THE DAILY NEWS rend i — — POPPPPPOEOREPMO b+ boy, teres oO, Saturday, July 4 6 : neaday of each n nth a show will pat of ¢ | Graham Knight, formerly dis- a ik ; vceueuneneneneeeeee 0 - ail The heavy beard of the outdoor man, “sun-cured” and ——_([2",1,htant_ Dror Hore ar-|_ om Torstar ovoning tre 40-14 ggg ye waeweneee eel 10 ~ 110 ~ 10 eee ee eee : ea an ; ‘ e he given ak the sare a -- ASSYLEE Hivis toe} a held the Princes warre N * GRANITE * = nh » tren ‘ . . last Wednesda | 09 ALIVI¥ L119 (Ti09 | * Granite of best quality * cee eee ERD } * and thoroughly tested for * MAKES PERFECT BREAD . . . * sale, Cut stone or crushed * . ; * rock in quantities, * * HON H Sr . Ayodoud S14) i * NEIL J, MeLEOD, ® : ¥ ©} 9809 [10 Jo) Busyo ' * Telephone: Green 217 *ldone by J. B. Langston, local ° July 14. # 7 ‘ if * “mist * Dorchester, N.B., July } e ey * —Hon, H. R, Emmerson, at # | nister of Rail- * ‘ CTR ee The exhibition grounds at Telk * one wnt = op saan * Te _ Addis wa are to be enlarged for the ways “ ee See after ‘ FREER EHR HH fall fair to be held at that place * ated — 7 . le was * (* * * September 18th and {9th All the # a lengths \ j * ' 42 * SMITHERS NOTES *) remaining trees on the flat are to oe feet vho was * . *#Ibe cut off so that a half-mile * - : a ~—s ; ion * * © valis dese FERRET ER HR HL ok can be made. ‘ td ong we on Prime # 1386 LKEN aHL 3404 } Smither Tribune . ° ° ets So : ° j j te ‘ ii WICK - |} Messrs. Kenney and MeKay Harry Somner and A. ©. Mat : a ; D sainioe * BG MI 430 ‘ONIawne 8! | , 4 ywfore ente jhave placed a sail boat on Chick.]they came down last Saturday tte waa elected to # lens Lake. from the hills near Knoekholt : 4 it to go? } mone fee © (INV'ISI WVHVY9 } | ee where they say that they locat . on a Sade a aaanat a } . ma Work on the Chieken Lake road]¢d some mineral claims rhey . tree _ i? oe : nd cal lead @ NO WOOLS “10 } T l Yi), Yi) Yi) | . ‘ “ . . electior | 0 a ‘ a -Cyihlette> ---: >" Vi ae was started a few days ago by brought in a small sample of ore » the eset until hie death * } : ; u UM UL Foreman MeLean,. carrying gray copper and silver * ° { Mii MMM Lc decee 7a 4e values. * * ; } ; ; ‘ ‘ ‘ * * Saturday * © | scccccccocoooos | ; - t ane a . . POOP POOO MC bbe. iry,i “acid test” of and here it is that th Tr tea Tak tie aoel as 0 paiet thes AL TICKETS = * vee wiry, Is the ac Oo a razor — ere it 1S t e |! raser to accept a position, which was used as a paint shop . NOSPITAL | [OPrerrroroorooooororrrrorreeiiey, | * * «& by G. L, Hawkins rhe prompt . rhe P ~ sl ral # ' : - ie rinee R er iene | ' ‘. e J. Hatch and P. Powers came] esponse of the fire brigade pre . ua ; : Hoapital # } j 2 vented its spreading to adjoin hospital are ! - | i 1 e eS} a | Y aZzor jdown this week from their claims a. iding a acing , * Tickets which entitle the *) i on Milk Creek at the head of the|'@8 Pure ay a e..8 * holders t free hospital #| Pelewa River. They brought in ' ; * treatment at the Institution *]| \ most clearly shows its “class”. Wherevera Be sure vacation outfit includes a some fine looking samples for the ons a ae — : uesday (rl ® including the services of the #| ® o ° e Rens : . , . Sibolla reek where le will . e ‘ man may choose to use it, afloat or ashore, Gillette Razor. It will save your face San Franciseo fair agen iain 4 pects , ; >| * Resident Doctor, at the fol *| 5 ROOM HOUSE WITH | . : i season prospecting 0 i U the Gillette gives a clean, cool, comfortable and temper, and help you to keep clean an ea 7 She slaner'end wold. Génets, Momma cael” San tebe | . . : tay , o se co shave, without pulling, gashing, or even and respectable wherever the trail may lead. ae a wee "-lof those who made the first die-|* Bonthty Tlokets 91.69 9) BATH CLOSE IN } ing the oki uucting the geological survey in nuniiih Enel Gone” tim gett! ? _|* Six Months’ Ticket $5.00 * ms JOULE ' irritating this district for the Dominion sont ul ‘ 4d nfid ‘te. oo . * rickets are on sale at C, * } gre ade of « dence ! ma I Gover ‘ as o s * e's 2ne . rug. Your Hardware Dealer, Druggist or sieht ck Risdees nhecn tak a aettion: Gnd clated thai be be-1, © OF wad AV; Drug. © wee on business, returning to], * store and at the Hospital, or #} ; Jeweler will show you a wide Leved there would be ai good | ' Hudson Bay Mountain Wednes * by mail from the Secretary * S | range of Gillettes—Standard Sets at te camp there yet on os ary © day, a ie ospita . « * + ; $5.00-—Pocket Editions at $5.00 to ee a A A pr utionary 1 Pe Te oe ee ee PER MONTH es ~ { reca ona neasure i $6.00 Combination Sets from $6.50 Some fine specimens of taxi-|against fire on the Smithers town : " ee } to $25.00. 8 dermy have lately been placed in| site, the fire-wardens have posted| ** FFF es ees eeesess | : - the office of R. FE. Williams. The notices prohibiting the starting * * ; ounts are of game fo : , > : j Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited mounts are of game found in the}of fires anywhere within the|® WANTED, LOAN *|} PATTULLO & RADFORD | . ulkle alley anc 1e work was| boundaries of the t . Per ° ' Office and Factory:—THE NEW GILLETTE BLDG., MONTREAL aries « 1e towr ermits a for starting fires may be obtain * $2,000 from private party. # jond Ave } ed from the wardens, whieh, how * First class security. Box 41, # wooed ever, will only be given when|* Daily News 159.61, * RAE’S MARKET sonatas conditions are most fa ° Z : t vorehie. «*eeeeeeeeeeeeees| Prince Rupert Dairy ‘cots ss J. EK. Merryfield returned from . FIFTH STREET Mr. Gray has made the an.| V@ncouver today Phone Green 252 nouncement to The Tribune that . : Holstein Milk for B ee — ; : § Li ri ; ad on the evening of the fi We Aman of resources, Some j eS > . g ve first Wed : vic » Rottled COE SS es a Cin es SS aD) |S RR ER SR RRR ES mec-itimes one who hes ingenious specially Bottled | methods of contracting liabili TESTED cows ; on ee eg ea ‘ SP NOTICE OF SALE & ties, : : : oca ews INotes . | ‘ An invitation is cordia sal lien nen ‘inieial * Corsets made to measure., * ee tended to the citizens interes CR OS SES, (SS ELE POLES 4\|* Mrs. 8. Lando, expert cor- *| J Plumes, Green Gages, and iN THE MATTER oF ee z arena Re. wr ys , . ; * setiere, from London, Bng- * 50c ER OF THE SRITISH Sark ros Guring the hours of Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, We sell for less; terms cash. _— , ondon, Bg Apricots, per basket. . COLUMBIAN FISHERIES, 6275 F, ' Wednesdays and Satur e742 % Fuller's Grocery, 311 Third Ave.|* '@"4. has opened @ corset # Per crate ......... $1.75 LIMITED es i , ikng operations a: Get a 20th Century suit at ' ih» * parlour. Customers can se-. * Peaches, per dozen 25 i = a operations aré 4e ) ‘ ; wee | | ducted. * lect their o ateri i TAKE NO ite. Bryants. Special price for a few] Mrs. and Miss Powell are|y . : r 7 ae hae . Per crate ......... $1.50 Hon AkE NOTICE that by order of the ‘ days $15. 158tf|cuests of Mrs. (Dr.) Clayton. pave rem made to fit per- Local Strawberries today sh da f Ma 1014 sappy eB. . : EERE R RRR TT . . . . . * fectly on SIX hours notice * per NE er 15¢ De vod . hy eX Supreme Court - ' * . = «4 e asONsE . ricas “A Columbia ancouver Registry), rt Mrs. Rivers, of Everett, Wash., The Provincial Ministers will > ee 4 reasonable prices. > eopne Eooen Bell, receiver of the British how (1 ; is a guest of her sister, Mrs. A.|go south on the George Monday * ny ? taper ; fo fale by tenders toer "en bee we j ‘ NE--3 ; : " ials used. Fit and style are going concern or in’ the parcels hereinafte ; morning. par hereinafter ‘ . ¢ J. Morris. ge 0 g at @ guarantecd. Corects of Gam © Choice Selection of Fresh Set forth, ‘ue property ‘and assets of the . t ' oe é ‘ 3 eel cow |* make neatly repaired. 719 # Fish and Vegetables Parcel 1. (A) The goodwill of the bust ‘ ° . Children’s dresses, ages 6 to Mr. and Mrs. F. G, de Mussey * Second Avenue: Phone 477. * + hess of the British Columbian Fish ries . ted ! 8 44, all go at $1 each teday. Wal-|returned this morning after sey- ; mee Alwaye on Mand Limited, and the exclusive right to any eee Xl ; lece’s Big Sale tan oie’ indies gheenne = 157tf * y an purchaser to repress nt himself as carry lows offer. We expect you to tell yur teh , S 6 € ' € ’ . oth oO Btit Usiness “oO a ory he Pe een ete KKK K KKH HHH HHS and_in succession to the company”! | | Bes't taint thle oer tee ered'ts is = : —_——— 8 Phe following free-hold lands amt PS Te ¢ Te " ; You can't afford to wear that If your roof leaks consult F k I ; ak a -| situate in the Province of British Colum Jowetiers (Dest. ie 1, @. Commesitie Rost. Yeo Ag , j ar : ¢ 25]Stee shbert & CG , "s . Frank Perron was fined $7 this] .. bia, and ail buildings thereon Enatand ay , old suit any longer. Get a $25]{Steen, Hebert & Co. Repairs done iat iercebien: mele ‘ 1) Lands situate at Clew, Cumshewa --—-- : , suit for $15 at Bryants. 158tflat moderate prices. i59)'" 1g In police court for using Phone 87 P.O. Box 1704 Moresby Island, comprising five acres or . ALF HALLIGAN ’ ais a > abusive language. hen a is and the oll works, cannery and * ; . : en other buildings erected thereon. " * Children’s worsted hose, sixes Mrs. Angus Stewart arrived od oe ; SAVOY HOTEL at th oninds comprising some five acres PRINCE RUPERT BOAT RERRER ER ER aR A ORE eee 8% to 10, 6 pairs for $1. Wal-|from the south today on the a nae = Angus Stewart 1) The nine plots of lana" tn block nouse onan - ; ; ; : 159|Prince George. lave decided to move permanent. four, Graham City townsite, numbered 1 to lace's Big Sale hth ‘828 ly to Vancouver about the last of tot Pry el eee ee in c nn th ; Boats and Launches CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY i ; 2s Cold vese parcels of land situat Suits worth $30 and $32.50 of Mr. Goodyear, passenger agent July. They are among the real all Rooms in Graham city, Queen Charlotte District, Ne FROM P oO sre of ac ore particuls dese . : . SUMMER the 20th Century make for $18]of the G. T. P, at Seattle is mak- Idtimers of this city, Only finest fae ew ang Moe 1640 4a ot ree as follows: for hire. Gasoline for sale a A, a PT > , oor ” . block 2, in the city, -togetl P y s. 458tf{ling a round trip on the George. _— moet i together with all at Bryant ae od ode James Sullivan, who has been — “un canes San Yaron Ry 4 ee aEteres, PHONC FED 391 SORT Real one sey “'a8.00 t r f . easements anc ST e RMCIDOEY, WEGFVSS, TORONTO and return Mrs. Robt. Jennings returned} Mrs. J. H. Randall, of Vancou- abusing his spouse, was bound PRUDHOMME & FISHI? belonging.” SPurtenances to the seme North End of Manson Way CHICAGO” aT care 10080 s . ‘ over in police ¢ . ni > AL pturs on the Beatrice last evening from|ver, came in this mérning on|°Y¢" in p lice court this morning Proprietors (5) Lands at Allford Bay, comprising one | §, NEW York end. return 144.60 a trip to Bella Coola the George to join her husband|""er #100 bonds to keep the ibereabonts, ond’ hehe’ ue tee tone Other points correspondingly 0% A ae here peace. Moresby Island, together wie a nee arereere ae, ioe | : ‘ = se Dnievtemnibailprstenti —- = - ager's workmen's fishermen’s, Chinese ous Sea-Grass arm chair and table i a ‘ . in 1 Incian dwelling houses, the mess house Princess Sophia southboun’ * om : ial rhe National Biscuit Company ind «office and all other the bull “ . ” Saturday noon to match, $7.90 for the set to- Miss Helen Fhompson arrived } | PY pan; erected and built emerece, ont ae Dail N oe day. Wallace's Big Sale. 159}on the George this morning from ia ies i ae an eee ; Nery, Sanere Cold ceant, vat house, Gan. € y ews ee e Sh5 Seattle. She will live with her|'? P/4Y 4 game with Rupert, The hery, saltery cold storage plant, ice mak CI 5 —_--- Mrs. C. H. Handasyde returned] sister here. Nationals are the best commer- ' alt Reasiiases ene “Zemren Gene and A D S. nag hem 6 eee sy . fi cial team in the south and are . thereon or on any part thereof Corner Third Ave. and 6ix\n this morning from a trip to Van- , 6) Land at Bare Island, Skidegate In- in couver Building permits for the new]!0°kiné for outside glory, es 9) )0) comprising fifteen acres or there- | ~~ ™ , oe - ' . . . ponte *“ * * school and new exhibition hall ; sats The following further freehold land tn FOK KENT : : % , rfare being issued, They total 820 J. V. Rittenhouse. who is in- Members P.R.1. Viataers Association Britton (alusabte which hes heen Te iecrtterenrternnsennsiisitedtiad nansiilinitessslhienitataeabibait THE LITTLE GIANT ER ay Ce ar . ‘ . : « PaVi- . and applicatio 0 rurehase < » han = ee h — ea " ra 000. terested with a couple of loeal Land atenies 2 a 2 = POR WRENT.Purnished front room with! VACUUM POWER CLEAN 4 8 4 ‘on, sO or, is . . -. . Sritish Colombia. ely room and board, Close in; reasonable , Dust | ate ee men in iron claims on the Copper WINDSOR HOTEL > . aoe “ris Estrecte Alt Birt and the city and will conduct morning River country, arrived on the Corner of First Ave. end Eignty St adjoining th ian 1 "numbered 6 abe we, ait. “+ T poretsnen henen, chess ba, | Cie eating Daemon” 40 s -ew's Chure J. J. Lyneh, of Peterborough, ; Me , vale 4 ook oS FORK RENT.—-Furnished house, close in,| Pillows thoroughly cleaned. A service at > Andrew s Church. Ont is apeodine = iter Game bs Prince George this morning from W. & Wright, Prop. ie " Deus’ leatitie acres Copper Ba) Pitth AY = MY sort. oon ‘ toe: a ‘Apply PRED KLIEN 9 ' t ay Da ee ere > 4} enue anc oung reet, or Law ply ‘ Seattle. firey Bay, Cumshewa, Sewell le +. 231 let pasen inn flennel.|the city. Me is «@ peal ectate é : : ‘ eee ot dh Sg wwa ewell Inlet and Butler Co, 154-50 | Phone Red 269 P.O. Box d ar > ies broker in the eastern city. _ ss ae 2. The trawlers and boats of the} FOR RENT.-—Three room cottage partly ette underwear for women and sec sggo The sale of tickets for the first avenus and Sevent® St —_ Ss anpeny x inctading ie, Following, furnished and including bath. Rear of : ani uropean & me ne p ” Triumph, The Canada, Th 0 om ‘os ronvenie children, less than half price to- For rent: Furnishod ho Board of Trade excursion next Peter Kiack, Prop Imbricaria, The Gryme, the steam tug Alt. $17 Se. Prince’ Rupert Pinenolore "Ste day Wallace’s Bi Sale 159 r rent: urnishec use, week opened today ¢ 1 over 460 ford, four gas launches, seventeen large Second Avenue . oe *" |close in, until October 4st. Apply : ; - ¥ okt —~ 3 ]and small Nshing boats, twenty-six Colum oO en . cz ans excursionists are oKked, Na iver boats ak : W. M. Law, Fifth Ave, and Young . sooked. All ENOX HOTEL Parcel 3. ‘The balance of the property FCR SALE Mr. Conkey, wi I bee bookings should be made thr h » UOr y, 10 nas een St., or Law-Butler Co. 454-159 ifs should be made throug Piret Ave., Between Elehth and Ninth ane nceete of the said company consisting spending three weeks in Seattle, . ana aps the Board of Trade office. Ar- European Pima, ages b0e to $1.00 salideted Wietng ual en ote. YOR SALE.—Nine toomea bb use on 4th ita ad | weithendnts ak ranreme ‘ ep Day compe of Be op nee Py 88 ee ne, howee. ¢ returned yesterday on the Beat The Georgetown Bamber Com." 88™ nts for entertainment Beener & Besner, Props ee tenth Africa I imited; an Avenue W. facing harbor, with two Hay? ice and went up to New Hazelton| and making the trip an enjoyable ei kk Snd-day of August 4618 made betwen at 866 Bourth Avene’ wil rent, Call) Three-roomed House, ove! today pany have been awarded the con one are being well looked after the company and the Grand Trunk Paeiie cre Feneee We ; ee tract for the lumber for the new , ’ 1. ¥. Rochester Vv. D. Casey Hallway Company and eertain of the pro- |* CALS os A yA pgcperty, 20 NE A Bie oa | vias t's $12.0 . ee i . T - _ ducts of the siness » comp a ‘ 8 oh, Dp. Stanley I r, former] t Borden Street schoo! and the GarEee aot, at the Geeta teaties ne Altrorad’ Bay, Everything in good condition. Price and y ong, formerly Man-| new Agricultural Society exhibi- NOTICE Tate Ame, Becween Ee wad British Columbia ‘ terms arranged, Apply Box 120, Daily ager of the Union Bank here, has| hal F AND TAKE NOTICE that the Mecetver| N®Ws oe ree “ , . lon hall, —— European Pian, 60 to 61 Per Day — be at Mberty to ley Proposals for the 1 TE recently made pb ake e ° ® O° ; av vurehase and sale of the said orty ’ de quite a stake in L. O, L. 2340, will haye alg ~ ——————--————_ Bland assets, or any part therept, before the WANTED Four-roomed House, Fifth 4% Calgary. He owned a block of A, Scoley, express agent on the]|Social Meeting in the K. of P. PREMIER HOTEL Judes of ime 0h Court fer his sanetion. qonemnstannennapehieneuteniennminenn $20.00 land adjoining the Dingman prop. |'"ain between Rupert and Smith- Hall, at 8:30 on Saturday, the American and European Pian highest nor any bid shall necessarily be| WANTED. First class waiter for dining Section Six ...... , erty and sold at a big figure, ers, is to be promoted to route , F. W. Henning, Manager accepted, and any sale shall be subject} “8! Abbly Newsstand G, T, P.. Wharf ow ie ag ; : {ith, inst. All members are re- “a srsebene aie amp to confirmation by the Judge of the Su 150-164 _—_— agent as soon as the through ieenated to attend that ht preme Court of British Columbia COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER, 26, car | Jap working at Georgetown|s¢rvice is installed. His terri- 0 BERS 08 8) Ree ROYAL HOTEL pene” aaeael .. Fort, aontians in the} handie correspondence; knowledge of |Foureroomed House, on TA4y!¢? | : i tory will be from Vaneouver to} /0¢se Will open at 7:30 p.m. for Corey & Burgess, Props of ten days from the tith day ‘of July, | Peckkeeping and with good general , 1ery was badly injured on Ri se ae j degree work, 156-9 Third Ave. and Sixth St 1914, and tenders must be Med with “the omee eee desires position, First Street $20.00 Fednesday night. He was stand-|)'P*?* @™ wun ree pening J European Pian Beam Heated peceiver, J. 5. Bet, care of tee Bonk of ee pa sbet60 pee Ponto aneo »r, ritis oulmbia, no ing on a float along side of a . nen later than seven days after the last pub RELIABLE BROKERS WANTED..Noehrén house when a launch pulled into Facts according to the old pro- FOR SALE GEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. j ecation z thle nates, one tenders shalt i Petroleum Limited, (Non-Per contain w name 1 Tu nd address of the sole a ) corpor the slip and tipped the float. The|yerb are stubborn things. They LimiTED | baa r and shall be accompanied by a (onsen ‘supremeeinn’ laahapah in’ Calgary $6.00 ail ; » Por ry com- decond Ave. and Sixth St marked cheque payable at par in V OM Plelds, s str rude ree Jap was crushed between the/are not to be explained away for|— Five room house, very eom weont om. & os marked cheque payable of par in Ven Ht Plelde, which has struck black crude Cabin on Fraser Street house on the float and the cabin | ihe simple reason they stand for fortable, an acre of land and ae ae it parteulare and information oF i Strong board of directors, who are all ad eomudemagn sale Propet ane ase ) e riths uccessf siness » tl NG of the launch, It was piteh dark|something aceomplished, There|200 chickens nicely housed, at PRINCE PUPERT IMPORTING CO. Columbian Pishertes jL.tanited and ot the CONTR ACTED FOR and WiILI erinne . : The . i : ae : . ae - 4 ; . a ae eon one ¢ sale nereof, ’ M ‘ “ ae rice low, ap ae at the time. The men had sev- jane certain facts: concerning |Sockeye, Mile 16,G. T, P. Exeel-. " LimiTeD tained at the offiee of the Receiver, Bank Conta “S ledetanens all tetas eral ribs broken, He was brought! Steen, Hebert & Co.'s tarred and|lent soil and beautiful joeation. Vreser ang Sisth Sts 1 nosed th ‘ii om el tee. wie partie yn os ae. oa eee R Naden Co ; . ee 18 as ’ art . o to the Rupert hospital for treat-|grayve!l roofing. Consult them!Price and terms arranged, Box Phone 7 MacNPILL, BIRD, waSDOR ALD Nn og Bey Setolouna, ‘Limitea. 4 " P ” . iat anathines . a 6 24 De hank Chambers, E ‘ ment for prices. 159178, Daily News, tf ' Solicitors for the Receiver inane Cems Chambers, Ramenten Revoud Avenue