Wednesday, January 29, I'uge 2 THil DAILY NEWS. ,giJ The Daily News , MAIL SCHEDULE A ' In order ta reach the ,. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA highest point of perfection For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News each of the new square Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Royal Yeast Cakes nil! be irdays at 9:30 a. in. wrapped and sealed in H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. waxed paper by machinery. This makes them practically Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-luys SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 m. p. airtight, and keeps them City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. fresh WRnSLEYS longer. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. Pop Vancouver: Tiipaiinvft . .5 P.Ill To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.60. E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. TORONTO. CANADA Saturday, Feb. l anu iu, a. m. WINNIPEG MONTREAL fill TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. Sundays 10 p.m. three brands .Vednesdays iu:ju a.m. Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, Jan. 29, 1919. .londay, sealed in air-tight at 0 a. m. Private Meetings For Anyox: packages. Easy to find Sundays 10 p.m. Of City Council. Vednesdays . 10 p. m. it is on sale The City-Council is adopting the method of doing the business of the public in private. There is a general committee of From Anyox: everywhere. the whole which does all business and then it is to be assumed Tuesdays a.m. that it will report at an open meeting when those who wish to 'hursdays ...... ...... p.m. Look for. ask for, express views will doiso not for the forwarding of business but For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei be sure to get for the edification of the public. While we have no olllcial information TO SUBSCRIBERS points: that that is the method to be adopted, there seems to Sundays 10 p.m. WRIGLEY5 subscribers to The News be no other way if the real business is done behind closed doors. are asked to pay the .delivery From Port Simpson and Naas There are arguments for and against the private committee boys uucli month River Points: the meetings. There is hardly u City Council in the province that when they call, except ' Tuesdays P- ni. Greatest Name has not experimented with them and nearly always they have returned where payment has been made for the year in advance. Queen Charlotte Islands: In Goody-Land to the meetings with full publicity everything. open on The boys when For Massett, Port Clement9 and The public argue that as it is their business that is being done colfecllng carry official receipts Upper Island points: it should be done in such a wfly that they mayknow all about it. which should always ?or Skidegate. Queen 'Charlotte j , WRIGLEYSJS, j .be preserved. City and Lower Island points; Grave Dangers anuary 23, Fet. C, 20; March G, tmi pFRFFf.T nuM ram From Much Secrecy. i 20th, at 7 p. in. There are grave dangers in secrecy. People are .Always LAND ACT from Masset, Port Clements and SEALED TIGHT suspicious of things that are done behind closed doors, '-."VVhen Upper Island points: SKEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF there is a graft to be pulled olf it is' not done "in the open, There QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte WR!GlEY5w is always secrecy. Granted that there are-some subjects that City and Lower Island points a it.11 :llalA Ubl TAKE NOTICE thai Eugene Humphrey anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. should be kept out of the press and away from the public, at any Slmpsoii of PMnce Rupert, occupation CHEWING GUMf 11 and 25th, a.m. a;i.-flIIZM- rale until the time for publication is ripe, the newspapers are master mariner, Intends to apply for per 7 mission to lease the following described always amenable to suggestions when there is a vital interest land: For Skagway and the Yukon. KEPT RIGHT at stake. Commencing at a post planted at a nil anuary 27, Feb. 8 and22 9 a. m. ness post situated at the Intersection or There doubt that the mayor and members of the council the north boundary of Lot S3S3, with the From Skagway and Yukon. shore line; thence north SO chains, thence Febuary 1 and 15 a. m. in deciding to hold secret meplings are doing it in the interest of east 20 chains, more or less, to the shore the public. They possibly feel that in the working out of new line; thence following shore line to the and Swamp Maplo Bay Stewart, of containing SO commencement, acres policies and in planning new schemes for betterment, they are point more or less, situated near Klum-Kwol Bay. Point. discussed with greater freedom when they know their words will EUGENE II. SIMPSON, .lose Jan 31; Feb. l i, 28, 10 pm The Flavour La sts Morris" Doumont, Agent. not be reported. There also, may be the desire not to prejudice Date, December 3rd, 1018. F. la rrivo Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd. their case by springing it before it is properly digested. There IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH can be little .objection to that method if a fairly full report of the COLUMBIA. MISS M. A. WAY findings is given at an open meeting and copies of the report IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRV- TION ACT TEACHER OF MUSIC handed out for publication. At the same time there is danger, and Second N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF 309 Avenue especially to the reputation of the aldermen themselves, in keeping JOHN XOSKI, DECEASED; INTESTAT" Taking-with student the syllabus of tha Without Music You Cannol TAKE NOTICE that In order or Ills the facts away from the public. It is easier to create suspicion Honour F. McB. Young, made the toth day Toronto Ccnservitolre of Mulc. from or January,- A.'D. 1919, I was appointed primary to advanced. Phon Dlua 120 than to get rid-of it later. Administrator to the estate or John Koskl. deceased, and all parties having rlalins Experience of against the said estate are hereby required Live a Full Life to rurnlsh same, properly verllled, to me, Other places. cn or before the or February, A. p. 1919, and all parties Indebted to the FOR ELECTRICAL WORK In Regina some years, ago the Council decided to do their state are required to pt) the amount or work in private and the newspaper managers put their heads together heir indebtedness JOHN to McMULLIN,forthwith. Go to Music is now recognized as a necessity in the and decided not to report any of the proceedings unless DATED this Hth Official day or January.Administrator.1919. home. Music feeds the soul, as fod feeds the body Geo. Waddell and literature feeds the brain. Next it is to religion, full publicity was given. The result was that all secret .meetings IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH had to be abolished and everything done in the open. COLUMBIA. humanity's greatest comforter. In Victoria just now there is a committee of the whole council N THE MATTER ACT OF THE ADMINISTRATION Phones The New Edison opens the doors to the world as the Streets" Committee. Its meetings are, however, open and - BLACK 367 GREEN 394 of music. It the of the N THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OF brings supreme art greatest to the press and to the public except on a few rare occasions when PIETRO OIVOTTO, DECEASED; INTESTATE. discussing city officials' salaries or other delicate subjects. Copj'es P. O. Box 452 singers, instrumentalists and musical organizations of all reports, bylaws, etc., are given to the press. Honour TAKE F.NOTICE McB. Young;that made In order the 13th or day Ills to you with such unerring fidelity that the artists At Esquimau the press representatives sit at the elbow of the or Administrator January, A. to D. 1919,the estate I was or appointed Pletro themselves could give you no more. reeve and all communications as they are read are handed to them Glvotto, deceased, and all parties having to scrutinize and absolutely nothing is kept back. Sometimes, claims required-against to furnish ine saiu same,estate properly are nereuy verified, STEEN & LONGWiLL however, the reporters yare asked to withold something from to me, on or before the Hth day of Tie NEW EDISON February, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted publication, chiefly in; connection with the floating of bonds and to the estate are required to pay similar matters which might affect the credit'of the municipality, the rorthwlth.amount of their Indebtedness to me SANITAR. ttD HEATING "The Phonograph with a Soul" JOHN II. McMULLIN, Liberal Association Official Administrator. ENGINEERS DATED this Hth day of January, 1919. To Hold Meeting. docs not merely imitate; it actually re-creates. There is to be a meeting of the Liberal Association tonight. N THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH Agents for It is the annual meeting when officers will be elected for the N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION McCLAKY FURNACE. Before audiences totalling more than two millions, coming and when there will be to discuss ACT year an opportunity and thirty great artists have conducted tone tests which matters of general policy. On such an occasion it is desirable IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE . OF PLUMBING that there should be a large attendance of all who are interested YO.N'E YAMAMOTO. DECEASED; INTESTATE. and proved that no shade of diftcrencc in good government. It is very desirable that at any party meet TAKE NOTICE that In order or HU could be detected between the artist Honour F. McB. Young, made the 10th day 8HEET METAL WOrWS ings at which policies are framed or officers are chosen those of January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed and the instrument. They h.ive j who like to see the country well governed shall be present. This Administrator deceased,to the and estate all or parties Yone having Yama-inoto, Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. in diret t comparison with thtf New Edion, ihsn applies as much to Conservative Liberal. If the best citizens claims against the said estate are hereby Night phones 570 suddenly ceased, permitting the instrument to hold back from the required to rurnlsh same, properly verl-"ed. and nine 270 continue alone. The only way the lUti-ncrs party meetings they cannot expect the party to me. on or before the Hth day of representatives to De well chosen or the policies to be of the best February, A. D. 1919, and all parties In-j The right work, at th right could tell when the artut stopped was by There is likely to be a Dominion election within the year. the amount or their Indebtedness to me time, and at the right prlsa. watching hii lip. And with the lights low -red, rorthwlth. they were unable to when it was the living ay possibly very soon. That makes it imperative that people begin JOHN II. McMULLIN, voice heard Edison. and when the New to discuss the affairs of the country. These are days when the Official Administrator. , they DATED this Hth day of January, 1919. ; best men are neeaeu and the best counsel should be secured in Could a more convincing test than this be the party-caucus as well as on the floor of the legislature or of the FORESHORE LEASE Royal Aolo Bus Service devised? Doesn't it prove thetrmb ofouf --mo Dominion 1'arliament. LAND ACT that ownership of this instrument is e-ilent to having all the great artists of the world tnerally otlc of Intantlon to Apply to Lai Land one's it command i In Skeeim Land Rlstrlct. Recording Dls- Winter Service rlct or Skeena, and situate on the west Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 -.cast or Smith Island, about two miles Come In and hear the New Edison-here, or llovr o to ieiU orth and west or Oceanic Cannery, Range Ive, Coast District. In operation on and after oue to your home, where you can hear it at vour leisure, M Take notice that we the Onsse, Mlllerd January 1, 1919, until For Comfort, Courtesy and Service 'acklng ccupatlon Company Cannerymen,Limited,Intend or Vancouver,to apply further notice. to or permission to leaso me roiiowing uc-crlbed go Commencing lands:-at a post planted at the From Ormes' Corner. I Charles Wesley Teetzel, Prince Rupert, B.C. THE SAVOY HOTEL orlheast corner; thence south 30 chains, ollowlng high water mark; thence west Week Days: chains to low water mark; thence north F. T. BOWNESS. Mnar o chains, following low water mark; 7.30 a.m., 8,30 a.m., 10 a. hence east 3 chains to place of beginning, Fifth knd Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. nd containing 6.0 acres, more or les. in., 1.30 p, m'., 4,30 p. m., OOSSE, MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY 5.30 p. in., 0.45 p.m., 10 )ated 3rd December,LIMITED.itf is: FU p. m. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! Home Cooking Running"Hot and Cold Water LAND ACT Sundays: 10.30 a.m., 3.30 p.m., 9.30 Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present Nolle of Intintlon to Apply to Laai Land. p. m. in oKeena ijina msirici, necoraing ais-rlct of Skeena, and situate on the west Watch this oast or Smith Island, about two' miles From Seal Cove. space for our -:-announcement Priijce R upert Academy of Music Five lortn Coast and west District.or oceanic Cannery, Range Week Days: of a new supply Phone 104 013 inmu avisnub Phone 104 acklng i axe nonce Company ua Limited,we, mc or uosse,Vancouver.Miiiera 7.45 a. m., 8.45 a.m., 10.30 INSTRUCTION GIVEN PRIVATELY ON I). C. fiCCUDation cannervmen inlenrl in a.m., 2.00 p.m., 5.05 p.m., WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED apply for permission to lease the following Piano. Violin, rVioloncello, Mandolin and Theory, Trumpet, dencrlbed lands i 0.05 p.m., 7.15 p.m., 10.15 BUTEDALE p.C. .Cornet, j?rencn tiorn, Aitnorn ana Euphonium. lorthwest commencing corner;at a thence post east planted 10 chains;at the p. m, - - - Muila arranged tor band or orcliettrt. hence south 90 chains: thrm-a went m Sundays; PRINCIPALS- ill. Edmunds. M.S.M.. K.I.A.M.. Feia Ceoil Mednlist. chains to high water mark; thence north Willpm Balagno, Modern French Violin, School. ontalnlng u cnains roiiowing 15.0 acres,nign more water or less.mark and 11.00 a.m., 4.60 p.m., 10.00 Mlmbers of Westholme Theatre Orchestra. 1JU35C, MILl-fclU) I'AC KIIXIl COMPANY p.m. ATED Srd December,LIMITED 1918, FU Advertise In The Daily News