1 Monday, October, 7, 1929 TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Bright metal packages keep it always resh. TEA 'Fresh from the gardens9 7(4 Fortify Yourself Now Against Those Winter Colds With a Bottle of Rum Honey and Cod Liver Oil A well-tried remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, etc. PKICE, $1.25 PER IJOTTLE yfw Pioneer UrtteeisLs THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sal 1 1 im Iruiu I'rlnrc U lifer I tor VAMOlHtll. VIL10UIY, Miubwii IW). Itutedale. Alert liar, tic, lu-Uaj. 3:30 p.m. f or UM IILVKK. VILIOIiU. hulediilr. ,ll Uy, t.. I Hilar hMulcbt for AI.ICK AH.M. ANVOX, STMV.IKT, Naai Klirr, IDrl tttiupxHl. fcun-day, g:(H) p.m. 1!J tnd .Ucuue It M. SMITH tgent ITInw Ituprft. II C Tl rough t'ckrtu aold to Victoria and hewtt! .and laagcase checked through to destination. Icakadian pacific B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS I'ltO.M I'llLNCE RUPERT To Ketchik-n, Wranaell, Juneau and 8kagway an. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Oct. 2, 13, 23. Princes Mary--Oceans Palls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 pan A(cnu l or aii aiaamuiip unc W. C. Orchard, General Agent JrdAvc I'rlnee Rupert, rione 31 nM1An National The Largefl Raihoay System in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from WINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANY OX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 1 p.m. For STEWART and KETCIPKAN, each Saturday. 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. iM"t,Mif:n niton i Kr. rinvi f. ni rem DAILY KXITI'T Sl'MlAY at 1 1 .30 ni far I'KINCE OSOIKIE, IDMON-TON, IN.MI i:0. all potnti tyetern Canada. lulled Mtr. AtirNCY a 1.1. nm sTroiMtir Li.ir. City Ticket Qffice. 528 Third Ave. Prime HupertPhnne 260 LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap . . . : $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap :$25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x0, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x0, 8 to 14 S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, II. C. Sawmill and Head Office. Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow hay. Telephone 423 Coal? , Coal? Tak mlvnntnge of low price to put In jour winter supply, KIMON and CASSinY-Wr.LI.INO. TON 1 1) any quantities. Also Hour, Iluylraln and I'erd. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 53 AND 558 Bf'Alexailtler IIIONE 41 J ntSNKIt MOCK DENTIST Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone C86. Chas. P. Balaenb. teacher of pianoforte, has resumed teaching. Tfcis is tke RIGHT TIME TOB1 YouH save a lot of trouble and expense later if you have your car properly equipped now. Look to your tires first No time like th sent to buy a Set of these sturdy long-wear, ine tires,- Each the best at the price. DOMINION ROYAL CORDS AND (tn This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30. was reported this morning to be on time. Scandinavian dances were held Saturday evenine both in the Moose and Metropole Halls. There were lair attendances at both events. I A. R. Holtby, B. and B. master Of the Canadian National Railway, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official Paul Ttckolls. well known interior prospector, who is at present working on a promising claim near Houston. Is spending a few days in the city, arriving from the interior on Saturday afternoon's train and returning there tomorrow morning. Rev. Dr. R. M. Stevenson spoke on the particularly interesting sublect of "The Scottish Covenanters" at evening service yesterday in First Presbyterian Church. A congregation was present which took up the entire capacity of the church. Charles Booking, president and general manager of the Granby Co.. arrived in the city on the uaiaia last evemnir rrnm van. jcouver and proceeded from here uj Auyuv ui me company service boat Granby which came down to meet him. i ' Under command of Cant. James iFlndlay. who Is relieving Capt. A. k. mcMon who ta taking his vacation. Union steamer Oatala arrived in port at 7:20 last evening from the south and sailed at 9 p.m. for Anvox. Stewart and other northern points whence ehc will return here tomorrow morning and sail south at 3:30 pjn. Bert T. Phillips writes from Ocean Falls asking for the publication of a notice In regard to the reunion of the 47th battalion tn October 26. Tbe Dally News is flooded with' requests of this kind. Advance notleea nf all irlnrt kdvertWtjgj W thW paper. However. "'vi. flisiBMjer joi me 4m win dmrotlesV 'get m touch with Mr. Phlllins or iwima nthr nmhn. nt 4he- oommlttee Jiindling the mat- 3 GLASSES WATER HELP CONSTIPATION One gla.w of water la not enoufb UXe "gff Jfl"eT y wur before braak-fat. Mich MaW'MMiita ohtaiuHt t)y add rut a teajjoon of almpJr gljroarin. aaJirie ?cRcku (kaown aa Adlerlka) to earh gbiaa I Adlerlka act on BOTH upper and lower : bowel and remove old waate matter you I never thought waa In your aywtwn. Stops gaa and aour atomach In TEN minutest Relieve oonatkpatlon In two noun. lOpnee, Ltd . druga SUITS! SUITS! MADK TO ORDKR Cutting, Workmanship and Stylr All (tunrantced .SUITS,STUA.M CI.KANED AM . PRGSSED le Deliver to An I'nrt of tin City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 ROYAL MASTERS S. E. Parker, Ltd. fok'd dealers Third 'Avenue Thonc 83 . . ' i:(l ni I " t or thr run I have own troubled irHh kidney trouble, aixl could rfircely walk (or pain. Laat ClutatmM a friend ol mine fame to iUy with u lor a lew day, and brought with her a iMittlo ol kruacheu' balta, and mi me a good .done. Alter auoiit a week, taking a little every Running, 1 found the trouble leaving me, and I could walk well. 1 have taken Kruaelien regularly until a month ago. and then 1 thought I could manage ithuut them, but laat week tha old trouble came bark again. 1 Immediately got a bottle ol Xriwhen Halta then and there, and 1 feci quite a new woman azaln. 1 am ao urate. lul that t thought 1 would write and let you know what. 1 think of your wonderful Malta. CMtaMiktureaaKlurlwiMtne. (JJrl.) K. Zf. Kmaehen Malta h oUataable at drug and department rtorra In fauada at a bottle. A bottk oouUtoa enough to last for 4 or 5 moritha tfood health tor ball-atent a day. Mrs. L. W. Patmore sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. F. E. Wercnlg; sailed last night by the Prince George on a holiday trfn to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. F. W. Hart, who has been confined to his home with a severe attack of sciatica. wa p.ble to be out thi morning with the aid of crutches. MrV D. J. McDonald and daughter. Miss Jean McDonald, were passengers aboard the Catala last evenln returning to KtncoHth after having scent a holiday In Vancouver and Victoria. Ptahon fV A H'x ret'trppd to the cUy on 'he Caal. last evening after havtn attTle1 the consecration of the new Anglican Cathedral nt Victoria and provincial synod meetings at Vancouver. Dan Archer arrived in the c'tv on the forestry boat Lillian , T).. after havlnr pent the nast five months on the Queen Charlotte Island" scaling for the forestry department of the Bj C. Jack Pederen well knrwn man. who has long been 'n-tereste-i In the Stewart, and Alice I Arm f'o'da. arrived in the citv on ,yeterrtav afternoon's train from (the Slbola district in the central 1 Interior and MtlatdUst evening on i the Catala for Stewart, i Da'' ! Pitt enerl manager of the Premier Oo'd Mining Co.. ar rived m the citv orr the Prince George last nleht from Stewart on tMs morning's train for a trip to Smlthers on minimi business. He mav ofoeeed to Vancouver from Smlthers-. Union freighter PhlHrw nt. T Mul" d In oort on Wednesday afternoon from Vancouver "nd wl'l oroceed from here to Stewart Ioc.il cargo of the vessel includes lnmber for John Curne St Son who are doing work on Tv-,v. T-ion(j fQI Dominion government. Backache! Bladder Trouble! Sleepless Nighls! "Fruit-a-tives" Attacks the Cause Brac.es the System If you luffer from back-pains, wakeful I nights, Improper bladder and bowel action i resulting from kidney trouble, try "Fruit-s-tlves'. This wonderful medicine made of intensified fresh fruit juices and the finest medicinal ingredients restores normal action naturally . . . and quickly. Find relief yourself. It has helped thousands! Get "Fruit--tlves" to-day at your druggist's. Some Ways Of Using It "UUILU H. C JVaPOMTtt. "Pacific Milk gives a nice, rich, creamy flavor to scalloped potatoes, old fashioned Yorkshire pudding, custards and cakes, diluted with water half and half."': Tills la fromthe letter of 'tlic'lady who runs- Sl,rumrher resort. 7' She also said." "it' Is a' gMt 'boon to Vancouver and British Columbia that such a good product as Pacific Milk is manufactured here." PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, 1J.C. William Shrubsall sailer! Inst night on the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver. ' USS. Cardena will sail for Vancouver and wav rjorts at 8 n.m. Friday instead of 12 midnight this weeK. (237) P. M. Monckton B.C.L.S. of Victoria left fin thl mnrnintr'a trnln for a trip to Hazelton on professional business. i Miss Linnea Hanson left on this mornine's train for Tnrnntn uluro she will take up studies at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Edith Woodcock is appearing before Magistrate McClymont In city police court this afternoon on a charge of keeping liquor for sale. For drunkenness. George Stevens was fined $25, with option of 30 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rurjert Ministerial Association -which was to have been held thl? morning, was postponed until next Monday. Jack Vlereck ' apnenrin" btn Magistrate McClymont In city police court this afternoon on a charge under the Motorvehicle Act of not pjpduclng his drivers' 11-"nte on demand of a police UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Combined With Harvest Thanksgiving: for Snecial Services Yesterday Congrcatlnnal annlversarv and harvest thankssrivinr were lointlv celebmted with snecial services both mnrnirtT and even'ng In First United Church ventprdiv. T"1 e!h'"h ''as bes'iHfnllv decoratH with ! rw-s fruit and vegetables. Rev. Alfred Wilson, the -"tstor. nrirn"!! appropriate sermons and the choir sang special music. In both his sermons Mr. Wilson mn'1" ne'lt! Tfe-"icf to the Important event In church hltorv last week of the union of the Church of Scotland md the United Free CIrirch in Scotland, for which 6c caslcn ren'-esentatives of thi Unl ted rhurch of Canada had'kche to the old country. The pastors sub- 'ect In the morning was "Bless the! Lord. O My Soul, and Fbreet' Not ah xiis Jtsenents. ana. in tne eve nlng. "Consider the Lilies How They urow. in ine morning mere was a r.hn-us bv the Junior choir with Miss Alleen Yates a soloist. Holv Com j munion was administered. In the anr-""" "He watereth th Hills." with Mrs. T. A Hoss as solblst.' ' Miss M. A. Wav rjreslded at the! orran n me morning ana Mrs. Alfred Wilson In the evening.'. Tonight the church anmverafirv will be observed with the annual congregational dinner. i ANNOUNCES! ENTS United Church Anniversary Banqust, October 7. tf Mooseheart Ladles' whist drive and dance, Oct. 11 at 8:30 prompt. Admission 75c and SOc. Elks' Patrol Team dance in Elks' Home, Oct. 18. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and LJance, Elks' Home. October 25. Hill 60 Annual Bazaar, Novem-1 ber 2. I . Presbyterian Baaaar November, Eagles' whist drive and dance. November 7. Moose Annual Bazaar Nov. 21 and 22. United Church Bazaar, December 5. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Smart, experienced, saleslady for men's furnishing store Anply Mr. Mitchell, Meeker Block. I A VERY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Beatty Electric Washing Outfit Wc again present to you our jroposlUon 0f a complete HOME Laundrying Outfit. Our 55 years' expe iencc in the manufacture of a washing machine is a guarantee of mechanical perfection in construction. When better washers can be made. Beatty Bros, will make them. Some washers are made to sell, while the Beatty Is made to wash. fPARKIN & WARD Phone 125 For Free Demonstration 5-Piece Bedroom Suite if $225.00 This valnut suite comprises a 42" dresser, 42" single mirror vanity and bench and 36" chiff ionier, full size bed with cable or Slumber King spring and guaranteed white felt mattress. Barries Home Furnishings "Furniture of Distinction" Halibut Sales Summary American 378.000 pounds, 13.5c and 8; to 15.4c and 8c. Canadian 13,500 pounds, 14c and 9c to 15.1c and 10.5c. American TM,ne I., 11,000, Booth, 15.4c and 8c. Paragon. 45,000, Pacific, 14c and 9c Celtic. 45 000. Atlin 13.5c and 8c. Pacific, 40.000; Daily. 16,000. and Venture, 40,000. Cold Storage, 13.6c and 8c. Pelgeland, 35.000, Hoyal. 13.6c and 8c. F.'-ri 35,000 .t.lln. 14c and 8c. Itesolute, 30,000, Booth, 135c and Sc. Havana. 30.000. Booth. 13.9c and c. riinrt 30,000. Cold Storage, i ..'" ana bc. 8c. Bonanza. 18.000. Booth ISr? nnrl Eastern Point, 3,000, Royal, 15c and 8c. Canadian Kalen, 5,000, Pacific. 15c and 10.5c. .. .. Cape Swln. 5,500, Cold Storage, 14c and Be. I Mayflower, 3,000, Royal, 15.1c and'TBc. GRAIN MOVEMENT Over the week-end nhoiit in rare of grain arrived from the nralrles iot we Aioerta wneat poors local elevator. This morning there were rCDOrted tn hp unwnrrfo nf 1(V neir- 'oads bound here, over 400 of these Being on the territory west of Red Piss Junction. i . i,.;.,. , i FUNERAL TODAY Th 'funeral nf tho lat AlKor 'Mr.kson.-fisherman, who died last Week In the Prlncp Rnrwrt risn- eral Hospital, was held at 2 o'clock nis aiiernoon rrom tne chapel of the B. C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemeterv T?pv AlfroH wiicnn r.e First United Church officiated; iTTia T la IT Ml TT1 STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtey 8. D. Johnston Co.) - ' 3. C. Silver. U0, 1.45. i Beaver Silver, Nil, 13. Big Missouri, 1.02. 1.01. I Cork' Province, 8Vi, 9Vi. ' Duthle Mines, Nil, 50. Oeorge Copper, 4.50, 4.75. Georgia River. 25, 27. Golconda, 80, 82. Grandvtew, 2714, NU. j Kootenay Florence, 11, 12. Kootenay King, 23, 24. Lucky Jim, 12 V4, 13. ivionawK. jyg, 4. , Morton Woolsey, 3, Nil. xwarraoi itiver uoia, zvs, Nil. Marmot Metals, 3. 4. National Silver, 12, 13. Noble Five, 57, 60. Oregon Copper, 23, 24. Pend Oreille, 4.20. 455. Permier, 1.72, 1.74. Porter-Idaho, 37, 40. Reeves Macdonald, 1.65, 1,70. Rufus-Argenta, 15. 16. Ruth-Hope, 36, 38. Silver Crest, 6, 7. Slocan Rambler, Nil, 12. Snowflake, 27, 28. Sunloch, 1.40, 1.70. Topley Richfield, 10, 11. Toric Mines, 50, Nil, Whitewater, 40. 50, Oil , Advance, 1.65, 'Nil. A. P, Con., 3.76'3.77i Calmont, 2.80! 2.85. ' Dalhousle, 215. 2.40. " Devenish, 25, 30., Fabyan Pete, 9, 9Vi. Home, 17.15, 1715. niinols-Alberta 50, 60. McDoug.-Segur, 250, 2.75. McLeod, 2.75, 3.00. Royalite rites, HUM), 18 00. -Freehold, 154,,li57. Hargal, 1.55,'I.COV Sterling Pacific, lT, J 1.60. Hargal, 135, 1.60. Dallas, 1.50, 1.55. C. Si E., 4.60, 4.65. AND SO OFTEN Manv nf 11 wnnM nnf mlnrl a woman having the last word If e didn't make it last so long. Chat The Gin of Quality that has enjoyed H a a world world wide wide UWDONDRYQW aT w popularity for 100 years. UTftMIIHIO a JOSEPH V JOHN VICKERS CO.. liJ. ION DON 17)0 tNClAXD Mm "eauw ruMM 1 a This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Drltlsh Columbia.