“Not what we wish but what we When a man’s time is worth a great deal more to him than the cost of a drink habit cure he is not going to drag along for twenty-eight to forty-two days taking a treatment when he can get a cure in three days, without hypodermic injections, and be surrounded with every comfort of home. A PERFECT CURE. The Neal internal treatment cures the periodical, occasion- al or moderate drinker and the nervous man who has to drink to keep from becoming nerv- ous. It takes away all inclina- tion to drink, all desire and craving to drink, by neutraliz- ing the poison of alcohol in the system and ridding the blood THE NEAT 1250 Broadway W., Vancou ver, B. C. THREE DAY CURE FOR DRINK HABIT Appeals to the Business and Professional Man, the Banker, and Man in all the Higher Walks of Life BECAUSE OF THE TIME IT SAVES THEM of the poison by a rapid sys- tem of elimination, leaving the drinker in the’ condition that he was before tasting liquor, so far as the effect of alcohol may be concerned—all appe- tite for drink gone—and he a new man. The treatment consists of the internal administration of a harmless remedy, tonic in its action, that removes the eraving for liquor in a very few hours DRUG HABIT CURED. At the Vancouver institute we also treat drug addictions with uniform success. Call, write or phone for booklet, giv- ing full information. INSTITUTE Phone Bayview 686 aEome & COLDS it. Its tonic and J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., MATHIEU COUGHS | Mathieu’s Syrup not only stops a cough but cures properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35c¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. SHERBROOKE. OF TAR & Raed d LIVER OIL cn restorative ABYC HIRSCH & SONS Limited, MONTREAL. Skeena Mail fer Co., 807 Third Ave., and P.0. Box 806 BEIRNES & BEIRNES & Leave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans- All accounts and correspondence addressed to will receive immediate attention MULVANY ———<—$—$—$—$ and Express insure prompt forwarding. Hazelton, B.C. MULVANY LIGHT LANGARA SOON New Lighthouse Being Built—To Shine in June. Material for the construction of the new lighthouse on Laugara Island, commanding Dixon's en- trance and ihe approaches to Prince Rupert harbor, is expected on the steamer Leebro. shortly. The same steamer will carry the lantern for the lighthouse from Prince Rupert to the spot. Con- struction is soon to commence, TO CHECKMATE GRAND TRUNK Report That C. P. R. Is to Pur- chase Allan Line of Steamers. Portland, Me., Jan. 29.—A re- sort is Current here that the Can- adian Pacific Railroad has planned to checkmate’ the efforts of the Grand Trunk to enter Bos- ton by gaining control of the Al- lan line of trans-Atlantic steam- ships and by building a new line of railroad to connect with its} present line at Newport, Vermont, and to run directly into Boston. The report had it that the adian Pacific had controlling interest purchased and KR. Killeen, superintendent of this work for the coast, expects to have the iight shining early in June, in the Allan line, Can-| THE DAILY NEWS. want. ” Merrick. et et et es es FN kk dd 1 ae ~ e om s- ks Pt Pe ss es et ee ee Pe xf / Skeena Land Dist; ~ y ® onaxe notice th vhristian Garde a id | i 66 99 | Rupert Bx i e News assifie S. fee lease the x Comme . ii | the Tyee § ; a ‘ctsinanbiiaisiii ict en di ————— | ately 27 mile 40 chains, tt ~ | | chains 5 7 { westerly 25 air thens i] == (ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== | Ee ii =: 70 acres or less au 4 —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’’ HERE— i | die os iARDE Pp ov * ramet yee EB Pub. Dee + . * omens tk ed * toes ; . BIST STS teas — | ree eres eerie re ree te | = ” | One lot, block 5, reeog 1, $1,995; #1,000] Take notice ; wie | | cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 mo | Saanich, B. { ales | Phone 150 | _ e ahd : i j | e lot; block 16, section 1, $6,500; $2,50( to ap ply for ns 1 or Rent P One lot; ue, ita | | cash, bal. 6, 12 mo, lowing descr be fo | See et os — | e lo ock , Section 1, 816,000; 4] Commencing Q , Meine Bers are: eat The Insurance cop € ee ash, bal ' ¢ and 3 years | oF the aati a | FOR RENT—Two rooms, over Wallace's, Fire Three lots, block 7, section 1, $2,500 each; | Of Euacernwe St a Suitable for offices or apartments Ap Life % cash, bal. 1, 2 and 3 years | no win t ply H. 8. Wallace 1str al ‘ 1: bh b06 Bal | north eighty ee 8. allace, t Marine Two lots, block 29, section 1, $6,500 pair;! chains, theni niet % cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 mo, | point of comm« | ermermeerererarararnnarmarmermsile P oan PN ng -bicek 6: wee, $1,500; $300) hundred and twe | ate G n ’ : 500; | See ash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 mo. You are Invited to a Moonlight Insurance Employer's Liability tee 7s. Bae &. 8595; $295 THUR TREMA One lot, block 28, section 5, $525; $22 INE Excursion Up Harbor and In- ic assole Contractors’ and Personal er cash, bai. §50 every three months. Dated Nov. 1 Be Young, agen ne PS Fs 1s Os Os Os Oe Policies V ritten irec 0 hi ate soe 6 750 1 4n N . i . ne lot, block 7, section 6, $1,750; 4 Pub, Dec, 15, 19 or ecan Ba Cold Gauche Plant | OUR Companies are noted for prompt ase ust | THE esi ’bal, 6, 12-and 18 mo. ‘ | at Sea ove on Saturday. settlements. We write every known class o' ean ta an section 6, $1,600; 81,000] Skeena Land Dp ; | os eitekiess Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | ac e ty nsurance { n pt ON < ‘2 184 ‘8 tho. et Cha Queeg ake notice tha The fifty employees of the At- ee ee ee er aerate | COMPANY. Two lots, block 21, section 7, $1,500; % Victorié, Bc, 4 ’ : ee . . P.S.—Houses and Rentals. cash, bal. 6, 12 mo i - ? to apply for pern lin Construction Company, and Wanted } One lot, bleck 16, section 7, $650; $300] lowing described iP 19 Ppesnec V invite | cash, bal. 3, 6 and 12 mo. Commencing at a 1 Fi igh otetes es a mE edit eatin rt oencortct — Two lots, block 42, section 7, $550 each; | three-quarters of » pe » ¢ rince ipert to ¢ ‘ r , 98 per month e@ southwest ¢ the people o Pe” | WANTED—Two waitresses at Hotel Cen- | ee ane a eee hile s200| Inlet, thence east masquerade ball to be given at tral. at One jot, pions 9, section 7, $600; $2 south %o the nort! » fi t : age t j cash, bal. easy thence west on the fish and cold storage plant TWO gentlemen to share room and ae Two lots, block 49, section 8, $400 each;| fess, thence port! next Saturday evening. A first- 412 Fourth ave. E j j #50 cash, bal. $15 per month east to the bea wi —----— : i sactic 315 eac oiInt Of commen class orchestra. has been engag-| et anaeine erpudenee. enue aih #00, owe cedh tol $15 atime. tab vente: huodred and fo 4 na Peae : if . gar. er omce experience. 0} 75 cash, OS 5 ed and refreshments will be ser News. F tr Prince Ru ert Lod e, 1.0. OF. rwo lots, block 16, section 8, $300 each; | ‘88 ; hes ived during -the evening. The I 75 cash, bal. 815 per mo. Gsore Foun 08 oe any’s fleet gasoline launct Maternity nurse open for engagement. Apply | No. 63 One lot, block 40, section 8, $375, $100 Dated Nov. 1 ‘ae Dg, Agent ;company s e¢ fasoiine aunen Box 2159 News. cash, bal. $15 per mo, Pub. Dec. 15, 1911 | Phippen will run from the wharf CLEANING, pressing and dressmaking, Mrs, | Meets in the Helgerson Block aa ehen oie San 8a ah f , ti es thas. Percher, 3rd avenue, one eena Land District ( |opposite the depot at eight, nine Red 204, Every Tuesday Evening Wasiac aut GEC RBADAA AvGhun. chariot iste Q vee jand ten o clock, and will make WANTED — Restaurant outht, especially | All members of the order in thej parm and at Lakelse, only $25 per acre a Take notice that Wright You }two trips for the return of the range, also bedding and cheap Furniture | city are requested to visit aaa wee Aaa te aioly | ' : . or abou en rooms. D0. 5 ’ . h pr akers ¢ r i ‘ . re rollowing ( L aay makers at midnight and at 9-tf the lodge |Store, corner Second avenue and Seventh Y iehaniat ir ; ‘ 1 o'clock the next morning. FIRST class lady Stenographer wants em street southeast cor t Tha ‘ i ake ar in jloyment in law office or general o ce; | ; 1G Ss y : east o wD The dancing will take part in feat Of rererenes.... Address box A400 | A, DOUGLAS, N. G. thence porth ie upper part of the dock sheds News. 13-16 W. G. BARRIE, Sec. | Lot 1680, thence . | 0 0 oo, U at Seal Cove, which has a fine Se Oss apes | sing ii ati a Jeremiah H. Kagler, Ltd. boundary to’ the ‘ floor of 40 feet by 120 feet. "The . en 1 . it refreshments will be served iin j Business Chances Phone 317 a : the main Cold storage Duilding | @emirmromermsemirmermirmirmar seman ip WN SPEC TAI 1 Y t jadjoining, which will be fitly de-|maRRy—the Ideal Introduction Club leads ; : tAnata n* »% ‘ a to happiness. Strictly private, high class ; : agers ‘ corated and brilliantly illumin and reliable. Best in the West. Address j d Repairi acres, inore ated by electricity. I. C. Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C,| Dressmaking an epairing | : ’ MAL( ; e . f24 | ' : / Gentlemen who enjoy moon- |Cleaning & Pressing Work Done 9 ee i | atec v. 4 }light on ‘the water with a syren ry a eT SOO HOPE Pub, Dec, 15 y by one’s side, will contribute 50 Lost and Found [533 8th Avenue Prince Rupert | Skeena Land D eents each toward the Phippen’s Horeeshoere Cha o ] » account Also the gen- 8 tt Ok sr Pd Ps Ps Take notice gasoline account, Also é soil An’ a , ; = | | Carriage Repairing Saanich, B. C., b » , -efer ramble n]}] FOUND—An rish_ terrier emale pup. j to apply for pe i tlemen who prefer to See Owner may have same by Darn aot | General Work lowing described a starry night the same amount. this advt. at News Office. | E | e Offeri ings | Commencing at _ southwest ¢ ci Se ee ree ere LOST-——-A gold watch, between the ae XC usiV r g let, thence east and New Knox Hotel. Appl Ox tel} 80 8 ou i ue DAILY NEWS ON SE Sawa en ee ee monet a FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET | ®t!) sis'y- 10 ‘ | ) enc ent, , é re LOST A red leather pocket notebook. Phone 59 Red commen em 0 , CO Finder return to The News and receive | REAL ESTATE forty (64 _— 1 : reward: 13-18 Lots 51 and 52, Block 1¢ Section 1, ] it ee ———= : = | $31,000. $10,000 cash with good terms | - Dated Nov. 14, 1 | on balance Pub. Dec. 15, 1011 Lot 19, Block aA Section 1, &7 0 One NOTICE, Geatiqipcaiagnie third cash, balance easy term = 2 ee ots 48 and 49, Bloc Sectio 26 | Wer v bee ty On, mn tn. | Princes Rupert General Hospital Association: [pos “a oat a 8 Se Stine pea g ) ‘ 3 Coast Ships—News Flashed by| he annual general meeting of me mbers seg gett ' balance 4 ss , PhS oO =| Will be held in the Police Court room at) 0! ¥*, ’ ; | Wireless Daily cean News 8 p. m., Friday, seyuney aesh, 1912, to ay \ ate : a . ‘ i n with five | Skeena Land District i * ceive the directors’ and other reports, an ‘ : te tthe sr a9 75 = that Le! papers Every Morning to elect new directors for the ensuing year. house with bath, | for in ri | | Ri oar fs. Cy oecupat —_—__- By order of the Board. ie ash pay meat } eae , Sails sof 1,260 | bye for permissi . “OF y , IHT s ols 15 me 6, Block 4, Sect $1,200 DOT ID M10 L Word has been received from] 25J W. M. WRIGHT, Managing Sec. | © 97) ch. One-third cash | denerd eae | “ custusenssapeesnapnvsinadingseesasinanrsiieenessreashes ots 5 an i ck 9, Sectio $2,10 ommencing at & pus “ R. H. Armstrong, general man- —— es | Lot 1 1 1 k n » ee dire k va , J ‘irele Tele S106 Se , ) | post of Lot 18¢¥, Range 7 ager of the United Wireless Tele- SECTION 1 re ; a 32° B oH a $1,50 Half | east 30 chains, thence graph Company, who is at present | west te bank vot rive > , > | I soe 7, Sect 6, $2,800 | ; in New York, that, effective Feb- NEW HAZELTON | Lot am 1 5, Block | taining 160 acres, ‘ ‘ Pg Acad loci S t 83,21 | Dated Sept. 9, 19 ‘uary “very vessel on the Pa- We have purchased from the Northern} ; 51s ind 10, Block 4 ction 2 ; io o ruary 1, ever’ _| Interior Land Company nearly all lots in| jair Pub, Oct. 10, ‘ cific coast equipped with wireless | gection 4 because it is the choicest part Of} Lots 114 and 12, Block Section z | Por » ‘ the official tow e of New Hazelton, pair would be furnished or oy sometimes called Kelly Townsite. “ai Lot "43 Block Sectior si 3 Skeena Land D uy ‘ws bi ‘tins. At 2 o'clock each Section 1 is at the present time and a cast tang BOW bull 7 ‘Id ways will be the business section of New! ; 4:< 4 and 2, Block S n 7 ) Take notice that I, morning the news of the world] sazeiton, so-called the Nelly “rownelte. pair. Terms oe, OF Vict rhe B z , ashe ir Ses le s- Three-quarters of the bu ngs are On| {ois 40 and 41, Block s ‘ey ) | missic oD will be flashed from aul a A lots sold by us in Section 1. } seribed lands P , toria, Los Angeles and San Fran- The present prices are bound to advance lot in Block 2, Section fol | Commencing at 4 3 . > 7 Vir in a very short time Don’t miss your op Easy terms ‘ southeast corner ; : cisco stations of the United Wire- portunity today. You might havi to pa on Ninth Aver Section 7, #31 $0 chains, ther Pe . ‘ wine > arer tomorro as ots are selling | 10 is, f less Company, mimeographed by at SNE That a } " 34, Section with improve point of comm ncel the wireless operators and made wean | me ents paying $40 per month. — Price acres, more or less : . g | 1,895 ready for distribution by break- FORT GEORGE sata ite ended Hickk Ue: Manin’ S690 nee Pre as , The British Columbia Government has pair #11 eash Balance to suit put rater I 31, 191 fast time. promised to build, or help to build, a rail chaser on Pub. Dec. 9, The news bulletins are to ap-| way" Vancouver, Fort George and the Peace|Lols § and Block 20, Sect 8, $750 : } bach es yublication River. Don't Vou see that Fort Georg pair Half cash Balar 1 and On February 15th in the Empress The- | pear in the back Of a {| ee ‘ will rival with Edmonton, Calgary and vears atre at 8:30 p. m., we will hold the first Skeena Land District . 4 »> known as the Pacific Aero-| winnipe acres land, Bulkley Valley, with|of a series of monthly auction sales Of| ‘Take notice that Herb ol eo K ) é ’ nnipeg. lake frontage f « I Aere Easy | Prince Rupert real estate We will hold couver, Lb. C., occupatior ny gram, which will contain articles All information Free. aaa these sales in the evening in order that | ¢o'spely for permiasior ‘ ‘ ja f the seg | Quarter s¢ on Lakelse Val land at $12) everyone may be able to attend, and it 18| deseribed lands: of fiction and stories 0 af ei PRINCE RUPERT “per acre safe to say that all the prospective buyers Commencing at ® 5 Passengers on the big Atlantic Kitsumkalum farm lands in 10-acre tracts. |in town will be there. So your property,| @uence of Blackwater rive jot , ¥ TO RENT | if listed with us for this sale, will be of-| about two miles south t liners have been supplied with 8 stories roomed house party furnished, | si OR fered to practically every possible buyer.| Telegraph cabin. Post a u INSURANCE If there is a man in town who wants your | Corner, thence 80 ct Y ¢ or 2 3 avenue; $80 per onth. S - f ere 18 ¢ ‘ ) o ants you or, nal chew daily newspapers printed on). ape Rapes: ere te Patt 71h avenue, # particular lot he will have a chance to offer] west, thence ~ chains | ‘ yar ‘nishing of news to t 2 er oO “ iM C ff & Gi bb what he thinks it is worth He will also| east to point of comme board. Furnishin : P a" G00 FER pet HOR Cc a ery 1 ons have it brought home to him what the/| acres more or less. N vessels on this coast has never FOR SALE THIRD AVENUE other fellow thinks It ie worth, which| Dated Sept, 23,1911 Hi been altempted in an extensive|pot ana house 7th avenue, section " flen helps @ man to @ true realization of] Pub. Nov. pees. . : , ct ease et he , 5] oa -| values, In other words, it offers the way $3,300; very casy terms : oe ee possible opportunity for buyer and oh 2 lots, block 45, section 5, $800; 8400 to get together. On February 1st we Skeena Land District ek RoE ne cash, 6, 12, 18 months, 7 per cent begin advertising a list of property Take notice that ‘I , s Sjalker " le for € 3¥ |2 lots, block 17, section 5, $2,100; $1,000 offered, so that buyers may have ample] couver, B. C., occupation ¥ Stalker « W ells fo1 fanc; pe 6, 12, 18 months, 7 per cent | opportunity to look It over before the sale apply for permission to | creamery butter, 40c pound, tf 2 lot block 15 ection 8, 8500; $250 Better come in today and talk the matter] deseribed lands: , : See ne nee as hae ‘ h us. Commencing at & po eS cash, 6, 12, 18 months. oe Ai yater river mee ‘ uence of Blackwater ri — two miles south of the sixt! eat - PRINCE RUPERT tet mek al Th. COLLART 80 chains north, thence > a chains south, thence 80 ¢ 1 t, ntainin g [ie MARINE NOTES tele Kaas Department of the Naval sanice smear: THON: Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. ° ° 9 ¢ | Dated Sept. 23, 1911. eas Bex 806 226 6th 8t. Phone 381 RADIOTELEGRAPH SERVICE. Pub Nov. 2. Prince George Ready. Sealed tenders, addressed to ihe natn Real Estate Brokers ® ° .p ia Mp , @ re Signed, endorsed “Tender for welling e . i 4 The Grand Trunk passenger House” and accompanied by a certified _ Skeena Land District Han steamer Prince George has just ; Pee her| ;aeque for 10 p.c. of the amount of the Offices Helgerson Block Take morse A amine — , : 2 {end of the month to engage in her) fonder will be’ received up to noon on Vancouver, up QOOUD left the Esquimalt drydock, where annual battle practice. The Rain-|+ecember 31st, 1911, for the erection of to apply, for tor perralasi 1 é : as 20 les rd ¢ ai al‘ , " . b dwelling houses at the Government Wire- ea , she has pean ; wr d oY papery d bow is expected to leave Esqui- leas Stations at Prince Rupert, Cape Lazo MCommensing. at irae ies +ready t ye placed on the north- and Point Grey, ie ee ready to Py malt on January 29. Plans and specifications may be seen at or oe 7“ a is ern run. BINS te following places: y A ons oe The Governinent Wireless Stations at Conner, tenes 2 ie out! ce Not L i aa det. Princess May Due. Point Grey, Cape Lazo and Digby island, ee eee Oe eemenel ; ° eavin 0 ‘rince Ruper ye ~Postoffices a an 7 HA - seit The C. P. R. steamer Princess] couver, Nanaimo ’and~ Pris Rupert. or Ve n EE DRE OF HO I if f Cc . Nic son, man- ; ‘ ue off of the District Superintendent 4 Capt a ‘ H ans ~ . ‘ shi May, Captain MeLeod, is due to Government Wireless Servit ictoria, and vier = ager of the G. T, P, steamship arrive at 5 p. m, this aftérnoon.|vepartment of the Naval Service, Ottawa, | === == = eee ™ sist scrvice, has denied a report which | * ' ‘es Unauthorized publication of this notice ‘i Tend Disirict-——D ett * ’ i, —_—_—— Wiil not receive payment. Skeena Lanc 8 és Z av einanated from Vancouver to the Mitr G. J. DESBARATS, Take notice that James tate Oe e Here. uty fs nN ; tan pation | 0 Pe effect that he proposed to leave Jo | De pusy senior * eee mee ly ae z of Vancouver, occ upa - p T > } rie n, ac Z epar 2 ) a > f i) > > ( to accept an important position The fisheries protection ug Oitawar winemten 20th, 1911, ”, at ABO on Second avenue, chase the rollowing og 4 y t fe are ? LOW . ‘ * ‘ ast ‘ acd Commencing at @ por with a transportation company William Jolliffe is in port