5 _ FRESH FLOWERS on Prince "’ George tomorr« tomorrow morning THE ARCTIC § STUDIO 4. NOTE NEw OFFIC dn Third Ave BR: Law-Butleyv ene Box 409 'BARRATO | | BE PRESIDENT Madero Will Help Him Tran- | | OUR SODA | | FOUNTAIN. |, ISOPEN ) | FOR ‘1 Pure Ice Cream with all the “‘Fixins’’ iG C. H. ORME a PHONE , , LADIES’ HAND BAGS nh i § We have just received a i shipment of the newest iad styles and latest designs ; if ye in ladies’ Velvet and leath- ai a er Hand Bags. We es- i pecially invite you to call : and let us show you our He new goods, ee } 1 Y } )* |[c. B. WARK : i Jeweller oe i, Baa 1 aie Ht oon o-#-6—4-0-© ‘if Wie FRED. STORK —General Hardware— -$-4-4 * — @— 4¢—@_¢ _@-— . Builders’ Hardware : Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves } Graniteware Tinware i a @-¢-4-@— @ -@ ¢ 4 -¢-0— © | - | | : i Want Warships Built near Ladner, and the only person|ago. These cards are beautifully | For Sale sete am Oa ee OP anat N fe) W O P E N | —— with him at the time was William lithographed in colors and are|! “i is B : : re 2 Nea eee | (( ee ee Despatch) Simms, better Known as “‘Miner| great for sending to friends at a Chichots Sahetoke tn cnetion 6 O80 nul, 080 menu A R G Al N S é - | — - ae istance There : > six iffere , 0. 3- hee < NEW PALACE ICE CREAM PARLOR |. ie ide whale or Pie rat bo es tea distanc 2 a re are on nen ey oS Ba on ia | Skeena Land Petrie ~D 4 Next door to old Optimist Office ices: . aca ne CeCe ees WAS ae mn ee views o dt 1c. ae SCS I0F 40)" Evjen, 7th Ave. and Taylor St. near Summit. 95 We have several qpod buys in _Take noties that Wm. Gf Wee ie | |couver have endorsed the reso-| throughout the district and was|cents.—'’Phone 78 Red. fons 5, 0, ¢ and 5, for permiesion to purenas a STOKES ICE CREAM USED | jlution passed by the Victoria|considered one of the best cannery WHY NOT CALL AND GET FAMILIAR WITH SOMEOF THEM “camer is 4 Made in Seattle | | Board of Trade, asking the Dom-|men on the coast, and had been in The old original Royal 15-cen Don't forget to procure a good No 17a thaing south of the : oe ‘ Big stock Candy, Etc., wholesale & retail | |inion Government to have its|the business for a number of years! Lunch, which was formerly le of tan shoes for the 24th.| Fer Quick Sale List Your Property With Us | fy. NY. corner. thence sou te re | |warships for the Pacific fleet con-|in the vicinity of Ladner. He was| the Rupert Road has re-opened|Scott, Froud & Co. have a big} ate nnd en gama + SAM GOWEN - Proprietor ri structed on the coast. The reso- | about 45 years of age and leaves in the Royal Hotel. Entrance | range of children’s sandals and | JOHN DYBHAVN :* , ; ! a ae ste tecnepesener ere —@ lution was wired to Ottawa. la widow and seven children. off 6th street. 111-113| canvas goods. Open Evenings Exchange Block aned Mere gots, pt! — SECOND - AVENUE «) _¢|and was voted altogether an un- quilize Mexxico | ARMISTICE HOLD Peace Will not be Declared un- til After Barra is Placed in Office and the public is in Order. (Canadian Press Despatch) Juarez, May 20.—It was an- nounced today that péace will not be officially declared or the armistice atan end. Mexico until Barra is in office as President in succession to Francisco Madero, the provisional president. After Barra is appointed, Madero will visit Mexico City, and then go and assist in the work of tranquilising the country and restoring order. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, ’Phone 4 BUILDING PERMITS Total for the Week Comes to $7,500 The building permits for the week are: Mitchel, Currie & Watt, 3 room cottage on Eighth avenue, cost $300 Mitchel & Currie, residence on Ninth avenue, cost $1,500. Andrew Hanson, store in Section 5, cost $100. Mrs. A. Gowen, cottage Second avenue, cost $300. I. Levies, addition to house in Section 5, cost $200. Mrs. A. Fillet, 6 room residence on Comox avenue, cost $1000. Robert Ailison, residence on Fourth avenue, cost $1000. Robert McKay, residence Eighth avenue, cost $600. J. Lorne MacLaren, residence on Borden street, cost $2,560. on on WANDERERS’ CLUB SMOKER Open Night, and Male Concert Proved a Great Success In their club rooms last night the Wanderers’ Club held an open evening and smoker. Invitations were extended to all members and their friends, and a large gathering enjoyed a well-planned evening's entertainment, Music was contributed through- out the evening by Gray’s orches- tra and songs by members of the Wanderers’ Club, of the favorite singers in Prince Ru- The smoker lasted until nearly midnight and several | a1 pert were given at intervals. | doubted success, on Tuesday evening. and cident occurred in a small shack! Northern B. STATE BALL IN LONDON Brilliant Affair in Honor of German Monarchs THE DAILY NEWS Classified - One of the best services the modern newspaper yloyer and worker, nis modern convenience in reach of everyone the Minimum charge of 25 cents There buyer and seller, em mon ground. To put t rate to a nominal price of a ce Here is our Classified Advertising FIRST ONE GIVEN The Era of Official Mouring for King Edward is Ended— Romance is Busy With Two of the Royal Dancers. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, May 20. The first state ball to be held in the reign occasion. Principal among the guests was the charming only daughter of the German Emperor, for whose entertainment the Court Ball was largely commanded. Her atten- dance was of especial interest owing to the likelihood of a Royal betrothal of the charming princess to the young Prince of Wales, who was present and took part in the festivities. PRESENTATION WAS MADE Mr. G. H. Griffin Honored by His Friends on Daily News An interesting presentation was department was presented with a| leather travelling bag, on the eve CANNERY OWNER KILLED BY GUN Accidental Death § ~- = i V Through the accidental discharge | r of a rifle, Mr. Charles Lord of| It is believed | that the gun caught in his clothes | ( was discharged. The of King George took place fast Sedge 6. Price tog night at Buckingham Palace in oy oth Aven bastion honor of the German Emperor and & right off Conrad St., ; nae ne illic “, rice $350, Empress. It was a brilliant suc A a cess, and worthy of the great $300—Cash handles one of the made in the office of the Daily in on this new Grand Trunk News las sites t 5 M townsite located in the News ast : evening, when Mr. centre of Pleasant Valley, G. H. Griffin, of the mechanical which is the cream of the DODO OOTD WNW ND HDHD Mr. Chas. Lord of Edna Meets | {i | These Ladner, was almost instantly kille di he xpressly for the G. ac- | fa = oo LLLLLLILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL We Will Not Spend Money Ad- vertising anything but Real Bargains 5th Ave. A from H tal $700—Handles a aplenc id lot One of the best in see- best buys in the city, right on the hill where nearly all of the best residences have been built a pretty site and very chéap, $1100. 5th tO BS Near Imanuel Place $200.00—Down on a $400 lot near Seal Cove, splend- id investment well lo- cated Cor. 5th Ave. and Imanuel Place $500—Cash handles this double corner. The Cold Stor- age Plant has made corner one of the best buys in town, as an in- vestment it is gilt- edge, and $100 below market, $1000. Cheap Rent Business Quarters $25 Per Month—will rent a building 25x40 near 3rd and 6th Sts., suitable tor warehouse, -arpen- ter shop, plumbing or tinsmith. Houston is the Place for You $50 to $400 a lot will place you Bulkley Valley. of his departure on a three months’ Law-Butler Co. B holiday tip to the old country. Real Estate and Insurance B Mr. Griffin who has been three Third Ave. B years on the ( oast, isa native Of} LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Birmingham, England. During his stay here, he has made many 2 ne sh good friends, who wish him a |sesmepncpuczuczacsnczas Brepncpacencsscs SOS SOO COS SOO SSEO OE 22 eeoee st @ safe journey over the seas, aad a gobashastastastastactaserste sees G afe j Vy ack acai - . e safe journey | balck again, — The Clarmont Rooms 4 many practical uses to which a G leather bag can be put to by a Located on Sith Ave., near Fulton G3 traveller, were pointed out to Three to five minutes from cen- Fe : e : t f busi district. Ni him, by some of the experienced teen newly furnished “coma, G3 a - oan ot and cold water, bath d travellers on the staff. Mr. Griffin telaphene «1 Mamie dernished. 3 will leave for the South by the Unde saw management. Princ ess May on Monday morning. INSPECTION <~- ~ INVITED o ee = - . i? gS SIDE DERBEBEDLM BEDEBE BEBEDE DEDEDE DEBEDEDE TS Bao Good Views McRae Bros., the leading sta- ioners and booksellers, Sixth treet, are showing some new local the Skeena | are particularly McRae Bros. id re produc ed from sketches made T. P. by Mr. Canada’s most etc., iew post cards of iver that cards have Horne Russell, C. less than a year good. | mous landscape artist, who made | gives the public is in the er insertion. nt a word olumn for today. Lost and Found ft seers tre FOUND-~Elegant rooms; newly furnished. 7 Bulkley Block, 6th Ave., near Fulton, 109-1m | mee er eT } For Rent | . ae et ee Modern House For Rent-June Ist— Fifth Ave. H. F. McRae & Co Mstf | New 7-room house on Ambrose Ave., ly fur nished, rent $25. Apply.on premises = Ox 874. | 110-116 Nice, clean, bright outside rooms, Bulkley Block | 6th Ave,, near Fulton. 1 109-1ra House furnished for housekeeping, 2 rooms, $17 per month; back of rink. Apply Law-Butler Company. 105-108 | Nice furnished rooms for rent. Apply Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave., near McBride, ay 3-lmo Pere eres Help Wanted {| | ee tere eee eres Cleaners and Pressers Wanted. Good wages to right parties. Apply Pantorium, Cleaners, 6th street, phone 4, 113-tf Nineteen youne men to take cosy rooms in the | | Bulkley Block, near Fulton. 10 im | 100-tf o4-tf Waiter wanted at Central Hotel. Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office | Wanted—An A-1 solicitor for the most liberal! | Fraternal Orders in the world, Cal) room 2s, I. F. Madiem. 108-114 Warted—500 good men to join the Order of Owls. Call room 28, Empress Hotel. F. ae 08- Empress Hotel. | j Board Wanted eects meres rman ras | WANTED—Room and board in private family X.M., Optimist Office. i eee ere eerie | : i Fire Insurance | ot ere THE British Union and National Fire Insurance | Company of London, England, ie capital | of $2.500,000.00. See us for rates Realty and Insurance Company ee j | } he te ee ee rs es eel | Situations Wanted ere ee eer ere ese A classified advertisement is a tireless work- hunter—and seldom fails Young lady, thoroughly domesticated, good plain cook. Apply Box M.C., Daily News Office 112-tf By experienced man and wife as cook and helper in mining camp or country hotel. Apply H. L. T.. Optimist 95-97 ms ts mes eee ! Boarders Wanted ! ett meee rmer eile Home cooked meals and nicely furnished rooms for three persons Apply Mrs. James, Scott Bidg., 2rd Ave., between 8th and Sth Sts, 85-tf Private Board by the week or month Home cooking a specialty. Miss FE. M. Gleeson, Ord Ave., between 7th and 8th Sta, phone 171. 89-tf hes et me es et re meee Real Estate ee | A classified advertisement is a real estate sales- and does not often count enough “to man, count” in the net result $625 buys 70-ft double corner, section 5; balance easy. H. F. McRae & Ca i1s-tf | Make 8% a month with $300 Norisk. H. F.j McRae & 118-tf Nineteen young men wanted to rent cosy furnish ed in the Bulkley Kooms, 6th Ave., near Fulton, 109-1m es es ts Oe ts } ——— - Advertisements landlord and tenant, and a host of others meet on com- ———— classified advertisement columns, News will reduce its Watch it BARGAINS! Section 1 20, price $6300.00 grow. Lot 18, Bleck 2 Section 5 | $1500 buys two fine level lots on 7th Avenue, Terms of $500 cash and balance easy. Section 6 Lota 24 and 25, block 7, price $1060) each. This is the best buy offered on 5th Avenue, Lot 13, block 7. Price $1300, This is a fine level lot on the new plank | roadway on 4th Avenue, Lots 20 and 21, block 381, $640 each Good building lots on 8th the new roadway. Sections 7 and 8 price Avenue on | We offer good level lots in these sec- tions for $50 cash and terms of $15 per month, Farm Lands | 160 acres ! ake Ise Valley, $8 per acre | | 160 : $12 “ “ “ 160 $15 160 $20 16,000 acres at Fraser Lake. 4,000 acres at Decker Lake. 8,000 acres in Bulkley Valley 2,000 acres at Francois Lake terms. For Rent iThree modern houses in good neigh borhood. Frur room house with water. month. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE McCaffery & Gibbons Real Estate and Insurance - Third Ave $20 per The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE OT OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of England. meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month in the Carpenters Hall, at § p m F. V. CLARK, Sec P. 0, Box #12, Prince R ipert Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 jon view on good) | Anti-Rheumatic rings. W s Our Specialy | Fresh, “Hee Strawh New shipment fror ¢ eTies Fresh Spring Vegeta from the gardens of Wo.) Fruits and Groceries a: puls ar pri Ideal Provision How Third Ave., a COMING EVENTS CAST THER near Sixt} SHADOWS BEFORE Tygy Indian band Long a The most interesti held in British, ( be held in the Ey ‘Empire Day, May 1 Don't miss this CUPS AND MEDALS at J. S. Gray Sixth St Phe TICKETS - 50c AND & Weiry Store, }on sale at theatre and lore Overseas Club Cet The best performan: the city. Held in En Moving Picture Concert at 8.00 p.1 FEATURE: Tz 8 of War between police, Fir: ud Ear! Grey's k ‘ Also Amateur Competit ren under 14 y« p Silver Cup and Gray's Jewelry can be had for Concert also from member phone 78 black. DANC E What better way by going to the Dar Gray at McIntyre H 10. 30 to Tickets, Gents $1. J. 8. GRAY & Manufacturing Wat era, Opticians and k Dealers in Musica Sole agents for tt and Players. Sole agents Stamps. Agents for the V 1 and records, of which we carr line. Headquarters for « What you don’t se« please asi for. We have been rey te SON f tr yr | a large stock on har any size. a. To Preserve Your Eys# n’t Miss this Charce DR. INMAN Consulting Eye Specialist of Vancouver, is now at fits glasses for al! « defective vision T} don't fail to see hin Satisfaction guarant free. If you want to sav Furniture of J. F. MACDONAL DS § FURNITURE STORE NEAR Mcl who is selling out bh *« hk KR Ok ok *%OOC O90 O O ke OR OOOO BICC HISD OLA GIADA ODI AREA OGOI AOL OOOO TEAL IAA LA AAA IIS DOOOOCOODOCOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOO000 Oc OOQOQOQOOO0O0OO IOOC ~ mC NE C3) OO CoC L/\ dD at DG: )( d\ dC J\ Goods Must Be Moved : Building to be Remodelled " SE a ee Oe ee rere consignment English, Must be sold IOOOOOOOOC000GE O FECHA REGGIO ROE od KOOOOOOC000 *O *O oO * *%O xO *O xO Specialties Just received new French, German Crockery. prices you'll like. OQO0000 eek Ke H | / of at Chairs, Parl HART CORNER SIXTH STREET AND SECOND AVENUE DOQEQQQNQNODQQOQOEQOEOOOQQQD0000007000C AERO RIAA CK ee 909090009 OR PREMISES WILL BE TRANSFORMED INTO HANDSOME ARCADE, MAKING A MECCA FOR SHOPPERS WE WILL BE BACK AT THE SAME STAND or Suites, Etc. Furniture, Cutlery, Linoleum, Grass Chairs, Reed and Rattan Goods. SALE STILL ON--BARGAINS TO BE HAD Reductions---To avoid moving much of our big stock it will be sold at Big Reductions HEADQUARTERS FOR THOSE THINGS YOU NEED FOR YOUR HOME SUCH AS Best lines of Upholstered Couches, Arm Again we remind you of the story of the Early Bird The BIG FURNITURE PHONE 62 | | Ft Fk Yt tH Ht Hs He tt # me Specialties All kinds of Glass- ware New Shipment of Cut Glass from the factories in Pitts- burg. All reduced in prices, et et a ht Ht te ti et Hm STORE IONDOOOOOOOQOOOO00O00000O Oo FOGG AGI OE kk Jeske ke rm + | / { / j } / including a / / j - » i A Bi Ba Bie Sts Se eS OS = »C> >< a