THE DAILY NEWS s. IMMENSE PROGRESS IN ONE YEAR =~ | | arerlensemsetacemntsaonnae When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the CARLTON HOTEL Cafe in B.C, European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. } Hot and Cold Water in each room. a ¢ H.C Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey Rupert 4 anual Report of Board of Trade Sides Great Traffic on First "3 MUNRO & LAILEY re Sais Every Friday wt Som for | Hundred Miles of Railway, Large Increase in Shipping and Architects, ; Ps CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS 8.8. PRINCE JOHN Vancouver, B.C. Every Wednesday at 1 p. m. for Stewart VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATILE é . . Stork Building, Second Avenue. | in Customs Receipts---Industrial Progress Se Also, maintains weekly service to Queen| d G | P ° ‘ee Charlotte Isl yoints For : . ir \ ical ChaPia te land point For particulars an enera rosperity STUART & STEWART , Tents thisonn 06 Gis a et ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS aif ited: hing” leave ote ” gupert aoe annual re; of the Board| Our municipality is continuing/incoming Board take up the mat-| Law-Butler Building Phone No. 286 \R aw Weine says and Baturdays at 1p. m. of Trade, which was read at the|/the work of street grading. plac-|ter of publicity of our city and Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 iI 0 0 INTs , . the Grand Trunk Raliway Uesise | meeting last night, is a wonder-|ing of sewers and general work.|/would suggest that this be han-| eo i safety, speed and comfort ul .summary of the wonderful During the present year thel|dled by a committee f three} “ yei ‘ ‘ t Oo 1 0 ree ” For full informatt ; x ‘ ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. FROM HOME TO HOME. eh ag storms mar eenveniors and boos * en cif & and distric ane will a build the hydro-|members of the Board. of Britieh Cotambta ot Bukhe Ontatie, Sen: 1as made during the year past,j/electric plant and complete the All of which is respectfully} %%4 Manitoba Bars. katchewan and Al- : : A. E. McMASTER and also an indication of the; permanent water system from|submitted, A. J. MORRIS | c iy i i GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK constant activity, the t ». ‘troubled Wha aaen . J. i , ARSS & BENNETT ft ; bACIFIO Re ne is a ie Lime, trouble 006 worth Lake to the city ata Presidept. | BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. re Ageiiey dil Adlaétin sieanbais utes and expense the organization has|/cost of $550,000, —________— Office— Exchange block, corner Third avense and 1 Sid. Sykes, Manager gone to in the interest of the city.| You will therefore see that ANNUAL MEETING Sixth atreet. Prince Ruvert. aie Finest, Newest and Most Up to-date Hotel in Vancouver Boe ane eee a Soe [Two oe i r 1¢ Finest, -to- 21 in Vane er. ee ba , , ¢ Sait dite ce 2 Rxesilent'Oate. Moteréie siete, ‘ points of public concern that will/1912 should be the banner year| Local Building Company Have a| WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. be news to many of our readers|in our history. Successful Year. DENTIST. We 1142 Pender Street West En as Vancouver, B.C. A na that it is OP iene in full: Salmon Fisheries. bs Geowen sane rato shitty trie, Gaa tnd hy. Phone 8500, Tet a ways During the year the salmon The annual meeting of the local anasthetics jen administered for the painless ex- PACIFIC The eeee rons made during (he | packed in British Columbia was|Prince Rupert Building and In- $sifereon Stock. Block, Prines Htupert.. ae bee uy rine past twelve months taroughout|about 900,000 cases, of which the|yestment Co., Limited, was held " “tv a * syeage| : vary a ous: ar ate > oe and zene aa asyecent at the office of McCaffery & Gib-| Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E.Williams,p.a., L.t.D i es . ery serceptliple ane 1e City Oo oO 1s City, producec 320,000} bons the 25tk The re , 7 reas os : ; ; 18, On the 2oth, 1e report of WILLIAMS & MANSON Sh “¢ *ta- y relegraph Creek; also powers to build| GUICKer and cheaper transpoftta Insurance. aa : 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts branch lines either through the Pine River | tion rhis will be the year when}; I would recommend to the in- Great U. S. Banker and Business * awe or Peace River passes to the eastern boun- dary of British Columbla, or by way or | Settlers wishing to take up their}coming Council! that a committee | : : the most feasible route, or in the alterna-| residence can do so at a mini-|be appointed to deal with insur- Associate of J. Plerpont Mor- THE IROQUOIS ev. | tive by the most feasible route between | 2s | Lytton and Teslin Lake, also to build from| mum of cost. jance matters affecting the a gan Dazzles with Magnificence 4 point on said line of railway to the City wi P at | i i i Hs | or Vancouver or from the City of Van | It is gratifying to know that} Bank Clearings. of Wedding Gifts. POOL ee couver to & point on.said line, by the most | the western section contracts | I regret that it is impossible} a And further, for an act extending the|have been awarded as far as mile | to give details of this, but on ap-| Just before their marrigae in| English and American Billiards time within which the company has to 340 Stotes-| Twelve Tables SkCOND AVE. commence construction and expend ten per or thereabouts and on con-|plieation I find that banks have} Washington Edward T. |bury, who is head of Drexel & Co.,| —|will be ready to connect up from|other boards that may be formed | Crorniwell here who haye been to you could write in a month. Washington and who returned} ¥ : . Sys «| cent of its capitalizatior ons the eri ~ 8 ‘;had ¢ sry successf sar It has all the news of the Be Bt Of, ite papralicesic lel ae or | Siti ns that radin must be|had a very ucc ful year, fea ie ’ : 3 | December, 1911. ahs an P }completed by the end of this Hazelton Board of Trade. lbankers, and*an intimate busi- week S progress in the # Boliettobs Toy ihe AnD emate ae abitish Lear. On the eastern section the} It is with pleasure that I re-|ness associate of J. P. Morgan, ° . . ll Hy Columbia & Alaska Rallway Company. | sarne applies to Fort George. This|port that Hazelton has formed | will give his mane sla Oliver Hotel Central Cor. First Ave, city an istrict. t te S se | | leaves only a gap of less than|its board of trade, which will no |G romwell, securities worth $4,- x ot: ae os =lone hundred miles for 1913 and|/doubt result in increasing the |000,000 to be hers absolutely. pt appa yt pms aa pe rani ye Le more about the place than “ye } LAND PURCHASE NOTICE |the prediction of the officials of] power of this Board. Accustomed as they are to lux- $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : a as . ithe G. T. P. Railway that the line An afliliation with Hazelton and|uricous wealth, friends of Mrs. Peter Black : ‘ Proprietor ye >. ~ | Prince Rupert Land District—District of | west to east in the year 19413] will be proposed, to aet on all mast “ll . bility ‘tant atter affeeting |there tonight for the wedding are Take notice san 1, Lemuel Freer, of }Seems well within the possibili Importan matters afleeting ( & et Vancouver, B. C., occupation broke lof being fulfilled, Northern British Columbia. ==E. EBY & Co>= REAL ESTATR | ett i positively dazzled by the magniti- tend to apply for permission to purchase | It will come regularly each the following described aeris : s . Shipping. Mining. cence of the bridal gifts. . ? Commencing at & post planted on ;the/ The arrival ‘ » the vear of] The Granby Consolidated M = one! . ; ato ‘| shore in a northerly direction from Port| 1e arrival during the year | ‘ ranby Consolidated Min Kitsumkalum Land For Sale week like a letter from you. y NeieOg Cann, ry nareee ta ee 5.8. real r,/the G. T. P. steamer Prince.John| ing Go. has purchased and _ is} MINER-NOVELIST aipatie ALUM ‘ RC. es neat haribe y chatne South to. ane tine. for service to the Queen Char-| operating the well known and} ——-- Si ee eta 5 thence east along the shore to point of /jotte Islands and points to the|valuable properties of the Hidden |Julian Hawthorne Arrested as a 33 commencement, containing 40 acres, more | ’ . . 2 . - i s¥- | or less north from this city marks a new|CGreek Copper Go. at Goose Bay. | Fraudulent Promoter. \ Chimer Sweeping and Sicssna Cleaning if we know = I . : * north from this city marks ¢ } k Copy 10. € i ay. | We feel as b d aye Dated Ded: hiqr RABaS jera in the north coast business.|/It is the intention of this com-| rit Prepare for winter by getting your fnr i #2 Pub, Jan. 6, 1914 The G. T. P. Steamship Go. now] pany to install a smelter, and| Justice bids fair to overtake] s - r 0 sys ADAH hee rs ; I : | 1 , naces and flues put in order by everything an eve y y ¥} jhas three passenger and two|some steps should be immedi-|thal most picturesque of mining in Prince Rupert through aS Skeena Land District—District of Coast|}freight steamers serving Prince|ately taken to induce, if possible,|}promoters, Julian Hawthorne, aj Cc. H. CUTTING Ay Take notice that 1, CAROLINI JOHNSON, | Rupert, and this board should ad-j|the establishment of this smelter|well known author and son of + Practeal Chimney ee pees Knox Hotel, or ‘ Vancouy B. C., occupation married) eate the establishment of alat or near this city on the line of |Nathaniel Hawthorne, the famous woman, intend t appl for permission to ore . purchase th following described lands service from Prince Rupert to}the G, T. P. novelist, The United States Post reading your paper. It’s “ye > B ‘neing at a_pos plante i >| i ’ , j { , the most interesting paper 52 southwest cornet tf 1 a 066. thence south | Bella Coola and all points south, Concessions from the Proyin-|Office department has been on his} ; 9 zs a SE eo dR a anak CO CHET Sk unine If this matter was properly|cial Government, the Grand Trunk|trai! for some time, On the after- s E. L. FISHER ove wrth 60 ¢ s to e 80 as B | " | F ~ ° 2 Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains alon ‘ought to the attention of the] Pacifie and the city could be ar-|noon of January 5th Hawthorne, : we receive, writes a sub- ae south lind of Lot £069. thence en tot cai i i hotiivatinnd Ghus thio fl nce of this|Josiah Quincy, ex-mayor of Bos- Funeral Director and Embalmer e 273 | chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence; COmpany there is no doubt thaty;ranged by the influence of this |Joslab: Qu see Me CHARGES REASONABLE scriber from England. PS rial Ny CAINE BONS: SOT ne Ot ee they will see the advantage that|Board that would be beneficial to} ton; Albert Freeman, John Me- Cum sei | pace S| ing 560 acres, more or. less See | will be gained by having a work- /all concerned, erRDOD and Dr, William J. Mor-| OPEN DAY AND NIGHT CAROLINE JOHNSON at. {ing service and trade from this Custom Receipts. ton were indicted in New York on} Dated Dec, 23, 1911 ort before the opening of the ‘ . atamin the charge of misusing the mails wis “aq tht port befor I I append statement showing | _posT P 0 ADDRESS IN— Pub, Jan. 18, 1912 a en TieS ‘fre istors POST PAID TO ANY 2 lrailway next year. the customs receipts for the year|:0 a 5 heme to defraud investo! ¥ {-eeecereeeees : $$$ | The mail service from Van-|to be $101,553.85, an increase of }iM certain mining enterprises, United States or Eng. Canada 2S |couver has been improved, but|g4470.34 over 4910, being a very|those of the Temagami-Cobalt HAYNER BROS. Ba jthere is still room for improve-jcreditable showing for this port, |Gistrict ine luded, UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS see ’ jment in our sou hbound mails, 1940, {944. sanemeemnnannas Funeral Directors 2H DRIED BREWERS GRAIN Marks of Progress . UBD isc ae ae 2s $7,820, 79| FORESTRY IN EUROPE 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 “ye Sf The new wharves and ware-|Feb. .... 2,246 i,364.21] ee ' : | , It by the Pro || Mare De 5,606.52 5,848.41|Press Bulletin of Forestry Dept. erperpenpenpenpenpenpenye spenpenyenyenysnpenperyeny Clean, bright and wholesome, low J} Houses built by the rovincta 8 79K 5 H R di Fires. e i ne a aS os oo at ME FE Se ESR od = in water and carbohydrates, but con- Government at to be ready for April. iss: 3,120 8,786.77 | Gives int Regarding mienasmeaih P.O. BOX 804 , rh taining nearly double the amount of luse in two months. | May data 19,605.34 13,112.64) _—_—_— | 1 fat ana protein, pound for pound, The Grand Trunk Pacifie has a8 oo 4,799.88 41,221.04] The productive forest area in PONY EXPRESS ; 9 me ordinary feedstuffs in local added two hundred feat to ite al Lae cae 7,240.78 8,551.5514902 on the Grand Duchy of | SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE : ff 1A y » son “e ~ . 22a : : : s ready extensliv: dock and con-|4UB. .--.- 21,436.66 7,600,46 | Hesse in Europe amounted to} Baggage, Storage and hurwarding Agents. For ae Meets all the Requirements of a neers Hhinihor addition (Sent. 9,064.67 7,988.581182 263 acres In general the| Rige or Motor Car day or night 1 iat Profitable Dairy Feed templates a st urther additi n| e030 f : 3 we y thi vear eed eer eso 9, 23 9,237.45! stendine timber is composed of | Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 } fi and compared in price with what ts By Soe . K pr K oan. Aelia : 6 | . as sked for other feeasuums is triple The Canadian Fish & CG OT Oes rete 5,660.25 8,260.63) 69 per cents hardwood and 314 per} - ” aera 7 a t Dt atte tae AOU MAREE EF storage Co. has completed its|Dec. ..-. 5,464,88 _ 8,811.82/cent, coniferous forest. ‘The fir| oi ing ‘tt increases both the total di- lant, which is a eredit not only RS Sime lranks first among the coniferous G d H t ] , sstible matter and the amount of pit , y Mh ¢ LOT 2920 5 . kee or | ie om fst and protein in-the dally ration to our city, but to our province, Total . $97,383.54 $101,553.85) species. The total yield of lum-}®® ran otel.. Hg, AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 5O This is the largest cold storage I learned there were approxi-;ber in 1908 was 4,575,000 cubic | Workingman’s Home “i mM y PER CENT ON FEED. plant on the continent. mately 641,000 tons of freight) feet. Refuse in so far as it is not Free Labor Bureau in Connection i Malted Pay A rea seat ina The Prine: Rupert Hydro-|handled into Prince Rupert dur-|suilable for lighter lumber “auch Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. | ae Sree eee mae a continu- Electric Co., Ltd., has had al|ing the year, which is a ninerease | as laths or for pulp, is usea for GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor! ‘ | ; force of forty men on survey }of over 62 per cent, over the ton- | firewood, Phe expenditures for}, '¥ ; . ris f as ge of le sar s ‘ies, forest cultivation and|~ ere : | THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD t work since August 4st, and as|nage of last year. alaries, a a 0. lsoon as these reports are ready The members of this Board will]road building amounted to ap- LINDSAY’ CARTAGE and Limited intend to push construction of}no doubt be interested to learn} proximately $754,000, and the STORAGE q | Dryers of agd Dealers in Feed } ' , ‘a it » (from lumber ys | ‘oducts jthe plants. that there were 14,094 passengers |tolal gross Income om lun | SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS | This company is developing|carried over the hundred miles|and firewood was 81,164,934, G, T. P. Transfer Agents ' VANCOUVER, B. C. lie ne Fis ¢ , Lin Typ - Pacific j The capital represented by the 0 » 80 ‘s ’ ada Grand Trunk Pacifie Rail-|The capital rept : | from tw urces, the Khatadajof the Gre 1 unk Phe n> 66n 354. brought in_| Oxdece-premptiy fled, “Prices reasonable i { ers 2 ‘ t “9 ’ | land Oxtall rivers and expects to}way between Prince Rupert and|/forests ($52,665,004 yrough | Absolutely pure Ibe able to supply from these 30,-}Van Arsdol in operation from the|terest accordingly at 2.24 per | OFFICE. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, fay { _— a {O00 horsepower at a cost of ap-| middle of June to December 31st,/ cen! Where intensive forestry —————_——— i i ea ee {proximately two and a half mil-jor an average of 2,562 passengers of this kind is practiced forest mi ; lions. per month, fires are unknown, Sufficient) PAPERHANGING The Grand Trunk Pacific” in- The Board may be congratu-|mouey spent on Canadian forest | SMITH & MALLETT se the | THIRD AVE. ’ oe ltends commencing work on its|lated on its increased member-|reserves would greatly reduce . : : ci ' THERE “AnD palatial million dollar hotel at|ship and the interest taken by/|fire danger, maintain an adequate |} Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Q ! : : 5 “$4 , usin an io saa “eady for , rs ’ various subjects|lumber supply for the country « Sheet Metal Work is ‘ found with Greener Guns, THEY LAST TOO LONG. Mr. J. A Penn HIGH CLASS onee, so as to have it ready for}members in the yariou ubjec ! I Cmesteca nee: Woskshas , | Columbus, Ohio, writes on Feb, 22, 1911 ‘The old Greener gun won me service by the Lime-the railway is|which have been under considera-|and in time become a source of Phone 174 Bnd Ave. bet. 7th and ath Ste cham Mons s “ars ago at Wheeling, W. Va, and | ee hen : lane oe id ne iM = iuske et kay atte, oine this. aftet twenty “yea s' continuous | SIGN WORK. completed next vear, tion. jre venue tf the Government. i rs | | ’ upplies to comple- Your committees and especi orn admirer of the Greener gun and committee to report on The Duke and Duchess of Gon- Vice 1 have been 4@ life-long friend and The same CONS. 50 RY ; t on record where | OUR SPEC IALTIES tion of the company’s terminals/ally the his 18 not an isolated @ase, there are many instances : On RE NER GUNS have been in use twenty, thirty or more years Without costing | and the drydock, the hydro-electric power pro-|naught experienced no diffleult heir Owners a eent for 1 irs ; ave given much atininge > entree ’ ene tor. ee On alee aasaribon Shia | +At Porpoise harbor, six miles | posals to the city have given much in obtaining the entree ta New SILVERSIDES BROS B. G, Bisheries, Ltd., | time to the business of the|York’s most exclusive society. KL grades Let us send you a free copy distant, the ss */inteuds to erect a very large cold|Board and valuable reports have |The “400° met them more thant W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. P.O, BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN | 21,4 ¢6 and fish curing and pack-|been sent in. haif way, many going as far as|Cor, Praserandth, Choice Wines and Cigars DEPT. A.P., 63-66 BEAVER HAT HILL | I would recommend that the!the depot, RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT | Second Avenue, near McBride | ing plant.