THE DAILY NEWS ———__—_—- ———— eral Booth---Leader of I Men (Colonial Press Sate London, May 19.—General Boo- th, who attained his 82nd _ birth- day on Monday, April 10, assured an interviewer at his Hadley Wood home, that regarded health, he was gradually creeping back to his old co.dition and vigor. He hoped to have the impediment on his other eye removed, and then to be largely himslef again. The General's plans include vis- its to Norway, Sweden, Denmark as Finland, possibly St. Petersburg, and to Canada and the United States. Speaking of his schemes for reforming criminals in Great Brit- ain he said Mr. Churchill seemed afraid to go right over to his views, and modifications had been rendered necessary, but the Sal- vation Army was still at work. General Booth The only physical trouble of the aged leader of the Army is occasioned by the almost entire loss of sight, which has proceeded from the growth of cataract, but notwithstanding this drawback, which is naturally very serious to a man of active temperament, the amount of work he can still undertake, both at his desk and on the public platform is sur- prising. Activity is the soul of his ex- istence. Those who know jim most intimately are aw-re that, despite his fourscore years, he delights in a long day's’ engage- ments, and probably never has he manifested keener interest in the welfare of the organization that he established and now con- trols. Its success fills him with the keenest satisfaction, and he is always anxious to extend its \n- fluence. Fortunately for him, he receives the unstinted support of his son, Mr. Bramwell Booth, who is chief of the Army staff. Only thirty-three years have elapsed since the Salvation Army first came into being. A grand picturesque figure, a dominant personality, a great “human,”’ and an intense religious force are em- bodied in the patriarchal General, who received on his birthday the congratulations of tens of thousands of his followers. He is now in England at his home at Hadley Wood, but after the Social Congress of the Sal- vation Army he has arranged to go*abroad. WHAT $39. 50 coy ‘DO. A Household Supplied Direct From the Looms. Four Kitchen Rubbers. Two Roller Towels. Six Dusters. Two Pudding Cloths. Three Dish Cloths One pair Double Bed Blankets, One Under Blanket. One pair Single Bed Blankets, One Under Blanket. One Large White Quilt. One Single Bed Quilt. One pair Servants’ Blankets. One Under Blanket. One Colored Quilt. Two White Toilet Covers. One Servants’Toilet Cover. Two Damask Cloths, 2 by 2 yards. One Damask Cloth, 2 by 2 1-2 yds. 6 Dinner Napkins. Two Tray Cloths. One Damask Sideboard Cloth. Two Kitchen Table Cloths. 2 pr. Cotton Sheets, 2 1-2 by 3 yds. 2 pr. Cotton Sheets, 2 by 3 yds. Six Cotton Piilow Covers. Two pair Servants’ Strong Sheets, Two Servants’ Pillow Covers. Six Linen Bedroom Towels. Three Servants’ Towels. Three White Bath Towels. ‘Four Glass Cloths, Four Tea Cloths, This complete package of thoroughly reliable goods sent on receipt of above. -: Carriage Paid to Canadian Ocean Port, Montreal or Halifax. :- Walpoles IRISH LINENS 44F Bedford Street, BELFAST, IRELAND Illustrated Catalogue on receipt of postcard to Walpoles, 173 Huron St. Toronto | sia To Lease | | Lots Block Section | 22, 28, 24, 26 8 1 } 17 18 1 | 31 i 14 35 1 | 1;s 14 6 Limited, | Second Ave.. Prince Rupert, B.C. “T THE IR OQUOIS | POOL Twelve Tables SEconD AVE Windsor Hotel FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS ROBT. ASHLAND P.O. BOX 37 A Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street Hotel Central European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. $ 3 : Peter Black - - Proprietor New Knox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, The New Knox Hotel is run on the European lan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern mprov-ments. BEDS Sc UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT “Grand Hotel. WORKINGMAN’S HOME Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25¢ Rooms 50c BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY ji. GOODMAN, Proprietor PROPRIETORS VICTORIA CAFE Lunch and Meals atall hours; Lunch l5c, Meals 25c up—Come and See YOU CAN GET A SQUARE MEAL ANY TIME PAI Lt tt terme teres re HE Re +++ mene x | LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise — Ns Larges Stock —- icidierenemmaceronnneedani ! Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. Brennen ewe egg ee WE HAVE BUYERS FOR LOTS IN . } STEWART Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers, Prince Rupert and Stewart, B. C. Agents for Stewart Land Company, Limited PVD AL AA NL PAL OA NA FOR SALE Two Box Ball Alleys, 42 feet long; Wall case and counter, chairs, card tables, etc. $200 takes the outfit for quick sale. Apply H. E. ROSS, Empress Hotel Pool Room Third Avenue Prince Rupert WANTED A local representative is wanted for a territory tributary to Prince Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- gated nursery stock grown by the Oregon Nursery Company, Cren- co, Oregon. Liberal terms, Party must come well recommended. perme meres ADDRESS rmsrmer meres Oregon Nursery Company Orenco - Oregon ll i tp tp i i he EMPLOYMENT OFFICE =: FREE For all kinds of help, cooks, waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- ters, all kinds of laborers or me- chanics, call up Phone No. 178 or call at the Grand Hotel Free Employment Office { Headquarters for cooks & waiters Ft tate ps ps sess ve eT ai ROGERS & BLACK WHOLESALE DEALERS IN— | Building Material, Cement, Lim Hair-fibre Plaster, Coke, i saniabasne| Coal, Common Brick, Pressed Brick Shingles, Lath, New Wellington Coal | ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED See Us for Prices. . Phone No. 116 FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone No. 200 P. O. Box 580 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sboda Adobo boo S SSS SST T ST TT TTT. + + + + : McCUTCHEON + , _ + + , @ Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special > + attention paid to filling preseriptions. d + 4 # Theatre Block Puons No. 79 Second Ave. 3 + 4 SSSSSoSSSSbSLELELdbbbdD LINDSAY'S “Storace G. T. P. Ordere promptly filled, OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St fer Agents Prices reasonable Phone @& Reilly’s Bakery Lunch Empress Theatre Basement Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th Street ( ee tari is MONROE vA Wee Tie ba Ory Ve a dee) 4) = =E. EBY © Co. RFAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM bd NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. H. MORTON, Secretary. F. W. HART UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER STOCK COMPLETE Little’ s NEWS Agency. Newspapers FRUITS Magazines :; Periodicals ;: CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: G.T.P. WHARF FOR SALE ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ELECTRIC WIRING BOTH PRIVATE AND BUSINESS HOUSES IN Work performed by experts only. A first class job is guaranteed in every instance. A large stock of Chandeliers and Fittings carried. H. W. Blakely - Electrican Third Ave, » . Near Sixth Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, Section 1. $3000, 25 per cent, cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, 7 per cent, GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C, BOWLING 4 Alieys, 7 Tables. BILLIARDS and POOL A good exer- Ladies every Newman Block, be- cise. Aclean sport, afternoon. tween 6th and 7th Sts. TED MORRISON, Proprietor and Manager Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. | G. 8. JOHNSTONE, N.G. | ~| 1 shall not hear the night wind sigh; soe om remem | = THE COSY CORNER = } DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN | cvs os os ~—) This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted | to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug: | gestions arid criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The | Cosy Cerner” will fill a social need. st | Wilson, a pretty American girl | | who has just completed a tour of The tea given by the Women’ s| the world, during which she travel- . > : é 0 es. She should |Aid of the General Hospital, at led 40,001 mil a therefore, be in a position to speak «the residence of Mrs. H. L. John- }ston, on Thursday afternoon, was| - ‘i } she explained, ‘'l jan unqué alified success from both | Paris, oO ‘ 5 a social and financial point of |} ad letters t | view. Mre. D. Gs Stewart all that, but most of the time ‘ . s : and it |Mrs. Charles Eggert poured tea|* ¥“ a « , oO |at a polished table, prettily deco- jmy belief that a woman can g rated with centre bowl and sprays |‘ anywhere in the wold these days knows how to behave | | SOCIAL AND PERSONAL with authority. “Of course,” people in and | and alone, is only lof asparagus berry and bright with | if she the gleam of silver and burnished | | herself lbrass. Mrs. W. S. Benson, Mrs.| “I think 4a woman should behave | William Manson, Mrs. Lamont,|as nearly as possible like a man, and Miss Pinder assisted Mrs.|I mean she should conduct herself Johnston, while a bevy of pretty|with the reserve of a gentleman young girls, Katherine Pillsbury,|! am sure I can not see why a Katherine Johnston, Genevieve | woman should not make acquain- MacDonald, Madeline Nelson, in| tances on a voyage any more than nurses attire served the guests.}4 man, however If she is not The sum of thirty dollars and fifty | old enough to use discretion, then cents was contributed, together |she should not be travelling alone. with a large number of favorite and valuable recipes, which will) THE ADVANCE OF WOMEN be published in book form and} sold in order to swell the funds} Young Lady Lawyer at Vancou- of the ver Supreme Court tributed a number of instrumental selections which added greatly to} the of the Among those noticed present were society. Miss Froud con- The other morning the members pleasure aiternoon.|of the legal fraternity at Supreme Court chambers ir Vencouver were ‘ . . le Burritt, Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. Pills-}in the land, who appeared for the bury, Mrs. Tremayne, Miss Mer- | first time in the law courts of this cer, Miss Pinder, Miss Martin, | city | Miss Milligan, Miss Johr ston, Miss| Miss French was called to the Nebar; Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. |bar in New Brunswick a year or Morris, Miss Brown, Miss Easson,}so ago, and after remaining there Mrs, William Manson, Mrs, Eg- startled by the appearance of gert, Mrs. D. G. Stewart, Mrs. W.! young lady seated at the table S. Benson, Mrs. Lamont, Mrs.|where heretofore only male per- Anderson, Mrs. Reddie, Mrs. Lock- | sonages who follow the twists and hart, Mrs. J: V. Austen, Mrs.|turns of the lew have been al Lailey, Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Bon-|lowed. It was Miss Mabel French, deau, Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Mehan,| a fullfledged lawyer, able to argue Mrs. Vicars, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs.|cases before the highest court | Double Weekly Sen Senin S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and 5.S. PRINCE For Stewart, Sundays, 8.00 4 i For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays and Fridays a 8 am, | ss. Prince Albert 80n, Naas Riv: Naden Harbo; h. rite day, 1,00 p.n Medes and for: Refuge Bay $ Charlotte City, | re Nueeg | cofi, Jedway : 4 Pe Harbor and + ‘etl Charlotte Cit © teg 1.00 p.m > vUrday The Graad Trunk nan System connecting with tra coast operates a freq lent service of luxu: 4 double track routs t ( Toronto, Montreal, & | Portland, Boston, New Yor | delphia, Informati a af tainabie from the office aaa tioned, Trans-Atlanti bel lines arranged A. E. McMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSE) ER AGENT Canadian Pacific Railway SSS CANADIAN SUMMER EXCURSIONS » THATS PRINCE RUPERT JG McNab General Age Coast to Coast OCEAN TO OCEAN Tickets To All Points ROGERS’ Steams!ap and Railway Agency Second Ave. P} Groceries Provisions Fruits Vegetables 2nd and McBride Telephone No 187 a ' Bao : . :! Mrs. Williams, Mrs. McClymont|for a short time came to Vancou- the and i She has been in about six months, | nected with the firm of Russell, city Mrs. pear: Alex Manson and Mrs. Beck- | ver for con- Mr. Leith, Inspector of Public| Russell & Hannington. ileft on the Princess May last | Last year the Woman's Uni Baa . e : 7 }night for Port Simpson. versity club made at attempt | - }to secure admitatnce to the bar | Miss DesBarres entertained in-| for lawyers of the gentler sex, but |were unsuccessful. Since that noth jing been about the . | matter, and it is unlikely that Miss Mrs. Fisher is the guest of Miss| French will be allowed to practise. | DesBarres, during the absence of | iformally at the tea hour on Wed- |nesday afternoon. has done Mr. Fisher in Hazelton, Mr. Des- ADVERTISE IN THE | Barres is in Vancouver. NEWS ¥ | Mr. Joe Tweedie left yes- Fruit : Produce : Feed| | terday morning On a business trip : ; | to Hazelton and Houston. WHOLESALE eee —S ee | IN AFER R DAYS H. H. Morton - 3rd Ave, In after days iia n grasses high O’ertop the stone where I shall lie, | Tn ner Though ill or well the worid adjust ; | My slender claim to honor’d dust | Fr shall not question nor reply. "Royal Hotel Cor, Third Avenue and Sixth St. I shall not see the morning sky; ape emoet Boome, and steam heated. Hot and cold baths, Dining room and men must restaurant I shall be mute as all In after days! Corley | & Burgess, Props i ~~? But yet, now living, fain would | That some one then would testify, Saying, ‘‘He held his pen in trust To art, not serving shame or lust,”’ Will none?—then let my memory die In after days! ~~Arthur Dobson -INLANDER .-.- FOR... HAZELTON 5.5. ROUND WORLD ALL BY HER- SELF Miss Jennie Wilson Says a Girl Is Quite Safe Alone Take the fast light-draught steam- er Inlander for Hazelton, H. B. Rochester ‘ © ' ; A lone girl ig safe anywhere in SO SCUITS STALKER & WELLS j We have just large shir Christie’ $ Over 100 differ —ee W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and | Over Weastenhaver | MUNRO & LA Architect Stork Building, 5« STUART & STEN ACCOUNTANTS N Law-Butler Building we 2 Prince Rupert , ‘ | ALFRED CARSS, c. Y a of British Columbia oa and Manitoba Bars CARSS & BENNI IT BARRISTERS, NOTA ET d Office~: Exchange block, corne avenut ' | Sixth street. Prine | WM. 8. HALL, L.D.5., 2.2 DENTIS1 : ’ ty Crown and Bridge Wor! re All dental operations skilfu ae loca! anasthetics administered pe (ele traction of teeth. Consultat . y | Helgerson Block, Prince Rupe HANDASYDE <& HUR'9 nee AGENTS FOR STEEL, ™* vee «AND CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 436 - Office 3ri and Ful P.O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPE JOHN E. DA VEY TEACHER OF SINGING “son 88 PUPIL OF WM, FOXON, ¥8Q., 4.84" GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY s COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS PES? SIXTH STREET — prince SU j ik AD Alax.M.Manson p.a., WE. Williayas,8-A»! WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ¢ Box BO 285 Prince Rupert the world, So says Mis» Jennie Agent