THE DAILY NEws ; COMPULSORY SALE et THE- dl $30,000.00 To be slaught- ered for twelve Most Up-to- days commenc- date Stock. ing Sat., May 20 CLOTHING HOUSE 3) (A en Rg) Sh A: NM es =) e ee C5 1. Ser, i ¥ Ca Aww eX a ~ NF, (at a 4 %, i. ROS: > 4 x Js wee woh re S,.~ee | | es 4 » ao dey ake: $30 000 most up-to-date stock of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gents’ Furnishings will be slaughtered ? merciless for Twelve Days, commencing Saturday, May 20th, 1911, at 8 am. By the 4th of June we have obligations to meet amounting to about $10,000.00 and if same is not paid the firm’s reputation is at stake, and in order to raise this amount we are compelled to make this sacrifice, and to make sure to have same raised in time we are going to give the public of Prince Rupert the opportunity to purchase their Spring and Summer supplies at the greatest bargains ever yet offered in this or any other vicinity. Here are some of the Bargains - - : Hundreds More Like Them 9 ° 1100 2-piece Tweed Suits, in grey/All our 6.00 shoes, your | 40 dozen High grade Silk Ties, over Men Ss Suits sai hain: reali price 3.15 choice for.....2a4 4 4.65 Sox 200 different patterns,reg. 45 50 Tweed Suits, single or double} 5.50, sale price........ ° '50 dozen Men’s Cotton Sox, all} 75c, sale price........... c 50 Tweed pulls, single. ! eR, ’ Oe tes '21 dozen Silk Ties, regular breasted, regular price 5 3 40 Fancy Ways in three-piece | Boy Ss Shoes Cota regular 25¢ pair, 10c\~ 1.06, hela tetoe » reg 55c 50, Sale price....... ® | Suits, regular price 7.50 a: 92. Lee galeper pair. . esa -UU, Sale price.......... 10. 0), ale price ee te ie regu ir price 7.5 4.65 40 pair Boy’s Shoes, reg. 1 30 29 aac Men's Cotton Sox, double! M 9 S d ee Tae Tweed and 9.95 BAI) TUMORS, cane | 1.90, sale price......... 3 Ce acabecl, readier 904 15 | en’s uspen ers SUA... CUE reg, Specs | 40 pair Boy’s SI ' eilttaale per Dane _ LIC 40 dozen Suspend | OP on Ate ea : ’ pair Boy’s Shoes, reg. air, sale, per pair....... | uspenders, regular price is 15.00, Sale... . | Men Ss Pants | 8.00, sale price......... 1.95 10) en Rlen’s Wool Sox, | 25c, sale price... Vics s. ldc 50 Blue Serge Suits, double and 2 5c 28 dozen Police and Firemen’s Sus- 100 pair Tweed Pants, reg. reg. 35c pair, sale, pair. . I 5 £ 1. 65 g I » P single breasted, regular ad Siete canto penders, regular price 40c price 16.50, Sale....... 9.95 price 2,50, sale......... : 2c a) deters Pa ais ae Hats ° sale PYIOG.0 i riba Te SS: 100 Very Latest Fancy English | 200 pal fine Twee d Pants, l 95 : 6 OS ae Handkerchiefs ° _ very ne} regular price 3.50, sale &eJJ/10 dozen Men’s fine Felt Hats, very Caen, a Shirts Worsteds, reg. price 14 65 160 pr fine Worsted Pants _ latest shapes in black, brown and | 200 dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs, : : 21.00, Sale price..... ° | 400 pr fine Worsted fants, 2 65 green, regular price 2.50, 5 white, red and blue, full men’s 10 dozen Men’s fine Shirts with 35 Fine English Worsted Suits, ' BaleAMBICO .!.<. . va sec a: 1.4 alba, regular price 10¢ each, 5c oe price 1.00, 50c regular price is 25.00, | 30 dozen very latest and nobby Hats] , Sale price........ hiieh» a Tp sale ree . Sale privée. ........--: 17.95) Boots and Shoes | inall colors, regular 3.50 2 45 at Aaa wien) Silkine Excelda 28 core oH 8 aoe Shirts in Your choice of the very best sults | gp pair Men’s Box Calf Blucher| sale price, your choice andkerchiefs, reg 25c, 10c very latest patterns, reg. 85c | regular price 4.50, sale in the house, values 29.00 to) “Cut Shoes, regular price 2 4 '8 dozen Men’s Stiff Hats, in black BAIC NEWS... (waht Knees 1.26, Sale pricé:..:....... 40.00, Sale price, your 19 95) 8.50, sale price........ °‘EY' only, very latest shapes, 1 65 . Underwear choice for.........++: ***'|80 pair Men’s Buff Blucher Cut) regular 2.75, sale price 4M Ties 40 dozen Balbriggan Underwear, Boy’s Suits | 8 i regular price 3,00 1 95 Lh CooL een ae ug tis fine me, nese foe nang Silk 15¢ regular 50¢ a garment, 35¢ | sale price wt Aer aye ae Se oe ee e e Ss, reg. . anc f ‘es reg. : oc, Sale price | Sale price, per garment. we. 50 2-piece suits, all sizes, regular| All our 5.00 shoes in Patents, Box 4,00, sale PING wis a5 2.15 28 dozen Silk Ties in Derby and |20 dozen Men’s fine Zimmerknit price 5,00 ‘Sale price 95 Calf and Tan, your 3 95 Our entire stock of Caps at ragular| Bias stripes, regular 50c, 25 Underwear, reg. 75¢ gar- 50c DEES pee ee ites 2. |; Choide 208 es yacaiudyas e |Half Price. GHIG DFMO.) ica eee ts Cc, ment, sale price, garment ESE 4 All gouds will be marked in plain figures. Green and Red Tags is the sale price and one price only. Our usual guarantee goes; any : di stablishment can either be exchanged or your money refunded as cheerfully as we take it from you : ane "hs he atada, the date, Saturday, May 20th, at 8 a.m. Come early with the crowds to the wy ACME CLOTHING HOUSE | ay Se eS YS apa SS SECOND AVENUE WE ARE ORIGINATORS BEWARE OF IMITATORS Ce