THREE SELLING AT COST Whale Bone Hair Brushes Excellent for Massaging the Scalp Prices $1.10, $1.35, $1.75 and up Qrmes Ltd. ZtfiQ Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED PI'tCIAL WINTKIl KXCHtSIOS FAKKS IlikrU on aie Nov. ". ' 15, " 19SH to frb. 2S, smi litii final return PBINCli Savoy limit M:irli 31. l3) RUPERT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 ItETURN Mraiiri-n leave I'rliu-e ltiiH-rt f or Vancoutrr: . rAT.ti-. rvntv TlMlllV, jo '.M. An mug Vancouver, tl Ocmji ralU, ThuEadsy Moon aoproi T.s. (tltllKNA E VtllY HI III V MIDMUIIT ii Vsncitivcr Sunday mid i'ght approx. Weel " Prri Slmpeon. Altec Arm. Anyoi. Stewart and Naa Itlver poUita Sunday, 8.00 p.m. fur - ' -m it ion regarding all ialliu;;ii and ticket at ritlMK III Ti:itT AOKMV: Hcennfl Avenue. I'lione SfiH I.C COAST I AMsiiiraJ 11. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SA1L1NUS FROM 1'UINL'K KUI'EKT ro Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. February 7 and 21. o Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-February 11 and 25. irIoceaa Mary Ocean Falla, etc. Vaoso uver and Victoria, every Fiiday, 10 pjn. Arrnti For All Steamship Lines 1 Orrbard, Out. Agent, 3rdAv . Prince Rupert, Phone 31. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading fam ily hotel. Hot and pold water In all roomi A. J, ritUDIIOMME, prop. I Cot of Fraser und Fifth Sts.' T.:;k Akrr und 8. Paton. Jan ' V O McCallum. city; Rev. 8. C :: prr Greenville. New Royal Hotel I, Zarrlll, rrop THE 1101 KL ttOKTII WII'IT. k ft ( d Water: Blearo Heat iSc rr.K DAY AND UP Telephone trit Mr Royal '"3 Mrs w. J. Llneham. A. V Fixter. Osland; A. :i und A. Houtanen, rort Boston Grill Fhone 157 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS, Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING y Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Ranee Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 566 Rupert Motors cfre and Service Station DODGE and HANTAM AUSTIN , Distributors FENDEJt AND BODY WORK ?'all lick A SPECIALTY Dr.H.O.Johiisen Dentist Salt 1 Successor to 1r. K. S. Tait J Ne Exchange Block Phone 109 w "Want Ads" bring result,. ASK SALE OF BLOCK City Council Reiterates Request That Province Dispose of Old Court House Square The hardy perennial regarding the sale of the old court house block in the downtown business section of the city was brought forth at last night's council meeting by Aid James Black who, after reviewing the advisability of having the block I thrown upon the market, moved a .resolution that the minister of lands be communicated with and requested to put the block on sale as soon as possible. The resolution i was seconded by Aid- Rudderham and carried. ; Mayor Orme stated the matter had been taken un by him with Hon. W. II. Bruhn. minister of pub 11c works, during his recent visit to the city and that he had suggested, if the time was not felt opportune to sell the bl:k, that a fair valuation of it at least be made. Bartering Is Common Today On Prairies Seven Cents Offered For Fresh Kffgs Near Canary Pig Trailed For Underwear A private letter received by a Trlnce Rupert qltlsen from Calgary dealing with conditions there has the following paragraph: "A farmer about seventy miles southeast of Calgary took two crates of eggs to town and all she could get was seven cents a doten. She said she would not take that but would give them away f Int. "In the country the farmers go to picture shows, paying admission in wheat. Owners of newspapers take chickens or potatoes for subscriptions. One farmer, I know, gave a young pig for two sulU of underwear. Times seem to be going back to the ,old time barter, like It was in tlw day of the Indiana." The Weather Triple Island-Light northerly wind; moderate northerly swell, clear. Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light southerly wind; barometer, 30.30; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Ilasy, calm; barometer, 30.24; temperature, 42; sea smooth. Langara Overcast, moderate southerly wind, sea moderute. Local Items Glass ntteil iij registered optometrist at Heilbroncr's store. h. -a. Dewoir, iwar manager or W. II. Malkin Co, Ltd., sailed last night on th Camosun for a business trip to Stewart. The; Crly Council last night finally reconsidered and adopted a bylaw providing for the temporary borrowing of $50,000 from the Royal Bank of Canada .pending the collection of the year's taxes. The 1931 indemnity bylaw, providing for the payment to the Mayor of $1 200 for the year's ser vices and $200 to each alderman, was finally reconsidered and adopted at last night's meeting of Ihe City Council. A bylaw amending the street traffic bylaw by providing for the placing of Ston slpns at the intersections of Second Avenue and Third Avenues and McBride Street was finally reconsidered and ad opted at last night's meeting of the City Council. "J - - '.. V ' Continuing the second" full day of the hearing, the case in which Loo ContoU larcttaiged with contribut ing tp th-ipQllhqueneyf a juvenile continued all morning today before Stipendiary Magistrate C. L. Monroe in city police court and was adjourned at noon until 2 o'clock this afternoon. City accounts up to January 30 totalling $101,203 were passed for payment at last night's council meeting. Aid. Llnzey inquired with resptct to an Item payable to Ton1 Lee and was told by Aid. Puller that it was due not to goods purchased by the city but to meal tickets that bad betri turned Into the store from reatuaranta giving relief meals. Aid. II. F. Pullen, at last night' meeting of the City Council, re ferred to the condition of the Cow Bay bridge on which, even after rains, can iplaahod water on pedestrians. Alderman Rudderham chaiipnati of the Board of Works tatr6nhaH RwarrriftteV to take care of this as soon as pos sIMc although no extensive im provements were contemplated on the bridge. A letter from P. M. Dockrill. read at last night's meeting of the Citv Council, expressed confidence that opportunity wouli be given for Bulkley Valley coal a superior uel meeting all competition in ttv natter of prl?r t0 demonum; its qualities on the local market The letter, which stated that this coal was being offered to the public through all accredited dealer?, was filed. ALIKE JLuxiirious p in , conufort pANADIAN National olTrra many luiuriea and com-forts which add pleasure to your trip South Iy Steamer or East by Train. Sailings from Prlnre l(urrl m Vanroutrr, tlienre via Trl-Clty SerVlee to Victoria nil Seattle, Thursdays 10.00 p.m. For Aiijoj and Slewartt M'rdnrsdaye 4.00 p.m. ItrcuUr sen Ices to North and South Queen. Charlotte Inlands. Particulars of sail-lng, rale, etc.. on request. Paseeiifirr trains lcne Prince Ituprrt for l'dmonton, Winnipeg, and point F.asl etrfy Monday, Wedneaday ami Saturday at 11.30 a.m. II. F. McNUMITON liilM. I r,arnirr Airn Mure ll.ip.rl. II. t.. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, February 3, 1931 "I have to work in the (tore and do my own housework, too, and 1 got nervous and run-down and wu in bed nearly alltumroer.The least noise would make me nervous. I was told to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I have taken seven bottles. It has made me stronger and put more color Into my face. 1 am looking after my store and housewcJrk and my four children and I am getting along nicely now," Mn. 1 Malin, R. R. No. J, Barton St, East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. T. J. Shenton, mines, sailed last Camosun for a trip official business. inspector of night on the to Stewart on The fire deDartment had a call steamer Mtnnedosa on February 13 bound for his home at Reval, Es-thonia. The City Council last night referred to the city solicitor for report a Wtter from the Prince Ru pert RatepayerT Asjpcjatlon re BUSH'S Grocerteria B R E A D 3 For 25c No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. SOMETHINGvNEW rTJnV A FOR t MrtVS AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter just to hand. I All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today. ! Suit or overcoat complete and f ln-I ished In three days. Ling, the Cutter 8team cleaning, pressing ind altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING Til R TAILOR 817 Second Ave. l'houe GtU Billiards tonight Orotto vs. adian Legion. . Can- Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroncr's Store. Free Instruction in art work will be resumed Wednesday evening this week at ' McRae' Brother's.' 28 1 Members ' of Deep Sea Fishermen's Union are requested to attend meeting tonight at 730. Important that you be there. Q. W. Mulhern arrived In the city on the Camosun last night from Vancouver, being here to f join one of the fishery patrol ! boats. Oren F. Hill. Hyder druggist, who has been on a trip to Seattle land elsewhere in the south, was a passenger aboard the Camosun last evening returning north, i i A recommendation from the 'Board Of Works that tenders be called for the construction of a men's toilet for the police depart ment was adopted by the City Council last night. John May and A Canadian Fish & Lamb of the Cold Storage Co. staff, after spending the past month or more 9a a holiday trip to Vancouver, and elsewhere In the south, returned to the city on the Camosun. last night. ANNUAL MINING LECTURES OP ENED HERE LAST EVENING WITH SIXTY PERSONS LIS TENING TO SPEAKERS. (continued from pace 1) at 8:46 laat nliht to the home of iossus, ine sim liner envision 01 Arthur Ca raven. 13 Eighth Ave. time m the earth crust building and history, closing his first W. where there wa a chimney process ... w rinnp 1 address by sketching on a black board to illustrate his meaning. .rrf Pitka of Stuart Lake left I Dr. Mandy introduced the subject VonHArhnnf nn thu mornine's train ; 01 Penary water as oemg 01 great for St. John, New Brunswick where he will embark aboard the interest. The speaker explained that this content was probably in herent in the great magma or molten interior of the globe as evidenced In such phenomena as I u- meroles and by scientific analysis of even the basic granite rock. One questioner asked concerning the solar or other origin of the earth. The speaker dwelt on this at suitable length. Another questioner questing that the' council takelasked about the geologc orlgin or steps to secure the privilege of lo cal option in the matter of whether there sltould be a one or two year aldermanlc trrm here. oil. This. too. was briefly explained. Before closing, the chairman gave expression to the gratifying result of the meeting to the speakers and to the department. Afternoon lectures will deal more with the question of ores, minerals, metals and their Identification. The evening lectures will approach the subject from the more theoretical aspect. STEAMERS COLLIDED (Continued from Page One) at 7.30 p.m. Saturday Instead of on schedule time at 0 p.m. Friday. She Is cutting the length of her ! stays north from here to Anyox. Alice Arm and Stewart to a mini mum and Uv expected back here I tomorrow morning southbound ' Eveft4hen, shewtll be almost a day , late assnc sipuia nave sauea ioi ithe south at 1.30 this afternoon lEnroute to Vancouver, the sche duled call at Oseah Palls will also ibe eliminated. The IdU Is to gc ithe vessel back o'n schedule time In place of the steamer Catala ! which she is relieving for the next few weeks. Local office of the Union Steamship Cd. stated this morning that the Camosun was expected back from the north about 9 to 0.30 tomorrow morning and would sail at 11 o'clock for the south. The Camosun's sprung plates are well above the waterllne. 40c,Had Party In Einstein Home Busll S GrOCerteria ttuTtAn staged Party In Basement PhoitCS: 211, 212 We Deliver Scientist's Home in Berlin BERLIN. Feb. 3: While Prof. Einstein has been on his tour of United States, burglars entered his home here and staged a party in the basement with' his wine, it is announced. PETITIONED FOR ASPIIALTIC WALK Having received a, sufficiently signed petition from property owners concerned, the city council last night put through A local Improvement construction bylaw for a 12-foot asphaltlc sidewalk on the south side of Third Avenue from Eighth Street to Blggtu' Place. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Jest for Tune In WAS VERY Bad Cold On Her Chest Had To Stay In Bed Mrs. J. 0. Winters, Janow, Man., writes: "I Iists very resjwn to praiM Dr. YTood'i Norway Pine Syrup as it baa done me a world of good. I had a very bad eold on my chest, and had to stay in bed two weak, sad eould hardly apeak on account of onghing M.tMea. X tried every medicine and liniment I eU tUck of, but I got no relief. My knsbaad read tbovt Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup so I decided to toy it I took only one bottle and I am ready to recommend it to anyone with a eold." ( Price 884. a bottle) large family (ire 6Se.t at alt ArofgUU er dealers; pat up only by The T. ililbura C9, &d, Toronto, Qnt, Furi "" TheBlUE HBBONMALT JETER-Riclry Craig Jr. TONIGHT 8:15 Pacific Time Columbia Broadcasting , System over K0L Dlue Ribbon Malt Amttitm't DlgtI S"' SCHOLARLY Late Edward Itobert Cameron Wrote Many Books of Importance to Legal Profession Edward Robert Cameron KJD L1.D., for years registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada, whose death occurred in Ottawa Sunday. was born in London, Ont., on March 18, 1857. He was educated at Wood stock College and at the University of Toronto, winning a gold medal in natural science In 1879 and taking his Master of Arts degree in 1881. Called to the bar of Ontario in 1882, the late Mr. Cameron became a Kings' Counsel In 1902. The late Mr. Cameron was appointed registrar of the Supreme Court of. Canada In 1898 and was !jlven the rank of depuly minister by statute In 1903. He was the author of a number of Important books dealing with legal subjects. Mr. Cameron is survived by a widow, having been married In 1886 to a Boston girl. Deceased took an active Interest tn golf and angling for his Bella Coola Hospital Has Annual Meet BELLA COOLA, Feb. 3: The annual meeting of the Bella Coola Hospital was held recently". The re port proved very favorable and creat credit must be extended to Dr. J. MacLean and his able staff. The new board to assist In the management consisted of E. Whee ler. chairman; A. Christensen, sec retary; John Harestad and M, Fougner. The doctor emphasized the great need of an x-ray. The fund is growing considerably, thanks to the concerts rendered by Uhe staff and contributions from to tal organisations, it is piannca to install the machine during this year. Bad Weather Stops Sprint DAYTONA BEACH, Fla.. Feb. 3: Poor visibility and a strong t wind today prevented Capt. Malcolm Campbell front making an official attempt to lower the world's land spesyi record. Old Country Soccer Entiish League First Division Orlsmby Town 5. Derby County 3. English League Second Division Burnley 4. Wolverhampton 2. TURKISH HANGING Twenty-Eight Religious Reactionaries Strung Up For Attempting to Stage Revolution INSTANBUL, Turkey, Feb. 3: Twenty-eight religious reactionaries, convicted of participating in an abortive revolutionary outbreak in December last at Mcnenem. were hanged there at dawn today. The bodies of the 28 Turkish Mos lem reactionaries hung from their gibbets in the cold Balkan wind today as a stern warning from the republic that the days of the Cali phate have passed forever. Singly and in'-some cases in groups the condemned men, convici ted of leading an abortive revolutionary movement on December 23, were led at dawn from their cells to the gallows where Oypsy hangmen, with western caps, oddly topping, baggy Turkish trousers and scarlet sashes, swung them aloft. There were almost no eyewitnes ses to the executions beyond a few officials. An occasional scream could be heard from women peeping from behind shuttered windows, however, and, with the advance of day. shud dering crowds passed the gruesome scene. There were to have been 32 exe cutions but, two of the condemned died of heart failure at- the ap proach of their doom and the seri-tenccs of two were commuted. CLYDE AND ST. MIRREN PLAY DRAW GLASGOW. Feb. 3: Clyde and St. Mlrren played a drawn match, 6ne goal each, in a postponed Scot tish Cup encounter. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sons of Norway Fishermen's farewell Dance February 6, Moo ' ilall. - Choir Concert In :hurch. February 10. Presbyterian Canadian National Recreation Usoclation Seventh Annual Bail, Moose Hall, Friday, February l&V Anglican Cathetlral augmented ,holr coricert; '(ttjrectlon II. N. 3rockle5by). February 16 and 17. Alex. Connon and Oo. Entrain-mcnt de luxe. Cathedral Concert. February ICth and 17th. Happy melodies; quartettes; trio Cathedral Concert. February lOtti ind 17th. 'The Mayor and the Manicure." Alex Connon. Rupert's premier entertainer. Cathedral Concert. February 16th and 17th. Happy harmonics; middenlnj nelodie; quaint quartettes; tantalizing trios. Cathedral Concert, 'erbruary 16th and 17th. Anglican Tea. Woodland's, fifth Avenue, February 4. "Mclvlna's Courtship." at Unltixt hurch February 26. 27. Catholic women's League Spring Sale April 8. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKFENA BRAND Creamery Butter '& Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Througlioiit the City