adi THE DAILY NEWS —— ———————— eS, ao s a = : al | MUSICAL CLUB ENJOYS The NMoaning of a Name ee yee — SUYINCYEAST VERY GOOD PROGRAM Certain Relies Person SsIsST ON HAVING | ‘ ; , > 1e ‘rogram from he i Local and al BU THis PACKAGE eee aera ee Tne. Toadien'| Aap Cf boca Zeta, 5 FEIT II IIR IIIT I III IIIA IA IIIA III IISSSSIS SSS SIS ISSISISSISSISSASIS | held at thehdtrie of | bodily t it prover chy Musical club held a w ome o 0 cor 1 follow, e lent | : toms WE—~after vai! f | Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream f° ays Oe Nelson will be the Mrs. P. I. Palmer, president, on | been rs ~ bad I and bowels} our 4 } s . | speaker at the next board of | Friday Mareh 6; aan tan ’ T oo Cena left for the south| trade luncheon, lvocal solo, “Ah! Let Me Dream y , iv . a. today. | Zera Barlow Sad Saree | Have you realized that $250) Mrs. Hemme! The Prinee Albert sails south/cash will secure a lot in the] | neading Edward H. Grieg) . ° ° ° . tomorrow at 6 p. m. business centre of Port Edward?! Miss Du Vernet means everything that is choicest in fine tea. | 5 agers | ag Pint ro the Oa Gries | } oan lano solo ) Kt irieg “SALADA” means the world’s best tea--- “hill- | May lines of goods to be sold] The Princes Beatrice came in a oe | Bald everrwtnre. Intoes gy 9 i gis jat half price in the next 15 days/vesterday afternoon with a full Pian ol Whime Schumann grown Ceylon --- with all the exquisite freshness jat Wark’s. 49tf}load of freight and a number of | | Miss Froud | yy ae ined | mare | passengers: Piano $0 Hexontanz McDowell | an and flavor retained by the sealed lead packages. | mr. b. Rankin of Andimant| e\0.,,° iy TORONTO OMT rath urs, *Patter | FOR x | . ewes os oy } }salt works is in the city on busi- | Che Prince Albert brought in 4 Ne |* TAXI BLACK, GREEN or MIXED 4 | ness : f \% ;ness, j}cargo ‘OF ( XE ee wes ee ee ram Union Tt, DECLINE SUBSTITUTES | = Hospital Board Meoting = | | ————- _ _ | y¢ rday. She also ower . At the monthly meeting of the| * ' i W. R. Eggleston, a well known|barge Bangor which has a cargo anita’: board vestordasy on t i {business man of Smithers, injof lumber for the dry dock A prisoner 15 in the city Lee Is P Ss ' ; \* 75--PH { ithe city on busrness \ — on the charge of robbery Phe | tra were awarded for the hos- | a } 7 | ‘ . . eh Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Mr. F.| case has been laid over until|pilal supplies Knott's bakery t | at aoe ta Kir : raring will rnish the bread. P. Bruns) * 7 rn LS - oP : Pis - mi To ar »| Monday for a hearing I } EMM TY |_ Our big discount sale has been |Piscator, Mr. A. Tomlinson, the) & Co. kot the meat contract and|¥ PRINCE RUPERT AuTo g§ 4 ES {so satisfactory we have decidedjagricultural expert, and Mr. | et Oe ' , onal hi t : | * = Fd | es ae sng ae meee. longer | as i aoe cree wee a ltrain to bid goodby to Messr H.} coal tenders will be called for 50 Pri tH — S | Wark’s. 49tf/ent, were among the arrivals on aim | 1a B E 7 rue S | Wednesday |S. Irwin and A. P. MeCorkindale, | tons 4 = / | Mr. and Mrs. George Little} age ee }who left this morning for a two} \ld Morrissey wanted a sinok- | g¢ererereroereroroococooosonseng, — eave returned after their vaca-| Mr. ©. A. Howard has gone to} months’ trip: into ya agg toa & ais I or e toahad Whee ae 3 |tion trip to the southern states. | Vancouver on business in con-|@epartinental — business sia Da baat Ga if ott MR aol kc EA A | = | ee ° | eesti with the sash and door had a dog team with them to ) the house committee BARBER SHOP = The Prince John is expected! company. He expects to bejcarry their dunnage act vhe | cm jin tomorrow morning from thejaway for a few weeks {snow to the Naas valley. i. ee aa Me | ihe a = }south with mail. —_ ly shan ; wins — st aS | Victor J. Tompkins has sev- Several anonymous communi-_|for the ~ hours ending 5 a.m, ] : — When you buy a meal get it atjered his connection with Stork'’s |cations have heen received by the arch 7, 1914 th } 4 ithe Royal Cafe and you will get|hardware store and left for the mayor complaining of gambling 4 ' : = the best in the city. 52tf)south. Vie was one of the real|in certain public houses of the pane ieler reduced to sca Vancouver Prices. Give b a wee te old-timers. }city It is alleged that there are | OYE eee mbe te ee os sY ALS ; : i — Mr. and Mrs. La Tulippe have a number of tinhorns operating | Highest 51.0 a Call + — jreturned from Prince’ Rupert The Progress club are plan- and that many of the laboring MUO WOSG CSA # Ui SUN tieidie 38.0 veererescerererercssosesseniin, aa and will make their home here|ning a dance for St. Patrick’s|"" have been cleaned out. The | = 7 ey jin future. day, the 17th of the month, 1m letters Weare turned over to the nm a PORTER Y ecard f | fete consequence of which there will }Chief of polir e, but as the writ THE a Our suits are ten. doilars|be no dance on Saturday nweek. |®'S &ppear Renae eve one FOR ° SALE cheaper and ten dollars better * - reas it 1s ate te to get e e SOCIETY (F CYP than any in town. See us. Am- Mr. C. Harris’ cf the wireless |®Y'G@ence agains ae places Com} ° ly . 8 ct i ; F PORT ESSINGTON lerican Tailor. 52tf| station left this morning for the|Plained of. epaseae Seuind, Telae bar heits 6, E58 south. He has been transferred ie es on terms $2.25 pet acre cash and. the ee 8 SOneerh cs eae Mr. Ray Anderson, provincial!to the Triangle station. At Bella \ Grand Trunk official draws taaat: anges & per cent in- life of the Indian Tribes is | manager of the British Columbia]Coola he will be picked up by the ercension Lo me fact wel the Two lots, Section 8, $375 each; CUNNINGHAM’S HALL | Life Assurance company, is in|Quadra and taken over to Tri-| !2°! that the Prince John makes $50 cash, balance $15 per month. PORT ESSINGTON, MARCH nf thavolty,.. Havaxpsota;to jeavi for angie. this city her home port. She runs Two lots, Section 8, $325 each; ania \ ’ Granby in a few days. go ecitee .6 direct to and from the islands $60 cash, Balance $10 per month. : i t - O ] f ‘ ° Several tracts of land have re jand Rupert. One of the condi 1 i Seat sista caatesss’ ato Don't forget +t take Saturtm| Aes W Classes O | Among those who went south | cently changed hands in the re Woicn Tnanne ih Heoeekery See ee om 1 ; re ‘ ares ‘ : : : hie s or the boats to go to Vancouver Four of the best lots in Secti \ ] jon the Princess -Maquinna this!vicinity: This, with some huila- ees Jatin ie lL be 2, Graham Ave., per fect view; $400 Peccecoocooorcoreccssrcsereiiii peo e WOI Y y }morning were: W. A. Matheson,|ing activity, gives promise wf a ° ' Ss Wit De OVE! each handles them, balance at 6 per 1A. J. Burroughs, P, W. Anderson, | very successful spring and|°°M™e when the Imperial Oil Co. Pere vee te ai an about money—those J. Maris, Murray’ Swim and D.|summer. ereot_their tanks, here. nthe et Pads, Bet |N. Ross. rae * : s p F ‘ ne targe double corner “near who have too little | eee The Grand Trunk expects on Hf ash Sars aes forme stg | Policeman Carroll, who is unw}lot of new equipment soon for] fenders will be received by the under-| Ee ee Cres d th ) h h jon his holidays has tendere! his|the operation of the line into the | signed for the stock and fixtures of thy Houses for rent. ‘ : ‘ is mm ( lerio { ar Store Jestholme we t an ose Ww oO ave jresignation from the city fores.|interior. The work of ballasting Block, aD in ee came: 1th Steven ace w » taka i Nieerls g 2 at “2 tory may be inspected at the office of Croy Granté 4 99 | His place will be take oa ORicer}and putting the“line into first-| the’ assienec, Highest or any tender not| M M STEPHENS & 60 LTD oOo muc. as |Brady, who has beé@n on the|]class shape will be rushed. necessarily accepted, » Mm, » ' ON SKEENA RIVER |temporary staff. Sdsicpenins Tr, H.! ARNEIL, Assignee. 13 peas Estate Notaries insurance s ote Mr. and Mrs. Talbot nee aa and adjoining — railroat Both classes appear to be satisfied | Mr. Hugh Harris, who has|Maud Haslett arrived on the |) ——_ Gunes | x 0 : ° } with the price of been in the city during the past Princess Beatrice yesterday and : $10. 0 { }week on business in conne:tion po REWES d erld 5 | |with the Sunrise group of mines|™!!! Visit here.a few daye before per acti ery eas] AGRI CLy T HES a hich havik intend ted loft peop [Proceeding to their home in CD PE SPRING, 1914 ; . | Wave ; ; mS White Horse, f the highest lit ' d loco ane a. Hazelton this morning. . Oe #5 EOI 9

a ell Co,, H. B. ROCHESTER yencement and known a8 C, L, (. R. 9 as tain Gobel Western Plumbing Co., Ld WILFRED CHARLES MACDONALD, an Read The Daily News 6 Could f)| Prone 48" aot and Ave ib, | yuan od i FAIR III CII I IOI IT II SS SII AAA AA: AA Rea Date located, 27th December, 1918. and Avenue Advertised Feb, 17th to Marek 25th.