f AGE FOUR Prepared Roofing, in rolls, covers 100 square feet Coal Tar Patching Compound Roof Nails THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 258 Third Avenue Pu. ,n, aoax, WE IJUY FOR LESS THE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE G only S9.95 TODAY'S WEATHER Dead Tree Point Raining, calm; barometer, 29.80; temperature, 42; . sea smooth. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 95', SATURDAY SPECIALS LTD. WE SELL FOR LESS Ladies' Pure Botany Wool Hose, full fashioned, reg. value $1.00, per Children's Cotton Hose, fawn and black At Lowest Possible Prices 5 only $11.95 zipper or crew neck Boys' Navy Blue Fox Serge Pants cuff bottom, special , , , . "rrnv iiii u mm n mai 59c 19c Now is Your Opportunity to Get Your WINTER COATS 8 only $14.95 These are all well lined and interliner .with beautiful fur trimming. These values will have to be seen to be appreciated. We invite your inspection, pr. pr: Boys' School . . Sweaters', some , with attached collar J 2 j - ana --- contrasting - tie, -t others with Qr & . " up $1.98 STORM SEASON SUPPLIES Roofing Cement Roofing Paint v v. A U OVRIL Lamb Ohops 2 lbs Veal Chops 2 lbs. Sirloin Steak 2 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs Lg of Lamb per lb Shoulder ol Lamb 4 lbs, ....... TBone Boast 4 lbs Rump Roast of Beef per lb. Pojt Roast of Beef 4 lbs. Hamburger, 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Leg of Pork per lb Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs. Leg of Veal per lb.' Sunhybrook Butter With meat, per lb I (Limit, 3 lbs.) 35c 35c 35c 40c 20 c 50c 75c 15c 35c! 25c 25c 20c 50c 15c 25c REORGANIZE FEDERAL. ADMINISTRATION Continued from page I (Prince Albert, Saskatchewan). 1 Minister of Mines, Immigration and Colonization, Interior and Indian Affairs, Hon. Thomas A. Cre'-rar (Churchill, Manitoba). Minister of Justice, Hon. Ernest Lapointe (Quebec East, Quebec). Minister of Public Works, Hon; P. J. A. Cardin ( Richelieu-Ver-cheres, Quebec). Minister of Finance, Hon. Charles A. Dunning. of Trade and com merce, Hon. William D. Euler (Waterloo North, Ontario). Secretary of State. Hon. Fernand mmret (Montreal-St. James, Que.). Minister of National Defence' won. ian Mackenzie (Vancouver uemre, British Columbia). Minister of Pensions an w tlonal Health, Hon. C. O. Power (Quebec South, Quebec). Minister of National L. Ilsley (Digby-Annapolis-Kings Nova Scotia). Minister Of Fishprlec tt t Michaud (ResUgouche-Madawaska, iicw orunswiCK). Minister of Railways nnrt r-oi. " 1 Marine, Hon. Clarence D 1 Howe (Port Arthur). ' Minister of Labor. Hon. Norman1 McL. Rogers (Kingston City. Ontario). 1 Minister without Portfolio, Sena-' tor Raoul Dandurand. KETCHIKAN HALIBUT Ketchikan" ot 9s-t, ' IVt- stltutlon was In with isnnn j.;t. - ..... '-"Y JJVUUUSrtF of halibut yesterday but bidders' did not show much interest and the catch was not disposed of here.jf ADDRESS Hotel Arrivals Knox S. Elstvedt. James Clancyand A. Anderson, city; Mark Bradshaw, Prince George; chic Blair and V. Wettmaitu Smlthers; s. Barclay, Seattle; F Seddon, Queen Charlotte Islands; R Powell, Edmonton. Central S. Marshall;. T. Hines and H. Anderson.- city;' H. Berg, Smlthers; John. NeIsonf Port Edward; Robert Phillips, Alyansh: Jack montonj P.. J. Rolls, c. N. R w Postmaster-General, Hon. J. c.yLukack, Selwyn Inlet nmun, iMiaaiesex west, Ontario) Minister BY PADRE ElimJrutlon of Social, Race and Religious differences One Of Duties of Toe II Ah outstanding address was iglven Wednesday at the' Joint lun- cneon or tne KOiary ana uyro uiuos in the Comodore Cafe by Padre A. jtf. Coleman of Manchester, Eng., who was In the city making an official visit to the local Toe H or ganization. S. J. Jabour, president of the Oyro ciud. ana w. m. buck- stock, president of the Rotary Club, presided Jointly. Padre Coleman told of the spread of the Toe H movement to Germany, South Africa, India and other countries and of the wonderfully effccUve work being done by the organization In breaking down race, social and caste prejudices. He gave a few notable in stances of the elimination of snob bery and told several stories to il lustrate his meaning. On his recent visit to Montreal he was told that there was no place for Toe H In that city but, In a brief time, he found that there were religious and Industrial differences In that great metropolis. Telling- a story of a rest camp In the. Ypres Salient. Mr. Coleman said there Vas In thaVcamn a little wood and a bathing pool beneath the trees. It had been used hy the officers but It was found that the men were also using the pool, something which could not be tolerated Orders were given that It must stop. But It continued and. In spite of :many orders, news still :ame through that privates were using the 000L A serceant dm in terviewed to find out how It happened.' His explanation was that when they were In the water with- put any clothes on it was impos.-ilbleytb' tell the difference between an officer and a man. The speaker went oh to sav that beneath their clothes all people were much "alike. Beneath the clothes, of nationality, religion and politics,' there was little difference between people. Toe 11 recognized there was a common fundamental humanity -with, God as the father. Each: person had a resoonslbilitv tn each other person and nart nf their dutv waV tn trv tn nrorfino. ! oitterness. The padre' said" he knew nothing Ui ITince Himprt. hut ho n,n ...in r - r - - ..v n vo will- 1 .. Ing' to bet , it was about as good and i as bad as. other places. nnnhM thefe were, cliques and social and other' ejeavages. These often resulted -in the. oiace- hplnn- "itoii" in stead of "Heaven." It was the du'ty ui ure- tocai too H to try to ameliorate these cleavaees nnrf hr(n about a condition of co-operation. Prince Rupert R. G. Johnston fFowell, George S. Balfour. Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Cummlng and D. F. Pankie, Vancouver; rj. Cook, Winnipeg; N. V Taylor, Massett; 8. W Brown, Hamilton, Royal Ljishvlck, O. Austvik and E McRae, city; L. W. Staples, Car-cro&j, YTy Savoy Miss II; J, Grubbe and Arthur G Orubbe, Weston, Ont.;x T. McQuillan, 'Anyox. RAILWAY LINE WILL BE OUT OF COMMISSION FOR DAYS BECAUSE OF HIGH , WATER; WATER IS OFF. (Continued trom page one) three lengths of water main between Woodworth and Shawatlans Lake were washed out and repairs cannot be made before Tuesday. This mornlne trouble developed between Mount Oldfleld dam and For Vancouver-Tuesday Calala 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince George FREE BOOK of EASY CAMP COOKING Prize recipes, of famous woods- me, j "flakJr white bannock, golden flap.jacks, new ideas for cooking game, meat, fish and delicious puddings Borden's have collected them tor you In a handy sized book called "Easy Camp Cooking Recipes". All you need is the usual camp supplies, and a tin of KLIM. KLIM is pure whole milk pow. der just mix with water to aii ur,ch creamy milk. KLIM is light compact not affected by hen or cold always sweet and fresh. Buy KLIM at your grocer s or supply post Clip coupon and mail to get. your Free Book. I1'?1''" Comptny Limited, Tirdley Houie, Toronto. Snri m ' T7 r M . . . 75 OS t'Pe by fimoui woodimtn FREE. Nmt Stittt ctr Edwardsburcj . Pior. LKUWN HRANfl i CORN SYRUP A product of v 1 t . . . 1 nt HA MO US ENERGY FOOD' The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited I' SALE OF ANYOX TO CONSOLIDATED CONFIRMED AND PROGRESSIVE POLICY EXPECTED ON PART OF NEW OU7iER& (Continued riora page one) vear and a half and oosslblv more. There are also a number of fairly good looking veins that might pay well for exploring and good pros pects at Bonanza. If the price -of Acropolis Hill reservoir on the copper advances this will, doubt- emergency water line and the,less. be mined by the new owners, water all over the city then went I While there is no definite infor-off. Service may not be restored 1 nation available, it is understood until Shawatlans Lake pumping tht the new owners will Install a station can be steamed up. modern customs smelter at Anyox When the Woodworth slide oc- ln lhe near Mure, to handle the curred, the city lights went out and service was not restored, until Falls River power, following a break In the transmission line, was on again shortly before midnight. KETCHIKAN INFANT DIES KETCHIKAN. Oct. 25: Henrv Ricnard Moulton, twelve-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moulton. died here yesterday of pneumonia following an attack of measles. MOSCOW'S SUBWAYS MOSCOW.. October 25: (CP) The second section of the Moscow subway system is beinz excavated by 30.000 workers. New tunnels at depths of 10 uto 125 feet will be completed ln 1937. Steamship Sailings concentrates from the proposed mill at the Big Missouri and other mines at Stewart and at other points on the coast. It is possible also that the power will be utilized for the Big Missouri mill and other operations and it is said that the coke plant will be operated In con nectlon with the utilization of its Dy-products. The Consolidated is Canada's major mining concern and the tak ing over of Anyox may mean n great deal to the mining on this coast. It has been pointed out hv men in a position to know, that mining in this district Is In a bet ter position from a nrorfnrtinn viewpoint man. it has evir Kppt, in the past. Not only is the Big Mis souri operation: a practical ncr. ainty out the recent deal in rnn nection with Premier makes It. a sure producer for vears nd there .will be other 'rutMvivua n me same district as well as up the Bear River. Alice Arm has not been heard 10:30 p.m. from lately but It Is known that Friday-ss. P. Adelaide... 10 pJn. work has been proceeding there on . a.ucu mianign; me Tone and other properties w lk,. uuisc o v.m. uicn maKe it a prospective nm October 16-ss. Pr. Louise 5 p.m. ducer in a rather largf way Tak,, -. wo. . nuiau a p. ill. From Vancouver- Sunday ss., Catala .4 p.m Wed. ss. Pr. Ge-Tge .... 10 a.m Friday ss, Piin. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. CardenV pm October 12--ss. Prin. Louise am. October 21-lss. prin. Norah ajn. October 30 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesdays. pr - George 4 p.m. Wherever books to read, sewlntr tn do, study to accomplish, or sport In which to excel, your eyesight is a matter; of present and important concern. The : first step, is & ; .thorough eye - examination, Be glad you can get one lh an hour. HEINZ I SPECIALS Stock up your pantry with Heinz Pure Food Products at these prices SPAGHETTI Handy size 3 tins SPAGHETTI Medium 2 tins PORK & BEANS Handy size, 3 tins PORK & BEANS Medium 2 tins ,. PORK & BEANS Large 2 tins SOUPS Assorted, handy 3 tins SOUPS Assorted, family 2 tins KETCHUP Large per bottle VINEGAR White & Malt 16'2-oz. bottle VINEGAR White & Malt 33-oz. tin BLUE RIBBON COFFEE Vacuum packed,, 1-lb. tin. pLUE RIBBON. TEA 1-lb. pkg. BRUNSWICK SARDINES 6 tins LIBBY'S ROAST BEEF 1' 2 tins 29c 29c 29c 29c 39c 29c 29c 22c 18c 31c 39c 47c 29c 37c iviuixuuKAM MOLASSES 4. 2-lb. tin luC EVAPORATED MILK CJf t0 All brands, 12 tins JlUo MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 e- is also a part of the picture where work has been carried on recently which is likely to change the face of mining in that part of British Columbia. It Is even whispered that a second Alaska Juneau mine may be expected there. (. Coming south there are the various producing and latent properties on Porcher and Princess Royal Islands and also on the Queen Charlottes which may well provide considerable ore Cor a smelter at Anyox. In some quarters It is looked upon as a fortunate thing that the Gran-by Company moved out at a time when the establishment of an up-to-date customs smelter would be a Godsend to Nm-thpm tihh.v. -" MtlklOlt Columbia. The Rlr Missouri In connection with Big Missouri, the Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co. is carrying out exploration work on a large shoot of richer ore than the average there and the work will probably continue until spring or early summer at which time the company will be in a position to know exactly how large a mill to install, if the work continues to show up well and the price of gold contihup hiih h mill installed mav hp a lamo .larger than Is generally expected. ' POPULATION HALVED LONDON. October 25- fPP Finsbury Borough's resident population has been cut nearlv 50 nrr cent in. 33 years. Last year the population was estimated at 64 97n compared with 101,453 in 1901. I WdT. Oetob,. held over1 Showing Tonight Or, ONE SHOW o. Starting 8 p.j OIL for the LAMP of CHIN i - mth Josephine Hutchi Pat O'Uricn Everybody reams urc r "here's a reason. FOUR to FIVE Times more quickly disesled than COD LIVER OIL . ., Tired, jaded appetites need the stimuhtioa 0 Cod Liver Oil. Scott's Emulsion helps give you 1 healthy normal appetite PLUS added digestibilitr and vitality because it 1 an emulsified Cod Liver Oil in a solution of bone-building Uypophosphittt of Lime and Soda. PLUS VALUES vou gtt onlt in Scott's Emulsion. SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD UVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUE' ron aiz fr vbun druooist ui SPECIAL Bridge Table Cover In red or green rubber with corner dtcoratioi only 50c ALSO JUST RECEIVKI) Framed Mottoes A fine assortment of friendship and rclativ mottoes 65c and $1.00 LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at' 2l' 1 Haysport, ready" for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, It will pay you to examine our s' and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C.