- -TUB HUI.Y KBWg , ' TArr Tvn tv. . The Daily News "FRUIT-HIVES" STORK DOING piungr nupRrrr - umitihh Columbia Published Every Afrnoon, except Sunday, by The News SAVED LIFE GREAT WORK JER P.jnilng nnr Publishing Company, Third Avenue. If. F. PULLEK. Managing Editor. 'Campalgnlnq Almost Alone Rut This Fruit Medicine Always I' Peopla Ara ftaeaiilno Him Oily Delivery, by mail SUBSCRIPTION or carrier, per month.RATESt I 1.00 Gires Flelfsf Wall Evtrfwhara. NAVY CUT Ily mall to all part" or the Nrilish Hmpire anl the United States. 917 riusoti Ht , Mosttasu USK NEARLYja LIBERAL In advnnrevper year .tfl.00 1 sufTere.1 terrify th Ihi. To all other roiYntrie. in advance, per year $7.50 I Its.t it for years sad Laltse Tails of Mtlna at Tsr-raea CIBARETT clnes 1 u.k 'ht art h m ay rl and Irydicataa Candldata TELEPHONE 98 I rssl kMBftteaC saaat -gnala-.Wt Is MaVlng Good. Ug rW sf $rk TmniU TmtiMonl riplAy'Ailf1iinK fr inrh rftrh Insertion ml tkn I-". t tiMsl thoma MeOy i.' rlnrnl Transient Advertising on Front Page 12.80 per ineli tbra. lasi ntehl frttm lrrf- aflee ad-tressin Local ncaders. per insertion 2Be per line After flatahlaf s f ties. I sju a iralln-i n iln-i" Mill, Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word entirety neetl of the h .HMtsa4 lay noflii on lb-- i-ac f Ike Legal Nolie. earh inerfion IBe per agale line aiy real IxsaJCli ssu r. .urr.l, sad ly. Mr. MH'Jm m.i i aat lo hr Contract llales on Application. I am rHls( U lU yo Steal. I o-s ven rareftil ah' his stale-mt-ida All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding mr Ufa lo "rt-s " ' ami lark hat aoiHt of pnMieallon. All advertising received subject to approval Mile. AVToiNtrrrr: irciimt. i-iitlni.taiii ami oiiaainatlofi Ary Nsi rr tt , trW1He. which somHinic characterise, DAILY EDITION H WVilnMlay. Xu. 30, 1 02 1 At Jeslen or sat r'-'.4 hf ihoo who M-r ..iarfiii iMoa Krull utcs Lioi.lJ. utias. In an ordtna'-y m-toa He is. HMesree, !I lsl oilh lh Frantic Efforts to .csiill of Mo- t-i ,i. . aathertaav Proe Liberalism. SUITCASES II was ih.- in -l l- 'ly locrtma 18? per pneknu? Fraiilir effort are 1einfT made by the supporters of Colonel ..f it. kin.I rr h'-ltt ihT- t-T TvTror35 Trunks Peek to prove that he is a Literal mid thai aJlhoogh he voted wilh th err wa no ImknnK aittl UU andlntlnsofOanJtOO tontilrdly H a iiiathelO tt tb,e Meighen (lover-omenl right up to the test division in Partin CLUB BAGS ' ( literal eausr trieiil awl is today hoiked mi everywhere owtidc of this nm A letter rwrrtved frttm a rest, Large Stock on hand. slilnriK as n Meigheii nporler. yet be experienced a e haiijrr th-ni ttf terrace tn eonnecthm of ln-iirl. I.ike.Snol of Tacii he has ee great.light and is Prices very low. with ibe same nieeana -. now o.ifely on the path qt independem, wilh jibenilim as In J. F. MAGUIRE last.We nlcld.bad a Ihtth nI Mr.toeHna MrtUymoot bore AM Ihi the -t that the Conservative of the gnl. in -pile of fa Hot Mr. Work al-u-nie Neit the Prirtfs Kupsrt no a very djslrirl tire behind him aod they eem tn see hi Just as tlo the hear ina. Mr Mc:tyowin people oitt-ide the inlitoene. II i only Uie Liberals who are tk u. ihe tariff and ilenlivtthj Cigarettes l In fine .hape Mr m rk droll epe iel to see his Liberalim. Apparently his Liberalism is very dinVrent from that of Fred Stork. ele the liberals of hi home Ihe Man in the Moon hiefly t Ihe limernment Willi be rail.o H rented ttksies l. i i city would support him. Ttu lhe are not doing Hi ile of SAYS je what ii- ne-tie wauled ! allegations to the contrary. Uvr-n hoe wIhi at first were led awax hear aod When le fmt.hed the record have all JAPAN i ffrtainl to kv ad- aodtenre .tinwed aoowiaiif With the gtaOHtr of a splendid military nearly relnmed to Ihe aid which is going to henM Northern Hrilisb mtrel fir her tiaiifutn-ss in in mo mean manner. lallna brr itemamU. Ocod fee Stork. Columbia aiL s We had a dance and som THK Moader is that Utile Mau after Ihe sneakina The at t Drop In and See pon na not ak for the tli. I lr hef . a nee ww oer an. w the Type of Men.. ' ' armantenl of all hr mosm there early. It t ffatirt Ukrhnanship i KlTorU' ara? ljbig iftaile.tn convey the impreion that FYed opfmnenls leavina kr lo boiM riM f.ir mork lo-rr He will Uiluc Sfork is m Qt baJ af a aejfctl olene of pntitiriane ami that.lt t alt ihe war ships she wants. an even hreak ansy and t.-i 9rvaieii br them the campaign t- beiiifr rMiiirled. Anyone with siirh lltety IheWorU ' a oij-"-ll. in kfras .bonld dnp into Ihe Htork. rontmMtee room m the PatlMlto IT woarM to ey enoarh 'n I. H h'-nny '! a rtiin li(oek. Sei-tNitl Avenue, aa)y eteifmtf between R and M oVIoeV and settle the lrth question' ln- mill .if lite mee'ity Me see Ihe typr of men who are ItMpe. lie will at once diemer that mediatcly if they w.Kild all be relumed nai H :-.ld l hem Uie riKMi who are behind Htork ate. the botietd wo kerv, i know naWe. The ttffieajtly u llkai al fir-i he bad lai-naV'i ((at lhe hate nothing to gam by voting tho Meis-hest ftmefw-nunl they ara alt anraaanaM. ajji,Hrtiiir P--k bo stnee lttO bark into power. They know that LtbaraMsm -ennd for iot the mailer kdhaanus fr I HKMlN and uatrtnttsn ' oV-u dmoera'y and that, while mi-aykej. are mad, ON both soles, th-geueraJ a amao I aatUrW IHA hr pi . ritnj4es MIerl)wg the Liberal ranse ara lhoe irf the i- a fSassaJ islipa)iiiS)ae.. He tn wrlfare rtf the Bas mt lh I0- M'ighenism mean guvefn-nf staod lor ay of I ae rii.r'i.i-. iatra at r tart tu an i "T M WHAT lime the tlenlial I a nt bj Ike law for Ibe t&: LaWratotAi' niM the gmeramenl woold bate if frr all had lerlh tof likorajum and f he wai r. tmm mmi I. as ljuraasrt. . Canadian National Railwaji ftir Ihe general welfare. t attirlhiaw tot wit m BuiMttirter V m that Ontario Mtammoth, ayao fc aessae at I the (JaaayaMtftiM i mm aauuo (as O (-MM tweKe iiarhea ta dhmwaar. amflhsmY OaaaWmSKa'taM 4y4 a) Patronage Has Gone eterdajr anwriiiu rred ! k SUSJi mmw mo mo m mm w Says the Independent Liberal. WHAT is Mnf with that p... spoke at Pitman. Itoh i,e,t T-' "JST iT " Prince Rupert Colour; perk he i aaj iaslaftMlefH and a' Mberal and lit tea I arno-tir. He aeeaa aa if ftinoertjr of tt)s city, in lhe,ff uaosa mJS m m mm; tint patronage ha gar never Id re torn. tr words to that e IT ret. he wa nothing hot attest tan ehalr. Itoisg aa Lak a meet. Pjibly. howeer. lh t 4 oriel h not UwMght of Htittog who marks. toil was behf at noon with J l j locsajaat.raaste-a. l file leeii appointed lo official fmsitions to rvMMlurl this elerttoM. Won presoHant. TV-r.. were n i Shipyards The returiiing ofhVer i Ihe presKtent of the (liensenrative Assoria-ttfm THKItH H(i?bl be enooicfc areaeal and Ibe IHHIy ew. r.--1 raaaaiBaji ail j m Avfta nl In f l and all apfxtintre. aad there are dozens of them, are faithful power saves! Ut ran imm any far alaaT? thai out of the "S&VSP rASJf .i4hernU to the Uonservattve raitae1. Some of them are openly a few years If evaeymae reo.o-1. say. Ton riaUs Drj Dot C. T P- 20.000 there mu he at lea I JO .. . o systf Cparatlag campaigning for the Gnajservatrre eandidalc. for that is what ther tti tottitar nMMl. s b iM.tek and MMethly 3k waiosajo ojat J Jt& ai..i.i..i.. BalUrmaksrs. UXoakarrvtaa, f" Iheir candidate to be. consider OX'K of the thiawM that Mr. tstort was al Eaainalon 'LasaoTeoaaaBaaO vjSmmmmt sti Wooe-arMr. IU. t The Daily ew i nut taking a My exrrpsiitn to the men. who iot jret aaywlkar U triUnr .... mah. and .hi- mora,,.,, ITT Z'ZTuS masars. Taunaar bve been appoiMtod to Ihe oition. Most of them are gitod lenarfe Peek yiu t mdaa- lo whs. It a meeting m Und. He htull wsiaw om sa oiiaii. oa asyfk iijen tiad will do (heir duly fairly and weN. Wlwl we da object to ta ahoot a wrofitahle a artaiir be boote tone today itmSTTS SSm J lao oT'Mi Our plant W. i to hear m moeii prating about pairofiage being aludishwl to Mr Hlork I. ket.1 rr hU aaavaa ss aetas. thai Htork i Foing to win. M 1f, era AND H a MARINE fcr of the fart (ht io lhf elertioH Ihe plums were hawlet out vtailinc the pnajde. and m.-Iim. rm a wot. tsa ta the faithful just as it) the old days Ittfore the aholifhm of GOOD FOR NERVE, ANYWAY. las the issosta. Most of Ihe ismh WOH lldnmage was ao arcnmplihed fart. Thin ahoMUon of patniHagr hme be U Iravelltmr atone .,, .WR.tf!t W. COMMERCIAL isiindar to the caod id ale's iiidapeodcnre. It exiU in name, but Kiri lnalid-ls this a Vi e netaai wu gwvwT rn-i tali t ur iti ssiwt AND U whether the snbstoMce is there or and there will be to omtorionit) place for the nerves? where, sie mmf be noaoie loi SM a a. PHONES 4J t6 prove for. jodging feim all rep4rls lint I eme in. there vrlfl be Kee.Otd Invalid m. yea! Wkm V wll esenr asoot kol if he sjich a majority for Stork a will expel all doubt. ftlrs proprietitr of ihfs hose! flrat poaae. aSHTuaje sy il U n tSrJEfZSmi i eatne here hr rharped lea shaft- ........... ... --it-i'ie-a Otr arUMal e. Taking Credit for thirs a day now be has the caoar of Ibe phWiaal loaa. tL nao" " toias. oaa.. jns Public Works, genre to abai-po tweutF-fWel hltoy of reritr Ihe wtoa -1 Zj?TVZ Zi 2 1SS 4. J V bava to thank Frank Slaet for the reminder that the ron-ta-o The Paein Stoew (lmdnii . Ihe lartfe ill-1 COd hi the I Hot t Ut srte. "wet aot'stswt ySV Ai t fr the oaaao dwk w riot let by the re.ent fhwernmeot alloii,. t Itaoa rt IS.rem II a . ..j 14 it by the former niMnagenieiit of the Oram! Tnink PariAr lUil- WITH LICENSE I?) Touchfd..I vp"" v and UihI an etforl - made by the present management lo PECK COMMITTEE IS ratsi r tost arrrar t iMntU i si atai t nn Vni"n,d J cancel me -ootrart entered into with Grant. .Smith ti Magitflln. Chary) wtth steal la; a motor TMI T of o ktMtft t I ' I i renHimg (oit4e h Item done uwe Ihe Meigheti floverumenl ear. aa Iris-man Is reutteied t CHANGING METHOD OF itorui.Takr i.i"-S tasi auata M'we ""-' ' i-m- mli Hwer to li.tltle thi -eftiwn f the coonlry. No rail- base htamed a (.oiu-eman. He j JtjStz. REACHING THE PUBIJC ked the to Ktreatham. and i vpy nuoutgf mam ffc w not rraay woMld have allowed the fish way Ijisii.r-- itt l-e tNi rxirt for months if nut years before making the of fleer 4l. Tale toe ear Ihtaee ea.l rtaw. tkeme tn 'Hun I. failure ( Uir I'.tI sa ' - LoTLAfg rad. ami he tames rasiw end of t the Ibe sia. ail elforl to hold it. Ho much has been said of the rftodijet of the Mid. Punch. '"anitliiii f .(ttllt 1 1 1 to nel i"o. k rk.ta Ud ataa T r saoi amm. rwilum in ron n'l ton wth that mesy business that we bate to latwaa soi srw. ao Oss 'i ii(i.i l f r 1 1 1 patter. .iii(o.etJ j rfi;it it no. II i. houeter. nrresary- for the ake of the f til ore i.i he fatorin Ihe iadeHndeiii rea M MsU. Il' ehoc 0rea US to n i -1 1 1 mii ti,e lkiiig Mud to khow thst while totonel Peck eaiKloiale .heel a campaign t. iyw.ull iocmiiI all riaht. lie wa mistaken in the confidence be Ten Years Ago Beiny u.ued. oreoorad by to rais- a rtSI aiesaT 4St rTol I wit ittsrati M T t MS rrpned-4H tto jMwer that are. If be should be again elected be In Prlnco of tlo- .tjpp.irlers who hate TfcMT or MT ast k nil!? Rupart Take aaor Ooi I. ' tatrkl. , , 4 "t as lAflv t throw io In- lot with the rrowd "wrong again. oiir m-wapaper eaerOnc-. Wit-oa aoetaa es' ami ,t sre't Tlir only i.. HMke - ire llitl we gft wb.it we w.uit i for os to file tiMM Of I Me Cmiltaii(ll Ul.nl li.t nn Mt as to ua Hfimeart UH- rrfl. artmouat lM Sr tiS tl incprl Demand lor'M srii h ni.oi to iittjiv. . who i- p'-'Jgeil to a line of poir ami Novsmbar 30. 1911. abet-! i. a real imanoetiteiil Mt. i4aaitieia l s ai ptsaiea Ho- .al.- of Heel tota a atio al iM Dm If ruraaf mt I ! H- fho-ep.ii it,, a! hip is at -t.ke -honid he -werse from t hat line. ion osei i he ekasa of eamuaian loat-i aarM ss for oinnieneed Ibis oiortdflir. Tha o BREAD Speaks enal hitherto Impos.tj on ttie.JJ atrial at ei asun eat. first ataVI ibwbte was. a aorawr S4 turn, aate ur axt. pOltllr Ihe Peek Uy aUStporter. YOU on Atlin Aeoue MtuvM by Ahl. o aoStSlos. taaossai. HAVE Il deal, with Ibe Isaoea and freS a US. SSSBI. " ' Kn kjMiirlek and Aid for i.... oirthdsy Claytoa 'li lXL aptciao.t. - - j eliailnaie. the BOMer laiiatiutr" COAL! COAL! COAL! t .'no. P.lr, Whieli l.u. been a feature ttf all, 4VaMhtafj& Our a a a ram r ai rat -his BAKERY etei lmn. f..f tear. nasL ! ii. r or taf ftot I LACASSE John KrtNt, wfia aaioa here III. Tk i-ii" Umi I, H k raaatll. at THE Brwd." Mill W'li'oliu- hi ii,-ii,, Hll . ... In,'ft i. K atimat aulMri. Mritul u itrenily from Vaneoovef, wa '11.i: i . ii... olliral i . H " to aeuaiae l..t ao Tha Horn 01 '"" r, foiiitd led io the lli. L....M. . ,t .ai mmm ... ta. t.t.i.... a. Anws (Joeeos Third Edson Coal 'Iir ii im.tiI. i-.-n if Mi.'t .1 . ,,,,b.,i ...i- i aaaaMwmt al lest ulsalsa Phona 190 717 Company tin. nioriiiHv with hta Mi iat i ' WHIi Ihe .i .......o.-... " aai s rasoo A fi-sa. terribly y asked. A aew raaio' pre..-tl aod rteo though .aasist.. . .laear ....-mtu........as Hm'hw,... . lasar. -.f Phone 58 fnond nenrhy am the ease .w L. b.i.a h0'.- fail ii. lie eonvloeed, e.-i li ..Maenetetii. .n.i ill a. r.. BM Ve ara in a position gi IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, tba i 4 p(a realty itoe of .uicUle. -kill.-,i jiolilii-al writer. ta."- "t le. LTD. - by a a a h a n 1 1 1. Shak.Mi COLLART, ton or -Mi-luad, r.f o0i famoun EOSpN COAL, mhifh Is known i a Hdf. 4ou THEO Aid. Mori !-- iiei'latrti ai f.il .t ittyu. m i it 1 1 ,, ; to be the hext a)ue ,,f Bnv r..t on he market HAD TO BE PAIR, last moat's Mil I BEST COAL AT LOWEST PRICES - ,,.j.m i ni. ..tn,u thai i Ml V"t i. r isti .ua mosiM reaw Uw c"'cni .. (be Ijwsui'- .-n'.!..I i.v in.- ,ir BjepbeW a . i i ..,t,ii.ui.m .. i no i.ai MfCoesri. r.-mtl bouse. Mil , ORDER NOW PHONE 6S ,.i, .... I,"-', i e. Ji aateh tulS tractors aaoj ist lu n! sUuoW j aradtiate. Isn I bef !aei"ar at ititsH m- raaosi ' r M.ularil ni" Mint la" At " kjsV"'' Office - Prince Rupert Feed Co. be Mlleil .tul of eiMirl. The j . ie.hed Ihe Id fai 4 at .tlH.-i.' ..anunt't..i.ll.iiu. lMMd i Mo stfi't II..ait I me sain'" re ' a1 ' iiy i. trgii'nnj ....(1JI figi.i i.iii ,,. jn, i -. i,, me ...I.. - l-.iri (i I. in.. Kurtrri r . ,' Br i. asi io' . -u,.tM st-0 .aakV Corner Second Avsnua and Ssvsnth 8 least . . l ....i . in tih f,t .1 'I ttrr i a a assists a o "ia in.it ni.H ,i'd. i im i ,., , i J r 1 4 1 f rnoas sius , i , '.itL Bt a I. M t,:at'tc