Tomt! IVs Tides Wcdnes h 3 ruary 4, 1931 Brii ...&1SS 25 a.m. 21.2 ft. u -' 18 p.m. 23.0 ft. L, , S . il a.m. 5.5 ft. J p.m. 0.8 ft. V, '. ' 1 Alderman Would Let People Outside Exchange Property For More Central City Lots r, "vi'i Hiiggeation was made uy aiu. w. o. mwuw.w 1 night's mooting of the city council that some plan vi'd wnerouy many people living m mc uu 1 "f the citv might have the opportunity to trade m i-mperty for closer in lota now in the hands ot the " a scheme, Aid. McCutcheon thought, would give .thP nponle concerned the advan ECKMANN IS HOME tage of more central and valuable property and. at the me time, would bring in more taxes for the cty- .... Aid. Oollart expressed moved that the .llio urEJi. I r a I. ah t.rlA Board of Wonts go iurm - n.diun Kparrh Il1n llrli In Sc. I i ntllr From Operations In After further discussion. It was North aeclded to have the Board of Wprta W fjnance committee go jointly, , 'LE. Feb. 3 Pilot Ansccl .mlo thc gehrt. 11 una niecnanic rnwiK, , 1 1 , , . i ainvea nere yesieraay V '"fin In the Alaska-Wnsh- 1 Airways seaplane Wrangell ; 1 1 vinK spent the past mouth ' inkun and Prince Rupert in !l ' arch for further wreckage RnOST THEIR OWN SALARY ,!., , . ... "ou'n A. Ren- tftM7n 3:clVv aj ' wno is beloved to have' vaww. - Dixon's Entrance Cm dermen by a vote oi s.v. - ' 2 tart with two compan- yesterday boosted thrt m . ,from $1200 to $8000 per year. tin Does Not Have to Account to Sas- , katchewan For Alienation ! . of Lands OTTAWA. FebJ3: The Dominion does not have to account to the province of Saskatchewan for lands within its boundaries which were alienated by the Dominion of Canada prior to September 1. 192ft, according to a decision handed down in Supreme Court of Canada today. Annual Mining Lectures Opened . Here Last Evening With Sixty Persons Listening to Speakers An audience of over sixty last night greeted the speakers at the first of a series of meetings organized by the Provincial Depatment of Mines as an aid to prospectors anu omers lmeresieu in iniuiii, ui uie seaiuu iui mtmia. By way of introduction, Dr. Mandy, resident mining engineer, gave a brief outline of the history and the lure of the search. He reierred to it as an age-old incentive to world progress and as the foundation of national greatness as well as of commercial Integrity. He gave figures to show the importance of mining for metals and non-metals, of its tremendous payroll and of the industrial and commercial Importance to the world of the work of the prospector. In concluding his remarks. Dr. Mandy explained that Frank nice had consented1 to act, as chairman. Mr. Rice, after a bieX-reference to the purpose of thetneeiings. called on the speaker. Dr. W. V. Smtthcrlogale, who introduced his subject by outlining the geologic phenomena and processes and content of the earth, the supposed iron-nickel core, the molten magma the very basic, the basic and finally the outer crust, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere the 95 gaseous, the 5 sedimentary and the very, very small percent of valuable metals, the periods of sedimentation, the recurrent upheavals, the resultant tilting or contortion of strata eras and the necessary study of (Continued on puto three) SUBMARINE STEAMERS COLLIDED Crash With Freighter Northland Caused Camosun to be Late in Arriving Here !he.,f,HJ0g I Friday night in a characteristic WRECKED Twelve Men Injured In Explosion, Aboard X-l, One of Largest Undersea Craft in Navy OHATHAM Eng., Feb. 3: Twelve men were injured, two of them critically, today when an explosion of undetermined origin wrecked the uhmarlne X-l. one of the lamest' UOTII SHIPS DAMAGED On arrival last night at 8:45, more than twenty-four hours late, of the Union steamer Camosun, Capt. James Findlay. from the south, it was learned that the vet-sel had been delayed on her voyage north by having had to return to her dock In Vancouver last Friday evening following a collision at the First Narrow in a dense fog with the freighter Northholm of the Frank Water-house line. TVia nlllalnti nriirrart at 1030 lmpenetrabe Vancouver fog as the Camosun was putting out for the north and the Northholm was coming In from the west coast of l Vancouver Island with a load of I herring and -salmon. Doth vessels were navigating very cautiously. They colltded head ' on at very flow speed. The Northholm was Quite badly damaged, a large hole being torn In 'the foosle head. The Camosun lost an anchor, sprung some of her plates and damaged a Jbpom. The flmnndt'was so evere that, men on both vessels were thrown from their beds. The Northholm is being held ill ,nif.raea boats in the Dritlsh navy. ! Vancouver for repairs. The Camo VANCOUVER WHEAT sun, however, auer an inspection.; was allowed to proceed on her (voyage north and will receive re- YANCOUVER. Feb. 3: Wheat pairs later -j 41.. i , ' rrn.. ......... luut Ittft Vnflninvoi' touui at WW- 1 IConUnueu on rage oj i Of Special Interest Jave you read the classtfied advertising page In this paper 10-day? If not, now Is the time. NORTHERN AND CBKXRAJ5STJE. COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No. 28. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS WFUL DISASTER IN NEW ZEALAND URKE PLANE SALVAGE OPERATIONS NOW COMMENCING Hundreds Are Dead In Southern minion and Thousands Doctors and Nurses U CKLAND, New Zealand, Feb. 3: Earthquake and fire levelled the city of Napier, New Zealand, early today. leaving a casualty list reported at 100 dead and Ki Ki injured, and wrecked four nearby towns, causing an undetermined number of fatalities and injuricsTNa-pirr is still ablaze and virtually helpless tonight, the quiike having cut off the water supply. Dynamiting is 1h ittg resorted to in the endeavor to check the flames. The first shock came shortly before 11 o'clock in the morning, shaking a Iargc;part of the coastal region of Huvkcs Bay province of'which Napier, a city of 11,000 people, is the capital. Hastings town, fifteen miles from Napier, reported 21 dead and 100 injured. Ml early reports of casualties arc expected to be exceeded as no accurate count is immediately available. The British sloop of war Veronica, anchored at Napier, together with other vessels in the harbor, extended rven assistance. The British warships Diomcde and inmodin left Auckland at once for Napier with GO doctor and 15 nurses aboard. The 'quake is the worst disaster that has ever been iilred by New Zealand, the whole business area of Naner being destroyed. Roads were broken up and bndgrs destroyed between Napier and Hastings. SENATOR ISORAH INSISTS ON COMPLETE RELIEF WASHINGTON. D.C., Feb. 3: Senator William E. Borah of Idaho declared yesterday that be was prepared to foree Congrew to keep in session all summer and longer until full provision was made by the government (or relief of aU drought rafferers. Until all of these pecjfle were adequately fed. clothed and warmed, he would remain unsatisfied Senator Borah declared. Injured By Quake and Fire Catastroph City of Napier, Capital of Hawkcs Bay Province, Is Levelled and Tour Nearby Towns Wrecked as Result of Holocaust Communities With Water Off Blast Flames With Dynamite Early Reports of Casualties Arc Likely to be Far Ex- mwlfiflWnrfiliine irn in ufjfMii frnrrvini' ! DOMINION WINS CASE FS all in A Governor General Departs lapTO BJffsL v afMJlBl JaggsMgg t BggggP " mHitarv honors were accorded V is -ount W illinedon, on the occasion of his sailing from Saint John, K.B. the Canadian Parific liner ' Mont.lare". on relinquishing as Governor General of Canada to atauhiellrat oOieetoy-of India. Xhajuctureaahowilhe vice-itgtl party on board ship, including Their Excellencies Viscount ana Lady w uungaon: t sprain . r uzgiDDon mci omme, vi me oioniciare ; uoionei Humphrey Snow, Comptroller of the Household; and Lieutenant D. II. Fuller, A D C; the inspection of the guard tf honor, with Captain Streatliold. A DC, in the foreground: he had a special berth on the ship; taking the salute in front of the Admiral Reatty Hotel, and one of the gunrcrews of the saluting Lattery on Partridge Island, which fired 19 guns as the liner passed, bearing Their Excellencies to England. SOLI) HER CAK FKOM ADVERTISEMENT IN DAILY NEWS COLUMNS "It certainly pays to adver- Use. I sold my car that I ad- vertlaed in your paper and got all cash for it." Those were the words of a delighted lady, who 4 dropped in to tell the office and to buy a paper, yesterday. Most people read the Dally News classified advertise- menta. THREATEN Saskatchewan Farmers Are on War Tatli For Aid From Federal Government WILKIE, Sask.. Feb. 3: l'ledird to seek secession for the west it Immediate and sufficient Dominion government aid for farmers is not forthcoming, more than sis hundred farmers today have signed the "Fanners' Charter ot liberty." .The signatures were obtained by an Intensive drive In this area of northwest Saskatchewan since the charter was made at Wllkie on January 10. WELCOME-PRINCES Jamaica Extends Enthusiaotic Reception to Wales and George KINQ8TON. Jamaica. Feb. 3: Jamaica extended one of the greatest welcomes of Its history to the Prince of Wules and Prince George who arrived here at noon today on the liner Oropesu en route to South Amertcu. Pilot Stan McMillan Arrives at Atlin; Is Picking Up His Party Flies to Whitehorse Today to Get Jocrss and Van Der Byl and Kcturns This Afternoon For Kading Off to Liard Tomorrow ATON, Feb. 3: Pilot Stan McMillan, with a Commercial Airways (Edmonton) 'plane, arrived here at noon yesterday from Fort McMurray. Pilot McMillan reported having had a very rough trip in the course of which he was delayed by stormy weather. He left this morning for Whitehorse to pick up Pilots W. A. Joerss and R. I. Van Der Byl and will return here this afternoon for Smll Kadlng. If I - A weather permits, the plane will leave tomorrow morning with the party for the upper Liard River just across the Yukon border to institute the salvage of the Atr Land Manufacturing Co.'s plane which was landed there last October by toe late Capi. E. J. A. Burke who later stui ved to death. McMillan had successfully worked across some of the wildest land in Canada as he landed on the Ice of Como Lake here. MATHESON ASSESSOR Iknttemy Effected by City Council! in tWakittg Departmental Appointment The city eeuucil loaf night appointed City Treasurer D. J. Math-eson to the post of assessor without extra salary. Mr Mutheson succeeds in the post of assessor E 8. Alllstone. city tax clerk, who last yea r wa paid $400 for extra duties us fUKWNliAlK MAILCHAIN Pilot A. E. Jrvls Favored by Good Weather in Taking Off From Winnipeg WINNIPEG. Feb. 3 Favored by clear skies and a brisk tall wind, a Vinntpeg-8t. Paul air mall plane, with Pilot A. E. Jarvis at the controls, took off at 9:30 this morning to forgg the last liivk Id the air mall chain stretching from Aklavlk in the Canadian Arctic to equatorial South America. RUSSIA TO QUIT COMMUNISM SOON? MOSCOW, Feb. S: The So- viet government has juet about 4 given up the Idea of convert- ing the rest of foe world to communism and prospects are that It will itself adopt Indus- triallsm. Two great schools for communism in this country have Just closed. V