Page € BREAD. | 7 TICKFTS $1 FOR Fresh Daily. A Full Line of Pastry Turned Out Daily - Christie's Sweet Biscuits Assorted tins 2 and 4 Pounds East We carry in stock the fol- lowing assortment:— Rusks Cocoanut Brittle Cafe Noir Ginger Nuts Marshmallow Fingers Swiss Chocolate Cherry Rings Apple Blossom Sultana Jelly Wafers Fig Bar Coconut Bar | Assorted Sandwich | Cherry Maple Macaroons | Fruit Drops Assorted Ice Wafers Royal Canadian | Pineapple is Shortbread Wine Cake | Lemon Snaps . | Mitk Lunch Honey Fingers | Apricot Wafers Tipperary Animal Biscuit Cocoa Jems Graham Ice Nic Nacs ee eres We have a big sale on Robertson’s Fruit Cake now selling 40c Ib. Cheese in fancy tins:— Pimento Swiss Welsh Rarebit Limburger Roqueford We Open Deposit Accounts orn near FULLER’ S LTD | PHONE 45 | For Sale We offer for the first time a 7-roomed dwelling just completed on Atlin Avenue with large lot. Fine view. EXPRESS COMPANIES — MUST PROVIDE CITY DELIVERIES BY LAW fact that the Dominion Ex- press Co, and Canadian Express Uo. and all other express com- panies doing business in a city of over 2,000 population are re- quired by law to provide delivery to the places of business of the consignees was brought up at last night’s council meeting. ‘The city is to sdtake steps towards having this: law “complied with as it is observed here now. The not being BIRTHS At the Gener Sai Hospital on Jan. Mr. 26, a daughter was born to and Mrs. Y. Linaham of 6th Ave. East, Prince Rupert. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walsh; of Terrace, at the Hazel- ton Hospital on Saturday, Jan. 17. A 5 YEARS’ FIRE Just think! That ts the ¢ime through which Mr. H. C. Buckley endured all the fiery torture ef itching, burning eczema. His life was “a perfect misery until Zam- Buk—the great herbal skin cure— brought complete relief. ; Mr. Buckley, who lives et 461 | East Broadway, Portland, Oregon, writes:—‘For fifteen years I suf- fered with eczema, and although I tried many so-called ‘eczema cures,’ nothing seemed capable of dealing with a case like mine. It was not until IT had Zam-Buk recommended } to me that I began to have hope. This. wonderful skin healer soon brought about a change for the bet- ter. As I persevered with Zam-Buk the burning sensation got less. I found Zam- Buk wonderfully sooth- ing. Cradually the patches of sore- ness and the inflammation were re- duced, and complete and perman- ent cure finally resulted. I would strongly advise all afflicted with ecvema to give Zam-Buk a trial. It will give them satisfaction. They will not be disappointed.” Afternoon and just arrived semi - evening dresses at Demers. At last night’s meeting of the Gity Council a letter was read ad- vising the city to hold the valve which has been granted to the Ganadian General Electric Co. un- til the company sends shipping nstructions. The check for $2,- 297.50 in settlement of the city’s claim from that company will be forthcoming in the course of a short time. Trades coli Labor. Council meets tonight, Si. Regis Cafe pes namo Say 28. BR EAKFAST, 35¢ 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes Mush or Puffed Wheat Salisbury Steak, Country Gravy Toast, Jam and Coffee LUNCHEON, 50c 11:30 to 2 p.m. AND DINNER, 50c 5 to 7:30 p.m. Vegetable Soup Fried Brill, Tartar Sauce Boiled Fresh Black Cod, Egg Sauce bholled Pork Spare Ribs with Spinach Potted Sirloin Tips with Vegetables Braised Short Ribs with Macaroni Sardines on Toast Fricasse of Lamb with Dumplings The house is well designed and of good workmanship. We can make a very attracs five offer to the homeseeker. NicCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. 'Phone“16 ~ - 3rd Avenue seit M.Ni.Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer For a QUICK SALE Lots 42 and Block 27, Section 4, Park Avenue 91,000 Cash for the pair. Look them over and buy. M. M. Stephens Rea! Estate insurance i Agent 43, DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One degayed or missing tooth Roast Veal with Dressing and Ven Gravy Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Plum Pudding, Lemon Sauce Boston Cream Pie, Colfee ST. REGIS LIMERICK CONTEST person contributing the rion af the St. Regis Cafe’s of pastry er on the will give a prize of Contest starts im- Jan- r and all Limericks must ap- ar in the Daily News on or be- that date. We will judge this Lest ourse Ives, but will not know To th best Lith * Jines ir, we in meats. liately and closes Saturday, y 34, he nalues of of the writers. On Monday, February 2, in the Daily sows will appear the Limerick we decide is the best. The following ds the News will announce the winner's nam We will give the vinner one werk to eat out the prize ‘ Address all Limericks to the Daily News only, and sign nee to same lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5,30; Batar- dey, 9 to 12 only. Evenings esday, eeneeiay and day, from 7 DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT meoerare | Yl Auction Sale Of Household Furniture on Wed. Next, Jan. 28th ft 2:30 P.M. Sharp Stephers’ Block, 3rd Ave. W In the flat lately oceupied by Mr. Demers. Instructed by the owner, I will sell the contents, consisting of two bedroom suites, livingroom, and kitchen, Pool Room moved to , 721 Third Ave. - Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer |. any outstanding the Yee Yee Laundry, please make = | application to the West End Cafe, || eer” (912 Third Avenue, not later than No skin disease can resist the po- tent healing forces stored up in Zem-Buk, which is unequalled for old wounds, u'vers, abscesses, bad legs, scalp sores, blood-poisoning, piles, scalds, burns, cuts and all skin injuries. All druggists and stores, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 50c. box. NOTICE Any, person or persons having accounts against February 12, 1920. WONG KEI KONG. Prince Rupert, B. UC. January 20, 1920. 23 bn NOTICE Property owners who consider hemselves over assessed have until January 29 only to file their iotice of appeal with the Court uf Revision. 23 | ments. as ee Local News Notes meets ° l { ¢ Gentral Labor Council tonight at 8 o'clock. * e . Manu- Phone tf ‘The “Dinector’’ Corset. factured in Prince Rupert. Blue 92. , * ‘ Special meeting of the G. W. V. A. Tuesday night at 8 o’clock.— Important business. 23 If your pipes are frozen, phone Kelly the Pluinber. Day or night. Phone Green 445. tf Mary Pickford lium’ Wednesday ‘and Wednesday | Westholme. “The Hood- Thursday at the in and matinee Dance at Seal Cove School at '8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3, to raise funds for the school Admission 50c. Refnesh- piano. it The young people's society of the Methodist Church have ar- ranged a social evening for Wed- nesday in the church hall. All are welcome. 23 A. H. Mogridge of Ocean Falls’ has been appointed an issuer of marriage licenses, according to a notice in the current number of the B.C, Garotte. The Young Peopie's Club wills hold a dance in St. Andrew’s hall Wednesday, January 28, Refresh- ments. Band Orchestra. Gentle- men $1.00; ladies, 50c. 23 ® ® ° The Princess Mary will arrive from the south on her next trip to Skagway and Alaskan ports on February 9. This will be the fir # mail for the north from here. Frank Somers has been granted the purchase of lot 11, block 6, Section 2, for the sum of $445 by the city. Mr. Somers will build a house on the property under the Better Housing Act. Ratepayers’ Association of Prince eAneeh- Pianos pormoks tuned. $6.00, C, Walker. Phone Blue 389. if George Young road _ superin- endent from the Atlin district, leaving on tomorrow’s train visit his home in Manitoba. ® ® ° Alderman Perry has unearthed inether bad sewer in the city, this time on Third Ave. in the vicinity f the Daily News Office. Alder- nan Kerr with a sinister grin stated that nothing else might be expected from that neighborhood. lo The Travellers will meet the Sons of Canada in a regular enior basketball fixture in the rink tonight. The Travellers have been showing much improvement lately and it is expected they will ‘ive the Canucks a run fdr the same. tuGG#b64060600 48 * TCO LATE TO CLASSIFY * _ eR Cee Ke EHR Se WHITE GIRL WANTED to answer telephone calls from 9:30" till 4:30. Wages $1.00 per day. Apply Harry Hanson, The Re- liable Plumber, Second Avenue, after five o'clock. tf WANTED—Ten hand miners and five laborers for Stewart. Apply Pitt, Hotel Prince Rupert. 23 , hear meee lO RENT—Front furnished flat. Apply Mrs. Wolters, St. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 914. 23 IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph Plays All Records Get one now,-—delays are un- necessary when you know our easy terms, hipment of New Rec- ords just In Come and hear the world’s best F Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office worth Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 Alderman Kerr made the sug- gestion at last night's ~ council meeting that the Utilities Com- mittee should furnish monthly statements of the financial work- ings of the departments under its control. o* A letter was read at the City souncil meeting last night from the commissioner of the Board of Trade thanking the city for the use of the council chamber for various meetings. The letter was rdeved filed. The current number of the Brit- ish Columbia Gazette contains a notice of approval of an applica- tion for water rights for the Port Essington. Water Co., Ltd. It al- lows the taking of water from Cunningham Lake. A bridge party in aid of the funds of the Queen Mary Chapter I.0.D.E. was given by Mrs. ‘HK. V. Grieve at her home on Satur- day afternoon. ‘There were five tables and the winners were Mrs. “¢. G. Dawson ‘and Mrs. G. A. Bryant. The current issue of the Brit- ish Columbia Gazette announces the appointment of Milton Gon- zales of Prince Rupert, barrister .nd solicitor, to be a notary pub- Jie. Mr. Gonzales is associated with the firm of Williams & Man- son of this city. ° . Tenders for the supplying of meters for the city were opened at last night’s council meeting. They were from Parkin & Ward, Prince Rupert Supply Co., and the tanadian General Electric. The tenders were referred to. the Utilities Committee with power to act. The installation Y three ar- tistic brass chandeliers in the souncil Chamber at the City Hall has much moderated the illumi- nation of the place and made it more effective. The chandeliers we equipped with 300 watt lamps ind were installed by the city ‘lectricians at a cost of $60. Tenders for the supplying of 42,000 feet of rough lumber for city work were opened at last night's council meeting from the Royal Lumber Co., Usk, and the Graham Island Spruce & Cedar Co. The former company ten- deved $34 per M. and the latter $33 per M., both f.0,b. the cars here. For the latter, however, the city will have te ay switching charges, The tenders were re- ferred to the Board of Works to look into and act upon. Mary Pickford in her greatest production “The Hoodlum” at the Westholme om Wednesday and a4, The Low Price There is a style particularly for YOU jn our unusually large and varied stock of GOOD SHOES. STYLE, COMFORT, WEAR, FIT,--- all the satisfaction which these words imply---can be obtained in our shoe de- partment and AT MUCH LESS THAN ORDINARY PRICES BECAUSE our SHOE SALE continues and BECAUSE our stock is so large that we are sacrificing profits in order to re- duce it. THERE IS NO RESERVE. OUR SHOES ARE ALL “ON SALE” AND AT GENUINE SALE PRICES. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. of Good Shoes H. S. WALLACE (0., LTD. —/ When Will Prices We feel safe in predicting that Extra Speci! present prices will maintain, or go higher for the next sjx moths. The Nour market seems ready for a further advance, also canned goods, jams, and practically every Staple commodity have advanced during the past month or will ad- vance shortly. Export business never was so large, and storaye stocks are being depleted rapidly. Our ad- vice to the buying public is to take advantage of the specials we are quoting during the aa business months and stock up. Money in the bank will not yield you near! as much inlerest 43 If invested with us. Specials for the week ending Sat- urday, Jan. 341.— Five Roses Flour in 49-Ib. sks. $3.15 We have only 75 sacks to sell at i this price and the new price when they are gone will be 83.65. iolled Oats in 20-Ib. bags .. $1.35 The market advanced sharply last week. New price considerably higher . vaciic Milk, 9 ting for per case We have Tapioca, Canned Pumpkin 2% Griffin's Sliced Peaches tns, Special .... sliced Pineapple, tins, Special Happvale large tins, Special Royal City nenerries Special , Heinz Pork & Be ans in Tomat Special a Norsea Sardines Special per tjn Saanich Clams, Shaker Salt, reg i5c, Empress Baking Powder Royal Yeast Cakes Liquid. Veneer or ©'Cedar reg S0ec, Special Buckwheat Flour in 10-1lb Reg, Palue $1.25; Specia Pure honeys in 4-Ib, tins, @ #2.00; Special .. .% Olympja Pancake package Krinkle Corn Flakes, Heinz Spaghetti and Cheese 30c; Special ss Cooper's Strawberry Jain, Special Quaker Raspberry Jam Special . (with key 100 cases 40 ‘Sell at this price. Today’s wholesale price is $6.05 per case. Buy now. B. C, Fresh Eggs, per dozen .. 75¢ Every egg guaranteed new aid. reguiar value 90c. Seal Brand Coffee Special .. - $1.15 Coffee markét very strong. Whole- sale price on most lines of can ned coffee now 60c to 65c¢ Ib. Table Supply Limerick Contest We will give a prize of $5.60 in groceries or meats to the person contributing the best limerick on this store. Same must appear in the Dally News on or before Saturday, January 31st. We will judge the winner ourselves, but will not-know who it is until we have announced the prize winning limerick in the Daily News Monday, Feb. 2. address all limericks to the Daily News with signature. Flour, Spe in 2-Ib. tins—— 4-lb > The Rupert Table Supply Phones 211--212 . ES FOR SALE 1015 Third West; living room, pantry, Very well built. $3, 600 on very easy terms extending over Avenue kitehen, The pfice is House dining stoves. and Lot, room, five years. Stop Advancing’ Ib tin Spe irge Davies Luneh Tongue %s Spr Green Gage or Lombard Plums 2-! i deb ‘ Special per wr Spec 3 for package 3 bed bath tac Nat 3¥C 3k t 39¢ 88 14 Co. poms two Insurance Rentals Real Estate “IH. G. HELGERSON, LTD. el ws eal Tree we rrnre ~~ eee Thursday and Wednesday matinee Subscribe for The | Daily New