THE DAILY NEWS MILLIONAIRE’S ss, BUSINESS WOMAN'S VISIT "an Stork Building, Second Avenue. vA ; > ‘ 4 When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the $ Second avenue and Third street MRLTON HOTEL | DARING OFFER Prince TO THE PANAMA CANAL "=== CA | $ : Rupert e H. Gordon Munro wW. Nich slsop Lailey ein B.C. European Plan, Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day 3) anne hoe Tax Reform Fund 1 | Ancon, Panama, Jan, 28 mere of the Americans on the Is- MUNRO & LAILEY ae . i tie ae ; | ill Duplicate What 8 ‘ ; ‘onstanece Baker, of Cineinnati us come to me ‘to be taken.’ Hot and Cold Water in each room. ; Oanaéa May Shewie ou Up,” Sails Every Friday at 8 a.m. for i pe apne, CF Uieineee Mofo ap. COME WOES. WO 0G: tAREa: Architects, 4 ( 4 4 jis the only American woman on|My brother was employed down CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS : Says Joseph Fels. vaeeurey TO TORI, SAREE | the Isthmus to go into business | here and I came to visit several Vancouver, B.C. , ih eect e Bvery Wedneediy Bs 1 p. m. for SHREL for herself, and she is the first|}years ago. I liked it so well that|— mecca tte le remarkable announcement} Also niaintains weekly service to Queen person to introduce a roof gar-|I decided to go into business for ar g that he would duplicate whatever See esnd points. For particulars} den into Panama | myself.” AOOUSNSANTS <> MOMEDIG ww" amount Canada might choose ot Train Service to Van Arsdol Miss Baker has a photograph}; Miss Mable Sloan, another! Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 put up to fight for the single tax + we eng trains e lea Prince Rupert}studio at the very top of an old|Cincinatti girl who recently vis- Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 | eanesdays anc atu 5 ) | : : in this country was made the] Por all points East of Ohieags Ravel via;}adobe building inhabitated only|ited Miss Baker, went home wear- other night by Mr. Joseph Fels,| ie. erergg we ton ey System for! hy Panamanians. jing a diamond and her fiance ; millionaire, it . course f toon Shatin : ‘ | : , phia koa [ie Reonetae ct wow sngineop| ALFRED CARSS, C, V. BENNETT, B.A. ‘FROM HOME TO HOME.” millionaire 1 the course of an ickot, full information, reservations and One flight, two flights, three|is Rene Granger, a civil-engineer | “¢ British Colambia Gt B.0., Ontarto, Has: address before the Tax Reform Aah a gd a flights—I wondered if there was|she met here. and Manitoba Bars. katchewan and Al- League of Eastern Canada at To- A. E. McMASTER | ary top to the building. Curious, | You never can tell where you'll CA ae tr Fifteen business men promptly Sid. Sykes, Manager pledged themselves to contribute ronto, Mr. Fels limited his do- GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK dark faces peered out of the}meet your fate. SUE. nations only to his millions PACIFIC RY. CO. : nace eine ae BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETC. : : E sisi ligt isineandsteneiyjammncnsennnenomencemmnactemeniacensceces } Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines | | SETTLERS FOR CANADA Sixth street, Prince Ruvert. 8~ > | F | |Immigration Will Start Early This WM. 3. HALL, L.D.8., D. D.S. Year—Families from Scotland. DENTIST. ae Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Canadian Press Despatch All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and i 2 local anasthetics administered for the painless ex- W innipeg, Jan. 27. Immigra- |} traction of teeth. Consultation free, Offices: c ‘ Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 ition will start early this year. About the latter part of February the first steamer will be started, an amount equal to half their | business tax for one year to open a campaign fund. The meeting 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. was attended by Messrs. Stewart Phone 8500, Lyon, W. A. Douglas, R. BR. Jac- ques, Milton Kerr, Sydenham Thompson, R. 8. Muir, Dr. Suner Singh and others, rinest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Alex.M.Manson B.A., W.E.Williams,B.A.,L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON . 7), PD ISIISI ISS ISGP FISPPS FS VOPLD PREPS PPS EPS PPS D PSD PSD PSTD perthes In Missouri Mr. Fels has made] \ Adak pede oe pit i according to a representative : me cA se EEE EEE Mens enantio MEE Me Net Me Mer Pela similar offer. B.C. Coast service - I amous Princess from the Old Country booking of- Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Z : Line oot Box 285 1 ee ee . < sary per whole pogo from Prince Rupert, B.C . | Scotland are coming in the spring # GREAT ACTIVITY IN MINING) Princess Beatrice as sasiy-Ap {tds poseibia aa sae ) “ oe a eeage Sees V0 SEAT p20. BOX 2% PRINCE RUPERT : S| Sunday, January 28th,at9 a.m. * work in the agricultural districts. Or a 3 |From Summary of Review Made For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle Farmers who have been success- JOHN E. DAVEY > | by “Canadian Finance.” J. G. McNab 3 Generel Axent. ful in grain and fruit districts in TEACHER OF SINGING | —_—— | England are planning to move | PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG with their families to Western Canada. Birtish Columbia is get- an a ting a very fine class of British- GEORGE LEEK & co. ers, according to a local immi- MERCANTILE AGENCY gration authority, and many im- COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS migrants who came out last eS a See eee eee oS There will be great activity throughout the entire Slocan dis- trict in 1912, and many new NOTICE jinines, as well as old producers, = will be developed to their full Notice is hereby given that an applica- -Anac : f ‘are ‘ ‘ tion will be made to the Legislative As- capacity, Spokane capital, as in| semply of the Province of British Columbia ~ se c « « , “ye z he early days, seems to be most} at its next session for an act amending spring are se » farms ¢ 618 3rd Avenue Phone 203 and Green 252 ae eo na von aeOS") Section 3 of the British Columbia & Alaska pepring are settied on farms and PRINCE RUPERT 2 conspicuous in this revival, In] Railway Act, 1910 (Ch. 56, Statutes af fare doing well. rye a a a ‘iin ‘is } British Columbia, 1910), by striking out the Sheep Creek camp, which is] ai the words after the ‘word “Columbia” 5a eee the centre of the gold mining in- i ie 40 Of Caan and substituting RESTART HUDSON BAY RY. A. M. BROWN yeretor iis ollow dustry in the province, prospects “And or from Fort George in a north- easterly direction to the valley of the HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER at Home |McArthur Begins’ Sending Sup- are very promising, and the new] Parsnip River by way of Fort McLeod, Sy sos . , mill for the Mother Lode Com-| thence along the Parsnip River to a junc- plies Into North Country. penerae © Paes : a 1 ’ } tion with the Peace River, thence along CONSTANCE BAKER | Complete Stoc arried. > ‘pany will considerably augment] the valley of the Finlay ‘River through ge ce Outeide Orders Promptly Filled. . 3 | ass once y ~ 2 . ; returns when in working order, | $ifton | Fete ncHO anu tht pe at ee dele ea eet Canadian Press Despatch. gud Ava: te 10th and 11th St ‘to a junctio - ‘ a 8 : ae In old Rossland camp there is| Telegraph Creek; also powers to build) qggrwayvs and a brown little man| Winnipeg, Jan 27, Active| “™ ve tween nd 4 | branch lines either through the Pine River | ‘ i directed me to the studio.| Work on the building of the rail- 2° sss « * WEEKLY NEWS every prospect of another re- | or Peace River passes to the oan Donn finally y & wane : . velo ents| 4 of British Columbia, or by way o ae ‘ e to dson i : ; a |juvenation in the developments| Gy oC erate route, or ia the alterna: There were pictures all around| 4 line to Hudsor ay, which THE IROQUOIS , 3 at the low levels of the we Roil tive by the most feasible route between was discontinued on October 11 Ay ‘ . Lytton and Teslin Lake, also to build from| and while I was looking and ad-}|,, a , ‘ 222 | mine, which was sold by the Eng-] qa°point on said line of ‘railway to the City |last by order of the Minister of POOL { ¥} |lish shareholders to the Consoli- OF Tver ah o HOine Oa anid tine, Dy tne mast e this daring American) Railways, was resumed today. J. . K 'dated Mining and Smelting Com-| feasible route.” : : me girl artist appeared, hand out-|}D. McArthur, who had the con- English and American Billiards Pomp ci "the: fo act extendin B | 7 Ay pany of frail, Rich ore has been dee vatthin’ which the company: has to stretched, and enveloped from|tract from the former adminis- Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. f h struck here again, and it is ex-| commence eeaiastiones expend ten PeT/ head to foot in a big, paint-|tration at Ottawa, returned fyom ee , It has all the news 0 t e we | pected to prove another case of : Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 5th day of} smeared apron. jthe capital the other night and ° 9 . th se ja supposedly worked-out mine mbet BE ATEON & HEISTERMAN, | : “| Then, of course, we had to up| bewan the bs “ raion . 1) , ( fe).6 O6agalir stronger Solicitors for the Applicants, the British | , > CO “oof garde ¢ Ist Ss | the north for the hun- * . ? week S progress in e a | ming to lif again tronge! Columbia & Alaska Railway Company, | 0! the cozy I f garden eee applic O Une ; ‘i Hotel Central cae ee ater s ° . . ll than ever. lehat. Miss Baker lives in her/dreds of men who wi ye em- :: city and district. It te $ ¥ In the Boundary camps there| — — lroof garden when she isn’t fo-| ployed in the construction of the European and American plan, steam £ ¢ is the promise of renewed activ }cusing her camera or patiently|camp. : $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : : , mare a t t place t i. | js SONS oH ppon fhe Gs asad LAND PURCHASE NOTICE lajlting o dasalanine.§nas:in..tha Transnortatian diffleulties are Skat Bitacke 2 ‘ Pitexickee : 45h 3 VPPeEr, aIN OU THe) a }dark room. And such a beauti-|great north of the Pas and the 2 you cou wrl e Ina mon . Granby and the British Columbié , oad i sh Me “0 | 1 Pan Al Prince Rupert Land District—District of ful spot of greenness as it is, far|winter is the time when supplies 3 Copper Company will be in ful "Coast. : labove the alien noise and smells|can best be moved. No time will } 3 blast again by the new year, Ly, rare Bove pent Rr iP pee oe of the strange street below. There|be lost in getting the movement|===E. EBY @® Co== g . ° 7 far . ann} C | P 2 It will come regularly each POSS SC SORTS gee yee ee eres the foltowhie. be 1 Tands: to purchase | js a low stone wall surrounding | under way and before the frost REAL ESTATE 5 k | t f ¥ Rhone event of 1912 will be commencing at a post planted on the it and one has a splendid view) disappears much will be done. ititsumbalum Land Foo Bal Me ithe erection of a 2,000-ton daily] shore in a northerly direction from Por ; — a aE « e k | errrom you >; : Nelson Cannery, marked L. F.’s 8.E. corner,}Of the Pacifie and the many col-}| oe , wee 1 e a et y * ee | capacity smelter at Hidden Creek, | thence 90 ch ns north, thence 20 chains} jped -roofs and turrets of the 1912 KITSUMKALUM 2 RB. C. ¢ 2Fy fY Observatory Inlet. where the west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, | ita j eee, , ax | O# Cid At hagoms eel? ’ 1€/ thence east along the shore to point. of | city. |Every axe must have its helyve— 5 “Ww f | if k es Granby Company has an immense commencement, containing 40 acres, more | There are plants everywhere,|There’s a rhyme for 1942. Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning > e feel as 1 we now aS proposition, which is like . fs be Rise Dae eeiold | ee jorchids just about ready to! New York Sun. ‘i 4 Se | their most important holding, Re etd Sag tt | , is ~ . rreen| Workingme 2 and delve,} Prepare for winter by getting your fn > 2 d b d 33 Pub, Jan. 5, 1911 |bloom and trailing cool green| orkingmen must dig and delve, as Y g gy r- everything an every 0 y oe jin: tho. Pordisnad:, Gans! creteles | vines, while a tin roof above|Maybe Teddy Taft can shelve- naces and flues put in order by , <7? vervthing depends ipo e } 2 : P 2 R t thr u h Fy =e ythir 5 lepend upon th | keene Land District—District of Coast| keeps out the glaring sun. A}We shall see in 1912. Ci H. CUTTING : in rince uper oug Bs ee ee he bon ity aan) | Take notice that 1 CAROLINE JOHNSON, |C2UPIe of big hammocks, cush-| Boston Globe. | Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, or : di It’s see ne ne: Oy aay A DOM See jof Vancouver, B. €., occupation married|ions scattered about, easy chairs Belva Lockwood, dear old Belve, PHONE 71 e rea Ing your paper. Be ae ~ ye ip ph I evap ras Durenase the Tol wing aescrib dlands: jana a tea table complete the pic- | Will she run in me ? * ° 4 olders LO Turnish ail .ne neces~ Comment 4 post planted at the! tyre ouston Post. 4 BY y fu for de nt southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south oe : 5 the most interesting paper Bs sary funds for development andy] %y reba ns, thence east 80 chains, thence | I asked Miss Baker if she was|Are they afflicted with quevelve? E. L. FISH \ : ” it b ¥ erection of smelter. horth 60 chains to the southeast corner of! never afraid with no American|Figure this out in 1942. . L. FISHER 4 we receive, writes a suD- ys ee south 1 of Lot 2, thence north 20! anywhere near. St. Joseph Gazette. Funeral Director and Embalmer , : chains est line of Lot 3062, thence < : ‘s ri 2S RE . , E | d “33 Sale of Good Household Furniture | moat! ) anata along south line of Lot “T never think of it, she re- | Most any jingling little elve, CHARGES REASONABLE \ scrl er rom ng an e 4 Mr. Frank A. Ellis wil! sell by {3065 to point of commencement, contain- plied, flinging herself down Rl aks find one rhyme for 1912. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. . Be aie so , {ing 560 acres, more less. a : ’ - eat : OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3 > | public auction on Tuesday next, | CAR Line (OHNO NS: ; fortably in the big hammock, “I Prince Rupert News. § AS without reserve, at the residence} Dated Det Bearman love the life down here, The pic- cc sen Te my POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN 4} corner of I ifth and Dunsmuir, a Pub, Jan, 18, 19 turesque people make some rare High priced butter means a}|————————————_______- K spl ndid lot of household furni- portrail studies and of course|high tax on hot cakes. 1 y Ost " ras. 2 ture and effects. Sale at 2 p.m.|~ Mee ae ees f | States or Eng. Canada 23 bure Sik aie p. = = HAYNER BROS. ay | UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS ove } | Funeral Directors 2.50 per year $2.00 |: — rvsccvarsnres | RIED QREWERS’ GRAIN [aos NEW aw ee Sse ‘ Py ae Guests eros Steam ay That most beautiful picture en- ay titled ‘‘Home Again,” has brought ycuusaut'igweetcen, 11 Beautifully Furnished Rooms Now Ready |\.....0: rade : oe, Re seen Ke «. 129 a0 Penne eer nene FPO 1)PO DOOD BD Pe D2e Fe De ORS Yer er Yer er yee wera ery ere el wae . . . . ’ ¢ a . . subscriptions to the Family Her- fat ana protein, pound for pound, The rooms in the Alberts Block are now ready for oceu- PONY EXPRESS eld and Weekly Star that the pub- than the ordinary feedstuffs in local pancy. Everything up to date, including bath and telephone. SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE lishers are finding it impossible ca ’ e . ° Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For to keep up with the filling of or Meets all the Requirements of a | Steam Heated Rigs or Motor Car day or night ders, but in the columns of that Profitable Dairy Feed Furnishings all new and up to the minute. Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 and compared in price with what is paper this week we notice a posi- |} and compart or feedstums is. triple ALBERT’S BLOCK UPSTAIRS pemaenfoeviicaritensontomana tive guarantee from the pub- protein value for your money. Tts ‘ Sr ay superiority lies in the fact that feed- Sec j > > lTaar Na Theatre .F Y a S lishers that every subscriber to ine it increases both the otal Gi- econd Ayenue Near New Theatre Head of Centre St. lthat great weekly for 1912 will gestible matter and the amount of a ran oO e ee fat and protein in the daily ration veceive a copy of the picture, Mihi A sane Their ecaeanten! AND CAVES YOU 40-40: 50 Woe a? mene ome Again, met PER CENT ON FEED. ee " ' ' ; ; lis sufficient and subscribers need You should not be without it, Ph Free Labor Bureau a Conaetiog s ; : : g , pics Maltec ains, fresh 1 sweet from *hone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. not feel anxious although the pic Ae ean aotite d oa in a continu : lture may be delayed a few weeks. ous vacuum process by GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: LCG Beast tne ramity Horatd anal! THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD Co. S 7 I\\ eekly Star should do so at once Limited Dv IB land make sure of having a copy Dryers of agd Dealers in Feed (@. ( lof he sture, “Home Again.” Poducse (& aD jof the pi , ‘ ‘ SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS } é /We learn that the publishers are VANCOUVER, B. ©. /hy/ e lcontemplating something for 2 le best | next season that will make this ” ocurable. pe Absolutely pure | picture even more valuable pe : LINDSAY'S CA8TASE,2>4 G. T. P. Transfer Agents °, fo eee ———— : Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable, with us. We can serve you as Fx me GS < _ OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, satisfactorily 500 miles away as a W a t Cc h Then get into communication OPROPLOBROPRSPRSPRODEOE Sgstestyseess SSCs: 3 eee eee oudeudondeulond ended siden’ oud: though. you stood before the counters of our watch depart- SMITH & MALLETT ment, We carry every reliable THIRD AVE. lat present, One dollar pays —— —— Ia full year's subseription to the | } paper, and the picture, it New PROPRe PROPS SLOPRSSRSSROBRCRRS PRS, ° =THERE’S ONLY ONE FAULT= For rent rae pons over watch known to the trade. Send i Flambing, Meaeed seer aty ‘allace’s. Suitable for offices or \ Sheet Meta or y| Mr, g. A. Penn . _ : nts Apply H. S. Wal- X WN — for our illustrated catalogue or @ Office: 3rd Ave, Workshop With Greener Guns. THEY LAST TOO LONG in Pere apartments, APP!) , : Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts istf 1 hilo, Writes on Feb, 22, 1011 “The old Greener ‘ ip of West Virginia some years ago at Wheeling bought at rice, and this after twenty years ¢ ntinuous — —--- = as = ° been i lite long friend and admirer of the Greener gun and to be a | ‘There must be several other 0 e , 4 1 ha te inka woents aohinty ot ai W aoe eat lthings the Vancouver police can Jewellers and Silversmiths ve bee 1 use en 0 ore ye umnomienetaiinaiieienil ia ahcaeniineae 1 cent for repairs “ lo better é vevent hold-ups Sas cal Se. cao ne pS it TOR. Females, cribes thirty |do better than prevent, nolg=up BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors eee ee MOUW : avoy 0 ec W. Va., and lace. Limited ing watches. Amite, Henry Birks & Sons write us for information regard- zi — SOC COS COS HOO SEC ELS DES OLO COCO ' Pay you to invest in a Greener gun, our naw list describe ind burglaries, el us send you a free copy, 1? The New Knox Hotel is run on the European W. W Ri eeee ees — we Niirst-class service. All the Latest Modern Vancouver -- B.C. ° ea *W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. Prince Rupert's leading hotel— | !mprevements . BEDS 60c UP Cor, Fraser and 5th, Choice Wines and Cigars DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL Savoy. FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER? | SECHESHEDSEDRESREDSESSESSESEEN ESE RS SES NESSES EE SES ESBS SES ES EES, RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT | |