SALAM TEA Dr. Carson's A Product ot iPrince IRupert Ormes Ltd. Jfie Pioneer DntQftats Ihe Ktull SWra l-hones! XI ii 3 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 21 ibut Liver Oil sules HIGHEST POTENCY Lite per box of 50 Capsules $1 Iindays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED S!mT liave Prince RUDert for Vancouvsr- UCATALA EVKItY TUESDAY, 1:30 '.M. Arrliinc Vancouver Thursday ISifARDKNA KYLltY 1K1DAY M1DNU1IIT. Ar'ving Vancouver Monaay a.m. UIuim to Port BUupBO., toijoi, hiwM ud Na !' I pmnu. iiiv rrun nUnoui.. - per mformatlon regarding all sailings and tickets at FtlNCK M'PF.RT AfJfNCYt Third fnnf rnon oo CANADIAN PACIFIC Vincnimr via Ocean Falls and way ports to j PRINCESS ADELAIDE. FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. 1 Vinfouvtr Direct PRINCESS LOUISE. Oct. 4th, 18th. PRINCESS NORAII, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 21st. 1 Kttthikan, Wrangell. Junrau and Skacway PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. I2th. princess norah, Oct. ,21st, aoth, Nov. nth. tr . ......... Anl1 OF wrlti rw lniormauon ana reservuuuua . ff- L. COATES, General Accnt, Prince Kupert, B.C. Pfisfc which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Br and" SMOKED BLACK COD L Prepared Daily By 1, I Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ?e Daily News -j-m.auiuiltJ, fvo f!nnadian Daily - lUluUGi Ul UIlVi w- il foe Most sTea LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by rid-1 Tony Busanich. sailed last night . . . . . . . . : I tag In 33 Taxi It costs, tht same, i You cun rtnV u low u $1.50 iialle. rth these oil61" "nd 'vest of Eclmonton'hdlding membership a car at Walker's a day. plus 7c a Mrs. T. N. LePage and son, Bus sell, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver to join Mr. iLePage who has. been transferred there for the next few months. I Miss Margaret Kergln R.N. left ,on the Prince George last night for! Seattle whence she will motor to I New York where she will take up 'postgraduate work In nursing. Rogel Powell, George Powell and Dan Campbell, Indians, who have been frequent offenders, were each sentenced to one month's imprisonment, without option of fine, f by Magistrate McClymont in city (police court this morning for drunkenness. Announcement: M rs. (. Ilalliday Will Re-open "THE MODERN BEAUTY SHOPPE" formerly the La Parlslenne Beauty Parlor on Monday, October 21st. The shop has been entirely remodelled and a complete line of the latest equipment Installed including the new Hollywood Permanent Wave Machine, "The Paramount." Advice on your hair troubles given special attention, 210 Fourth Street 'Phone 917 For drunkenness, C. Hanson was fined $25. wUh option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning. 31. Notice Sealed tenders will be received up until Nov. 1st for the purchase of a 1930 Model A.D. Sedan. The high-, est or any tender not necessarily accepted. (248) " Kalen Motors Ltd. Announcements Hygga's Baaaar, October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose HaH'October "30. Hill CO Hallowe'en Tea. Octoher Presbyterian Bazaar. Novembe, 'Daughters ol Norway Bazaar, Nov. 8, Moose Hall. Elk's grand re-opening -dance- November 8. Masonic Dance, Moose Hall, No vember a!5. St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaa, Nov. 21; Gyro Hoedown, Moose-Hall. No vember 22. Orange Ladles' nazaar. Nov. 28 Lecture Recital, Mrs. Mandy, November 29. United Bazaar, December .5. Hogmanay Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. Moose Hall SATURDAY, 8 VM. DANCE and VAUDEVILLE by PAT'PLAYEUS Dance tickets 50c, Juniors, 25c Dance ticket admits purchaser to l2 hours vaudeville performance free, commencing at 8 o'clock. on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver. Hygga's bazaar, Metropole Hall, Friday, October 25, 8:30 p.m. Admission, 25c. Refreshments- free. Dance. Everybody welcome. (247) Owing to electric' light service be ing out of commission, a meeting j of the Moose Lodge scheduled for' Wednesday night was Called off. 1 The case of Joe Brown, charged! with assault occasioning actual! bodily harm, has been further adjourned until tomorrow in city police court. HmlilHIIHi tt ft 1 ; I ! . LjJ Legs per lb. ... Shoulder per. lb. ... Breast 3 lbs. . T BUTTER E.C..D.. 3 -lbs. ... -v... EGGS B Grade, large 3 doz .-..j...;;... 'LAMB Mr. -and Mrs. T. Kobayashi of Queen Charlotte City arrived in the eity on the Prince John Wedr nesday night from the Islands arid sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. The fire department had a call at 8:45 Wednesday night to the residence of Rol Barnes, 1425 Se-eond Avenue, Westview, where here was a chimney fire which resulted In no damage being, done. A. B. Cumming, British Columbia district manager of the Hudson Bay Co., after spending a few days at Port Simpson on company busl ness, sailed by the 'Prince George last night on his return to Van ;ouver, accompanied by Mrs. Cum ming. Miss Laura Stephens will this afternoon on., the Princess j Norah for Vancouver to which city sne is iransierrea in tne service of the provincial department of pub lic works. Miss Marion, A. Coombes has arrived here from Vancouver to take her place. YOUNG GEESE While they last, per lb, Pot Roast per lb Rump s BEEF. per lb ....... Prime Rib- per lb. Sirloin per lb. ,. 19c 10c 15c 15c 18c 89c 22c 15c 25c 85c Ayrshire 'Bacon vv 9n per lb. ......''' Cottage Rolls per lb Diamond "A" Bacon ann per lb w Cottaee Cheese ,? " per lb. 20c Boston Butts; r "" QOn 23c ocr lb -AOK, Pork Tenders per lb nniainnniriKinuiiH 28c MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT Linoleum & Gongoletim New patterns. Freshen your home now I Phone 175 torla. G. A, Yardley, Inspector of cus toms, Victoria, who has been here for the past week on-official duties, Mrs. Stanley Stott and Mrs, Laura Hall of Los Angeles, who have been visiting here for the-past teveral weeks with their brother md sister-lnilaw, Mr. and Mrs. M, M. Stephens, sailed by the Prince j peorge last night on their way back to their home in California, j Noel V- Taylor, well known Mas-. , jett insurance man, who is also interested in the development of the black sands of Graham Island for their gold content, arrived .In the ?Uy on the Prince John Wednesday night from the Islands and sailed last night on the Prince George for a business trip .to Vancouver, Notice On account of a break in the pipe line at Woodworth Lake, all citizens are urgently requested to eco nomize In the use of water to tne fullest possible extent during the next four days. W. J. ALDER, (248) Commissioner, HIGHLITES THURSDAY, OCT. 24 8:00 p.m. Show Boat, KOMO, 7:00 Paul Whitman, KOMO. 7:30-iScotch Tunes, KGVO. 8:00 Magic 'Harmony, KJR. 3:15 Standard Symphony, KOMO FRIDAY, OCT. 25 6:00 rxm. Wandering Mmstrel, KOMO. 7;00 Along Memory, KG A. 7:30 Mills Bros., KOMO. 9:30 Three Musketeers. KPO. 11:00 Diamond Horseshoe, KPO.- SATURDAY, OCT 26 6:6o..n.m. Rublnoff. KOMO. 7:00 Salon Moderne, KOIN. 7i30-iCarefree Carnival, KPO. 8:00 Barn Dance, KFI, 'KPO, KOMO. SUNDAY, OCT. V 6:00 p.m.ASymphony, KOL. t 8:30 American Album of Music, KOMO. 7:00 Concert. KOMO. 8.f3Q-Taok Benny. (KPO, KOMO. SUPERIOR RADIO 1ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 iPhone 21 THE - m&wm fJuaker m m Always the Best for Dread, Cakes and Pastry Owing to the stormy weather, a jieetlng of the Women of the Moose, 'which was to haye been held Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Peterson. First Avenue, was called off. will sail on the Catala Sunday nlsht for Anyov to spend a few .days. Mr. Yardleyjs assistant, G. E. INorris, sails by the Princess Ade- saU .lalde tonight on his return to Vic IWcrVName- T-Bone Roasts per lb Rolled Rib Roast per lb Rump Roast per lb Pot Roast per lb Boll Beef per lb. Hamburger 2 lbs Fresh Beef Liver per lb' Chickens Milk fed 'per lb. Fowl-peri lb Fresh ;Eggs per doz emu way to :U 7 BETTER BAKIMO BAKE BREAD AND ROLLS In half tht time with half of the work I Bake the Quaker Easy Way with' Quaker Flour, the quality flour made or evevj baking purpose by the makeri of the famous Quaker Oati. Send for ' FREE book on 'The Quaker Method of Eaiy Bread Baking" which telU how to make bread and rolls without 'kneading or overnight setting. "Thousands of Western Canadian women who have tried this easy method would use no other try it yourstlf. Valuable Baking Book FRFE The Qker Chu Cosnpaoi, Dtpt 52 S.katooo, saik. Pttuc Kitd m copT of booklet T1w Quaker Method of Ea.y Bread BaUns." Kama- 22c 20c 17c 10c 8c 25c 15c 28c 23c, 25c m I ! I a iinii . i. - .11. a Mil " Transfer j PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Heavy Hauling Light Delivery QuickService I -k, . .WIT tT I QtuaaHer Flour VQlalwrOaliO1!1"' Phone 21 RUPERT BUTCHERS Quality and Service Unsurpassed SATURDAY SPECIALS No, 1 Steer Beef Local Lamb Legs per lb Loins per lb Shoulders per ,lb v ... Lamb Chops per lb Veal Leg : Roast ' per lb, Loin -Roast per lb, Shoulder Roast per lh. Veal Stew 3 lbs 22c 20c 15c 25c 22 c 20 c 15c 25c Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 21 We Deliver Jack Allison, son of A. P. Allison, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, arrived in the city on the Prince Jonn weanesaay night from Cumshewa Inlet, where he had spent the summer at his father's camp, and sailed last bight on the Prince George for his home In Vancouver. . Mrs. N. H. Terry, who has been in the city for the past couple bf weeks receiving medical treatment, will sail by the Prince John tonight on her return to Massett. Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Offioe safe, extra thick walls, giving perfect protection , against fire. Dally News. (tf) l FOR SALE Two pure-bred Nfld, male pups, $10 each. Apply1 Gordon Little, Terrace,, B.C. (2511 KMil!ffil!!ll!al!:!l!BlB;iBIBlHiffin!9tBn RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to sdcialsr clubs, banquets, luncheons, dances, dinners and . bridge parties. Made to Your Order , Nothing too large or too small. LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time." Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625