FOR THE LENTEN FAST HREDDE LOCAL ITEMS :, L Lee, local manager for AUm Fisheries wiled last ,u the Prince George for a Vancouver on company bus - Hopen is apperalng before ate McClymoat In city afternoon on a charge of ig a motorvchlcle while in- j c Frlzzell of Masett arrived :. city ye6ieraay mumiug pi,iue John from the Islands lod last night on the Prince r-n for a trip to Vancouvei V'toria. Succeeds Where Others Fail famous Remedy Must be Unusually Good UIIKN time after time a rc-mcdy overcomes chronic conditions of Ill-health after other treatments have failed it must have eiccptional quil-Itif llundrrds of letters on file tell how people who had almost despaired of being well tii'n were restored to health tr Pruit-a-llves. The secret or us unusual $uc:es is that il stimulates KlTe Vital Orsans, the Stomach Liver. Bowels, Kidneys and Skin, to act naturally not merely one or two of them. Kmit i-lives strengthens as well dcanes the whole dl-tt 'ht and eliminating system "V; and 50c. Try them. lUussallem's Sanitary Meat Market SPECIALS .Friday & Saturday Rib Roast v. - lb Roast '" ij for i St T-Bone RoasU- lb. I. ia.sUs Jb of Poik ' ib f Pork- P'-i lb -ilder.s of Pork - lb : (if Pork i lb of Lamb -01 1 lh Shoulders of Lamb prr lb Li i! nf VimiI t- i ih 6h Uders of Veal prr lb sPMc Ribs 2 lbs rork Chops-Pc r lh. pork Steaks ' 1 Pf'r lb .. mb Chops P' r lb 81) loin St T-Bono Steaks m ih. Sausage! 2 lbs. 20c i8c&20c 22c 15c 18c 20c 15c 25c 20c 15c 25c 18c 25c 20c 18c 20c 22c 35c 18 - Phones - 84 READY-COOKED THE IDEAL LENTEN FOOD-LIGHT AND NOURISHING Madt in Canada with Canadian Wheat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. M. P. McCaffery, who has been or. a brief business trip to Von jcouver, returned to the city from , the south on the Princess Ade laide today. Mrs. McDiarmld arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide today from Vancouver to pay a visit with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Priest, Graham Avenue, Westvlew. A. C Oardiner, C.NJt. freight department auditor, who has been here fcr the D&st two weeks on of ficial duties, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Vancouver. The form of presenting questions to the government is proving quiu a bone of contention in the Legis lature. A. M. Manaon, ULA., foi Omlneca, and Mr.1' Speaker C. P. Davie have had a number of clashes on the subject. Col. J. W. Nlcholls, comptroller of the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co., sailed last night on the as Prince Oeonre for Vancouver whence he will proceed by way of Winnipeg on a trip to New York and other eastern centres on com pany business. TENDERS SosImI tinwfera frir th Cleveland Trartor parked on Dunsraulf Street will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. Tuesday, the 22nd in-stint. The lowest nor any tender not necessarily accepted. D. J. MATHESON. Purchasing Agent. APPLICATIONS ASKED Applications addressed to the underpinned for position of Caretaker citv Parks will be received up to ! 5 p.m. Tuesday, the 82nd Instant. E. F JONES. City Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal it now the hottest in the domestic field. Oov ernment analysis shows it to be tht highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. if starts quick and lasts longer. Furthermore, for yeur benefit don't think for one minute because our coal is lower In price that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers nwy state to you. vonr next order "Jasper Wild fire," egg or lump. Note our adv. for rnh nrires and save your dollars. tf) Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Announcements Eagles' Social Dance Friday March 18. dancing 9:30 to 1:30 Oentlemen 60c. Ladies, refresh ments. Everybody welcome. Moose Popular Dance. Wednes-Man 33 Oents. 50c. Ladles 35c.', door prises. Refreshments. Elks' Dance Thursday, March 21 Queen Mary Daffodil dance Easter Monday. United March 31 April 7. Church Easter Tennis Tea, Sale hit. Mitchell's. Easter Monday. Scotch Dance April 1, I.O.D.E Doy's Band benefit. Seal Cove Parish Hall Danoe. rresbyterlan spring sale April U prince Rupert Singe" April 20 Capitol Theatre Spring Sale st Poters Church, ' my 19. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS The sales of SUPREME Coffee' are Increasing. Quality counts. W.cia,inqre to ride In a -Nash Spec&UtHfcn'Hn Jttnvnother cat. Just dill Nelsorl's Talv&b. t,f Frank L. Bucklev sailed .by the Prince Georze last nieht on his re turn to Vancouver after a two-day visit here in connection with a new pulp mill project for this city Provincial Constable Thomas Smith of Ocean Falls sailed by the Prince George' last night on his re turn to the smelter town after i brief visit here on official duties. JUST ARRIVED, fresh supply of Nanalmo-Wellinglon Coal. Wood $1 per load. Egg coal $11 per (on. Albert Si McCaffery, Ltd., Phones 111) and 117. tt from the interior on yesterday morning's train and sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where they exDect to remain for some time in the hope that the change will be beneficial to Mrs. Bannister who has been unwell lately. Mr. Bannister Is Anglican Church rector at Scandinavian Settlement In the Peace Block Rev. John II. Hanson, who re cently returned here, reports that the provincial government has set aside two townsnips In the Peace River Block north of Rolfa on the Alberta boundary as an exclusive Scandinavian Lutheran settlement Mr. Hanson made a personal in snectton of the land while there. Mr. Hanson says the terms of Settlement are that the person who homesteads one-quarter section of 180 acres must also purchase mmrter section at $2.50 an arre with 25c an acre cash payment at the time of nurchase. It is park In.rol of the rnllinq kind. NESTLE'S MILK SPECIAL Milk with rich flavor. Try it JESTLtt SrVAPORATO MILK taa? Tails 12 tins for Baby size 12 tins for Talis per case Crlsco The best shortening, 6 lbs. for Crlsco a tha for $1.32 70c 5.25 $1.55 79c Royal City Sweet Corn-2's ogn a tins for Royal City Peas-2's 1Afi NO. BOH o, pr Your last chance to buy at this nrlce. Prices are advancing sugar- (JOc ju-id. mck sugar 30-lb. sack LB.C. Sodas Family size Honey ttVarV WfteVs per pkg.., Dollar Sodas- " nr hrw $1.15 Sweet Biscuits-Fresh stock UU QJC 4J 1 IK. tnr Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Arriving Every Boat at Lowest Prices. Get Them From Vi Oul-of-Town Orders filven Prompt and Personal Attention Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores Basketball, Auditorium, tonight, c. C. Gleason of Ocean Fall3, af ter a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Prince', ,Gfp'rge. last night nis return w. uie, ytrif vv'- 18c 22 c 48c ,wh Hollars Have More Cents" v i store Fifth Ave. riione ib-bi No. 2 Store 319 Third Av. Phone 360 No. 3 Store 727 Third Av. Phone 375 There are all sorts of coffee but Supreme has them all beaten. Dauahters of Norway sale of fanev work and home cooking. March 18. MetropoW Hall. Whist nrivp And Dance 8:30. Adm. 25r. Everybody 'welcome. E. Yardos. who arrived in the city recently from Anyox, where he has been In th& employ of tne Granby Co., left on this afternoon's train for Toronto enroute to Nor thern Ontario. Charles Reid. manager of the Smlthers branch of the Royal 'SUPREME" Coffee Is pure cof-iBank of Canada, Is paying a brief fee, with the delightful aroma in which connotoeurs delight. Rev. and Mrs. L. F. L. Bannister of Hazelton arrived in the city visit to the city, having arrived from the Interior on yesterday's train. Melvlp Dafoo and Mrs. M. A. Sinclair, who were called recently to the cltv on account of the ser ious illness and subsequent death of their mother. Mrs. F. W. Dafoe, sailed bv the Prince George last night for Vancouver enroute back to Calgary where they reside. Can you Imagine; the Fleet Caif placed an order for two cases of fresh milk-fed chickens for your Sunday dinner. Yes slree, the best either gold or silver can buy and the price is only 50c. We are ver, sorry we ran ont of chickens so early last Sunday and apologize to all who met with that disappoint ment. The Fleet Cafe is a nice quiet place on the waterfront and employs only white help. C6 WHO TOLD YOU THAT OUR 1MUCES WEKE HIGH ON SPECTACLES? It certainly was not anyone who got their glasses from otir Optical Dept. during the past three years. The old saying "Every knock Is a Boost" still holds good as our optical business Is show-ins steady growth, our prices are the same to everybody and that Is the lowest possible, consistent with specially made len- ics mounted In frames made by reputable manufacturers. We do our best to give a conscientious service at a reasonable price and most of our customert are pleased to tell us that our charges are very moderate. If any 'one tries to tell you that our prices are high Just ask the question: Did you get your glasses from Mr. Davey, Registered Optometrist. In charw of the Optical Dept. of Max Ilielbroner. Jeweler. Hotel Arrival New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 15c. PER BAY AND UP J. Zarelil Trlrpnont 181 John Dodds. C.N.R. PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT UNEMPLOYED ASSOCIATION Mass Meeting MOOSE ilALL Sunday, March 20, 2 p.m. Business: Election of officers. All Welcome it. . Queen Hatchery 38 W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 36 XV. Cordova St, Vancouver Fraser & Payne SATURDAY SPECIALS 60 Only Ladies' Silk & Wool Bramble Knit Sweaters, coat style, in 7 shades, sizes 36 to 42, all perfect merchandise and just delivered from the mill. Extra special value Saturday only. Ke-g'ular price $5.50, for Frilled Bedspreads 25 Silk Rayon Bedspreads, ruffled style, full double 'bed size in shades of yellow-, rose, green and'orchid, each Porch Dresses 10 Dozen Dresses, 4 styles, assorted prints, all fast colors, sizes 16 to 44. Saturday, each Mrs. George Darby, wife of Geo. Darby of Bella , Bella, spoke In Knox United Church. Kerrisdaie. Vancouver, on Sunday afternoon last on the subject of Indian mission schools. It was the annual Easter thank-offering meeting r.T the Women's Missionary Society of the church. jAKsaaami im:i mi wsmblwzbi Watt's SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE ner No. 2 tin GRANULATED SUOAR Limit 30 lbs., 10 lbs. . EDDIES OWL MATCHES 3 boxes to pkg.. per pkg. FANCY PINK SALMON, Brand, No. 1 tins per tin SEEDLESS RAISINS. 2-lb. 22c EXTRAS JXTRAS j:G0S. B. C. FRESH Scott s in Cartons ner dot. i. - it I Market uay pKg.. per pug 31c Swift's Premium Hams, Ovenised 10 to 12 lbs. each Whole or Half, per lb. .AINERS SUPERIOR Whole or HalL per lb Sliced per lb. OOLD COIN POTATOES Grown at Terrace. 15 lbs SQUIRREL PEANUT I BUTTER, per lb. ANT A CLARA PRUNES Medium slse fruit. 3 lbs. :ANADA CORN STARCH per pkg. AYLMER TOMATO SOUP per tin AUNT DINAH MOLASSES 2' j-lb. Una, per tin P St Q NAPTHA SOAP 6 bars JONDE'S FRENCH 7 -ounce cakes 3 for ASHCROFT CATSUP Der 25-os. bottle 23c 1 BACON 21c 25c 20c WHOLE WHEAT FIO BARS. IS. Red Red Arrow Quality per lb. PRY'S COCOA per V4-lb. tin Typewriters FOR KENT Call or Phone 6 14c 25c 10c 8c 20c 25c CASTILLE 23c 22c 20c 25c 47c 25 c Yacht 10c 32c Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE niiST FOR LESS McKAE HUOS., LTD. 298 42 SPRING IS HERE! Get Your Garden Seeds and Equipment from Thompson Hardware Company Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btrararin Prtnce Kuptrt for Vamouvrr: TJt. CAT.L. EVERY Tl'ESDAV. IM PM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.8.N. VAKOKSA EVF.RY rRIDAY MlDXIfiHT Arriving Vanoouver Sunday midnight aprox. Weekly aaUlng to Port 81mpBon. Alice Arm. Anyox. 8twar and Naa Rivtr nolnts. Sunday, 9 p.m rurther informailon regarding all aalllnga and caet at I'll i i i ui rr.ii Aitr..i.i: nro uuu nnnni - - L ET A attttttttttttttttttttn m MOTHER .aoWAVSI TELL YOU. Mra. Albert Bolton, Toronto, gratefully ipeaki of what Eagle Brand did for her little daughter, Margaret Jean. Tor the first lhre month ahe waa nuraed, but thia did not aeera to utisfy her, to after trying nearly everything, 1 read an advertixment in a newspaper about Eagls Brand and decided to try it. She took to it right away and there hai been no trouble aince. She hat 14 teeth, all coming through without difficulty. Her flesh 1 firm, lovely straight limit, good bone development and ao contented. She won third prize at the Canadian National Exhibition Baby Show last September in Claai D, with 102 entrant." If you are unable to nurte your baby, or he it not gaining at ha ahould, follow the adtko of hundreds of thousand of other wit mether and try Eagle Brand Milk. If you will send u your name and addresa, we shall be glad to send you helpful, free booklet on infant welfare, filled with advice and practical auggestions that will delight you. Etitry photograph and Irtttr publishtd by the Botdtn Company u veiuntariiy ttnt us by a irattful portnt at other relative. FREE! A Wonderful Baby Booklet! The Borden Co. Limited, CW. 4 SO Powell Street, Vancouver, B.C. Gentlemen: Please tend me free copy of your new 64-page edition. Baby Welfare. Adirtit .. If you want anything:, try a classified ad. I ina la