ouT OF WORK TODAY? fry The News’ Want Ad. Way. NEXT MAILS For North Princess M@Y.in i666 wwe’ Tonight For South Prince Rupert.......Friday 8 a.m. BOL. | II, NO. 24 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., Monp AY, JANUARY 29, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS ,OURASSA STIRR NG UP THINGS AGA BORDEN REAL MONTENEGRIN DRAMA REPRODUCED IN RUPERT - } | | | | | YUKON COMMISSIONER ‘Member for Kootenay Likely to Receive Appointment. Janadian Press Despatch. It Ottawa, Jan. 29. under- | ~ WOMEN’S ‘RATS’ PROTECTION OF SUCCEEDS MR. CUTHEERT Assessor Edwards of Revelstoke to be Provincial Assessor Here. Assessor In place of Provincial = STEWART HOTLY PURSUES THE PEACE RIVER TRADE i EDY OF THE BALKAN EMPRESS” RENDERED FOR THE ejood that A. S. Goodeve mem. |AllShipments of Hair Composed|Arthur Cuthbert, whe recently CITY CLAIMS TO BE THE COAST TERMINAL OF THE C. N. E. TRAG ; ; : FIRST TIME IN CANADA ATTRACTS CROWDED HOUSE |ber for Kootenay, will get the ap- of Chinamen’s Queues Must Be resigned his position here, Mr. Ek.) TRANSCONTINENTAL, QUOTES DESPATCH FROM OFFICIAL AT THE EMPRESS THEATRE ON SATURDAY NIGHT. | pointment of commissioner of the Disinfected Bsfore Landing at) Mdwards, of Revelstoke, has been SOURCES, AND BELITTLES VANCOUVER’S CHANCES. ie - | Yukon, | Canadian Ports. appointed, He will take up his| Ol Reproduced by local Montene-{is the tragedy of the royal maide n| Ree Se ce ed : —— duties next week. Mr. Edwards) hat stewart is definitely set-|so boldly and energetically at- talent of remarkably high Danice, who is loved by Stanko, a i Col al Ds # Canadian Press Despatch. is a Government employee of tléd to he thet Paoile Saal Loneltnowad.: ) 7 4 traitor to his land. The play re- ye TERYee > Sie UO ane ieee Ottawa, Jan, 29.—Owing to the| some fifteen years standing. minus of the Canadian Northeast- “Ve , ‘ on Saturday night in. the} ails incidents {na @rest Daltte jof the Baptist church will give a ho} ‘a wo SP ee Ls eek a a Rail aero ans ad ¥ al Vancouver is not and cannot ss Theatre » Servian his-| .. Y : s Washington-Lincoln banquet in|W!olesale cutting off of the queue jern Mailway Is now contidently| become the natural port and out- Pheatre, the Se 4 b well known in Montenegrin his-| : oe lby Chinamen in China, and the Trades and Labor Council. asserted by the Portland Canal|/jet for the future wealtt ‘ f the “Balkan Bm-| , N ie | Me Intyre Hall on February 22nd. : ; 3 1e future wealth of the drama 0 alké 4 tory when the Montenegrins over- | Tickets $2,00. it jconsequent large export of hu- A meeting of the Trades and Miner on the strength of a tele-| Peace river district. Its pro- s” attracted a full house. As|threw the Turks, and 20,000 sol-| Scare jman hair to foreign countries for Labor Couneil will be held in| graphie despatch in the Montreal ducts will seek and will reach » play was given in the Monte-|diers were killed, Bid commercial purposes, the Goy-| Carpenters’ Hal] at 8 o’clock this) Star, Following is the despatch tidewater by the shortest and rin language, the Montene-| No expense was spared by the “Something New. jernment has amended quarantine] evening for the purpose of elect-| quoted in the latest issue of the] easiest route to the nearest and 7 themselves predominated | !0¢ al Montenegrins,, members of| Imitation leather for covering |regulations to the effect that all]/ing permanent officers and dis-| Miner: best harbor. The most cursory audience, but a large num-| the Servian Society, to have the |e hairs, making cushions, window/vessels carrying a shipment of|Cussing other matters. | “Toronto, Jan, 10.—Informa-|glance at the map of British Gol- English speaking citizens| Play property staged, The dresses] seats and all kinds of upholster-|human hair to Canadian ports Parer ee Bi |tion of two important new lines of|umbia will convince anyone that d themselves of the oppor -| and uniforms were complete to}ing. Looks like leather—-wears|must have the same disinfected Stalker .& Wells for fancy | pailway proposed by the Canadian|the natural route is straight west f seeing performed this|the las t detail and rie hly embel-| longer. Wallace’s. i8tf and cleaned before landing it. creamery butter, 40c pound. tf | Northern in widely separated|ward and the port is Stewart. play, which, it is elaimed,|!ished, rhe stage of the Geibtee et ais iat ita ili | parts of Canada comes out here] “The early development of the er before been produce 1d] Theatre was never seen brighter jfrom official ‘sources, oe of) northern interior is as certain as da jwith color, the barbaric splendor} these is an extension of the Gan- ; ; h the help of a program|0f the reproductions of historio} adian Northeastern from Edmon- the earth's journey round the gave in English a brief}Montenegrin dress for warfare] ton or Athabaska Landing to the|S¥"> ene that Gpyalp Diners Or of the plot and a com-| being — brilliant. The part. of Pacific coast, across the Peace not take place without making \nndonit otetha principal | Stanko, which is the heaviest in River district through the north- Stewart at once an active and im- ‘et by act, the English|the play, was very well performed ern interior, eventually terminat- portant seaport city and the ter- portion of the audience iE ind Danice, too (played by a F Be D | f Si G ing at Stewart on the Portland|™!2us of an important part of a pong the play fairiy{siender featured youth instead off Vancouver World Publishes urther Details of Sir George canal in Nortnern british Coum-|tanseontinental railway sys- fact, well enough to wish]@ irl), was really a clever bit of h N E H bia. ; id understand the longer|Work. The other members of the Doug ty’ s ew nterprise ere | im another apticle on the G.N. ojrsellitisknital aes a ies which were made by the] company all showed absolutely —— |. in the same issue the “Miner” | Notice. S /atriotis is thejletter perfect facility, speaking goes on to say: From no part of For the purpose of electing of- 2 buls aut ne d with never a sign of faltering, and TAKEN OVER CUMSHEWA CANNERY the province will there be any op-|ficers and tsb han ilies Pi et + ane Montenegrin by this play, | acting with an intensity which position. There can be hardly|other business that may come be- vuse frequently rang out}carried its meaning well, too many railways in B. GC, It|fore it, the annual meeting of the tk The ole ‘ 8 e orth has eften been said, and probably|Prince Rupert Liberal Associa- ic passages in the piece The whole play is well wort , P , 3 3 rs iyers were all well pies coving. It is to be given again| Company Has Purchased Patent Rights to Manufacture Flaked Fish and Entered ¥(()) (ein, that it is the hardest|tion will be held in the K. of P. Montenegrins, and inal S jon aaantes oigt, and arolans: into Satisfactory Arrangement With Grand Trunk Pacific Railway for omen aR oe span. Shiels ua But eae ovate 0b Se imces were greeter with; tions of each act Wil ye given ° * yuile oads or re ays, ; ‘ 4 f WwW s by their friends. aloud in English between the acts Shipments of All Products From This Port may be said with equal truth that members of the association or lhe story of the play was given|so that everyone may know what sir George Doughty and his;who is at present in this city from | assist ance in marketing their nowhere else zon earth have gig-|not, are requested to be present. --| JTRS rge De ugh Ts Se * EN: a sh Meee Ae | paar ve wall_lenawn thatlantie engineering problems been|5t P, W. ANDERSON, Sec-Treas. of Grimsby, England, aftalems dnt rival of his principal, stated yes- | the rhe, a British eee is} = : —— ; exceedingly rich in its fisheries, GLY CHARGE DIVER W L of the board of directors and/terday to a representative of the Loni have hiihekia healt ine ’ general manager, respectively, of| World, in discussing the aims adequately developed, and our ; the British Columbia Fisheries,;and objects of the newly organ- }company, properly equipped with formed with a capital of $41,250,-| dustrial company, with an Eng-/| ence, should do well, 000 to develop the deep sea and}lish charter, established to. de- “The fishing stations now be- pe Eamens Used d Knife in Self One of the Slings About the Glen) ,,astal fisheries if Northern!velop the fisheries on the coast of|/ing acquired include a salmon es ; : Neat es Ve can ; : mo} ; Bourassa’s Newspaper Says Na-|Slings Placed on Glen Rosa on Defense When Desperately; Rosa Must Be Adjusted—Ex-) j3;j{j 4 ; continued on a more extensive! work ironer is the largest of its} Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. | house, one 4, \5 K ’ ! } i “ewe hid bf a ft bea ni i ry i! He / he ti ; : ; ie a § wi r , Ti