Wednesday, January 29, 1910. THE DAILY NEWS. Pago 5 , HOW TO GET lilD LOCAL MARKET W$Lm TOM I EM -l l OF RHEUMATISM PRICES RULE WpsthnliriA WW UULIIUIIIIU STILL STRONG ' 4 Point the All 'ua mX I Q. 'GCMlMrrt 17 "Frult-a-tives" Way Theatre 1 to Quick Relief Apples and Oranges Tend to Go . Higher Onions Dear Here; i Vkroha, Ont. I VHitch , STREET & HC3 i "I suffered for a number of years Eggs Steady. f with Rheumatism and severe Pains in my Side and Batk, caused by Tlic coflee market is verv The Week's Program strong, tho price not having ad-f I strains and heavy lifting. of vanced since the war, except in ' ? Includes When I had given up hopa ever ' , ' being well again, a friend recom-! one-pound tins, on account of the mended Fruit-a-tlves' to me and price of tins. Tho average price 1 SESSUE HAYAKAWA in the Paramount ' after using the first box I felt so of coffee now in one-pound tins Picture, "The White Man's Law." much better that I continued to is COc. take them and now I am enjoying The egg market is still steady. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in the Artcraft tho best of health, thanks to your The onion market is firming up I Picture, "Mr Fix It." ; wonderful fruit medicine". for good onions. The retail price. ' W. M. LAMPSON. foi) onions in Vancouver is 12 lbs.' BILLIE LUjaKE i.i the Paramount Picture, "Frult-a-tives" are sold by all for 25c, liereit is 0 lbs. for 25c. ! dealers at 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, ''Let's Get a Divorce." The reason is that Okanagan' trial sire 25c. or sent postpaid by Frult-a-tlves Limited, Ottawa. onions are of n very inferior! quality, and cost great deal to' a I S ' Two HP c I THE DAILY NEWS ship, while the good onions arc expensive. .iCoorrieht. 9H. i? tbf Ktuln: Idmrtm. NVw Yor Herald Ce.l very aj Classified : Advertising The apple market is fine good apples will 60on be $4 per box. Ham, Smoked, ............ 50c of January. A. D. It Id. I. the imiljrtiinsrl Phone 98 The price of oranges is advancing Ham, sliced, 55c Anna to the Wick,estate was of appointed Uustav Witk,Administratrix deceased, LS. PRINCE GEORGE Thi. U tlie Aiierl ng Column that in the southeiji markets, but the Salt backs ......... ...... 45o aim said an estate panics are hereby uavnig required claims against to furnish the , people read whea the want any thing market here has still quite, a Turkeys, per lb. ...... ,-. .... 50c same, properly verllled, to me, on or before it bring result the 7lh day or February, A. D. 1918, largo amount of cheap stock Chicken, lb. ........... 50c on per and all parties Indebted to the estate arc SAILING WANTED. hand yet. Fowl, per lb. . i ......... . 45c required to pay the amount of thelr Indebtedness to me forthwith. Lettuce is very scarce,v wholesaling Dairy Produce. ANNA WICK, Administratrix. THURSDCY Midnight for Svvanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver l:VAITHEStf WANTED Windsor In Vancouver at $0 per Butter, lb.. , . C0c.;. Dated ihls 7th day of January, 19 is. and Victoria. i Hotel. 23 crate of 30 heads, and arriving Butter (cooking) lb. ....... 50c I w TIE supreme court of British WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. hero in a very poor condition at Cheese, lb. . . ,35cij COLUMBIA. WANTED Someone to clean two j that. Lettuce is in the millionaire Eggs t(case) ... ..... 75c ;.; THE MATTER.OF THE "ADMINISTRA- S. S. PRINCE JOHN X rooms. Apply Daily News odlce class at the present time. Strictly new-laid eggs 90c and Queon Charlotte Islands, January 23rd, February 6th and hv ANTED Experienced fishcr-X The Viking Creamery butter is Margarine 45c IN WILLIAM THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF February 20th. SUNBERO, DECEASED; INTESTATE. man to buy half interest in ilrst selling-like hot-cakes. Cauliflower class 30-ft. boat, 4 cycle engine, is olT tho market for the present, Salvation Army. Honour TAKE F.NOTICE McB. Young,that made in order the 4th of day His TRAIN SERVICE ! $300 cash required. Apply box also Jap oranges. Administrator f January, D. the 1919,estate I was of appointed William Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and3ATURDAV at 11:30 a.m. ror Smltbera I 217 News olllce. If The following- are current Public meetings, ' Tuesday. Sunberg, deceased, and all parties having Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections .for all prices: HuiiilHyi and Saturdays at 8 p. claims against the said estate are hereby points east and south. required to rumlsh same, properly verified, EMPLOYMENT WANTED Fresh salmon 25c ti Sil inlays ill. 7:30 p. Id. to me, on or berore the 8th day or February, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. i Cod, salt, Alaska 15c to the estate EXPERIENCED Automobile man are required to pay N THE SUI'flEME COUIIT OF BRITISH the amount or their Indebtedness to me For Information and reservations apply to desires position as driver and Cod, 2 lbs. 25c COLUMBIA. forthwith. Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Cod fillets- 15c N THE MATTEll OK THE "ADM1NI3TRA JOHN II. McMULLiN, repair man. Address" P. O. box TIU.N ACT" omcial Administrator. City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 023. (24) Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. ..... 25c and DATED this 6th day of January, 1919. N THE MATTER UK THE ESTATE OF Finnan haddie, lb, 18c JOHN liUNTl.NO, DECEASED; INTESTATE. SEWING MACHINES Halibut, lb 25c IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills COLUMBIA. Herring kippered, lb. 15c Honour F. McB. Youn?, made the 4th day IT'OR HENT Sewing machines and Soles, lb. 10c or January, A. D. 1019, I was appointed IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION pianos Singer .Shop, 329 2nd Administrator to the estate or John Bunt ACT Skate, 2 lbs. 25c ing, deceased, and all parties having and Avenue. 23 claims against said estate are hereby required IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Oolichans, salt 10c to furnish same, properly verllled, MALCOLM McKAY, DECEASED; INTESTATE. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BOATS WANTED Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes. . 50c to me, on or before the th day or Fcbru-ry, A. D. mm, and all parties indebted to TAKE NOTICE that in order or Ills Crabs, large, 20c to 25c. he estate are required to pay the amount Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3 1st day ..ili cash for boat if of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. or December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed pay your Fruits and Vegetables. JOHN H. MCMULLIN, Administrator to the estate of Malcolm McKay, Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Hie piice is right. Send full 4c Omcial Administrator. deceased, and all parties having claims Onions, dry via Steamer to Vancouver and the DATED this 8th day of January, mm. against the said estate are hereby required particulars with lowest price Lettuce ...20c; 2 for 35c to furnish same, properly verified, to me, Canadian Pacific on or before lhe 6th day of February, Railway slating where the boat bo may Brussels Sprouts, per lb.... 25c IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH iuiu, ana an parties inacotea to me estate seen, by letter to X.Y.Z., News Bananas ....... 60c THE MATTER COLUMBIA.OK THE "ADMINISTRATION are Indebtedness required to to me pay forthwith.the amount of their Meals and Berth included on Steamer oillcc. Grapefruit (California) . 10c. ACT" JOHN II. McMULLiN, - - and ' omcial Administrator. FOR SALE Grapefruit (Florida) ..2 for 35c N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DATED this 8 th day of January, 1919. Apples, per lb. 6o to 12 Ho II.TESTATE.R. CHRISTENSEN, DECEASED; IN FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT , 15c TAKE NOTICE that In order oT Ills IN "THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH K)Il SALE -Hedroom and dining Celery Honour F. Men. Younir. made the 4th day COLUMBIA. January 17th, 3 1st; February 14th and S8th; March lith, and i 1st, and K noon rnituro: china cabinet Grapes, per lb. ,. 40c or January, A, D. 1919, I was appointed April Snd. Administrator the estate of 11. It. to in golden oak with bevelled Carrots, per lb 3c Chrlslensen, deceased, and all parties IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION glass. Apply Suilo 2 Desncr Parsnips, per lb., 4 He having claims against the said estate are ACT and FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANGELL, 8KA0WAY, ALASKA furnish properly hereby required to same, Apartments, Phono 107. tf Sweet potatoes- 10c verllled. to me, on or before the 8th day IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF January 13th and S7th; February 10th and 24th; March 7th, 17th and 28th Lemons 40c or February, A. D. 1919, and all parties ,CARL RICHARD CARLSON, DECEASED; .-. indebted to the estate are required to pay INTESTATE. tJ'OH SALE Log pilings, 50 to English walnuts 50c the amount or their indeDteaneas to mc TAKE NOTICE that In order of His 100 ft. in length; hemlock and Currants 30c forthwith. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 31st day Australian JOHN II. MC.MULL1.1. or December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Spruce. Apply Kilamaat Council, Comb honey 50c Official Administrator. Administrator to the estate of Carl Richard DATED this 8th day of January, 1919. Carlson, deceased, and all parties having Kilamaat Mission. Figs, per pkt 20c and 40c claims against the said estate are hereby Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Fr'nce Rupert. B.C. Cranberries 40q N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH required to furnish same, properly verified. lion SALE -No. 4 Portable Hubbard Oven, COLUMBIA. to me. on or before me bin any or aim ,i new. Apply La Casse. bakery. Oranges (navel) 50c to 75c N THE MATTER OF THE "AD.M1.MSTRA ary, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted to I' u. Dox 413, l-rince nupert. if TION ACT" lhe estate are required to pay the amount Dates, per box, 30c , and of, (heir Indebtedness to me forthwith. TAXI SERVICE Mejts. Ji THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Omcial Administrator. INTESTATE. Beef, pot roasts, lb 30c. STANLEY WOZNEY, DECEASED; DATED this 6th day of January, 1919. ETAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE 35c takk MiTir.E that In order of Ills Beef, check roast, lb.. . .32c to Night and Day. Phone 99. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 4tfi day N THE SUPREME COURT OF' BRITISH The Union Beef, rib roast, lb ...... . 37 c. or January, A. D. 1919, 1 was appointed COLUMBIA: COAST SERVICE. lb 25c and 30c Administrator to the estates or Stanley n LOST Beef, boiling, Wozney. deceased, and all parties having N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. it Hamburger, lb 30c claims against the said estate are hereby ACT, Steamship n LOST -Lost on Friday on Third Stewing, lb 30c. required to furnish same, properly 8th verllled, of AND Port and Naas Points, to me, on or berore the day Anyox, Simpson Avenue between Third and Sixth ,amb, leg 50o A.the 1919,are and required all parties to pay Indebted X TOHSTEN THE MATTER TORSTENSON,OF THE ESTATE DECEASED;OF Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. it n Streets, roll of bank Fin-di INTESTATE. notes. .amb, loin 50c. the amount or their tnaeoieaness to wu TAKE NOTICE that In order of 111 it r pleaso return to Daily News Mutton 5o forthwith. JOHN 11. MCMULLI.l, Honour F. McB. Young, made the 31st day ll Ltd. II John Barnsley, General Agent Office. Reward. 23 30o. omcial Administrator. or December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed Pork sausages Administrator to the estate of Torsten DATED this 8th day of January, 1919. Tomato sausages JC. Torsiensoii, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estite are Pork, leg 45c. ,-N T1E supreme court of British hereby required to furnish same, properly verllled, to me, on or before tho 6th day Pork, shops 45o to 55o TJE MvrTES,AiE admi.mistra- or February, A. D. 1919, and all parties Pork, shoulder 40c. tion act Indebted to the estate are required to pay Advertise in "The News" Jn(1 the amount of their Indebtedness to, me Daily Ayrshire bacon, lb. sliced... 60o IN TI(F matter of the estate of rorthwlth. deceased, intestate JOHN II. McMULLiN. oustav wick, CO jiacon, niece take notice mat m order of ins omcial Administrator. The Paper that' 'gets Quick Results f '-COr.ST RUCTION OF WHARF, MAS8ETT, Bacon, sliced, 00c to 700 Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3rd day DATED this 6th day of January, 1919. B. O. NOTICE ALtD TENDERS addressed to Hie ' i" u.illon gned. of and a wharr,endorsed approach,"Tender Landing for It's Great Life if You Don't Weaken l'.al und Freight Shed at New Masselt, a yietn uiarlotto Islands. B.C." will be io-I'lved at this ontce until 4i00 p.m. on ilitiriday, januury 30th, 1V1D, Tor tho work mentioned, .HlPr wl" no be considered unless tide upon rorms rurnlshed by Department rniLi"..accorill",ce w"1 conditions therein. nniVii?, an1 specifications to be seen on application to tiio l ust Master. New Massett .',.,i W 11,8 on'co of the Dominion P. i vork I'rlnco Rupert, 11. C. n.r, '"'der must bo accompanied by an ni.iip ,d .fheque on a chartered bank, pay-Mifi..i' ,hS oriler r "ie Honourable tho ifj. or ,'Ju'"'e Works, equal to ten l"1"' !0: of tho amount of the r,.n?i , Doilnlon War Donds will be ae-uifm ,. " ecu''"y. nd Interest will be on deposit after contract Is award-By order, i E. I'. OINORAS, - nn nupert. -u. u.. January g, 1BIB. . lOTicu .v.. ACT liu5S'.Vn.l,IIA,,M,TTE ISLANI1S I.AM) il'''ICT HECOIiniNQ DISTRICT OF ?tr.NA AND 8ITIIATK UN Ttir. SHOE OF 0IIAY 11AY, MOflESHY 13 f vA.n!',.nTI(:E.""lt Yoshlmatsu Mukal, ti'nd ""lln Columbia, ranncr. ii, n i fur Permission to purchase K!nd,,Sn2i,,L,!"L cr r land Ian.i ?i,5?.r,1r Lot 806, Moresby Is- ii . vf west twenty I fwrn'iJSS Torl" t,frn,y C,"l"! "ence r?m.I. to the forcshoro! thence ' outhcrly to the i KrEi mforeCOSrm,ensC.en'?n,' conl1"' ,.V?."'I i dy of December. A. D. lOourrUnt. 181J. tin Eitcloii TiIokmui. .Nw Tors U.raW OoJ