Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Saturday, March 19, 1932 High ...11.07 ajn. 19:6 ft. Prince Rupert Cloudy, fresh 23-55 p.m. 19:0 ft. r southeast wind; barometer, 29.54; Low ... 5:04 ajn. 8:7 ft. temperature, 45; sea choppy. 17:40 p.m. 3:9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIII.. No. 65 PRINCE RUPERT, 6.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS D. && STORM Pattullo Has Plan To Help Solving Pressing Problems of Industry Leader of Opposition Proposes Voluntary Board of Business Leaders to Examine and Advise on Finances Quarterly Statements Urged VICTORIA, March 18: A conference between members of the government and representatives of industry and labor for the purpose of solving pressing economic problems was suggested by T. D. Pattullo, leader of the Liberal Opposition, in the Legislature yesterday in opening the budget debate. Mr. Pattullo also expressed himself a being tn favor of settlnc up a volunteer board of business leaders1 to examine and advise on finances. Ti'' quarterly publication of fiscal i' trments was also urged. BONDS PUT ON MARKET Itsue of $12,500,000 Floated Yesterday Tor Canadian Pacific Hallway M'lNTtlBAL. March 18 An i -" f $12,500,000 of collatcril 'ru t f -t i ible debentures of the O iiifiiiM Pacific Railway was offered to inv-ituUona here Thursday by .t miirdte of banks and bond hou- sr R''leemable In ten years, bean"!; of fix percent and placrcj cv. .sale at par. the debenture will bo convertible Into ordinary stock of the Canadian Pacific at $25 per shure within five years. STARVATION IS DENIED Messages From Governors of Forty States Exhibited In U. S. Senate WASHINGTON. March 18: Messrs from the governors of forty I'Uin declaring that starvation existed in none of their states were rr.hlblted by Republican In Coo-crrss in support of the Republican opposition to the Democratic for an emergency road construction bill. BIRTH There was bom at the Prince nu-pcrt acneral Hospital March 17. a daughter. Patricia, to Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ryan. MG PHIZES WON TODAY VANCOUVER, Mar. 18: George Gray of Vancouver and John Rowton of Victoria, each with tickets on Shaun Goilin, the third horse, won 10,000 pound prizes in the Irish Hospital Sweepstake on the Grand National Steeple- chase today. They were tho largest Canadian winners in this sweep stake. COIVOMJC CONFERENCE IS URGED OF PROTEST AT Is Cleared i P i n-..' r B( ,- iiB oiv'iJl from - b pccuJ cum- nuitci d-c. oi Commons. j IDENTIFY ! SKELETON SEATTLE. March 18 -The Itva- year old mystery surrounding the disappearance In 1M7 of Dr. LewU A. Bryden, well known dentist I this city, was finally soivea Wed . nesday when coroner mimm Jonas announced that a skeleton which was found a few aays ago near the northern city limits had m Identified as that of Bryden. Halibut Landings Summary Amerfcan-1.000 pounds. 3.5c and 2c. . , . Canadlan-14.200 pounos. u 3c to 4.1c and 3c. American Polaris. 18.000. and Foremost. 33.000. Gold Storage, 3.8c and 2c. Canadian n iv i sin oaM S to race, 4c and it. n, " t j 2C. . ..... Domino II. 3.30U. ana 3.500. Cold Storage. 4.1c and 2c. Capt. W .P. Armour manager of h iwal branch of the Pacific Salvage Co.. sailed last night oi. 'the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver on company business. DELEGATES ARE NAMED lit. Hon. Stanley Baldwin Will Lead British Group to Empire Economic Conference LONDON, March 18: The British delegation to the Imperial economic conference this summer will consist of lit. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Lord President of the Council; lit. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Lord Hailsham, Secretary for War; lit. Hon. J. II. Thomas, Secretary for the Dominions Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lis-ter, Secretary for the Colonies, and Rt. Hon. Walter Ilunclman, President of the Board of Trade. CPXStrong In Montreal Hallway Stock Jumped Whole Point Late in Afternoon and Reached $18.75 MONTREAL, March 18 Late strength of Canadian Pacific Rail-1 way stock featured tiadnthe ; Montreal Stotik Btchangr Tester-day It jumped a full point to $18-7S near the close. j gordonTs 1 censured: i i Committee Reports to House of! Commons on Allegations Made j Against Premier Bennett OTTAWA.' March 18: Severe censure of Hon. O. N. Oordon, former Liberal minister of immlgra-ition, for allegations made in Jan-' uary at Hamilton and Lindsay, Ont, .concerning Premier R. B. Bennett is contained in a report of the spe-. clal committee assigned to Investigate these allegations which was tabled in the House of Commons yesterday. Liberal members of the committee dissented. STOCKHOLM RECOVERS Death of Ivar Kreuger, Industrial Magnate, Temporarily Demoralized Financial Circles STOCKHOLM. Sweden, March 18 : Following temporary demorali sation of financial circles here owing to the death by his own hand of Ivar Kreuger, Swedish industrial and financial magnate, the Stock .! holm Stock Exchange reopened yes terday after having been closed since last Saturday when Kreuger suicided In Paris. GANGSTERS EXECUTED Two'Men Done to 'Death on Roof of New York Apartment House Wednesday NEW YORK. March 18: Two gangsters, apparently victims vt rival lawbreakers, were found executed on the roof of a tenement house here Wednesday. FINANCE A Stunt Performing Airplane This ts called the aeroplane and it doe-, enough stunts to give even a veteran airman the Jitters Florence Meadows, no avlatrlx, took part in the strangest air meet ever held in Los Angeles. Flo Is now champion. SINGER PASSES Chauncey Olcott, Popularlier of Romantic Comedy, Dies at Monte Carlo Today Was Seventy-Two Made His Debut in Minstrel Show! and Later Specialized in Irish Songs PARIS, March 18: Chauncey Olcott. noted singer, died at Monte Carlo this morning. He was 72 years of age. Although Olcott made his great est appeal to the American public as a singer of Irish ballads and ; nas Deen training its guns on non comic opera roles, it was as a mem- J. W. Jones, provincial minister of ber of a minstrel troupe that he finance. In protest at the burdens made his first appearance on the. Imposed upon them by the budget stage. I which was brought down tn the He was Just 20 years old when he 1 Legislature on Wednesday. Joined a company that held its first j Leading in the attack Is Vancou-oerformance in the Academy of j ver to which city the services trans- Music at Buffalo and Immediately scored a hit because of the sweet- ness of his light lyric tenor voice. He travelled with the company for two years and then Joined the Ha verly Minstrels, subsequently going to the Carncross Minstrels of Philadelphia. But Olcott was not destined to remain In minstrel shows long for the adaptability of his volce'to'lt'ght tenor roles' soon, became apparent to the larger theatre managers and he was engaged to sing Irish ballads and to take leading parts in light operas and operettas. The ex - cellence of his speaking voice also marked him for the legitimate stage and he scored successes in many plays. (Continued on Page Four) MINISTER'S PROPOSALS BUDGET IS CONDEMNED Universal Ire of Municipalities is Aroused by Provincial Minister of Finance VANCOUVER, March Mr-Court action to test the validity of the provincial government s proposal to transfer a portion of the cost of social services to the mu ' nicipalities will be recommended to the executive of the Union of j British Columbia Municipalities 1 by its president, Rev. W. A. Prlt- chard, of Rurnaby. : VANCOUVER, March 18: Every! municipality of the Lower Mainland ; f erred from the province are esti- mated to mean an estimated addi- tlonal expenditure of $433,537 Bitter condemnation of the bud get as it affects the municipalities has been heard from all quarters with the minister of finance as the storm centre. The Vancouver Sun In an editorial, yesterday criticized the "belated economy' of the Tolmle government. WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Clear . light ; southeast wind: barometer, 29.56; , temperature, 48; light chop. Triple Island Raining, southeast gale, sea choppy. Langara IslandRaining, light south wind; sea smooth. 11! MORE ALLEGATIONS REGARDING RELIEF MADE BY McGEOGH VICTORIA, March 18: Names of many persons who were not entitled to relief were put on relief payrolls sent by the British Columbia government to Ottawa, It was testi fied before the unemployment relief investigating committee of the Legislature yesterday by M. H. McGeogh, assistant to the federal director of relief in , British Columbia. . ! 4 ! BIG CREW I ATT 7fll?lf messagp demandlnS $50,000 ran-l 1 I? V1IV som. stating that the baby's father would be communicated with ln- A. P. Allison Has Good-sized Force: side four days and warning CoL Engaged in Losing Near 'Lindbergh not to notify the police Queen Charlotte City I After exhausting other clues and theories, the police are Inclined to ' SKIDEOATE. March 18: The A. revert to their original belief that P. Allison Co. now has a large the kidnapping was an inside Job. crew "of men logging at the camv ; Members of the Lindbergh house-a short way out of Queen Char- j hold staff are still under survel'- lotte City. It Is reported here that ; this company, will soon open an-1 other camp at Maude Isand, Skide-1 I gate Inlet. There ara plenty,i) mwJUcL?e?SJiV the da7 SkiaeHte Inlet and to take care of all demands for labor which rriay be mad?. Highway Vote For Oregon Sum of $100,000 Authorized to Be Used at Once in Road Work PORTLAND, March 18: The State Highway Commission has approved a vote of $400,000 to be used in highway work In various parts of the state. Coming to Canada ! ! ; J j Rt. Hon Stanlry Baldwin will lead British delegation to Imperial economic conference. Winnipeg Wheat Price Was Weak , WINNIPEO, March 18 Reports of favorable crop conditions In the ; Argentine forced down -the price of wheat futures In local trading yesterday from '-jc. to c May closed at 64 c, July at 66Hc and! October at. 67c DETAILS OF KIDNAPPING No Contact Has Yet Been Made by Lindbergh Household Still Suspected HOPEWELL, New Jersey, Marcn 18 It was announced by the authorities that Col. Charles A. Lind bergh has not yet succeeded In establishing contact with the kul- nappers of his nineteen-month old son, Charles Augustus, Jr. It Is further disclosed that, tol- lowing the kidnapping on Tuesday night of the week before last, three notes were found in the nurserv from whlr.h thp hnhv vai ' laxen. ah uirae nnrp trip snmp lance by detectives and secret service men. A drag net is also out for two iservanta of Mrs. C. L. Ughtloot of or tnc Kidnapping and have not been head of since. Col. and; Mrs. Llndberhi although despairing, are -plrjnlrV their final hojjes'oo the possibility that, when thje furore, which the kidnapping 'had occaiioried. Start;: to die down the kidnappers may venture to open negotiations leading to the safe return of their son. Discussion of B. C. Finances George Kidd Speaks Before Joint Luncheon of All Vancouver Service Clubs on This Subject Vancouver, March is- Gea E. Kldd. former president of the British Columbia Electric Co.. was-the speaker at a Joint luncheon of ill Vancouver Service clubs In th Vancouver Hotel today, his subject being "Financial Problems oi the Province of British Columbia" The advisability of an Investlgaj-tlon being made was dlscussed-b"y Mr. Kldd. PASSES AT : GREAT AGE Mrs. Eliza McNutt, 102. Died Yes- terday at Home of Daughter In Vancouver VANCOUVER, March 18: Mrs. Ellsa McNutt, resident here since coming from her native province of .New Brunswick 24 years ago. died yesterday at the home of her daughter here. Shp was 102 years of age. NEW MANCHUUIANS 4 MARCH ON MUKDEN MUKDEN, Manchuria. Mar. is: one hundred thousand troops, flying the flag of the newly-declared State of Man- churla, were reported yester- day to be marching on Muk- den with a view to taking the city into, possession. OA x A.- I i,-' 1 '( 1 i i I 4t I k 1