Friday, December 6, 1918. THE DAILY NEWS. Page R PLENTY OF LABOR mm AT THE ANYOX MINE Edward Lipsett, President . Ilarry Lipsett, Manager, m Edward CunnlnghamVice-President FOR HOLIDAY CARDS Supt. Campbell Says That Many AND BANNER SIGNS In o,,u From winers Woods Are and Coming (&OVN UP I'M Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. Suggestions for Xmas supplying Demand. 6of4Nf HWE. Window Decorations LVVvE. A LIMITED . K. E. Campbell, sunnrfnion.inrw Have your of ...the mine at Anvox. nn.i n PI8HINQ A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE r, ' " ' Permanent Signs joiiiHH, general superintendent of Steamship Supplies, Oas Engines and Accessories done over during the winter-rates wic uryinby mining operations, Fish more reasonable arrived here yesterday from Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage 1 Guarantee to Please You Ketchikan and expect to remain PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. until tomorrow night when they C. W. CALHOUN will return to Anyox. Registered Office: Prince Rupert. Office: 925 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Speaking of conditions at An. 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 yox, Mr. Campbell said that thPv. Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 Autos : Painted like all other communities, were hard hit by the influenza, but conditions were again back to normal. Vor;k was how Koincr on DflLV MEDICINE much as usual, except that labor Phon 37 P.O.Box 1704 conditions had. changed. Loggers and others were flocking in from the woods and they now had all For Comfort, Courtesy and Service PE FROM Ml III the laborj they wanted. Asked as to the prosncct of the T H E S Ay O Y HOTEL Ecstall River property being rWrlibt 1M8. bf lb. Eveulot Triatrial. .N.w r Iferald Cu. Extraordinary Success which opened up Mr. Campbell said he F. T. BOWNESS. Muugn fmll-a-tiYes" Has Achieved they knew had nothing been about boring it except there that all MUST MAINTAIN MINERAL ACT. Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. One reason why "Fruit-a-tives" summer and that tiio work had NAVAL SUPREMACY CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. fa go extraordinarily successful in shut down for; the winter. He Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water riving1 relief to those suffering with supposed the work (Special via O. T. P. Telegrapts.) HOTICK. would proceed Cariboo Fraction Mineral situate Claim, Constipation, Torpid Liver, IndigeS' London, December 5. Winston in the spring. in the Skeena Mining Division of Casslar lion, Chrome Headaches, Neuralgia, Mr. Campbell spoke of the Churchill, Minister of Munitions District. Where located: Al the bead of Kidney and Bladder Troubles, splendid work that the people speaking at Dundee, declared that Mice Arm In the Skeena Minlua Division. Rheumatism, Pain ttt the Back, of t,reat Britain is determined to TAKE NOTICE that I, i. E. Star:, owner Anyox had done for the Victory of the above claim. Free Miner's Certificate S. S. FRINGE RUPERT and other Skin Eczema Affections, maintain its naval L.oan. only a smal part of the supremacy. no. H171, Intend, sixty days from the is, because it is the only medicine In large sum had been subscribed uate hereof, to apply to the Minlnr Re OR the world made from fruit juices. by CHEERED KAISER. corder for a Certificate of Improvements, It is composed of the mediciaal me company, the people themselves ror tne purpose of obtaining a Crown S. S. PRINCE GEORGE taking the bonds freely and Grant of the above claim. principles found in apples, oranges, without the (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) And further take notice that action, un holding of figs and prunes, together with the any public Amsterdam, December 5. Ser dcr section 85, must be commenced be SAILING nerve tonics and antiseptics of meetings ious fighting has occurred in rorc the issuance of such certificate of proTen repute. Improvements. MIDNIGHT 8UNDAY and THURSDAY for 8wanson JOc. a box, C for$2.50, trial size 25c. PRINCE JOHN ARRIVES Kreusnach,ists defeated in which revolution Dated this Stb day of July A. D. 1918 Ooean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and 8eattle. were by ofll At all dealers or sent postpaid army MINERAL ACT MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. by Fruit-a-tivcs Limited, Ottawa. FROM MORESBY ISLAND cers. The officers forced tho rev- olutionsists at the point of pis Certificate of Improvements. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. M THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH tols to haul down the red flag COLUMBIA. uringing word that the mills I-ollowing the removal of their- WOTICE Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. ierro Fraction Mineral Claim, situate In at Moresby Island and most of wounded the officers cheered the the a THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Skeena Mining Division of Casslar T10N ACT the logging camps had shut down former Kaiser. District. TRAIN SERVICE ind and with a full list Where located: Near the head of Alice IS THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF passenger of Passenger MONDAY, WKONESOAY andSATURDAY at 11:30 ajn; ror Smlthera FOHTCNATO CARBOM, DECEASED; loggers and others, the Prince WIRELESS MONOPOLY Arm. Prince Oeorre, Edmonton,and Winnipeg, making direct connections for. all TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. Patmore. INTESTATE. points east and south. John arrived in port yesterday Free Miner's Certificate No. S0.07-C. as TAKE NOTICE that In Order Of Ills rnnrninir rvnrlv Rho K.,t,i (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) agent for John Walford Strombeck, Free UniK.ii, P Mrn Yrmn. md the 9th rtav I ".uuum or .November, a.u. ists.iwi appointedla hold full of canned salmon Washington, December-5th Miner's Certificate No. 141B1-C, Intend For information and reservations apply to Aumimsiraiur iu inv c.t.ic vi t u. una.u 1 i v. i.i n nnn sixty days from the date hereof, to apply F. and Ticket Agent, cirbont. deceased, ind ill parties havln uenig o.uuu cases irom Government monopoly of all wire to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of O. JOHN8TON, City Passenger ,"" "'', :.ev.DCT SK'degatc and 4,000 cases from less in the United States and its Improvements, for the- purpose of obtain Olty Ticket Offloe, 5X6 Third Avenue. PHONE 860 ing a Crown Grant of the above claim. to mo. on or urrors ine xjju uiy or jan-1'iniui u jjuj. mier uiscuarKing possessions was advpcaled by ". .tI james "'- hum nnrl Innrllno- i,n Daniels today. And further take notice that action, un fleutea to we eswe ire required to uayi u. ueuui secretary der section 85, must be commenced before the amount of Meir indebtedness to nie steamer left earlv this mnrninc the Issue or such Certificate of Improve rorlhuiih. oii.v if. mcmulli.v, for Masset Inlet points. The ban of the Canada Food ments. umciai Aflm nllfrmtrtr I . : u . . . DATED this 15th day of August, A. D. Dated idm ind diy or December. ion. mong ine passengers arriving Board has been lifted from every tOtS. 08 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY : -Ivesierrlnv was Mr. I.nllpr frnm thing except beef and butter i.t the sumt.vis counT of, British i mi wt n .. i-..,.. LAND A0T FORM NO. 11 ... sugar is onco more allowed LULUAIBIA ' ! ....v.., iivii.iiu iviii uuvac on port, J. M. O'Brien frnm Thurston the table at the restaurants and NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points I"? MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- Harbor and Mr.. McLennan of the two lumps may be increased in it a it i LEASE LAND via Steamer to Vancouver and the and I Skidetrate. at the pleasure of the patrons IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Canadian Pacific l.i inc. .ii.fll.ll Ol IIIK ESTATE OF I A m Ik. I Doughnuts and DISTRICT; RECORDING DISTRICT OF Railway puff pastry are DA.MEL MiMlll.AN nrrmtn. lo iuBiiie; liuuius iiiui testate. ' ' I seemed to be still operating were also to be seen once more in the SHORE SKEENA OF AND LAGOON SITUATE INLET,ON MORESBY SOUTH Meals and Berth included on Steamer take NOTirR ih.t in r.r m. Kellv s canin and the Worth Pa pastrycook and bake shops, much ISLAND, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS nuuuur i. mcd. jounir. maae tne setti day ciflo Lnecinir Co to the delight of the small boys MOUTH. f November, A. D. iBts.Iwas appointed and of tho older TAKE NOTICE that I, JOHN M. MAC raiimiiniiur m me rsiaio or uaniei McMillan, some ones. FOR VAN0OUVER, VICTORIA AND 8 BATTLE deceased, and all parties having- MILLAN of Vancouver, B. C, occupation nanus .(diiisi me Mm esiaie aro nereDy INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE Canneryman, Intends to apply for permis 8.8. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November rfquira to furnish name, properly verified The Gift Shop Wallaco's. SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE sion to lease the following described lands i to me nn or before the tad dav of January. 23rd; December 6th, 20th, and January 3rd. AD. mv, and all parties Indebted to tbel Commencing at a post planted on the muw are required to pay the amount of MINERAL ACT south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Island, uirir uiwuicaness to me rortnwitn. Not Danger of Contracting about one mile from Its mouth; FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KAQWAY, ALASKA Certificate of Improvements. JOJIN II. McMULLIN. oniclal Administrator. Influenza. thence west SO chains; thence north SO 8.8. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert, November Dated ibis 2nd day of December, 1018.1 chains; thence east 80 chains more or-less nOTICE 18th, December 2nd, 16th,ind 30th. . to low water mark at the beach; thence So states well known Vancou n THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH a Drum Lummoii, I X L, Caledonia, Mavis, southerly following low water mark to the COLUMBIA. ver doctor who offers to swallow Ibis, Kitchener, Big- Thing, Dumfries, point of commencement; containing 40 a capsuleful every day for a week. Monlalve, Index, Malachite, Cupprlte, Orey acres more or less. W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION The Doctor is right. Copper, VVharr and Bunker mineral claims, JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. ACT situate In the Skeena Mining Division of Dated August IBtb, IBIS. N8 .. and Co net Fourth Streat end Third Avenu, Prlnca Rupert. B.C. With plenty of fresh air, good THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Range 4, Coast District. Where located f CI'DJON ARNASO.N, DECEASED; INTESTATE nourishing food and a table-spoonful On Copper Creek, Douglas Channel. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF -of KENNEDY'S TONIC TAKE NOTICE that I, John D, Anderson, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. B. C. L. S., of Trail, B. C, acting as agent ..TAKE NOTICE that In order of "" PORT four limes daily can you nonni.p V ........ . . . . for the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, 1 '. xr,...ItlUUI. 11JSUO iuu i. gum n uaj h . TAKE NOTICE that I, John McLarty Mac- "TTTTTTTTTTI 1,1,1,1,1,.1,1, I, I II I, ,,,,1 of .November, a. d. ibis, i was appointed keep your body strong and Limited, Free Miner's Certificate no. St.- mlllan, of Vancouver, B. C, occupation "son.Mministrator to the estate or Oudjon Ar- Inorougniy fnrlinpd against, thn 638-C, intend, slity days from the date anneryman. Intends to apply for permis The Union COAST SERVICE. deceased, end all parties having- hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder sion to lease tbe following described lands i "" n,?l "e said estate are hereby ravages of influenza, asthma, for Certificate of Improvements, for the tbe For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 :'"" io luriMsn same, property veri-i. Commencing at a post planted on p.m. M, to me. on or before the Snd day of bronchitis, Colds or COUgns. purpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the south shore of Lagoon Bay, Moresby Island, Steamship Vancouver, sailing1 Sat, 6 p.m. Mhtnrf uury,..a,..0, igio. . and an i parties. in I BIG DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT. above claims. about one mile from Its mouth, 7 ;" iu me estate are requireu iu pyi And further take notice that action, un thence south SO chains, thence west SO Anyox, Mondays, a.m. amount of their Indebtedness to me DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf Co. of B.C. Port Simpson and Naas Points, urinwiin, der section 37, must be commenced before chains, thence north SO chains, thence JOHN H. MCMULLIN, he issue of such Certificate of Improve easterly along the shore line to point of Fridays, p.m. nni.l.l irtmlnlifrntnp Good assortment of pipes at ments. commencement, containing 40 acres more Ltd. .Dated, this 8nd day of December, 1818. tf John Barnaley, General Agent Gil's. Dated this Slat day of September, A..D. or less. THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I 618. JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. COLUMBIA. Advertise in the Dally News. J. D. ANDERSON, Dated June SOth lets. H JH. MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- nu.l ACT J.f.?.cis,t.,PE MATTER CORRADO,OF and THE DECEASED;ESTATE INTESTATE. OF It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken Tivr vn. .. . ,,i.l ,",-- mat in oruer 01 m mmour F. Mcu. Young, made the S6th day AdmiM.,.mtr A-D- 1918. 1 was appointed f?mmutrtor ,0 l,e estate of Gulseppe "eceased, ana an parties naving fSSJ gainst tho said estate are hereby tiA u lurumi Ram?, pruiirujr tii-i " Jinn.? mc' on or before the Snd day of AiOArtN X rl) PsssscK UfE, ffi', A. 1), ib 19. and all parties In-lh MELL .m' the estate are inocDtcaness required to 10 pay mo ooos CALL K Coihg ( .. rNQritr- forthwith JOHN 11. MCMULLIN, JL"611 'Ms Snd Day oniclal of December.Administrator 1918. V aiMMlEr ) I CALLS W ) - KECP N -V " THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH I VX 1 THESR..NA.MS. J S AWftV O W flON ACTTEU F THE ADMIN,9TnA ' Ar'v, MATTER" OFd THE ESTATE OF TeJtat'p"8' HiJiK.EP NOTICE that In order of His 'I 2' Young, made the 86th day AflQilK.1Jcr' A-n- 1918, 1 was appointed lrH,,or to "e estate of Anil Han-tlaim?'. Jessed, and all parties having to in. i,10 furnish same, properly verified, A.h i berorB th nd day.of January, tai SJ'" ,nd parties Indebted to the their inrt?,re(u,rt(l to pay the amount of indtbteiinea to me forthwith. JOHN H. MCMULLIN, Dite omclal Administrator, this $nd day of December, 1918. brill 8 JU8t as cheaP 10 Bet yur ,"ttUn done well and done at ai U la to send It away. Try "e NW8 Print Shop. IDupjrlabl. IMS. It ID. fcv.uuu 'lir.ui. Sew tura U...u vj a