1 PAOT TWC 5 I Something Different . . . Tango Flexible Inslep Pumps Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE KCPRT - BRITISH COLUMBIA New Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation TtlepUae DAILY EDITION Member of AndJt 'Bureau ot Circulations Phone 357 Pufcllihed Kery Afternoon, Except 8unday. by Prince Kupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. T. PULLBS . - - Uanaglng-Bartor ADVERTISING UATES Tnmltnt display advertising, per men, per Insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per toe - U S3 ft I We have Just receded these new feature Pumps, in black kid, e and they're beauties' I fi TANGO PUMPS win give unbelievable comfort and smartness brought about by the patented invisible gore at the Instep and the clever rubber cushioned non-slips In the counters, bringing a new foot freedom and thrill that is not found in any ether pump. Let us show you this shoe. Dance and dine in comfort! The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Ml .23 BUBSCEirciQJC RATES City delivery,. by mail or carrier. yearlrPtoo. paid m advanee iiu Fcr ievr periods, paid ln .atfvance, p-r w" By mall to all parts of British Colombia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per ytsr i Friday, October 25, 1935 FORCED LABOR At the present time there are about 100.000 men and women employed in Russia on forced labor, digging the smy canai connecung aioseow with the Volga River. Some of these are convicted criminals but the bulk of them are political prisoners who have not been in agreement with the dictatorship of the proletariat as carried out in Russia today Other large groups of political prisoners are at work on other large public works in that country, forced to labor in charge of the Soviet political police. Sentries march up and down with rifles and bayonets to that these thousands of people make proper speed at their work and people passing in motor cars say it is not an uncommon sight for a sentry to be seen prodding one of the lagging laborers to . greater activity. We are not criticizing .the artinn nf flip Rnviof 1oQfloo tu hea. u me Canadian government were to follow the example of Stalin anil -company all these" political irar- sances would be plaeed at work under armed guard and prodded occasionally to make them work faster, MAY BECOME AN ALLY t It must be remembered that RusSa today is one of the important members of the League of Nations linking Up with Great Britain with a view to bringing about peace in East Africa. The question has been asked whether, if Russia were attacked by.iJapan, Britain would be as eager to take action to .prevent hostilities and would she apply sanctions evento the extent of armed intervention. Evidently the question remainsmnanswered. It is hypothetical for there is no present threat .tat Japan would attack iwiKKUct. cacn case nas to be met as it presents itself. At the same lime it is something to think about for those who would like to see Britain take part against Italy in the present dispute. Cong i - oleum The Modern Hug For Modern Homes. Canada's Favorite Floor Covering. 'For sale by GORDON'S HARDWARE Two THRILLING 'Overtime Periods Required 3 loos To Defeat Grotto Sevthians Defeat Legion Basketball fans in large numbers last night witnessed four exciting fast-moving hoop games with the Intermediate and Senior matcher the most spectacular of the' eve nlng. .The Grotto 'stepped out ir the first half of the Senior Leagu game and started to show th-; Moose why they were Norther:. ; British Columbia champs, bavin? a good lead at half time when Uv I score was 20 11. In the second .half, however, the Moose staged fa revival and. at full time, Uv ; score was tied 33 all. The Grotto :came back in the first overtime period and got a three point lead after which the Moose tied It upThe (again, mt teams changed ends for the second overtime period with the Grotto getting a four point lead in the first two minutes. The Lodge men tied it up aain with a minute to go. then sank one with only 15 seconds to go to win by a score of 41 -39. I was one of the best senior gamer ever played on the Moose Hal floor. Orotto 1391 Ratchrord (11 Smith rti. OUlls U. Ourrich (Si Stalker 5. Murray. T OlUIs. j Moase (41 Stiles t1. Wing-' ham 9i. Pierce, i. Morrison I8 Mitchell C31. R, . Morrison 4. Fouls called on Orotto. 16. Free throws scored by Orotto. 7 out of 18. Fou: called on Moose 1C. Free throws scored by Moose, 7 out of 17. Referee, J Comadina. Intermediate League ssythlans, playing their firs ame In Intermediate company chalked up a win over the Can adlan Legion. 2922. In a fast anct close same. The Scythians bad things prett much their own way In the first half and were six points to the good at half time with the scon 20-14. It was in the second half when 'the Vets turned on the heat They outscored couldn't get enough augh tnougn it was a toss up as to wno the victors would be. .The Siythians had to draw from the Juniors to finish up the game as their regulars had been sent to the cooler on fouls. Legion 123) Blake '2). Moxley fl. Chrlstlson 1. Brvant. Arm- for keeping their political enemies in these work camps.!?,?" menc)L tllK Sueh,rQ uuuuuesi, it nas Deen necessary to .insure the successful! Scythians 29jbnii., 2 Dom-carrymg on df the dictatorship. Such methods are usually 5, 'Beynon an. Murray. necessary under dictators. All we mention it for is to sui?- Furrle',Rom- Montessano m, ut gest that if such a method were adopted in this democratic country there would be a howl go up from the Ca- .....H.. uutiCI sjruijjdtmiers mat wouia oe nearu irom sea" ourneau (5. Referee, J. Comadina. Fouls -called on Legion. 17. Free throws scored by Legion, 1Q out of 22.- - -Fouls, called, on Scythians. 20. Free throws scored by Scythians, 5 out of 21. Ladies League Orottettes continued their win- the daily hews Friday, Octobt: 2i 'SPORT' IPLAY WAS GORDON WALLACE HOLDS f LOS ANGELES FILIPINO TO TEN-ROUND DRAW VANCOUVER, Oct. 25: (CPt Gordon Wallace of Vancou- ver. 145 Vi pound, and Cafer- lno Garcia, 146Vpound hard- punching FlMptno of Los An- geles fought to a ten-round draw here Wednesday night. It had 'been eonsideed as a 4- sort of an eUrainatlen bout, the winner of which would in all probability have been given a chance at Barney Ross' welterweight title. ning ways at the expense of thf King Edward liifh School whr were on', the short end of a 7-H Ladies' Leagu- score at full time Co-eds were leading 4-1 a' half time, but their combination was broken up in the second hal' when ESJisoa of the student- an' Beale of the OroUettes were sen' to the showers with four personal fouls apiece. The student: put up a great attack In the las' quarter but rouk not sink any so that Grottettes had a good lead to win. Grottettes UOi Smith 5. Dickens. McMeekin, Gullck, Beale 4. Croxford U. High School 7i-E. Davis. El lison 4. MeLeod tit. Blaine, T Davis. Mussallem. Llewellyn 2. Wtnslow. Fouls called on Grottettes, 9. Free throws scored hv OmtlittA 2 out of 10. Fouls called on High Sehool. 10. Free throws scored by High School, 1 out of 9. Junw League Winning over ; the High Schoo' t-ll. the Seventh Avenue lads enjoyed a one point lead at half time, score being 7-6, but from then on. Lear of the Moose took things in his own hands to put his team well ahead to win by a pomu wiw -imi time score! reading 19-11. . 1 Moose 19 Lear 11). Hale th.i,,, l I Schub-rt aausen, to win. al- High , Houston Yamanaka. Bolton (5), CNell Blaine. Fitch 2. Philllpson. Referee. A. D. Vance. Fouls called on Jcnlor Moose. 7.1 Fouls called on High. 6. Penalties scored by Moose, 1 out Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Barrte Don't forget the number 156 MOOSE HALL Saturday, October 26 PAT PLAYERS OF VANCOUVER VAUDEVILLE SHOW (2). (2). - AND DANCE - Featuring BERT WJIITE Violinist, Chinese Impersonator, Novelty Instrumentalist, Etc. "RED" BUSHComedian and Novelty Artist DICK J)RATCELO W-Magician, Sleight-of-Hand Artist, Ventriloquist, Mentalist. DOROTHY BRUNNER Vocalist, formerly with. Ien Chamberlain and His Orchestra. J WELLE and His Orchestra. Admission: Dance, Adults, 50c; Juniors, 25c Dance ticket admits purchaser to vaudeville per-formance free, commencing at 8 p.m. sharp. I WH1FFLETS Prom the Waterfront Althous. U was at first believed that some small local fishing boats mijzftt have been sung a j ring's maertts shop float and two 4 small basts were brought back ', undamaged after having been (blown across the taarbor In th 4 'gak- ! - Wheat Is conUnuing to move steadily btto the Alberta Wheat Peat's local elevator. Since the recrement started this fall, some 3S3 ears "have arrived her including sUty-ene wbieh were In the yards this morning awaitlnt to be unloaded. Something over 500 cars would fill the elevator Ihe inbound movement of 'grab-will be temporarily halted owln? to the tie-up on the railway line due to wash-outs. J. W. Ptotnratr, formerly ot the local High Sehool teaching staff and during He past sninfolr xn gaged in prospecting in Northern of 8. I PenaRles scored by High, 1 opt of 8. A dance was to have been held following the games but was called off. LEAGUE STANDINGS Senior League W. L. P Lambie ti Stone 10 2 Moose 1 1 2 Grotto 0 1 0 .Intermediate League Scythian - 1 0 2 High Sehool 1 0 2 Canadian Legion . . . .0 2 0 Ladies League GrotteUes 2 0 4 Annettes .0- 1 0 High School L.-. tf . 1' 0 ' Junior League - Boy Scouts 1 0 2 Moose .t.... .. . 1.. 0. 2 High School 0 - 1 0 Scythians .0 1 0 LADIES BOWLING Piince Rupert Orads defeated Blue Birds 1441 to 1170 in one La- j dies' League bowling fixture last night while Canadian National Re- Bemer 2),crcatlon Association won over Brunettes 1009 to 998 in the other. High average score was 179 by Miss Rita Stromdahl of Prince Rupert I Orads. British Columbia, signed Ion as quartermaster laat Saturday a-board the coast freighter tNorth-holni on her departure for Van couver after having undergone (repairs at the local dry dock following her recent stranding in Orenville Channel. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade- , a rZ br blown away fro. , j- fTJ"? .,... at , Cow -, n Bay In in .... ' their moorings ' Tuesday nights gale, a check-up the south and will sail at 10 p.m. . , . . i I OH ucr iciuiii ii yuiicvuc unu 'rftvMtMl on Wtofcteafev. H. GtovfwaTP0,uW- W. W, Ttfotter, manager of the Canadian FHhlng Co." cannery at Lagoon )Bay;"R. T. Whipsslell, accountant, and other members of he cannery crew, the party num-oering about ten in all. arrived in the city on the Prince John Wednesday night from the Queen- Charlotte Islatttit and saHed last: night n th Prince George for Vancouver. The 'Prince John also had imong her passengers some ten oggerr from the J. R. Morgan Log-ring Co 's camp at Sedgewick Bay hlh ha been closed .'down for a time. . NOT .MUCH SALMON .KETCHIKAN. Oct. 25: Tlie sal-mon fishing season appears to be lbout over in this district. Only a few trollinR boats are still operating in the fucr of stormy weather n th" h ip! nf being able to take idvan-..ic r,r current high prices. i tin urc. tiscment it mot pab-lihtd or dcpUyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Ccvnv ment of British Columbia. 1M (tJji m MATURED IN OAK MJ FOR 180 DAYS' j t j. bcoMr f ah vt.L Urthd.7, and Id lokMcf ?MtMlnu(tbmi,h. tW. put tju.nrr Brrw. Iol.i oa thollt.r banded Wottl nm kaw you'll It, the V4nnuvER BKtJJll s LTD. Sra,!!VnUSeinent,iS Pu',,ishcd or dif played by tlie Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbi DO IT TODAY Not Wait Eor Tomorrow Again go over your unused furniture or other articles and discard what you do not need. Then phone us. Green 421. We have dally Inquiries for the things ybu do not need In your home. D. ELIO EXCHANGE FURNITURE It's High Time m for Oaden's Wilh better limes vyhy not J join the movement badt to Ogden's and complete satisfaction? Boy a package ofOginl Fine Cut, and roll it i "Chanecler"or"Vct Papers. This is auw recipe for smoking 51 Pclctf Hindi, iif KumitJ BOW ctpid u t copf( till OGDENS FINE C U I yur Pip Krmc, OtMt Cut Pki LIKE DUCKS1 Season Opens Today, The 19th. Oet Your Birds With M long range waterproof Sbelh. Our price gf) per box or Super X 1.55 only Single Barrel Two-Shot Gun $18.75 EYerythln For the Huntw Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory .flare to Sb FRESH MTLK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL Jt.iZarellt, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 80 Rooms Hot & Cold W Prince Rupert. B.C. I Bhnn. QUI on ho ft .wi il yuu wisii mj sf try a classified.