IP! I. A- PAOB 1, CARPENTIER IS For better painted porches, for Ireland are Irlali. They are- the appraranr,protection and nr, deacnndanU of the Invader under use the I'rlnct of Oranjr. Their SEED POTATOES WONDER MAN loliey has been, with- the aa-wtManee ifeli of Um Knalluli nrixto. EARLY ROSE and GOLD COIN, twrt SAY ! rrat. lo Treerve a llllle frelandi well known varieties; our stock is choice, and but limited. Great French Fighter to be Seen privitiKlhe l'upll.li 'poilllriann Ihe excun IlLal it wfli a re-' Fertilizers and Seeds of all kinds. In Action at Wetthotme Porch Paint liprfotia qiif(lon in Ireland. To- BfiK Chick Food is the Best Why day I he Irish people are more experiment with inferior chick feeds? iM'iny(ii-uiKco WiMllt C.ftrprnlier vtllll Unlil'KH,lli Prime tft tile It ?-fZu "Th Right PaM to PatniRlthi- united ftcliiriom lhan ever in her hUlory. ; Coods sold under our B G K TRADE MARK are jruaranteed. bactiera orn bin! world'- champlons'ili' imn no broken down. Ifcr present and Write or phone for quotations. .ad worn by Irk" Dnipey, unlike pail hlnt'iry i auniclent proof niMiir American flfrhlera of m For Sale of br riln to ay what form of I THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. . UI by SILYERSIDES erv. Prince BROS., B.C. e. I th first rnniu lin u distinguished Rupert, irovenimetil Mio dial I live under. ii'i'iiri! a wnnl hiwihiiu ii P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 330 , j..y lIllS vnr That id all which I he. Self le. , f J lb flu' winning ii f 1 Ii r- hirilals ',. wan riin! lid.. fm. tf ilrlii nn apfireialtve ainll-n'."opirliap lerminalion League of Canada !!! U ni i. i muni jf lx r 'i;ri)f- II i iirnli-il Willi (he Cn.it tie II W"Uld Uo wUn for Ireland ndvocalc. If I rf la nil a, .,.ht Mid ( i 't.i- rmni n well n In nrr! lin Military .Medal ami lo rintf nir. liul I will xavn ollmr had received Home, Hule a pro-powd : i ih-llr ntilllly an.I his charm-hiv Ik Dalian U.n v.rmn ti lin-deeds KiisrvxIiniiD fur Hiiniher IIhip. by filad-louc. Camplx-ll- Mra. R, J. D. Smith. C. H-EIkin. It. A. Irecn r , , sootto i'T.iimM1y sviiih 'ciiid at lin- .niii' r.f f.hr.mpagrie Mnylj" Huport wjll lead t)i way Kannerman nr Aonuilli and en it'... a-ay liko urpeniiej- In become i Ik' limi r.f anil Verdun. yi-t. Inli-ni of "fnlliiwinir Hi dorsed by the people of llritain. SMITH & MALLETT, Ltd. i ..lh !,! ni-f ami. perhnp-. tli mil pnrk." KuiclNll fpeaklfiif peoplp wnulil 1 ii!"-r, i..; i nn man mi hi riu. tic i Plnrrly ymirn, hafe been spared (he PvcrluiinK j ' fig kfa In U- pn hi loilalil nl In the Letter Box MvO.VAIHJ WAIDK. iliKracc which Ihe Tory Oovern- Plumbing & Heating Engineers Miochlets (I VHniliii, tnenl ha inaii(rurated in Ireland. i for "lit French liow ilil linl Mail MONTGOMERY AGAIN. v. ii. .MO.vrofj.Mi'.nv. Enamelled Bath Tubs, Wash Basins and Sinks, fur hi iin- l cn!ld. When GOOD AND WELFARE. ll.i- war lirulir mil hi wan ill Ij.'ilir Daily Nvt?i LAND ACT. j Vitro Toilet Outfits, IR SALE I., lul'ifi. lli brrk a liierntim fi:.Iitir S 1 1 It daily ymip nppnivnl Xcwo: wouM uh-mll In annwer Ur Mrj Ki"lf leller. eJotlca f Inuntlon la applf la !. Land. Every kind and Size of Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Valves; ii'vlillifllmn i-iinlrert in enlist at a f rnnnot (whejcn u can lojrl-rally carried In itoek refrularly a fiw nuifKillonr In Flanr (. Crl l and nulrnt. Rmril. IHiillu at XI. Cyr on .Wii-I Sid, reifarclliiit draw any .nmparativi r. rti.lrvl or fnnm Hnpn. ami ainiaiai (Ii wlfar if hi Mlildl pawar Whaterer your Problems In Plumbing and Heating our nipfil developing laffon blwiittrp!i- oir itm orin Vint annre 1UI !. Hp spenl four tin nth a flalP Ima. of ' licanrdr lyand Phone 1.74 or write P.O. Box 274 ily. of eliaiiftViir uf alaJT ear ami (hen. I'erhnji many u lile or olliPrwK; 111 Kiitrlaud, am) . iimi i. Aiiiru tw wrivin. li lin K"1 ranon tn view llio Pfor Huptrl. B. C. nmiDatlnn ttnd anr-1 llnlii with ,al lii own request. wt lrun rompar IrflamJ and rr. in if ml to arpiy rr prmiuwa to -y-m flltllrv wild n.llinlli5 yK l.ut, KiifclamJ. The.ilaiK bar ihr rollnwinr orntmt Und: I r-liilion fiTTiNi to Hi aviaiiim wrvtre. CMiinmv-in at a tvi Tianid nn tnci Machine, I amiiiil a nol of warning, nrf Stwlnfl iAflor n eoornA f iiiolrtteiiiMi wn lo fiermany nn aecount ral rnd or Hi Hand Nar knnan a "Baw SPECIAL with Springs and Win iIhuiikiI In il!iatMiTii(tiiiit if of their .hivi. aa rnain imi or I ft nnrta Kj.I PRICESJN lit A .oril Ii passes! lh Hli lit IU In ireopraphical pnoilion are rororr af Lot f . nana f. i.l Ul.lnrl: ' w r..nliiue (o laek lho en. many timem a jrriVib-r innaf lo Ownm aromxt u rnlirr sand Bar. lakinrt E'.ttKt.fflatlrei. ; February, I1H6, ami stent iiumc- Ual jualflm llial inak a eani-tlrmanT than Ireland would b In all Inal pan atvr yiw WHrr Kara,I Go-Carts :: Baby Crarriages tl !! tn Hi front iij pilot of tfinnJlw mm.kII.o 1 Tat...-. I.. ........ end niatnlui ttva im, iwir nr inf. i tJittrttl, .......... .jir.iinijj in iinrr ini hi r.iiKiainl. r raiif" in rnueti ii.mni r. vvricht. in the latest designs. ii-llll.y ulMuirvatb.n ilau-. Dauil tlMa III day nf Acnl A. 0. IMI.; wmiiii iiiak it irmanenl head rlor conneclnl , (In vital Ljiiu.id.tUnd. Fr liU lna,ry anij ijirfrtn to iuarleru. , part of KfiKlaud Ijian In-laml is. sir.Ev. i.vvr PWTnicr PuTHii.T ur AH Floor Oil-cloths and Linoleums being cleared , rtJO Int. vkUil.' at Hi frtmt i 'Hl'"r IJVKE i:lHllIJTTK ISM.VIlTt. , kttr Tlbls. ari Lpiluhlllr nutierL ha tmnl At on poriod nnxlaml realized out at great reductions. Tat ivrtlr thai I. Vlrhnla l lirt. 1 ri ar poMimiitie in MnnSMlian nnyhal. but Franc wa ahl In Lar virUiria. a. mimd m appij: in. Hjly In Oinada. pr?YtdiiiK Hie)-rt n'hf SrmifMumivr nr Uniia rr a iirn uni-inil fore in convince. st. f proiH-t I. natnral n and tipiinnu BARRIES FURNITURE STORE tii:t r 'ht. nii . i ftw Kitchen Uttntll. dluii am! ridfiil in K'-iit.-J : KiikIihIi imperialism mat it wan vnrr 4 rri- nr land kx-anvl an Mkin: . Take imeo ilui I. II. iloMrreaa, irimhI acquire a murii more "live wire" miAlakeit. flIay Ih.iIi nations antra iifnairurtnr norm or at tn a norm rmt -ai niantni nnwr iniw r, Third Avenue u ur lirrw in roc tfirty im(i . I. (ffvlrum Uv f' Honr HmttHm MOM: npjrll lhan at prem-nl prevail. raliz llial it I mm-li br to lot ti. Oraltam I.land, iivar. imi an WOOD rhaln. onrin a e main, mt rtianv. diiKw i mmi iiunK-d avai ! Not Paa Buck. (b frii-udly than -nain nations nmie. aaura K in (hmhi or rtanmrnmnrni. Mlri ewrtfe r arar anwr uMI tianii tmr iilr. rl . f Oftar Binrr. iIjmmm aori Do iwt "pani th buek" to Hie Thin i no reaxon wIit a ximilar inraipq rroniary.V. . CUB itn.IK.tart.Loral,)!-. rluin l.Drmrr M IHMl HW hiHliiiiHl offlriaU. because in ! tKilioii cannot be iruoiNt be- J iliraifi. arm!. i5c Cartage Ltd. ttunmi-m. ..nuinint ceotlhelr broilant and paftftlve ulli- Vrn Ireland and K.nitland. VEEM L.ND filSTIUCT ntTBIliT Costumes jrr.. ! Iir H .ijtvlr"fi li. , ,.. i .. . . , ,. .. ..... ie. i n Art Clothes PhOnt 93 w iiiirani iofXTiarv iuuiir. Law ADiaing country, VI IUHL'lTTi: I'l.AVD. i trU1 Vrrk ii. at tf.vitIT'i IV I i. Appa'!. mallera. Iheir lak or initiative. Mr. Wott aleirljl-i lo jyijillfy Tak untie utai 1. Vienna s i ur ' easure :m. r. wiMub. rii. lhy only rfl a cnmlilion wilhilli arlionn of the army of oc-wlileii nt iwi VIriona.. iiiniiMnr p. mtrad hi uihi to apply tor a hrn tn in;1 Ti ai ti rrrnniu' iotick. lb inreal majority 'of mlr .cupalion in Ireland by a.uuiinfr to prrxpi S4 fnr natural i and Drtrtrfrom Prices reasonable. Large selection patterns M'r aerrs ar land a IMb . in'i. iti i-mT wn nisTnii t nip-! ri'sKlcnta imbue!, : are dial the Republican army tvotild i.ommnrtnt al a mat Manted urn rniu- lew Stock Of Tpli T nr nT. no!K . and and one half i 'mitf, rine! styles ha iinrtn and - Huperl every natural ad-vattlatre do Hie same lliintr. II su?po.l inaae at ot roe nnnn j rati earner or rot Itkr nnlirr On I I. Wtllr II. UtMlra. thai could be wisheid for: tilt. Oratiam an' Inland: thai it would le nii'i- for the inenre at USE SUPPLIES iMiftw ! tppty rnr nran la wwpt ' I rnafn. norm rium. wsi to I' r iwimirntn 9 in tfw rilktff mtfiiun harbor, railroad, a coinparalively army lo remain indoor, ami ouia si rnains to point or rornnirnrrment.rnains, STEVE KING Third Avenve I Krtuetd Price itwta dnmnvml l wi pttrd mat t aplendid lownile, the netita lo allow their comrades in b shot. k.n,r.f I'W.v.U.I s. CUSkK.ir Lneator.I. t Prince Rupert I u;im t-.rlll ..I it HIY Mm MI IMM l derived front arreal Industrie 'Why not brinjr fn th-ir cornradi-s A. J. imrt, arenl. jfiivr mile. tar anwr; ihmm ri mo fun, iiMm toaia ntuiu; uch a fishing, with il coldjaUo where they would be safe, if SkEEHA I.tn nisThliT DISTRICT ur " rMIM iMi. i mi.i Hw pnmt rmtm.ir rmwwwwM.Uwar aorta ran-UiMa slorai. cai.ii-rie. tf;.; Imririnn, Ihey wished more safely Ihey V. r.r. unnr.,, SKrr-,v LATD DHTBICT - MSTRPT OK DISXMCT OF Ql'EES CHARLOTTE arm: M tf iur wilh ila Kreat sawmill, and in could relir unntoleied to their Tak. nour tnal I. 5ira4s S. Clarke,or! . i? ,'l!-tl.ri??"-,H? ISI.k.VOS. II I o-aVMl WkMWD'i M(lr Vn ft.4 1l.Mom Hi near fulur prhap pulp and horn in England where they belong. I'lu rietorla.r OMHlllUAM R. Intend rtt f .lo,wt.annlr in i.n the!i.f prow. Colorarto. L. S. IBlr-nd ioi.VATfP.AL I Allan HAS ftewan.AMI mieno t-ETROLEl'M in appty SnTH:E.io ine '1 li-'Miral Wtl.llll II. WliatNV, aprlmat. paper mills; mininjr wilh ila con. Ireland, .would then re-trcrupy a, nr-wroYi toe natural VaV aiii rvtroirnm lo th. tbier Cu9iml.Murr of LantH I MtaKier or lapis ror a iimw iHMini w over prw--r in iribtilary commercial value. Th her original position In LMninMI.. .f . ... .1 nU.i, .Mt-iiw I -I mil " 1 - " ' ' -J I - - VTI HL IMH KSti MTHOLft.M MUM K railroad ncilal a round-lion Hi world "as one if lb mot ate talPtnilM orili and e uuie raftl Tot rottrms:... - ... . . . . ., ...1 1.. i iBinenrtBt-i -aut i u... .,,l al a nnrin post ir piameo.inw uiulh one bh!mne i-Mnir awr.HT iihtaii.-j -piv llu. uttrlU M., Ia. 1 '. h 1 UtMllPBriiiii m vw-. " - r --. inii.l nr nf.f.K . (lltiiwrl being th r-inlnus; intellectual, moral and law-abiding i.V., IZIZ r ;iwtia ,r M tT (t ine beam), menee e,rriier of mi titi. l a.l or t.raiwm . " V:,.; : Tr'r. .Z Ira.t tt rnaiss. nurib SO rbain. areM so lJawt. S. i:.. tnenre im rnains. ea a i rbain. vest a aa Tk latftua lliil I, Mir llollir. M-itx which will eventually be countries. In eelcbralion of !ul or errannrrmeflt riuin. ni.rth rnama in.'rfalas. snair. IS bains lo pmnt or niro- mains, north so rtum-west ss rhaina .ir2fiiielrcf!n'0fk5& in pplr rr i itrrnm protpwi rr enlarged and, nh, no! I I in v not such even! Ihey w-ajld undoubt iairq troruarx tain. isi. Fnnry IMS. Itll. ui Ufa point Ml rr tVbruarr enmmrna-ment.ttlb. It?l. ijantnriK t mi t4mr4 fcijunl am fnranlien mir leovel drj'ditck edly el such date a a day of . V s. CLVHkK.Onednn.Ixwaior.a-nl (tneor-nni.i.IAl OK p. PKimtt-K. lneator. AI.I-VV STEWART,Vaunouaer.loralor.B. C ft Cot, Ul mik mi Itiir katim t a.ttrr Hlr im ami sliipyanl. A. i. Uvnym. ipnL eommemnralion wbieb would far A. A. .Mefnail. aroL banl r Hirrr imim n iMr Nit; SkEE.M LAD PISTRICT DISTRICT of I! ' ikvtw v.t f rtunn: tw MnK Lira Wire Habit. excecil St. I'alru k s day when VI I t 's l.11 InLOTTr. 1-U.AAOS. PliTRItn Or UltCt (HAbLOTIE Vanronrer. B. C . fhin . inntrr rl ISLAMIS. -, U pMMI pa f wmwuTWi.rtuox; llr nnrm m. Hut now, Mr. Kdilnr, Ihia sutr-ircsllnti that saint east all the re4iles Tak nrrur toil 1. rjaude n. petttrne. .XATI'RIL HAS AAP 1'ETHOtA.I'JI :. DISTRICT OF ILAM1S.OI EE.S i:HARLUTTB hus l rf. lo itr tMn itmrrr I contenrplat sivntr re-iilre out nf Ireland. r tmr. .iolorado. i:. s. A miend lo in I.Ike AlriUKlrr Mtnisur A.nf MrftaU.Lan-K rnr nUiDd a llren to apply to SATI'BAI. OAS .V.VD PETROLEUM JHITICE. n..n.,-. in i rectra. rpply ftr a lirrtis in nrMnr for natural I,- Allan Stewart. Intend to apply to the that I first remind iirosnert Cor natural r and primieum. i .-tim Hiwi tt. ifi. our Comparisons. aa a SMi nrinoenni over aiw arpe as rot-t.ls,: VibUiit of Land tor a Mrenit to rrosprct roiw.-slni ownted lamia: )M LEE CO. ikohur H"i.nwr.-. r. vihuu.Arpemai.rt. inhabitant that not only ar In 101 1 Ihe north of Ireland tvwnmenrttit al a notl Manted i milea or Cnrnmroruiir U at a post plantrd at ID tMkiwimr H nataral desrrioert aa and land:rs tiileum over Ihe they citiien. of a wonderful cily north of the north ea1 ronvr of mi tut. arsttb awl mrner nt an xtja, weai nn set VVTIIit.1. iJK Alt' I'f.TIHIIIlX M'tllK lip a government in Belfast arabam l.larid. tnrnr sr.! as r nnhii. Iund. B. C tnnre to enaiaa uwbiwwim ai a vt rnir on, nui ; - ' Avrtine UVit PWVrr HI rlhT l M IHRTMItT -IMS but also share In I he responsi-bHili In resist Hip laws of Britain. otrtn rbain. al SO rnama. norm rnarm.s ...s .n run. L so main MtullL fnvr! ,rM of sm 4IU.norm west or eoaM in of twia lira sxi ham Twerr or iost. kmii. . rhaina In pmnt of rommenrrrfnL cnaln west to pouil of Peaianinr. nf th pmvinee of liriiish The leader nf thai movement. Lnraied rtruarr li. nil. lao.t, B.C. thenr north SO cnanu.eal tjorateo r-nn'ary isip. mti. SO eaaiBS. snatt'i SO ctutrns. west so chains 'tCETABLES Talr uniir ibal I. Mtnan WaMalram. i-diimbra and the Dominion. I Sir Kdward Carson, was annoini- i LAt lit P. IH Ti hlH. mritnr. A. A. VrpHAlU Vanrouvee.Lneator.B. IL wu puim i f i-nmownnmrnL ffHrnd hi aiattr fur a Unain tn praai-m A. I. kurrjon. arr-nr. Ixh-sihI IVbrnarv i'.ih. Ittl. IIIII rtnindr Mula ahr lbii because lo 1 higlicsl. and Retail ii-r imnariim on inr riHaimint ivsarnnrfi one of the posi AI.LA.M STEWART, lorahir. I f Ihe first anwr io MiRireslion tions in KngJamL ineral French SktEt Mn PISTRICT DISTRliT OF! DISTR:t of yijr-s uummn Vanrotivrr. B. C t Il'iai'lft,. mnA uauMK'itia at a im olantsa aaaa)l taw . .wturnt i.M.n. Vt u4T1,r. Vn..tri!H A. A. MrfnaiL arent wk M oat half ana nr Iwatvr Hrr numbr tut will be, "II can't be became Lord Lieutenant of Ire ....... V ad votiu: Vancontr. B. C. imuw A. url-bail. tbiend to ai'fiy and uf iUr atsnl MtT:Itaatr and tMrara uof Maaib haK tmira ea rkaiaa.ral Inn il'a up to the Iromlnion land and, nl hers have got their of Virtnru. 0. .k..C. intend to apply U to tnelto the Vinwlrr nt Lands for a " DISTRICT OF QCEE.X CHARLOTTE Ifcrr.. Hnnnr ra.t rnain: inrnns tmttn a itivrnmnL" whn there's a rewards. In I lit 6 a government rfiief e)nniiasrnnr or land rnr a iireiwe iprwjp- ISLA.MiS. ikairited Unrts: Uie fi4i.mis nopwt, n.a lafiaiM: irsNtr l aa rawiaa to tn paiai to nrosneri for natural ea and wtmieumioter XATttftAL 5S AVD PETROLEUM .MITICE. l ' P.O. 7a J Biftilia-ttrMiirnl. Maiata( T. to will I her a way ha. Ien was set up in Dublin but alt the oee mil .rre ur land hs-alecl aa follows:' Comnimeir. at or a. tol rost S4IS.piani-o.mesl ai.roaat to- I. Allan stewaiL lotmd lo apply 10 tn II known a. sinxMi Vaatslmm's . known lo wrk nder In place leaders, which could be Unoinr-nnnx at a tswi Manted three nnrin -il rorner aoutn SO mams. tmiler et Land: ITrr a license K nrosriect captured, or Grllum Kland: Ihenre or ruuu. mile w.nh of the norm ra.l rorner Her nataral tas and petroleum over Ihe I.nra van fim. 111. where lit people have acquired were executed, some without any lot Silt, Uraham I la ml. n. t, tnenre east aril so main. Donn so rnains. east a rMtswlBZ dasrribed lands: SIMo.v WMiLStHiiw. AnMirant Sr main, norm SO rhaina. weal so mains. rlMins to piunt or ernnienrement. the "Live-wire" Itabltt UMnmrnein at a oust cianteo at ine taaa. r. senaan. Aiwn. , form of trial, just, lined up and nam u rnains to point or ntmrueprenieQi. . Loralnl Frhn ary McPIIAIL.IV 1JI.Locator. rattb rait rornrr or lol 7c. olard Bay, A. .V. Haw many times 'have you sbol. The crimes are Identical. lowairl trnmary tain. ivai. Vaneooaer. . I- Irsnam Istaml. B. C. thrnr. north so NUIHL IIA (Ml PKTHOLI'DM GOTH IC a .X. s. CUHkh, tjurator. rtsittis, west so chains, soutn So mains, ITORK'S ratvr.i; in i-iut t.vvii nisTRiirr ins walked from the wharf nr railroad ft seems that there n law for A. j. (lorVin. a sent. district or orrfct charlotte east to rhalns to point nr crsnmencenienL THtirr of rinsT.n,E I. alatlonup to nur main the north and another law for Kl ans Lsrairo reoruary tain. isri. SkEE.Nt Ub WSTIUi-T DISTRICT OF .VATI'RtL tltS A.Vn PETBllLEfM .MITICE. ALLAV STEWART, rocalnr, SELL Tak thai I. Ctiae. r. srtiaun. In Ihoniiiehfnre.i naturally using Ihe rtalltw resL.of Ireland. Ct EK.V CtlAHLOTTK ISL.MS. - I, AJexnruter A. Mrl'bail. Inltnd lo apply Vancouver. B. C. I rati in xrrtlv tAr a himi. la nrnansrl for A. A. Mrpnatl. aeent thai board-walk that was enn-stnteled The loyal ancestors of Ihe fn the VinUirr of Lards for a Uer lo OVES. rvinHrunon in imniiiii nMriisi moos: Take rtntrre thai I. .Mrhola S. i:nrt. or ornsnert for natural ta and prirnieurn 'ancouver. B. C i ntnUM'TtrinB al a iwnl ntalSUsI aismi on for tiedestrians only and north assisted lo fling on Hng-lisli Vlrl.ma. B. C. Intend tn apply to the i:mrr oaer in roiiomins Jnrnuni hihih: tlMl rtw half tallra rmrta nf mi Hrr which terminatca at 2nd Avenuo I Kiiniiviuw r nr laixii. rnr a lirense to danmrnrirr at a umi nlanled at th DISTRICT Of OI'EE.V CIIAIILOTTE rfiTir aoo annul ,m nnrr. wtsi or ' -nr crown jn Ih lioyne' river prosperi for natural raa and nrtrutenm af.titn et rorner nr lol U7, west roast ISIAMIS. iprrr; thrrir m rln r rhaina; Ihr-nr ! and Sixlli Street? Have you ever a'lid to place a foreign prince on over lu arm ut In ml as follows: or lira ham Mand. B. :.. thenr norm SV WITHAL OAS AMI PETIIOLEL'M .MITICE. rtiain. innr iita main: ilwnr .tuimnirreiqt at a pni planted thre ,! St rhalns, south so chains, I. AtejatKier A. McPhail. Iniend to enmr rhain. ! lu I uf rxonawaiinrat. fi-astcd ytmr eyes on the Im- Ihe lalw the Xtntater of ijarti for a nrrtkut to roam, in pom Kngtlsh Ihryne. , They have mu-in or ih north rati rorner or rant '- rhama to point of nmunenrriueiiL l'i s Hardware rnniaili'na iv trrps, in p arrnsn as r. mediale grounds nurroundiug 111 Is through Ihelr lenders M tlt:. 'Ira ha m Inland. M. t:.. Ihenre ral Lorati KDriiir i. iit. ( iwperl.rur natural : ra and petroleum Hrnaiib' Vo. I rlauil. expressed fO rhain-. aonlb SS rhaim, weal tn mains, A. A. MrpHAIL, Locator, iver 111 iniiowma orerrioeii uiKi : -Cornmrnrinr D AVINTE i-nairi an-n iron. iti. walk Do yon realize that often their willingness lo .repeal Iheir north su rhalns la point nr rnmmeDrrnirnt. Vanei . B. C. at a post ptnt al tse t I.IU. r. CHL', Applicant. Ur-ated Fehntary Itlh, tttl. South rant corner or Sit S770. Olard Bay. v rEBlACK 114 our first impressions of a cily, former action. S. CMhkE. Locator. DISTRICT OIXiLTEN CHARLOTTE 'irshani -land. H. C tlienre north SU rnama, v.Triiti an.'i.n urTUni viiu nirE whether we art strangers or Not Religious. A. i. Cordon, limit. ISLA.XUS. rt SO chains, aoulb su chains. cal tu hkim.i: .tirriiT lami ihs'thicv-.pis- HTfRtL OAS A.n PETROLEl'l MITICE. chains to potnt of eisuinrwtnienL Hir:T nr lhii. ihiur a. merely coming back from a pro. The great mistake is made skEE.xv t.tvn nisTiutrr. district of 1. AleianJcr A. MrPhaU. intend to apply tiraiiH renmarv it. ivri. Tak nolle Jlut I. . M. RmiUt. IntrM longed trip, we'll say. urge us on, VfEE.V LtlAHLOTTK ISLANDS. ui the Miniater or Land for a license lo A. A. MrPIMII.. loralor. In annlv lor a lirra lo rroiifM fur when people assume that this prospect for natural r knd peiroieum '.ancubver, B. C. iwlrnlr-i in Mt lb folsiwin drM-ritsra latult.- until finally w can gel lo dis small minority tn the" north of Take notice 'that I. ciatirtr) D. Dentcber, rrer Ihe rollowlns cli-n-noee unas: tIF Ot'EEM CHARLOTTE r iinirnr nrrn al a fsisi pianini aiKMir like Hie plnr? .;T r nvrr, noturuti, e.g. A.. tnterKl to Coniiui-ix-int at a post plantrd et th DISTRICT ri a;k. r. " "in railrs ami on nait norm or prawr Hir ipl lo Hi i hir rinnnKHirr of Landa nuth west rornrr or l Jll. 1111111 nay. ISLAM1S. ). "T rn rm)n- nmt atHiiit nf idar Mivrr: NATI:R IL OAS AM PKTROLECM .Mil l. . " iwa rnm i An Eyesore. r-r a iiinie to pn. i tor uaurai a-aa wil roast of Graham laUud. U. C. theor .ii. m a thaL Htwiin- r. aa rbain. Ilwar aoiilft .i,VI ,i ! ,ii,i ri .v. ... . .y rsirih 80 cjiaiiii. east so cuius, mmiib I. Aleaaniler A. Mrl'halL intend to entity ill! nn t'horiB i-liain.; ihrnrm raal s rnains: tnrnr I 'Hi Is laud, nf which I speak, aleit a rniinw: . chain, weal SO chains to potnt or cum-lornrrnirnL to th U:nlntrr or lands for a Itcrase In IA IK lrlh to main to pain I of runiiurwiiint, miles iroiiei for natural sa and prtrolrau Black from Hi (1. T. P. oftlre building THE HOME of i:Kuhinrinir al a post plantrd fJ02 Knatamin ta rr. lu l known aa t-imilira imrtn if in norm eaat corner of lot J1. Located February It. Ittl. ever IImi folluwlnjt tk-Mrlbed lander. So. t rutin right up In (he Prince Huperl r.raham Island, tnenre went SV rhaina, norm A. A. MrpHAIL, locator. coiniiKnrinr at a post pianiea at ine ,.ate. Marrn ttart. Itfl. Vtrcrner. a. c norlh vest rornrr of lol I4SS, weal roast mi i-nains. rati so chain, sou III a Hialns 'K M. aMITII. Appllranl. Holel, lias been nn eyesore lo nte if uraham uund. n, c. tnence unuin su , ! isiiui or oi4UJneuci inent. rna, V. Srluiub, Atrnt. a long time, and a silent witness I.,..a Id Friimary tsih. ttt. DISTRICT OK vlFES CHARLOTTE rhaina.west so rat chains SO 10 rhama.point of north conunenrriiirMI.to cnains. CLAIM. PEL'TCIitH. locator. ISIVMIS. QUALITY I). ITInl. UAH Alp PETnill-lTI'M fOTIl:tU Ihttf some, of Mhe ulalements I A. J. OonVin. aaent NATl'RVL OAS AMD t'ETROLEl'M MITICK. Locaien tenruaiTr A. A. Mrl'HSIL,t. 111.locator, I'KI.Mti Klflir l-AMr PISTIIICT t'l- have made heretofore are onr-recl. I, Allan Stewart, Intern! to apply lo Ih Vancouver, B. C TIIICT Or 0.ST. HAIVlai t. SkEEt I.AVD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF MlnUter of Land for a tirenne io prospect i Tiki nnlir that I. fohn Ark In, intind lo " Vl CHMti.orTr. Ist-A.I'S, for natural taa and petroleum over tn !t'P' pir" a Itri-n l proanerl for puro- If will nolo Ihe soil In Special this week Tak,- nolle tint I. Claud t). peatmer. followlnr docnbeit lands: DISTRICT OF isLtsns.Ot'EEN CHARLOTTE Ikiiiii no Hi rollnwinr dacritirl lamia: you nf li. ni r. nilor .s I . S. A.. Intend lo ConiuM-nrtiif at a 11.1 planted one nule Tnight I uniriHiiH-uir at a tnl pianim about oim (tislion Is , more free lhan any WInesap Apples No. 1, ail in in .Chirr aunniiaionr or Lands rait 0 th uin west ronier of lot till, ATI RAL HAS A.N PETHOLEDM MITICE. inllr anil Mir In If nurlli of Uravrr Illvrr r.ic a lu-iniie in. prorpn'l for natural taa weal cosm et lira Hani Island. H. thence I. Alexander A. Mrl'hail. Intend to apply ' ni atsiiit (i.nr ami nn hair mjlr wral or nl her in Jlupert from muskeg nnd $3.50 box and rvrin lrmn over S0 arrc of laud aa south so rhaina, ra.l so rnains, norm so I th Minuter of Land for a Itrrnso to Lfoilow. chains, west to chains lo ixmil of com. rasped ror natural fan ami priroieum inrnra I' rdar Hut; ininra ra au rnauui lis repelling feuture. Are there ii -Hi- aiiiiin Hi rhalns: ini-iir al 10 Fancy Navel Oransres, rnfumrnrinit al a pientcq a innra mnceinnt. ear Ih follnwinr iteacribed lands: rMHi "Oiaa. am, i -lialna, llirnr norltt (0 r-nima lo I ho point any li'iiaginnllons ,n weak (hat 25c doz. north ir ihe iioribraM rorner or tot t4JJ. Loralrd February ism. mi. nnrunu nrma at a mat nlanled al IBs nf i 'SniiH-iwriiu'iii. runlaimnr till trrra, r.raham Mand. thenr rati su rhaina, aoutn ALLAS STEWART, locttnr, north weal corner of lot 817. olard Bay, r'-nrSt..;.....,; i lo Iir kruivn a John Arkk'n o. 1 claim. lliey should not picturti this area 60 Navel Oranges for $1.00 SO rliama. wt so rPam. north SO rhalns Vancouver, u. C On ham Uland. D. thenr souibj so tn iHitnt of cointiicilretiienL A, A. Mrpnait. atenL aims, tasi, so rnains. norm aw ciiaiu. Lurali-J Marrn ttrtl. 1ml. wilh rolling, I Alikl a lovely grussy, LiK-.llrU ribrinry lilh. I f I. Vanrouver, a. c. wast to rhaln to ixmil of ronunem-eiueiiL Applicant, tin Strawberry Popro,.. Mill t. 4 lb .. . . . r.ha. ". artianh. Ani. lawiulik nppearance Jn( think! pure I LA-PI D. riCHHtH. hirator. Located trnroary is, list. Jam ... 95c A. J. iii rrhKi. arent. DISTRICT OF OtEEV CHARLOTTE A. A. Mrl-HML, loralor, rlsht at lite rnlranee o our cily fSf.AMIS. Vancouver, B, C. MkTrmi. i-rTimtttiM kotk:e n.AH amp lllSTHICiT ins-TIIICT and all that remains lo be done' SkEE-V I.AKD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF .NtTt'RAL OAS AVE PETMOLKUM MITICE. l'III.M: ni'CMIT I.AMI lb. sack of Try a 10 OF OUEE.N CHARLOTTE Vl'EEa LrlAliLOTTK ISLASDS. I. Allan Stewart, inicno 10 apply 10 in MSTRICT IIAMIB K Ttk IIP CIAT.It, uoyrnuk, tntrnd to milk it a practical reality is Take nolle that I. Claud D, Peoleher. Mimatrr of Land for a Rrrato w preDel HI.AMIS. nniica itm I, CRACKED WHEAT to ma NVTt'RAL US A0 PETROI.EliM KOTICE. ar Dravrr. Cnlorailo. ti. 8. A Intend fr natural n and irlroicum over to l'ilv lor lirrnaa to prrrrl for p-Irolriiin rerniinaln Ihe gather a landa: lo slumps, arpir to th Chief Cominiaaloaer of Landa rllnwtnr drhD't land.. I. Aieianner s. mci uiu. iniena 10 appiy on th followlat ntaniril drrnt)d ahoul on Ihe numerous kntall rocks, Th New rtrrskftst Food fur a lirrnnr p prnapecl ror natural tee Ciimiri, rnnr al a no 1 planted one mil the Minlalar of Landa ror a lirrlivt 10 Cnninifiirinr at a p4 anil petroleum ner Stu arrea or land to. cast of in south went corner of lol till, rrpeci for natural lis. and nclroleuin 7TI-S iV mil and niw hair norm ol Hciht Hivrr gather up an occasional halibut raietf a. rullow: weal roaal or lira mm Islaud. H, C.. tneac over Ih followinf decru-d landa: aSyc? enrl abuul thrr inllea l of Ottar Hivrri t miles rail to chains, anion so a poat ai u Coniuu'iirins at a poat planted norm to mama, minnrinf at pianisa ' 7 al I llisnr iinrtn tt rha.na: thrnr rM to head or two, put the "live-wire" Munro Bros. norm of tbv isirm ra.l rorner of lot list. rnama, west a 11 enema to point 01 commencement. norm weal rornrr or lol 77. onrq pay. rhains; llirnr iun 10 rhaina; tln-nra switch oh lo our inhabitants Oraham l.laso. thenr north to mama, rail Ortharu Kland. B. C, thenr aouin to ml so rliain, to point of cninmi-nrrmont, It c turn i. eiiilin SO rhaina. tl SO rhaina Located 1 eorsery ibid. ivii. rbain. at ID rlwloa. north 10 raai. ruauimnr ait arrrs, tn In knnn a H. and preslol Dreams come Irtiel In tin nt of moiBieneernent. UUt STFWVRT. meslnr. wt to chains to noiurof rommenrrnieni, rkivchuk'a No. 9. Claim, Phone 88 Lnralnt FrtrMrjr ttlh, ISSI. Vauccuver, B. C. liH-alnl lehruary I. IBI. (ru alnl Marrh l, I at I. Lead, Not Follow. CLAl lU. D. ritiTCHkR. Iieator. A. A. Mrl'bail. areiiL A. A. Mrl-IIAIL. locator. II, thie,hiivi ih r. k,ar.rmub,Appllrant.Afnl. Alas, I uin not suro f am ad- A, ), uctStUl, at'UL Vancauvw, a. C Vaiwouvir, B.C.