THE DAILY XkeEws - ——_————- LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE } i ; * Skeena Land D ~Di 5 5 ; Take notice that Mary Maragret Gillis of Vie- Skeena Land Distriet District of Take ane Gent pistes Ol cooney ri fa Stikine Land District — District of Cansiar Skeena Land Distric.-—Distriet of Coast Range 5 { ie a Att : . * ia, B. Cy O¢eupation housekeeper, intends to Take notice that 1, John MeDonald of Prince | mouth, Nova Scotia, cocupation marie? woman Take notice that Christiar ’ tikine Take notice that Henry Macartney of Pritce 2M 4 : A little word i kira os spoken bply for permission to purchase the following Rupert, B.C., oecupation hotelkeer intends to | intend’ to apply for aaa wi parionn te Bs coeupation customs officer, ir io Btiline: | Rupert, 3. C., occupation miner, intends to apply tPA , rived lands ; 5 ctankelieh She wabeh ; apply ed persed m to purchase the following | following deseribed tabie 2 to purchase the following deseribed for permission to purchase the following deseribed y | A motuon or 4 teB ,~ Commencing at a pow nied at the north eas described lands Con aia mb ’ i land: Jands >. i s F ; 1 ner of Lat 3987, thence 20 chains west, thence | Commencing at a post planted three and one- | eorn rol t. L ict saan eee ae at Commencing at ® post planted about | Commencing at a post planted on the south ae | Hes often heal d th heart that's chains south, thence 20 chains west to 'T. L haif miles in y direction from the point | chains, thenee north 60 ‘ehaina thence east 40| quarters of @ mile north ea r Glacie f side of Exchumsiks River, about 2 1-2 miles from Sealed B59, thence about 80 ebains north ty Lakelge | on Naus Ri » the Lava Lake trail bezins | chains, therce south BO cosine to place of com-| and on the east bank of ne River aan its confluence with the Skeena River and about | ng endorsed “Tender for Publie Building, Grand broken, ver. thence meandering said river up stream in | and one mile in a northerly direction from the | mencemeat containing 90° a oe or jess.|seuth side of the mouth o li ~0k, thence | 1 2 miles west from Exchumsiks rapids, thence 80 | an "'B C.” will be ived at thie omies unth ; Y d Ivetihoasterly direction ty Lakelse Lake, thence | said Lava Lake trail, thonce south eighty chair My ‘post ie on south aut dae land jlied | east 40 chains, p north chains’ thenee chains north, thenee 40 chains east, thence 30 |r anita oe ‘ 1814, fer the eam And made a iend imcere. andering: waid lake to point of commencement | thence west 80 chains, thence north “© chain for, marked letters 8. L abeat d Me nile wont of | west 40 chains, thence sour) 4 ne to point chains south. thence 40 chains west to point o Treats vm of a Public 1 uilding at’ Grand Forks ; ntaining 160 M. MM ate | thence cast 80 chains to point of commencement, | Lake Lakelse, south side of "iesona sear District | of commencement and containing 160 acres more | commencement, containing $20 weres more or ie ie post MALS als ae eae ; containing 640 acres of Coast Range 6. t | or leas. les. Powt marked “H.M. 8.W. cor.” iia iaaiail i ri ; ted Feb; 14, 141 Dave Feb. 3, 1911. JOHN McDONALD Dated Apri 26 Iel1. BELL HALL KENNEY | Dated Feb. 10,1911. CHRISTIAN A. TERVO | Dated April 22, 1911. HENRY MACARTNEY sear ard Tonas of tender chained atthe fee |2) Word—a loc ous iushed to *ub ch p ol we ont 4 "LL OND } : : , } . p>. Mane So any MARGANET Gitis | <5 oseph Belway, Agent | Pub. May 18 Jobn Haverty, Agent | Pub. April 7. | Pub. April 29. of Mr. Wm. Henderson, resident architect, Vic- | earth # Sh Land Distriet—District of C } . ana I t ve | toria, B.C., at the post office, Grand Forks, and at ‘ ° 5 ak ma Lanc rict~District of Cassiar Skeena Lan¢ ‘ ., ad Distriet—District of ¢ mC » Skeena Land Jistrict Jistri sonst this Department. “f . : na Land Disttict—Distriet of Coast Range V| Take notice that | Andrew Cummings of Van-| Tai tnd District —Listrict of Oaasiar Skeena La Tapistrict of Queen Charlotte} -16e*itiee ‘that I. William Melville Corley | Pemons tendering are notified that as) Full inany a wd ling flower, = . . tice that 1, James Dunlop of Prince 7 ; , Take notice that Jack Hedford of Keighley, | couver, B.C., occupation cook, intends to apply | Rupert S. c ee a Take notice that J. H. M i Vancouver, of Toronto, Ontario, oceupation elerk, intend | will not be considered unless made on thejprinted ic J a7 ‘ prkshire, England, oecupation over-looker, in- | for permission to purchase the following dessrib- | apply for perniss ion’ tp peccnaae ae icin B. occupation ecommerci: one hell ‘ds to apply for permission to purchase the following forms supplied, and signed with their actual | Whic h, had a; mile but Ow ned its de to apply for permission to purch the | ed Jands described lar puret ' d bed lands: i i i tions and of ; } . nda | to ly for permission to pu « the following | deseribed lan signatures, stating their occu places birth lowing deseribed lands Commencing at a post planted three and one | Commencing ; ed lands Commencing at a post planted at the northwest residence. In the case of the actual! sig- ’ »neing at a post planted at a at in the hes: “d sehen os . imencing at a post planted about two miles descri — , Ser ; a ’ Ce unary a Gieseer limit 3 : ant " Seen iver nace weitatte tke aan towine south of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, Commencing ®: & pos. planted about seven ° eae oo a or ch’ a0 h (x aehee wat ee ee oe ee Pane ton ete | W ould bless life’s darkest hour. southerly limit of lot 43989, Range 6 Coast near the trail, thence west 80 chains. thence south ce ee ae ee oa wast Raat oT guniy Caine, Maden’ H ¢ sai an =< 0 eits oe Hell's Gate dough thence along a 1a bagiases aT , where the said limits intersect, thence | 80 ¢ mee © chai nee fi ) ee south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, 3 Hurbor, > north 6 ; : : 9 i wg pg pb op eR wpe 18, 181 TAMES DUNLOP | chains, thenoe west 40 chains, thence south 60 | slough snutherly to, point of commencement, som) | Each tener must be eesti peveble to | T sie the 4 the projection thereof in an easterly di «ction | acres ee ee ay 15 Francis 8S. Preston, Agent nn eT iLL 7 I H. MURPHY Dated April 6, 1911, mr heey | cho andor cb the SOMGGE the Minister of Public Then deem it not an idle thing shains more or less to the westerly lin it of | Date Feb. 8, 1911 ANDREW CU INGS ated ¢ atsee ee | WILL] SLV CORLEY | 3 | s Si + limit $2501, thence " ot a: herly direction Pub Mar 10. Joseph blew aoest Land District —Distriet of Coast Range 5 Pub. April £8. on a Pub. April eee ee , he epi n w svhich will be ek wake pene A pleasant word to speak; » the last mentioned limit 11 chains more | | : ve that Annie Mussallem of Prince t cline ¢ The fz oe to the northerly limit of timber limit $6775, | | Rupert, I occupation married woman, intends Skeena Land Distriet—Dictriet of Cassiar | keene Land District—Distriet of Coest Range V oe sue ae ane a es whe I he face you wear—the thoughts nee in a westerly direction along the last men- | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Const Range V | to apply for permission to purchase the following | Take notice that 1, Mar arin of Stewart, Take notice that Charles P. Otter of Prince | cont ton for. if the tanner be het secepted | - a hed limit 80 chains more or les* to the easterly | tien yo — ee Alice Crowther of | deseribed lands B. C., occupation married woman, intend to apply | Rupert, B. C., occupation surveyor, intends to the cheque will be returned you bring— it of timber limit 88829, thence in @ northerly | * orkshire, England, occupation spinster, ommeneng at a post planted at a post at the | for nm to purchase the lollowing deseribed ly f ermise t hase the followii z ; to ft 11 chains more or less to the point of | intends to apply for permission to purchase the | SouLhwest corner, 60 chains east from N. E. corner et eee Saatiak ikates maatin gow ot she tonact te ane tana sapvineapa meer | A heart may a or break. 5 —J. G. Whittier eona Land District—District of Coast Range 6 ection mrmencement tedMareh 8, 1911. ». March 26 i } land: following described lands: of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District, Commencing at a post plant two (2) miles ; 2 ort. a JACK BEDFORD Commencing at a post planted ut the south east Range 5, thence 20 chains, thence north 40 | gouth and (2) two lies an t of the forks of the ccna ol aan st Scent OO eas pel omy Die | oy ee R. °c. DESROCHERS. corner of surveyed lot 3991, Range 5, Coast Dis- | Chains, thence w 10 chains, thence south 20| White and Flat rivers, thence £0 chains north, | triet, thence in an easterly direction along the | see Secretary. triet, thence north along the easterly limit of the chains, thence east 20 chains, thence *outh 20] thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south, goucserly limit of surveyed lot 3991 and the pro- | Department of Public Works, | : . said lot 35 chains more or les to the southerly | chains to point of commencement, containing 120 | thence 80 chains east. jection thereof 40 chains to a nt, thence south Ottawa, April 25, 1911. if | na Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 6 limit of Lot 3985, Renge 6, coast district, thence | acres more or less Dated April 20, 1911. MARY CARIN paraliel to the easterly limit dat lot 3984| Ne spapers will not be paid for this advertise- | ake notice that 1, Clara May Little of Prince | &*t #long the southerly limit of the last mentioned Dated May 8, 1911 ANNIE MUSSALLEM | Pub. May 138. Francis S. Preston, Agent | aforesaid 60 chains more or less to the northerly | ment if ‘hey insert it without authority from the | “NEW: wert, B. C., occupation spinster, intend to lot 60 chains to a point, thence in a south-| Pub, May : limit of a timber limit (No. 42563), thence west | Department. q 2 TRY THE N a 8” WANT ly for permission to purchase the following erly direction 36 chains parallel to the said | ° 4D dhains incre or len te 6 int in the eation ribed lands: easterly limit of lot 8991, thence in a west Skeena Land Listrict— District of Cassiar Skeena Land District District of Cassiar penton of the conetiy Roe of uivaped loc AD WAY OF FINDI NG ‘ommencing at a post planted at the north | ¢rly direction 60 chains more or lem to Take notice that I, Thomas McMeekin of Take notice that I, John Unwin of Prince | 3984, thence in a northerly direction along the corner of Lat 1785, Range 6, Coast District the point of commencement containing 210 acres | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation clerk, intend to} Rupert B. C., vecupation laborer, intend to apply | projection of the said limit and along the said east 40 chains, thence north 25 chains | more or less. , | apply for permission to purchase the following | for mission to purchase the following deseribed |imit 60 chains more or less to point of commence- ° west. 81 chain’ thenee north 20 chains EDITH ALICE CROWTHER | described lands Sanit. ment, containing 240 acres more or Water Notice ce west 10 chains, thenee south 45 chains to ated March 8, 1911. Commencing at @ post planted about two miles Jomntetiel t ot. planted at 2 Dated Mareh 8, 1911. CHARLES P. OTTER at of commencement, containing 112 acres) Pub. Mareh 26 south of the torks of the White and Flat rivers, os at ah dorks 2 ‘the Whine: d Plot Pub. Mareh 25. sapalictaaiace » or lens. ott CLARA MAY LITT1 ere nortn 80 chains, then cast 80 chains, mee Vaan south 80. chains, shane conde 80 N h b h li od April 4, 1911, 'TLE : : sence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains. b ; sia eadiin ae District Jotice is here iven that an appli- : . April 16. anaes Taek Dietine ea... Dated April 18, 1911 THOMAS McMEUKIN ee thenes north 80 chains, thence west 60 Take eae aera pe Hepburn of Kit-|cation will be fs under Part Ve of anne Land District— District of Casster | pm » th , Perry ueenan ol rince | Pub. May . F S. Preston, A) it 7 » wrereiees ° A te e notice osep| ‘aneouver Rupert, B. C., occupation prospector, intend to | re 2 ee Dated April 18, 1911. ‘ Pg een UNWIN eee eee a’ fee an appl the ‘‘ Water Act, 1909,’’ to obtain a| B.c., sopupetion Gaacouten tabeetoan aan na Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast Range 6 apply lor permission to purchase the following Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Cassiar Pera art rancis 8. Preston, Agent | ter parniston ) ooo | dieense in the Queen Charlotte i)7viaton ission to purchase the following described , chdon 5. wi ol y c 2 » the *harle x deus - awd ‘ > : * s Pe caamaaee tioctor, intends to applo for| Commencing at a post planted in the vicinity oi ne eee) atlas Ss Se Skeena Land District District of Cassiar Commeneing at a post planted at the northeast | of Skeena District. Ciotkinitdtiide ath peat anledted tore iaeitaaaiae No purehase ‘the following deseribed of Goose Bay, about three-eights of = mile sth | so DOEUPELON prospector, inteud to apply Take notice that I, Alfred Berryman Williams | corner of Lot 3983, thence east 20 chains, thenca ( Th add d ti miles in an easterly direction from the een ae . of the muah of the Bonanra Creek, and being a me So porches the Slee eee ee ee ee a Se Se ae couse, ane a ee 2S the Seetis t “oe 7 > a . _|on the easterly boundary of Timber Limit No. | . ‘ intend to apply for permission to purehase the north 40 chains to place o! commencement. 0 e applicant Is eorge oung, emanate +s Fy anaes 8 tee mooae 85251 or No, 86260, thence south 40 chains siete | a. Rosamensing os a post planted about six miles | following described lands: — . Dated March 18, 1911. JOHN HEPBURN Victoria, B.C. CONG Liat eee Te eicine here rn | the eneterly Menit of said ‘Thaber amit No, S688] | soc ee ees ee ta ie ot ee ees | Commmanaes ae Bost planted about (®) two) Pab Apel 26 If f inin r F Min- ‘we 0 chains more or less, thence north | oF No 280 40 chains, thence east to the shore of a a rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence | miles south of the forks of the White and Flat ( f for mining pu poses) ree in Trustee maine more or less to point of commencement | 008 Bay, « distance of 40 chains more or less, so. ee thence north 80 chains, thence west | rivers, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains gyeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 er’s Certificate No....... . Date Feb. 3, 1911 ining 140 acres more or leas. thence northerly along the shore of Goose Bay} Dated April 20,1911. CHARLES DELGROVE west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains ‘Take notice that Alexander Beaton of Vaneou-| (bh) The name of the lake, stream or | Pub. et) ¢ > is ry > 40 chains more or less, thence westerly 40 chains! p,),_ 7 * % | ver, B. C., occupation carpenver, intends to appl + 2! sas i) Mareh 81, 1911 ELDON 8, DETWILER hence rly 40 ehains| Pub, May 13. Francis S. Preston, Agent | ©@st ; so ; | 2 Re Some CST eto pr’y| source (if unnamed, the description April 15° John Campbell, Agent | ™ore or less to point of cummencement, containing . ALFRED BERRYMAN WILLIAMS | for permission to purchase the following described . 7 . _ 160 acres more or hens. 5 : Dated April 18,1911. Francis S. Preston, Agent | lands: is) Ain Lake and Ain River. Skeena Land District Dated March 7, 1911. PERRY QUEENAN _Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Commencing at a post planted 80 chains south Th " f di : Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Pub. April 7 Take notice that I Francis S. Preston of Prince | pub. May 13. from the south west corner of Lot 3065. Poct (c) t e point of diversion at or near pert, cpsupatien i ke notice that 1, Thomas Macgovern of Kupert, B. C., occupation prospector, intend to Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar marked A. B., N. W. Corner, thence 30 chains; Ain Lake. lesion to purchase the following deseribed art, B. C., oceupation miner,intend to apply apply for permission to purchase the following Take notice that I, Isaac O'Brien Forbes of south, thence 80 chains east, thence 30 chains id Th uantity of water applied f aes sad Bermision to purchase the following described . deseribed lands Prinee Rupert, B. C., occupation carpenter, intend | north, thence 80 chains west to point of com-| \ ). Ht. y ~ eg a Commenci it lanted th Skeena Land District—-Distriet of Coast Range 6 Commencing at 4 post planted about three | to apply for permission to purchase the following | mencemett; containing 200 acres, more or less. (in cubic feet per second) 1000. Serettion ing at a post ree and one- mencing at a post planted on tho right |, mie notice that William Frenklin Carpenter | miles south and two miles west of the forks ol | described lands: Dated Feb. 13,1911. ALEXANDER BEATON half miles in an easterly direction from the point groeag = meh va as fans 4 flee no ths of Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation restaurant | the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains | Gommencing at @ post planted about fiv milese | Pub. March 4. 3 Fie) The character of the proposed on Naas River where the Lava Lake trail the Naas fiver, thedies soutl, 80 ehaina weeper a og os a0 hone aiapaa to purchase | thence east 80 chains, thence north 60 chains, | south and one mile west of the forks of theWhite ; works, dem, flume, pipe-line, power ont a ie hate orth J oo ne folowing describec ne thence west 50 chuins. * > h 80 a hene 3 ae ; : wert M0 chains, ‘thence north 80 chatns, | “"Commancing at & post planted at the south east | Dated April 20, 1911- FRANCIS 8. PRESTON | wom 80 chine’ thence south 0 chains, thenee | "ake “notice that George, Freaall of Prinee| pie t ee £S pabat at aapeenan ane ining 640 actes more oF less g | Seeman Sh marveyes, Lat A938, hanes SO anais Seb May SP east 80 chains. : Rupert, B.C. oceupation butcher, intends to apply | (f) The premises on which the water Sees ee eae so pamt of on THOMAS MACGOVERN | {05504 “ao chains nerth, thente 45 obaine west | Dated April 18, 1911. ISAAC O'BRIEN FORBES | tor perinission, to purchase the following deseribed | is to be used (describe same) at or | Date Feb. 3, 1911 HI!GH D. GILLIS - arch 25, 1911. Sidney Frank Wright, Agt | thenee about 25 chains north to Lot $068 thence | Skeena Land District—Diatrict of Cassiar } eee er ee nee eisai at a post planted about seven near mouth Ain River,Masset Inlet. | Pub. a: Josenis Belway. Mi shout 0 cation cast to sett oe, eather dat] a thet 1, Brenton Soehon Moses - Skeena Land District—District of Coast Benes 5 miles west and two miles south of the mouth of (g) The purposes for which the water 806: u 35 ain " 4 711, nee Rupert, B , occupation contractor, inte Take not ce that I, John Ivan Petersof Prince Stanley Oreek where it empties into Naden / : Saeer aiatenieios 650 oares See ee Soares a eae to purchase the following | Rupert, B. C., eceupat on clerk. intend to apply Harbor, Graham Island, thabes 80 chains south, is to be used is for power develop- 4 on, 2 cribe: ” . » fc ; escr, bei > i j Dated Feb. 16, 1911 | Commencing at a post planted about (3) three | matt sc aw eagua a hae is aa aoe S ene eee aa entaied ment and mill operations. f Rupert, B. C., occupation clerk, intends to Pub. March 4. SR | miles south and (2) two miles west of the firks cet i a three an and containing 640 acres more orless. (h) If for irrigation, describe the | for permission to purchase the following WILLIAM FRANKLIN CARPENTER] of White and Flat rivers, thence 80 chains south | Commencing at a post planted ‘about three an | Pill Mi ee io] GEORGE FRIZZELL| jand to be irrigated, giving acreage. | @"¢% at a post planted on the right thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, ee cu eee ae Sent tae Pub. April 7 , pas Sane aneee £ »& g& acreage. ’ = at a post ae 40 chains south river about se les above | thence 50 chains east ‘om . aor ae ones vena " e “ : * ta rom south west corner of Lot 994, thence 40 river, thane south 80 chain, | Sk ie Lae Oe Gonjarmin ‘ual’ Hes of | BRENTON JORDON MOORE | the, sane tues oe north 80 chains, thenee 0) er aang perpen Gece tle a c 8 on rth 80 chains ake notice that Benjamin Ruess ice ol Jated April 20, 1911 Franeis 8. P. n, Agent e ° ence north s, ence pats ees : chains to point of commencement, | nee Rupert, B. C., occupation waiter, intends Pub. May 13. oe Peeters AEENS | east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to point o| Queen Charlotte Islands Land Distriet—Distriet of/ place where the water is to be re- 10 neres move OF lant : " to apply for permission to purchase the following ‘ ated Aaa a OHN iVA N PETE LS Tak het I : cM Nab of Pri R turned to some natural channel, and less. ed PER s aC tA" deseribed lands | ated April 14, 1911. OH? f e ‘ ake notice that I, J. cNab of Prince Ku- . : : ? Dated Fe. 13, 1911 faret rE etl SPeank didecs Weighs : cot Commencing at a post event 65 chains south Skeena Land District —District of Cassiar Pub. May 13 rs See eee ee ann et aon the Sitesnnee ti alts ee ee ee 17. ; , *’ | from the south east corne of Lot 3060, thence 70 Take tice that I, Chari M. K se of! 2 of or permission to pros t for ec and petroleum ; i i i : chains west, thence 65 chains north, thence 70 Toe Soeart, B. ( . actuapatiei ieiner demoae Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 on the following Grorived lands: rn See a a. chains east, thence 65 chains soutl to point uf | to apply for permission to purchase the following Take not ce that Murdock McRae of Vancouver, Commencing at @ post planted at the sov h-east t or near mouth o in River,about | . B. C., occupation real estate broker, intends to| corner of Section 3, Townsh p 2 Graham Island, 150 feet below lake level. Bkeena Land Distriet District of Cassiar commencement; containing 455 acres, more or | described lands . ; - = J 4 = j no “ jews Post marked B. R. R, S. E. Cor Commencing at a post planted about (3) three apply for permission t purchase the followin | and marked J G. MeN,, 8. E. Corner, thence - ‘ | 3. C a See Doe Sas - Dated Feb. 18, 1911. ate _.. | miles south and (2 tio miles west of tbe forks of | deseribed lands: west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence| (j) Area of Crown land intended to be | for permiasion to purchase the following | Pb. Mareh 4 BENJAMIN RUSSEL RICE | White river and Flat river, thence south 80 chains,| Cummeneing at_a vost planted on the souch| east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of | “ occupied by the proposed works.... eorge own bed lands | thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, | bank of Exchumsiks river about five miles Srors Dated March 6, 1911. J. G. MeNAB fumencing at a post plant] about one mile thence east 80 chains ts confluence with the Skeena river, thence ; a ce Ws : . I fromm the. Stake stvuk Beil. Showy alee ioe Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cogst Dated April 20, 1911. CHARLES M. KNOUSE | chains west, thence 20 chains north, thence 40| Pub. March 25 Wilson Gowing, Agent | (k) This a ge tees on Econ . forks of the Naas river, thence north 80 Take notice that Mrs. L. C. Putnam of St | Pub. May 15. Francis S. Preston, Agent | chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 26th day 0 pri, , an app ica- thenee west 80 chains, thence south &0| Paul, Minnesota, occupation married woman chains east, thence 20 chains south, thence 40) _ j 5 tion will be made to the Commissioner 'e hence t 80 chains to pvint of commence-| intends to appiy for permission to purchase the chains east, thence 40 chains south to point of | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte on the 20th day of Ma 1911, . a Tribe: ¥ , . | o , i g 320 acres more or less | Islands y y+ . , containing 640 acres more or leas following descri ” Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar commenceme nt, containing acres more ¢ 5 i J f ee JAMES MILLAR JOHNSTON Commencing « . Take notice that 1, Swan Hallen of Stewart, Dated April 21, 1911. MURDOCK McRAE ‘Take notice that George W. Aravtt of Prince (l) Give the names and addresses of i March 24, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt | corner of Lot No. 1733 ou “ Putnam's |B. C., occupation carpenter, intend to apply Pub. May 13. Rupert, B. C., occupation real estate broker, ail : roprietors or licensees Li be: May 17 northeast corner, thence west 40 chains, thence | {or permission to purchase the following described | intends to apply for permission to purchase the| any riparian prop: ‘ um r south 80 chains thence east 40 chains, thence | jands Sk niin "Lena Dikiwict—Distristat Gonet following described lands: ae who or whose lands are likely to be Land District—District of Coast Range & wtp poy ees ‘yaa commencement, con Commencing at a post planted about (5) miles | * oom 2a Ren nt i ; cage iaae aoa eaten 5 om pia Be, on loath affected by the proposed works, either | ous wange & aining ) acre ue . 1) . . > » z © j | 7 vation thot’ I, Chats “A; Veugian’ of | Dusd'March 20 i011.” MRS. LC. PUTMAM | tounnt 200.) iheeso "sy ghains south, thence'80| ‘Take noti ee | from the mouth of Stanly" Creek, Naden Harbor, | above or below the outlet. None, Rupert, B. C., cceupation merehant, intend | Pub. April 15. Geo. R. Putnam Agen | Shaina cast, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 Take notice that 1, Fred Garton, of | thence west 80 chains, thence south 0 chains, | GEORGE YOUNG for permiasion to purchase the following chains west. . Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation far- | thence east 80-chains, thence north 80 chains. } haw ° od Sanen Dated April 18, 1911 SWAN HALLEN sr, intends to apply for permission t Dated Mareb 17, 1911. GEO. "W. ARNOTT | H. Edenshaw, Agent ° a ; ers et PEW os © | Pub. April 22. Numa Demers, Agent | P.O, Box 285, Prince Rupert, B.C. mmencing at a post planted on th out * > > on. : * i Eachumuike River and sbout four miles | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 | Pub. May 18 Francis S. Preston, Agen: | 1urchase the following described lands: , . NoTE—One cubic foot per second is confluence with the Skeens Kiver, thence Take notice that George Levick of Prince Rupert Commencing at a post planted at the | < 4 s i bains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 | B. C., oceupation clerk intends to apply for : . north east corner of surveyed lot 1987 | Skeena Land District —District ey Range 5 equivalent to 35.71 miner’s inches. » weet, then 80 chains south to point of permission to purchase the following described Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar ot Ties 7 wots Take notice that Angus Beaton of Prince Rupert, went encement. containing 640 acres more or les lands Take notice that I, John L. Mitchell of Prince | Range Coast district, thence north 60 | B. C., occupation miner, intends to apply for per- | Pub. April 29, 1911. 4w i911 CHARLES VAUGHAN Commenct post planted on shore of Rupert, B. C., occupation bookkeeper, intend to/ Ghains to a slough; thence west 28 mission to purchase the following described iands: — we east from at et apply lar meee to purchase the following eam Midi Sati ah chine: hence Per ge snag, oo oa planted ee ean — ee a = of mid lake (1 iver hence ; chains jescri 31 jands a 5, & ' Ss, nm A oi, t e° . north, th yout 60 chains east to Lakelse Commencing at ® post planted ebout (5) five| east 28 chains to the point of com- | thence 40 chains south, t about 60 chains LAND LEASE NOTICE ena Land District District o sast Lake, thence meandering said lake shore in a west- miles south and (1) one mile west of the forks of menial east to Lakelse Lake, thence meandering said lake } t mencement. shore in an northeriy direc to point of com- ee | } at I, Mra. John Co ri " erly direction to point of commence nt con- the White and Flat rivers, thence forth 580 chains FRED. GARTON Y P El’. u ¥ + mencement; containing 170 acres, more or less " . * : * Coast Land District—District of Skeena | spation married wor intends | taining 80 acres, more orless. Post matked G. L. thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, 4 S. W. Corner. anes Levick |e ne ae acetate Dated February 26th, 1911 Post marked A. B.. N. © Corn. us akooe on ‘Dist | a post plant sins east org ety phere Por ae Pub May 18. 3 Fools a teaeeton ae First insertion Mar. 11 Pub, Mareh 4.” r 7 4 Take notice that I, Paul Brendler, of | from the southwest corner of ’ j Porcher Island, occupation farmer, in- | t ce south & Skeena Land District— District of Coast. tend to apply for permission to lease OFFICE: ; ‘ haine more 9 ns to the gern gy cone fide so : ‘ T ane Land Dietitians Prederiel Camano T Fag ag ee a cae ia notice shor monn Miller, ot Wennenres: the icone ener ins . mmenecement, eontaining S20 acres Take notice that Mary Heaton Gildersleeve o of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation carpenter, B. C., oecupation real esjate agent intends to sei tke ceavchene tie 7 ing eins Sued cam of - 1301 Sea | Cor Centre St. and First Ave. Victoria, B. C., oecupation housekeeper, intendr to apply for permission to purchase the following ntends to apply for permission to purchase the apply for permission to purchase the following | jands : : i C : described lands following described lands described lands sce d ain an sf Commencing g@t a post planted about 1 chain| land, thence in a southerly direction Commencing at a post planted at the southwest Commencing at a post planted about three “ew at ope o es. eugene ea from tidewater. at the head of L ombe Bay. and | following high water mark 1200 fect; corner of Lot 996, Range Coast Distriet,thence | mijes south of the forks of the White and Fiat en No 1733 So deed Glens” pundctine eet | marked J.M.’s N.E. corner, thence west 80 chains, thence west to low water mark; thence 80 chains south thence 40 chains east, thence 80 | rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 - | thence south 80 chains, the east 80 chains, ° : west corner, thence south 40 chains, thence east | thence north 80 chains, to point of commence- | northerly following low water mark i. ¥ oe : chains north, thence 40 chains west to point ef | chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 ; . 7 . vis’ 4 Lak See Dinstat st C out, Rane & resumes neement, containing 820 acres more or less Co 80 chains, thence nore 40 chains, thence west | ent, containing 640 acres more or less. 5 1200 feet; thence east to point of com- F M DA AT DA t nat Mary Bel! Beaton | Vancou KRY BEATON GILDERSLEEVE WILLIAM FREDERICK CAMERON, 82 ¢hains to post of commencement, containing JOHN MILLER, aanenniaast: |\he ° BOAT HOUSE I ya ; ; General Machine Shop and Ship’s BS. C., occupation spinster, intends to apply Si ’ ot e 1¢ 320 acres more or less. ted fe 1) arle 3. Ss A t rated Apri 17, 1911 Dated April 18, 18 Dated March 20, 1911, GLENN McARTHUR | Dated lst Feb., 1811 Charles Be PAUL BRENDLER, C ntering. Also agents for Fair- rinission to purchase the following described ‘ : >, oe ub b. 25 | Pub. May 6 Pub, May 138. Francis S. Preston, Agent Pub. April 15. T.D, Laird, Agen Pub. Feb. 26 Dated March 7, 1911. of Lot 3980, thence about 30 chains | sKeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Range 6 : | banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline : . Take notice that Sydney Hodgkinson of Tele- | Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- ; LAND PURCHASE NOTICES na Land Distriet—-District of Cassiar tice that 1, Percy Francis Godenrath Bb occupa 1 journalist ,intend to permission to purchase the following and e Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. rc | | | | I | Lakelse Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. nission to pur JOHN (Lottie) CORLEY mencing at a post planted at the north fC | First insertion March 11 Stikine Land Distriet—Dstrict of Cassiar irst insertion 5 ‘o Lot 172%, thence BO chaine west t Lot Take notice Alexander itosh of Van Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar 2 4 Silas ao He thence about 80 chains south to Lot 3981, vane " occupation real estate broker Take notice that 1, Alfred Kyte of Prince Ru- ee ane ees J pe cet Benge § graph Creek, B. C., occupation clerk, intends to € — 10 chains east, thenee 20 chains south to intends to apply for permission to purchase the | pert, B. C., eccupation electrician, intend to! nupert Hie ee upat on blacksm th, intend to | 8PPly for permission to purchase the following oc inne Ttatatean naenialameanaioas cessories carried in stock. *, thence 20 chains east, thenee 20 chains y described lands apply for permission te purchase the following . a - , . >| described land Ske — : thenee 20 Peres nnpline: to point of com- ne 5 z ae planted 40 chains south dnssihed Mena ; apply bet i erm ssion to purchase the following | © C SaIrneneinE at a post planted about a quarter sheets shat See &. Tele ae eee Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf a a " “4 pwd , am 995, thene PNcing rm , 3 . » no lacier R 2 2 , occupation . thee ate Bh “an Ge See 4g from the » ee ene < my rene soeeee a0 " onan ae oe panied oe oo Commencing at 3 st planted about three and gille north oe i: Rite see 0 tne sear ee tae to ey the following = rs 14 i911 { MARY i: LL BEATON =. pores Sind aot ae f rivors, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains | 0" half miles d stant in @ south westerly direction DAES O° © h 4 " ; the est 20 hair ; scribed foreshore TF ois j t tLL c h rth, thence : ns east to point o ivors, vence uins sc . from a blind slough from Observatory Iniet where thence north 40 chains, thence w 20 chains c haa spr PO EN PHONIC TES a t containing acres more or less east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains the same touches the Indan Reserve, thence west | thence south 40 chains to point of commencement ore neos s ‘ post : ne N.W. © : 1911 west 80 chains, thence south 80 cha ns, thence east 80 | 894 containing 80 acres more or‘less. ner of lot ~ ae om. west ° ow noser mer i NION S S COMPANY OF B C td ALEXANDER MeINTOSH | Dated April 18, 1911 ALFRED KYTE Soca th 80 cha ns to po nt of com- | Pated Feb. 11, 1911. Sice thence south along low water mar chains .U, . U. al : eaten “Snanen OOF S00 SS SO PR Ae eae SYDNEY HODGKINSON more or less, thence east to S.W. corner of lot | ’ 5 1802, thence north along high water mark (being ! ra the westerly boundary of lot 1302) 25 chains more | District of Cassiar or less to point of commencement and containing | all foreshore in front of lot 1302. | The new steel Passenger Steamer | pa Land Mistriet Distriet of Queen Chariotte | py) ay Pub. May 18 Francis 8. Preston, Agent | mencement, con aining 640 acres more or less. : a. Dated Apr | 14, 1911 J. HAROLD MecKEAN | Pub. April 7. Siands © notice that Geo, H. Laux of Prince Rupert ‘ ' . oven ‘ ine n and District-—District of Coast Range ¢ : ; 0 So ant poset Pees pre ibed “Take . ri ti e that 1 LauechJan John Shanahan of Skeena Land District— District of Coast Stikine Land District , _ 4 me 0 PC See ee hart i “¢ , ache rte ° , rillis y ; Take notice that Christian A. Tervo Stikine } Vietoria, B. ¢ oceupation teacher, intend t Take notice that |, William Anderson, of Van- Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Cassiar : o ; . 3EVERIN ALE NBDE D | for permission to purchase the following | couver, B.C., occupation clerk, invends to apply Take notice that [, Alice M. Knouse of Prince ; c cupation ensigns oftenr, insane te apply ee EXANDER TALLENDER and one mile south from the moutt, | described lanc senha i t uth | 2 sxrmission to purchase the following desorib- | Rupert, B. C., occupation married woman, intend | [OF permission to purchase the following described Bah March 18. j ver at a post planted 65 chains south a ; ation rai ; : . | y reek, Naden Harbor, thence south 80 Comn nein s oe ae Lot 8060, thenee 40 ed land ee aa ae . up oy fer p srmission to purehase the following Commencing at & post planted about 18 chains henee west 40 chains, sthenee north 80 | from the se Commencing at a post f - | deseribed lands n f 4 okal , ‘Stukii | 0c : chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence 40° 4 northwest corner, and about 1 mile fr Ale e north west of the customs warehouse at Stikine, Na coat iets iE ; wrth, thence 40 chains east to point of | sider Buchan northern boundary li t Commencing at a post planted about two miles B. C., chence west 20 chains, thence soutt 20 Skeena Land [ ‘istrict—District of Coast 17, 1911 _ GEO, ii, LAUX j Tmeneement, eontaining 160 acres more or leas. ae ap chains, thence east 80 chains ence | #0uth_and two miles west of the forks o: White | chains, thenee east 20 chains, thenee north 20 ake notice that William Munford {Prince | Numa Demers, Agent LAUCHLAN JOHN SHANAHAN | 5th go ob thence west 80 chains, to point of | 22° Flat rivers, thenee north 80 chains, thence | chains to point of commencement ana containing Rupert, B. C., occupation prospector, intends | re att north t one te — taining 640 ee lowe, | 2st 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence | 49 acres more or less. to apply for permission to on the ‘folowing | boone Sinise Wuacelt SUMMA Gene sy pened A . i $ commencement, cc “WILLIAM ANDERSON west su chains : iar aia eas Dated Feb. 13, 1913. CHRISTIAN A, TERVO described lunda: xe notice ¥ tet pei! Pp, ee ‘eb. 1911 Charles B. Stark, Agent | 2ated April 20, 1911 _ ALICE M. KNOUGE | pub. Apri 7 Commencing at @ post planted about 100 chains | that | Boleom MeDonald of Prince _ | Dated ist Feb. 19 narles B, Stark, Agent | pup) May 18 Francis S. Preston, Agent h of the Ta an © on aide of rt, B.C,, oceupation laborer, intends to ap Skeena Land District District of Coast Kange 6 | Pub, Feb. 26 | % : ea , t SOUL of the dian Reserv: the east : ol or permission to purchase the following de | ~ eens notice that Lettie MeTavish of Vancouver, | , Skeena Land District District of Seadiar, Goose Bay and oo Se net side of the peninsula, R s lands thy occupation married woman, intends to | | isis Ate a i : Take notice that nee somes Welsh —3 ou thence ante SO el oe none aacan, Shane = Prince upert every unday mmencing ata post planted three and one- "' rmission to purchase the following ‘ ‘. F Skeena Land District istrict of Cassiar ecouver, occupation broker, intends to apply fe 40 chains to Goose Bay, thence nort jong shore m in an easterly direction from the point | - ply. tor pan | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that I, Sydney Fitzgerald of Stewart, | permission to purchase the following deseribed 80 chains, thence west 40 chains more or less to at 9 a.m. for Vancouver bas River where the Lava Like rail a described lands t st planted at the north- Take notice that Frank Leviek of Woodstock, | B. C,, occupation cook, intend to apply for per- | lands: ost, containing 320 acres more or less. ss 6 ? one mile in a § athe i i tio [ we Commencing * a per F and 20 chains north Ont, occupation bookkeeper, intends to apply | mission to purchase the following desertbed lands Commencing at a post planted three and ene- | Dated Mareh 8, 1911. WILLIAM MUNFORD arriving Monday afternoon. BLave Lake © sit er n from the | west corner 100 chains ne ro Harvey's for permiasion to purchase the following described Commencing at 2 post planted about five mile | half miles in an easterly direction from the point Pub, April 15. . west 80 chains, thence south #0 Selon | from Bae ae a iatrlet Range nce 20 chains | /an Ve ae = easith and one mile af the forks of nie on Naas sivas where ne Lava Laie frail, oom } s be ¢ sha * | ourvey, Vous ™ es : : Commencing at a post planted about seven | and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence | mencés near the trail, thence east eighty chains, : as . aanetnant. | 7 a a ) ; < chains to point of commencement | south, uhenes 80 chain cast shennan 7 one miles west and two miles south of the mouth of | west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence | thence south 80 cbains, thence rent 80 chains, Skoona Land District—Distriet << (cast For Stewart City on arrival Feb. 8, 29 } 4 5 north, thenee . ae . vn. | Stanley Creek where it empties into aden | east 80 chains thence north 80 chains to point of commencement : nat that Otis J. Benson of Prince ida ah BOLOOM McDONALD | south, thence 40 chains west to post of commen | Taito, Graham Island, thence 80 chains south, | Dated April 18, 1911, SYDNEY FITZGERALD | containing 640 acres more or less, oe et ae Doe Steiner intends from Vancouver Fri y Joseph Belway, Arent | convent, containing 400 acres min Ot Wt. vise | thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, | Pub, May 13, Francis S. Preston, Agent | Date Feb. 8, 1911 ARTHUR JAMES WELCH | apply for permission to lease the following described ight Dated May 2, 1911 1A a mete thence 80 chains west to point of commencement | Pub. Mar. 10 Joseph Belway, Agent jands: | nig . Commeneing at a post planted about a ouarter ne Land District-—District of Cassiar Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bohler, Agent | ong contaning 640 acres more or less. oa i ; ; notice that 1, James Webster Esplin of | * eet Dated Mareh 17, ivi. FRANK LBEVICK Skeena Land District —District of Cassiar Skeena Land District— District of Coast tc inte "trans the perth’ west corner of Gibeon hb. d | Vv rt, B.C, occupation auctioneer, intend to} Skeena Land District—District of Coast Kange © | Pub: Aprit 7, Numa Demers, Agen Take notice that 1, John Robert Pacey of Prince| Take notice that I, Alexander Buchan, of and on the said Gibson Island, thence south 40 | Nort oun eaves ancou- ; r h. of Vancouver | Take n aa . \ Isi: p F for permission to purchase the following Take notice that Grace ae Ta eh 9 oer Rupert, B. C., occupation fork, intens 2 apply Vancouver, B.C,, occupation eaten tyhaone to gehains, spenee east * shai, nee pores 40 | ver Wednesdays at 9 p m. ~ | B. C,, oeeupation married woman, i ait a é , . { ssion to purchase the following deseribe ion to purchase the following | chains, thence west 20 chains to point of com- le a post planted on the right | for eee to purchase the following described | Skeena Land District—Distriect of Coast Lon eerer . described landa: | mencement, containing 80 #eres more or less . | aas river about ne miles above | lands | Take notice that Fred W. Bohbler of Kitsum- | Commencing at a post planted (2) two miles Commencing a post planted and marked A.B.’ OTIS J. BENSON. | of the Naas river, thence aouth 80 chains, | Commencing at a post planted at the southwes' | Kalum, oceupation farmer, intends to apply for| | )"Uhd 2) two miles west of the forks of the|S.E. corner, and adjoining posts marked J.M.’s | Dated 29thMareh, 1911 : FEF 00 30 ichaing. thenea north 80 chains, eorner 100 chains ewst am ai t eee a —— to puschane the Sellewiag described White and Plat rivers, thence south 80 chains | N.E corner and P.R.'s S.E. qoeners Shente west Steerage are . ve east 80 chains to point of commencement, | the northeast corner of Lot 6, Harvey s Survey, | lands: thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, | 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 ; Distri | : . : . a P . < 5 . * 3 District of Coast ! ining 640 acres » ~ ; District, Range 6, thence 40 chains east, Commencing at a post planted at the north See ce ) et , sh thene uth 80 chains to point af com: _ Skeena Land Distriet r : eS ogee or OE sete PARLIN coan 7 < ee, thence 40 chains west, | east corner of A. McLeod's pre-emption, thence ans xen an ne JOHN ROBERT PACEY ee ee 640 ane a ‘or lena. Take notice that Hume Babington of Prince The ‘““Gamosun ’’ is the onl steame 1 March 24, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt | th 80 chains south to post of commencement | 20 chains south, thence 10 chains east, thenee 20 Pub, May 13. Franc 8 8. Preston, Agen ALEXANDER BUCHAN, Rupert, B. C., occupation mentor paciaet, tae on the run having water- ight bulk- May 17 | containing 320 acres more or less | ehains north, thence 10 chains west to post of Dated Ist Feb,, 191) Charles H. Allen, Agent to apply for permission to lease the owing = head: d double botte: th | Dazed May 2, 1911 GRACE McTAVISH | commencement containing 20 agres more or less. | | ‘pub Feb. 2h described lands: nd eads and double m, thus en | Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bohler, Agent | Dated April 10, 1911. FRIEDRICH W, BOHLER | | ; : goes 3 Commencing at @ post planted about 100 chains suri safety of passengers in case | 2 or Pub. April 22 Fred Hampton, Agent | Skeena Land ‘Distriet—District of Coast Range 5) ; sn ‘Cheri alt south of the Indian Reserve ou the vast side of of collision or wreck f Const Range 5 Take notce ‘that 1, Martha Leek, of Frince Sheena Land Distriet-— Lustrict of Queen Charlotte | Goose Bay on the east side of the Peninsula thence me Slnons Land District ek Hick sof Port ie ‘ , Range 6 Rupert, B. C., oceupaton marred woman intend | Take notice that Catherine Harrison, ¢ aa north 100 chains along shore to the Reserve line, ohm notice oat i, prans on a eee Bkeona Land Distwies slate ot Coot Renee $ 40 apply, aes pe rmission to purchase the following Alberts, see ahs iieeles eae thence west 60 chains more oe lems to Goose Bay, sington, oceupation erchy a . 7 Take notice that |, y * | deseribed lands: or pe ; pac! 5 hains ng shore, thence east } far permission to purchase the follov ing deseribel) Jo) C. oecupation miner, Intend to apply Commencing at a post planted about three and | lands Sin pace — ie eee containing 640 acres | J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. (or permission to purchase the following deseribed | one-half miles distant in a southwesterly direction Commencing 8 pest planted seat 6 a8 snare op \ean. | of the N river nee : | lands from a blind slough from Observatory Lnle: where | miles west and half a mile south from the mouth ‘eh 8, 1911. HUME BABINGTON | ~- -—— ai ee Weet a0 thalee ‘akon ba tg a spaiPte bank of the Exchumsiks River and aout sou Commencing at @ post planted near the south- | the same touches the Ind an Reserve, thence east | of Stanley ( reek, where it empties into Naden | at » | : ‘ M+ | miles fram its confluence with the Skeena River, | \ oc comer of Lot 992, Range 5, Coast District | 30 chains, thenee south 80 cha ns, thence west 8 | Harbor, Graham Island, thence 40 chains soutb P cee east 80 eb son nceme: : ns 3 i hining G40 Saree eee commencement, | thonce 80 ¢hains west, ther ce 50 ane nore. thence west 40 chains, thence south 60 chains, | chains, thence north 80 ehuns to point of com-| thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains north, | ———————— <== = = | as bel March 26, 1911. CHARLES F, METCALF | thence WO chains enst, thence eee B40 acres | thence gut 40 ehains,