spare Ribs 2' lbs. - Ayrshire Bacon Sliced. Per lb; Leg Lamb ' Per lb. Shoulder Lamb"- Per lb Loin Lamb : Per lb i Leg Veal Per lb Boned and; Rolled Shoulder i Veal-Per lb, .Standing: Rib of Beefi 6 lbs. 3 lbs. Short Rib of Beef and 1 Bunch Carrots aW I f- lQc 18c 18c 18 c 25 c 50c 50c 25c Lyman Hlnton B.CX5, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a rip to-Vancouver. A. G. Rix, district manager of tht mperlal Oil Co., sailed last night in the Prince Rupert for a busin ess trip to Vancouver. Mrs. B. Sheppard and family sail !d last night on the Prince Ruper or Vancouver where they expect tr lend the next few months. George Little of Terrace arrived !n the city from the interior on last nieht'E train for a brief busines visit to town. He expects to return i Terrace this evening. D. W. Wilson of Vancouver Is ir the city and will sail tonight on the Prince John for Massett. Many years ago acountant at Sunnysidf cannery, Mr. Wilson is now In thf service of the Nootka Packing Co. Mr. and Mr. S. P. Rand of Sur ?oint mine sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah foi yancouvej, Mr. Rand going south t btain treatment for an Injured eye. C. H. Sawle, publisher of the Om-lneca Herald at New Hazelton, is paying a business visit to the city, It being the first time in almost a year that he has been here. He expect, to be in town until the first of next week. For his third offence on a charge f supplying liquor to Indians, Albert Soulier -was fined $300, with option of three months' Imprison ment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. He doing the time. Soulier supplied Roger Powell who was fined $5, with hree days' option, for drunkenness ind is also doing the time. Funeral Notice I' 25c 28c 20c 28c 20c The funeral of Mrs. is. neuman will take place tomorrow. Saturday at 2:30 pm. from Haynor Bros 20c 25c 25c Chapel. Interment Falrview Ceme tery. Come and See our NEW Wallpapers jLfeaJjRrsuMwotrrHr est patterns of SunworlRji Wallnaners has lust arrived. The prices of these popular light-resisting papers are now so low that they- come within the reach.of every purse. Furthermore; never were the patterns more beautiful, and In keeping with the true comfort of the homes today. We invite you to set an early date for your visit to our wall paper department GORDON'S HARDWARE McHRWE ST. PHONE 311 ORDER Easter Lillies Now Special Sale Of House Plants WILLIAM GAIR Florist and Seedsman Plume BLUE 974 P.O. Box 278 i There's nothing Ilk. having all the energy you need to do all the hlngi you want to do. What you eat l Important Enjoy Kellogg't Bran Flakes to bolster your energy. They're packed with nourish ment for strength and vigor. Plus enough bran to be mildly lax. atlve. Delicious and ' ready to serve, at all ' grocers. Made by Kel. logg In London, Ont, EAT TO FEEL FIT! HQ Satin-Glo Finish Now on Display Smiles' n Chuckles EASTER Novelties Priced From 5c to $1.00 We Will Hold Any Article Until Caster TLACE YOUR ORDER NOIV Ltd. ZritA Pioneer Druggists The ,teyill Store Phones: 81 & SZ Open Daily From S a.m. till 10 p.m.. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 n.m 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. Satin-CIo Enamel ATIN-GLO WEEK The annual Satin-Glo Sale is on this week. With a wide range of beautiful tints from which to choose, rooms that may be dull and. dingy can quickly be transformed Jnlo bright and cheerful surroundings. . ." , Off pints Off Quarts Off Half Gallons Coupons Supplied Upon Request THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE I,honc 101 Satin-Glo Varnish Dc Luxe Wall Tints Smoked "Rupert Brand" ild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator