apelin ee ees THE DAILY NEWS WANTED Of $8,000 sent me by a British client to invest in Seec- tion 2 at the recent sale, I have left over the sum of $3,536, and have been advised by this mail that instead of returning this balance to invest in other parts of the city. If you have property for sale and wish all your eash eall, with particulars, on Thomas McClymont 3rd Ave., Opp. Bank of Montreal { 0 es ts es es es | | i —~THERE ARE NO = “DEAD ONES” Bh ere sree ere For Rent FOR SALE About three hundred acres of first rate Sand and Gravel Deposits, on land near to Prince Rupert in large or small tracts. Big a. - clay close by. . . W. Warner Drexel Block IN CIGAR J. HIRSCH & SONS Limited, MONTREAL. eo C. P.R’S TWENTY MILLIONS — READY TO RIVAL THE 6. T. P. VICE PRESIDENT BURY OF THE PIONEER TRANSCONTINENT- AL HAS SCHEME FOR C. P. R. DEVELOPMENT IN THE WEST, ESPECIALLY AT VANCOUVER AND ON VANCOUVER ISLAND. couver. Additional tracks Winnipeg, Jan. 27.—Vice Presi-|being laid at every terminal and dent Bury of the CG. P. R. has re-jother facilities provided. Special- turned from the east with mil-|ly important work will be done at lions for development in the|Fort Williams and Vancouver. west. At the head of the lake new docks “I stated in Montreal,” he says,}will be built for handling “that the appropriations for 1912 Mr. Bury stated that the yard were in excess of twenty millions, capacity eruVanvouver would “be and that all [ am able to say} jpractically doubled. Regarding at the present time. We will have!the larger scheme for a new sta- more money this year than we/tjon at Vancouver, he said that will be able to spend, and we willl the plans were not yet completed, have a very busy year. |but would shortly be announced, In addition to the of| Extensions are to be made to the building a lot of new bet-|C. P. R. hotels at Vancouver and terments will be Victoria. Large terminals will be from Fort constructed at Coquitlam, (Special to Daily News.) are steel. 1s work lines, made on the Williams to Sys-| tem Van-| LOCAL JOTTINGS. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE 5 pieces ina mod-| Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar, | Take notice that I, James T, Fullerton, |} of Vancouver, B. | Ing student, | to purchase fancy | Commencing at a post planted 52 chains . | east of Naas River and 40 chains south ef tf | pre-emption ho, 397 (SEC), thence 40 | chains horth, thence 24 chains west, thence | | 40 chains south, following the Naas River; can’t get mad| thence 52 chains east to point of com- | mencement; containing 160 acres, more licked before lor less, J. T. FULLERTON, R. H, Stewart, Agent. Ruperts Dec, 11, 1911. There are 17 ern watch. intend to apply for permission & Wells butter, for pound, Stalker creamery i0c The man who has his opponent the scrap begins, Dated Pub. Sree Dec, Shrubsall’s Market. Cowichan eggs, 60 cents dozen. Skeena Land DE tict-< Diatict of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that I, Abraham H. Barber, of Prince Kupert, B. C,., occupation miner, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at southwest corner of @ small island about twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2) chains east of the northwest corner of Lot 1323, Range 5, Coast District, Porcher Island, thence following the shore line in Demers returned to thelg portheasterty | direction toons twent : Ye (20) chains to the north end of the island, on the Camosun. thence ip a southwesterly direction along Caiplativntbarhiais the shore line about twenty (20) chains oO B 1 Cc snceme B trouble with a crank to the point of commencement, being an never turns himself. per 2t Union will Saturday it and Waiters’ 8:30 this Cooks’ meet at evening. Mrs. E. city today The that 1S | island containing about forty (40) acres, more or less, ABBARAM H, BARBER, Dated Dec. 6th, 1941 Pub, Dec, 13, he Boiled potatoes are better than soap for cleaning hands blacken- ed by contact with kitchen uten- sils. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that Angus James McKenzie of Vancouver, B, C., occupation bookkeeper, intednns to f sappy, te for permission to purchase the following lands: Commencing at a post planted at the con- fluence of Blackwater river with Naas river, about two miles south from the sixth Pominiog Telegraph cabin. Post marked A J. M. W. Corner, thence 80 chains south, thence Py chains east thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or ANGUS JAMES McKENZIE Dated foot, 3, 1911. Pub. No When you hat blow off, own tight another fellow’s yank your you begin to see always on before laugh. Valuable Residential Property. On Saturday next at 2:30 p. m. the spot, Mr. Frank A. Ellis will sell by public auction splen- did view property, Fourth avenue and Dunsmuir street, also choice vacant lot, Fifth avenue, without See handbills, At Skeena on Take notice that 1 apun Argiraclis, car- penter, of Victoria, intend to apply or describe Comm and one-half miles northeast intake of Trout River, on the of Lakelse | back from t Waterfront, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north #6 ‘cha bes thence east 80 chains wo point of commencement, containing 640 acres, more or less. JOHN ARGIRACLIS. Fred E, Cowell, Agent, gt 1011. from the} west side reserve, LAND PURCHASE NOTICE. Dated Oct, Pub. Dec, Skeena Land District—District Range 5. Take notice that I, Dagobert Auriol, Nanaimo, B. C., oecupgtion miuer, to apply for permission to following described lands; Commencing at @ post planted at the Southeast corner of Lot 4484. thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160 acres, more or less 4 DAGOBERT AURIOL, Fred E. Cowell, Agent. H. Date Nov. 10th, 1011, Dated Oct. 31, 1011 Pub. Dec, 9. Pub, Dec, 14, of Coast, Skeena Land District—District of Cassilar. Take notice that Frank Furey, of Seattle, Wash. oOccupai.cs cuainman, ‘intends |} apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted miles east of the Naas River and abou seven miles north of Alyansh, thence nook | elghty chains, east eighty chains, south eighty chains, of commencement, of intend purchase the FRANK FURRY, P. Rutter, Agent. epee cee a 1 sap ESE FLARE ERE ahs ks Me ee? — C,, occupation engineer- | | Male - ANNUAL MEETING _ OF HOSPITAL (=~ * - Wallace, Oontinied from from Page 1. eo need ie olla “tT iScott, E, V. Bennett, Cyril H. Insurance }Orme, EF, L. Fisher and O. H. Ne]= | Qe mesrmsomsetnsomspmnsrmmermmarmmarees | son. i OUR Companies. sre noted for prompt and just | There were seve g 48 ace settlements. ‘e write every known class © ee eee Ti Me : . Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. jin nomination, name ys Messrs, . Bennett, Thompson, | Stewart, ] | Kirkpatrick, Nelson, MeRae and { Cen- at fa ac ae over Wallace's. apartments Ap- str FOR RENT Suitable ply H. 8 Two rooms, omces or Wanted iScott, the first five being elected jand all making speec hes expres- jsive of their deep interest in the work and their pleasure of be- ing again returned to office. All ijwith the exception of ex-Alder- }man Kirkpatrick, who is on a trip to the outside. He was not a |member of the last board, but was the first president the, hos- pital ever had, and warm praise was tendered to him in that con- ) nection, Special WANTED—Two waitresses at Hotel tral. At once, young man with gen- WANTED- 1 experience. Box B ioe, a omce News. Maternity nurse open for engagement. Box 2159 News. CLEANING, pressing and dressmaking. Mrs. Chas, Percher, 820 3rd avenue. Phone Red 294. WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially range, also bedding and cheap furniture for about ten rooms. P. O, box 105. 9-tf Apply tf , FIRST class lady stenographer wants em- appreciation for their] Blymen en te arast bor, ats | hearty co-operation during the News. 13-16 past year, as by their aid a great saving had been effected in hos- pital expenses, and when a hos-| pital is in its infancy these the things that count. The auditor's report ihat on revenue account there been for the year an excess of| '* revenue over expenditure of $3,- 552.12. There had been a very considerable sum raised during the year devoted to capital count. The balance sheet showed an excess liabilities of 222.82. hospital has been taxed to its utmost capacity for time back, and in several instances it has been found impossible to ac- commodate all who asked admis- sion, It the intention of the board to build a new wing to cost approximately $20,000. To en- the board to carry out the work it will be necessary to gain Government assistance to the amount of $10,000. The number of patients treat- ed since .the formal opening the hospital on February 24th Jast was: Male Female MARRY ; ee s wed |! to happiness. Strictly private, high class ho | and reliable. Best in the West. Address had] I. C. Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C. r fp emery rans esses Lost and Found foe srs errs re rsa ac- FOUND—An Owner may this advt. Irish terrier female pup. ° . have same by paying for Of assets over at News Omice. ostr $47, The between the wharf Apply Knox Hotel LOST-—A gold watch, and New Knox Hotel. for reward. LOST—A red leather pocket Finder return to The News and receive reward, 12-18 some NOTICE. Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital Association. able The annual general meeting of members will be held in the Police Court room at 8 p. m., Friday, January 26th, 1912, to re- ceive the directors’ and other reports, and to elect new directors for the ensuing year. By order of the Board 25) WwW. M. WRIGHT, Managing Sec. o f oe F. M. DAVIS sins BOAT HOUSE General Machine Shop and Ship’s Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf FOR g SALE 7th 282 Discharged, cured relieved: Male Female Deaths: Male Female 5 Lot and section 5, 83,200; lots, block 45, cash, 6, 12, lots, block cash, 6, 12, block 6, 12, houses, very @ in hospital ith avenue, 31: Remaining December section 5, $400 18 months, 7 17, section 5, 18 months, 7 15, section 8, 18 months, $800; per cent, $2,100; $1,000 per cent, $500; Female lots, cash, NOTICE aah? the following described lands: | the) Land Digirict—-Dissrict of Coast, | nge pe reese to purchase the following | should nelng ata post planted about one | and about five (6) chains | »f to} work about ai |c lerk Woods is naturally included west eighty chains to point| Morrissey meeting at Tues mn. Property Owners’ Presbyterian church hall on day, the 30th inst., at 8 p. Subjects roads. Th. COLLART Sole Agent Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. Bcx 805 225 6th St. Phone 381 4. Plank 2, Assessment and taxation. 3. Labor, day labor, contract and station system. Is there a class of citizens that will do all kinds of city work? 3t Pioneer C Cleaners, CHIEF WYNN TRAVELS Former Provincial Police Chief, Now of Hazelton, in City. On his way south to Victoria, Chief Wynn of the Hazelton Pro- vincial Police foree arrived in the city yesterday. He reports favor- ably of conditions up river, pecially on the Skeena Crossing bridge, which is advancing fast. Sleighing good up river, he says. eel aaa Phone 4. THE PAY ROLL PROBLEM Explanation of Minor Point Re- garding Accuracy of Record. es- is In in the re- proceedings, at Morrissey with- that 100 men for on the city appeared mention misapprehension on the Council’s part regarding an ilem in the pay roll read- by City Clerk Woods. In this it was stated that there was a minor inaccuracy in the |pay sheet which the City Clerk excused on account of lack of ime. The sum of “$4181 instead lot $81"' was mentioned. This read “4181 hours, not “dollars,” and in any case the supposed 181 was not an error the City Clerk's, as the report right imply, but a mishearing of | th figures read. Some of the [Cou willors thought that = Mr, Woods read “184,” the records show "81," and the discrepancy over which the point was raised matter of only six hours of credited to an employee accounted for, City Thursday's port of Council which Alderman drew his assertion were unaccounted pay roll, there ‘ cf a trifling issue For Rent. Cabins, 3 partly furnished, $3 and $4, or all $10. One month free to straighten them up. See them on lot 16, block 35, section 5, Ninth avenue and Thompson, Ranch Snap. 90 acres open grass, cuts 60 tons hay; on tidewater, Graham Island; Crown granted; $1,750 for 30 days. Phone Chas. M. Wilson, Royal Hotel, P. O. box 2. 1t 70 timber; as HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROBLEM ” . Petition Affecting System of Work Is Largely Signed. The petition to impress on the City Council the necessity of in terms of the Hydro-Electric bylaw, that the work is to be done abiding strictly to the terms of by contract, station gang and day the agreement with the citizens labor, as will hest suit the eco- nomical and efficient carrying out of the work, is being very largely signed by the business men, Council that|There is marked opposition from attaches to/the I, W. W. -seeretary, A. O. for the+Morse, who, of eaurse, favors day labor entirely, is a lwhich can be the assurance by Alderman and the no blame whatever city officials responsible pay roll. in Ta H “The News” Classified | | =(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== HERE— ea — Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident ‘Plate. Glass Employ er’s Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Written Direct Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. Houses and Rentals. P.S. Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening members of the order in the city are requested to visit | the lodge. All The Ideal Introduction Club leads| Our Motto: | notebook, | A. DOUGI ,AS, N. G. | G. BARRIE, Sec. “We Dye to Live” Union Dye Dye Works Levnick & Muller, Props Cleaning and Pressing at Reason-| able Rates Phone Green 392 PRINCE RUPERT ‘ | Exclusive Offerings REAL ESTATE and 52, Block 16, Section 1 £10,000 cash with good terms Lots 61 $31,000, on balance Lot 19, Block 9, Section third cash, balance easy Lots 48 and 49, Block 17, pair Easy terms. Lot 6, Block 29, Section 1, 82,000 of $875 cash, balance 1, 2 d Lot 92, Block 20, Section 2, P Sectior “bath, for cash payment Balance ts 15 and 16, Block 4, each, One-third cash Lots 15 ana 16, Block 9, pair. Lot 20, Block 21, Lot 25, Block 22, lion 1, $8,325] re rms 5, with five-room $2,750 Small | in re nt. | Section 5, Section 5, #2,100} $900. #1 Section 5, Section 6, Half } | 5, Block 27, $2,800 | terms Block 4, Section ¢ and 10, Section 6, #3,200 pi | Lots. 11 and 12, Block 5, Section 6, $3,850 Block 6, Section 7, #600 £300 2, Block 2¢ 8900 |} palr Terms Lots 40 and 41, pair. House and lot in Block 2, $1,850, Easy terms Two lots on Ninth Avenue, Se¢ each Lot 25, Block ments paying $1,895, Lots 13 and 14, Block pair. $100 cash chaser 8 and 9, Half Section 7, Block 6, Section 7, $1,100} Section 7, for tion 7, #315 34, Sex #40 tion 7, per with improve month Price 48, Section 8, 8790 Balarice to sult pur Block cash 20, Section 8&8, 8750 Balance 1, 2 and | “Al with | basy land, Bulkley for 87 per section Lakelse Valley land at $12 acre | acre tracts Valley acre acres of frontage, Quarter per Kitsumkalum farm lands in 10 —INSURANCE- McCaffery & Gibhons THIRD AVENUE | | Department of the aval service RADIOTELEGRAPH SERVICE. Sealeo tenders, adaressed to the under- Signed, enaorsed “Tender for Dwelling House’ and accompanied by a certified leque for 10 p.c. of the ameunt of the | tender will he received up to noon on ~ecember 318t, 1911, for the erection of dwelling houses at the Government Wire- less Stations at Prince Rupert, Cape Lazo and Point Grey, Plans and specifications may be seen at t.e following places; The Governinent Wireless Stations at Lazo and Digby Island, Point Grey, Cape Prince Rupe rt. The Postofices at Van and Pr > Rupert, | couver, Nanaimo ue office of the District rintendent, ctoria, and | Government Wireless Service vepartment of the Naval Service, Ottawa. Jnauthorzed publication of this notice Wil not receive payment, G. J. DESBARATS, Deputy Minister of the Naval Service, Department of the Naval Service, Ottawa, November 29th, 1911, at SUPREME COUR COLU MBIA. THE MATTER OF THE TION ACT, and THE MATTER LUDGER Roy, TAKE NOTICE Honor, Judge IN THE Ub BRITISH | IN ADMINISTRA IN OF THE ESTATE or | DECEASED, INTESTATE, i that by an Order of His | oung, made the 23rd da of November, 1911, 1 was appointed Aa | ministrator of the estate of Ludger Roy, Deceased, Intestate, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to forward the same to me Prince Rupert, B. C., properly ver ete or before the 12th day of Mar 1912; and all parties indebted 10 hs sald estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith ‘A pated this 5th day of January, A, D, at on THOMAS A, se ROY, Administrator eb, 2, } Une Prince Rupert, B. C. | Phone 125 section 1, $1,995; bal, 6, 12 and 18 mo block 16, section 1, bal. 6, 12 mo block 14, section 1, bal. 1, 2 and % yé block 7, sectior bal. 1, 2 and 3 years Two lots, block 20, section 1, 8¢ % cash, bal, 6, 12 and 15 mo One lot, block 6, $1,506 eash, bal, 6, 12 One lot, block 28, section 5, $525; cash, bal, $50 every three months One lot, block 7, section 6, 81,75 cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 mo lot, block 7, section 6, 81,600; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 mo lots, block 21, section 7 bal, 6, 12 mo block 16, section 7, bal, 3, 6 and 12 mo block 42, Section bal. $25 per month block 9, section bal, easy » lots, block $50 cash, bal Two lots, block 875 cash, bal rc block tf ) cash, bal, 815 block 40, bal. $15 per FOR SALE. on Second Lakelse, FOR RENT. Second avenue One lot, block 5, $1,000 cash, One lot, cash, $6,500; $2,500 One lot, £16,000 \% cash, Three lots, % cash 4rs 1, #2 500 each section 5, and 18 mo lwo cash, lot, cash » lots, cash One lot, cash, $05¢ » eee 7, § 8600; $2 section &, per. month section 8, 8315 per mo. Two section 8, 8300 per mo section 8&8, mo iv #15 10,5 each 815 ts lot $375, cash, avenue only $25 estaurant Farms land at acre Store, corner and Seventl street Sereda H. +h H. Kugler, Ltd. Phone 317 #400 each; LAND LI Skeena Land D Take notice Christian Garde Rupert, B.4 prospector lease the fol Commencing the Tyee Statior ately 27 miles ea 40 chains, ther | chains more | westerly 2 grade to point | 70 acres or |e } | Date Nov Pub. Dec | Skeena Take Saanich to apply lowing de Commen suucheast ¢ of the northw set Inlet; tl horth eigh Dated N Pub. Dec. 1 Skeena Land | Take notice Victoria, B, ¢ to apply f | lowing de Commer three-quarter: ithe s« ‘Inlet ri south to the n thence less, east oint Nov Der Dated Pub, | Skeena Land D | Take not of Saanich lends to apt following des Comite southeast east ¢ thence | Lot. is 1 be a tar) dary NPKEEN & HUNTER = Horseshoers Carriage Repairing General Work /FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET Phone 59 Red uth ES mmence rty ——_ th in the m., we will monthly auc real estate On February 1 atre at 8:30 p of a Erapre The hold tion Wwe in attend the sales ¢ will hok order series of Prince Rupert these sales in the evening everyone may be able t safe to say that all the 7 in town will be there 50 your property if listed with us for this sale, will be of fered to practically every ssible bi If there ls a man in town who wants your particular lot he will have a chance t Ter what he thinks it is worth have it brought home to him other fellow thinks it is worth, whic! often helps @ man to true realizath values In other wo it offers the po Je opportunity ! nd her yruary advertising st of property that buy may have » look It before day talk the what | Desi of over in t and matter aor with us 0. M. Helearseu, Ltd. Real Estate Brokers Offices Helgerson Block Pai Rent Office on Second avenue, close to Government,ofice .$20 3-room house Fifth ave furnished..... $18 on nue; partly i-room house, across Hays Creek G.R. NADEN COMPANY Limited, Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C Whites Portland Cement... G. C, EMMERSON AGENT Naden Block | mencement, Second Ave | first that and it is rospective buyers He will also the aera $15 | ~~ | Skeena Land District |} marked B. R Dated Nov i Pub. Dec. 16, 191 . AND PI Skeena Land Distr Take notice Rupert, B. C, « to apply for described land post of Lot east west ’ | bank of river to { taining 160 acres, m Dated Sept. 9, 1911 Pub. Ort. 10, Skeena Land | Take notice that! of Victoria, B. ¢ mission t I scribed lands Commen east Skeena Land Di Take notice that He couver, B. C., occupa to apply for permissi described lands Commencing at a | uence of Blackwater ri about two miles *® I Telegraph cabir I Corner, thence 5V cha west, thence 50 chai wast to point of cor acres more or less Dated Sept, 23, 1911 Pub. Noy. 2. r 1 Skeena Land Distr Take notice that The couver, Bb, t apply for permission | described lands Commencing at @ Pp fluence of Blackwater riv« two miles south of the «i cabin. Post marked r 80 chains north, chains south, then commencement, contain y Dated Sept. 24 Pub Nov. 2. Skeena Land District Take notice that r Vancouver, B, C., to apply for permission to | described lands Commencing at a post fluence of Blackwater riv« about two miles south fr | Saree cabin. Post 1 occupa Corner, thence 80 chains ¢ east, thence 80 chains ® west to point of comme acres more or less. CHARL! Dated September 23, 1911 Pub, Nov. 2 Land District notice that Ja of Vancouver, occupal intends to apply ! chase the following Commencing at 4 | seven miles distant 4 direction from the Naa eight miles north of A thence north eighty eighty chains, thence } thence west eighty commencement | JAMES EW! | H, | Dated Oct, 1011 | Pub, Dee. 31, 14. District—-I that Clar occupall | Skeena Land | Take notice attie, Wash., tends to apply for perm ! the following described Commencing at 4 ft miles east of the Naa five miles north of Alya | elghty chains, thence § | thence east eighty cha eighty chains to point 0° CLAREN | H. P Dated Oct, 81, 1911 | Pub, Dec, 14 | Distric Benjat oecupat Take notice that Prince Rupert, B.C, to apply for permission to py! described lands: Commencing at a post plar from the southeast corner R 8. BE. Corn 6 chains nort ) chains containing BE Dated Oetaber 21, 1911, Pub, Nov.2 t NSAMIN I