Tuesday, January 27, 1920. TOBACCO SERIES No. V Wagons waiting to convey the raw leaf from gales warehouse to the Re-drying Plant. Its quality is known even in the attermost corner of Canada, ACDONALDS TOBACCO Chewing UNION BANK NOTABLE YEAR Impressive Addition to Total Assets, While Bank Continued to Extend in Canada and Abroad. Significant progress, as one of the leading banking institutions of the country, is revealed in the iy wy vventel oveee on PD Dee Are Washdays Necessary in \Yinter? There was a time, back in the days of stone hatchets, when woman was hardier than she A biting wind, damp air and slush underfoot did net sc much endanger her then. But is this exposure necessary now? Is woman exercising hor best judgment in hang- e in winter weather? Is y when he permits it? solution of this problem ily washing to us—es- days while the weather- is today. ing clothes on the i man showing chival A simple and saf is to send your fi pecially during the man is surly. No washboards or heav« We wash or . ty var , 7 oe century way by lett soaps are employed you in the twentieth 1Z soit water and billowy it is a launder- ‘ } by us. suds surge through ‘he fabric, ing method that savis clothes. So, also, is our ironing process, We give a charming lustre to your linens not with hot Irons, but with special steam heated presses that protect the textiles, us. Cur driver will call at a definite time for your family bundle. At a definite time also he will return it. Our method Saves you labor and protects you from the rigors of wind and vreather. 0 Fee vey Telenhor 4™epnone Canadian Steam Laundry F hone 8 . Areen rer ettesce Mannnenen ions eens SHMNOH eeeon seen naeenenreenementneny ret F > Stn sy , = att oie : 0 | a . » oC ‘ i ae ' -« (o.the E Send iT ny ' 7% YO a a : BE sedod oS pw OCU NOY E oA! pin coat E ake Tih iy, ay aa Le eR een Seems cae ose | een Take thi i Prescription to the Prince Rupert Drug Company's Store! ao Van I always send my patients there, for I know that the in- gred.ents they use are always fresh and of the very best quality. They double check every prescription which means a whole lob to you, and, too, this kind of service doesn't cost you any more than you would ordinarily have to pay for the less care- fully compounded prescrip- tion, fie Phone 9 d Ave yi 'd Ave AUC, Opposite 2nd Si, P.O. Box Mail Orders Gi 2) ven Prompt Attention 215 The Prince Rupert Drug Co. THE DAILY NEWs OF CANADA 55th ANNUA L STATEMENT—29th NOVEMBER, 1919 Fifty-Fifth Statement to the Shareholders Discloses Continued Growth of Influential Canadian Banking Institution — Total Assets Built Up to $175,000,000 and $2,000,000 Added to fifty-fifth arinual statement of the Reserve Fund — Significant Extension of Connections in Canada and Abroad, Aimed Union Bank of Canada. During To Assist in the Financing of Canada’s Foreign Trade — Bank in Strongest Position ihe tweive month period ended It Ever Heid Noveinber last total assets have 5 a erences increased from $153,000,000 a year ago to nearly $175,000.00 The fifty-fifth annual general meeting of the share~ The number of branehes and a encies . : at ie f $22.000.000 , holders of the Union Bank of Canada was held at the November 30th, 1910, was 338. fencies in operation om an increase of $22, ; OT | head office of the bank, in the city of Winnipeg, at i2 noon. on Wednesday, January 7, 1920. The sual inspection of ‘all branches and agencies hes , been made. rhe President, Mr. JOHN GALT, in the chair, : During the year Advisory Committees were appointed at vancouver, B.C., Montreal, Que DIRECTORS’ REPORT ws Quebec, and London, Engiend. rl i ing thei a ae The directors ave pleasure in presenting eir re- port, showing the result of the business of the Bank President. for the car ended November 30th, 1919. PROFIT AND Loss ACCOUNT Durirg the year 89 branches and le ere en- ur ur ranches and agencies wer Bataase at credit of account, 30th November $9GR os, seen CRW SEU ne hes ey hee ae £96,908:00 in ee province of Prince Edward Island, 1— Net profits, for the year, after deducting , ‘ expenses of management, interest due de- 4 ‘rovince of Nova Scotia, 3—Berwick, Kent- posttors, reserving for interest and ex- tile 1) ‘ change, and making Provision for bad and doubtful debts, and-for rebate on bills un- _In the province of New Brunswick, 2—Moncton and der discount, have amounted to ..... ane 932,256:86 Sussex Premium on new stock.... ++ ++ 1,784;170:00 In the provinee of Quebec, 1—Kenogami. SRE SY Bee mm the rv ce of Ontario, 183—-Blenheim, Burritt’s RaPe 99,539,725:70 {¢s, Catedon, Campbellford, Chariton, Easton’s Corners, In- dian River, Ridgetown, Rodney, Toledo, Toronto (Wood- Which has been applied as follows j— bine and ird, Warsaw and Woodlawn), niieuwen No 128, 2 142 per cent, paid ist ' APOW, 4940.) S. Ss ls 5 hee Se aCe 9 196,617:46 In the ¢ ¢ of Manitoba, 28—Altamount, Angusville, aR / soar . : Clanw 1 Cloarwater, Deepdale, Dropmore, Elm Creek, oivioene 6 129, 2498 per cent, paid sna Bip hts ne, Graysville, Romewood, Lowe Farm, Margaret, ‘ oer 191 aS Sw ete WE 5) ae. 1 oy §82,770:08 M ley, Oakburn, Rosebank, Roseisle, Sandy Dividend No 130, 2 4-9 per cent, paid #na Lake, Sanford,’ Solsgirth, Sperling, ‘Winkler, Winnipeg september, 1990... 53 ates cae. c 149,148:62 Corydon and Lilac, Ellice Avenue, Main and Lansdowne, Dividend No 131, 2 4-9 er Main and Mountain, Union Stock Yards and West Kildonan). December, 1919...... ‘rn ; Sit on a8 167,790:39 In the province of Saskatchewan, 22—Alida, Carruthers, Transferred to Rest Account ......,., +s; 2,000,000:00 Coleville, Dev Lake, Drake, Eaton, Govan, Guernsey, From Premium on new stock $1,781,170 nog oH i rvee Keystown, Kyleville, Limerick, La Porte, Major, From Current Profits ...., ° 218,830 JOHN GAL’ Mantario, McNutt, Netherville, Palmer, Ruthilda, Salvador Contribution ‘to Officers’ President of the Union Bank of | stwori’sirongtieid Centribution to Generel Hoagie RURGu ag 12-900:08 Canada In the provinee of Alberta, 17---Acadia Valley, Alcomdale, War Tax on Bank Noie Circulation to 90th a . Bentley Black Diamoud, Hillhurst, Calgary, Chauvin, — November, 1919....., sto ba gy 58,172:44 Duchess, Leduc, Loyalist, Lundbreck, North Edmonton, Rim- Balanc ‘ gett tae ieee 14.23 per cent So. striking a bey, Sedalia, Sexsmith, Sunnynook and Waterhole. stance on Profits carried forward ......., 108,222:87 ti OS ee oe ; in the province of British Columbia, 9—Vancouver (Cit ® Ven.ve gain in the bank’s resources is Heights), and Ducks. . 7 $2,839,725:70 veces indicative of the policy pursued in this new era of reconstruction. To this aggregate, liquid assets eas contributed $76,000,000, compar- General Statement of Liabilities and Assets ‘d with $72,000,000 and repre- ¥s ane , 7 AS ON 29th NOVEMBER, 1919 sented almost 50 per cent of the Bank's total liabilities to the ASSETS LIABILITIES Capital Stook 0) hg NS poe oe. 08 7,06 0: public, Gold and Silver Coin ......8 953,902:03 Rest Account. ./;; .. .2.. #5,600,000:60" Teele i0e \n impressive feature of the Dominion Government Notes 13,724,823:00 Balance of Profit and Loss . the addit f 82.900 Account carried forward. . 198,229:87 report is 1@ addition of $2, :~ ———————— 146,678,785 :08 $5,798,299:87 O00, to the Rest Account, whose Unclaimed Dividends... .. .,. 10,051:78 total has been brought up to $5,- pies No 131, payable ist ; TE : SH ecember, 1919 ........ 167,7090:3 600,000, comtrasted with $3,600,- Deposit with the Minister of Finance for ee cerrey 5,076,078:32 000 last year. The Rest Account the purpose of the Circulation Fund, . 260,000:00 hese ag was added to by the application Deposit in the Central Gold Reserves 5,500,000:00 Notes of the Benk in circula- $13,046,193:09 6 ‘ ‘ ciwit Riis : : ; Won... wo... 2. 812,508,819:00 of $218,830 from current profits Notes OO OLNEY AMBRE ea Zee EG 1,576,481:00 Deposits not bearing interest 51,119.804:54 and by the allocation of $1,781,- Cheques in other banks... wy esteg he 7,500,201:44 Depostts bearing interest. .; > $4/376.700:79 M70 premium from the 8$3,000,. Balsnees due by other Banks in Canada .. 102,287:30 “in Paeaie ne eee 572,355:70 000 new Capital stock issue. With Balances due by Banks and Banking Cor- nemuece due to Banks and : . : Bd ‘espondents elsewhere 0 . : anking Correspondents this addition the Bank’s reserves respond ot eee ees in cart 3,560,800:66 stomach ino ietCeneae 5. obeeatses ‘epresent 70.28 per cent of capi- Dominion and Provincial Government Se ay ant $153,636,631:04 irepresent 40.2 urities not exceeding market value 18,048,013:69 Acceptances under Letters of Credit... .. 7,186,040:04 tal. Canadian Municipal Securities, and British -labilities not included in the foregoing... 220,361:60 The year’s profits were $932 ,25¢ Foreign and Colonial Public Securities Report of the Auditors to the Share- compared with $824,174 in the other than Canadian..... ............ 15,818,016:78 holders of the Union Bauk of Canada pl dened yeal Rallway and other Bonds, Debentures and : - Defines! ra the provisions of re Ss year. od ted al acres ‘ ub-sections an 0 of Section 66, of Stocks, not exceeding market value ...... 2,602,740:30 c ° > the Bank Act, - | Heavy Gain. Call and Short (not exceeding 30 days) holders as follows: °° the share Total deposits are shown at Loans in Canada, on Bonds, Debentures eee have audited the, above Balance Mor son kak « ; se j and Stocks PAHS 3$,430,410:70 Sheet with the books and vouchers at $135,496,514 as compared with and tap ata sk eal; Head Office and with the certified re- $127,242.698 a year ago. To this Calt and = Short ot exceeding ay turns from the branches. Ce re. rn : .oans elsewhere than in Canada 7,056,854:74 ‘We have obtained all the information and explanations that we have requir- sa ed, and we are of the opinion that the $76,062,439:61 transactions of the Bank which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the bank. sine Setition to our verification, at the sin Fe th November; we have; during the * Current Loans and Discounts tn year, checked the cash and verified the Canada (less rebate of interest) $6,529.156:17 Securities representing the investments Other Current Loans and Discounts else- ea coh wank at ite ohist price and prin- ; ‘a ; f : : cipal branches and found them to be in where than in Canada (less rebate of in agreement with the entries tn the terest Pied 4 acs): aE a eee 3,672,372:29 books of the bank relating thereto. heal Estate other than Bank Premises ..... 268,476:20 In our opinion the Balance Sheet is Mortgages on Real Estate sold by the Bank 150,645:10 yrererw, Cave Ge ae Ot the state ‘'verdue debts, estimated loss provided for 248,532:51 the cate ot th Benk cconanie + uk Premises, at not more than cost, less the best of our information and the amounts written off... ...... .., 632,740:61 explanations given to us and are shown : : : Fa by the books of the Bank. Liabililies of customers under Letters of Credit, as per contra 7,186,040:04 T. HARRY WEBB, E. 8. READ, Gt, as°y RR PAGS ha ii dh Auditors of the firm of ul Assets not included in the fore- GEORGE A, TOUCHE @ CO.,, going 837,760:08 with which is amalgamated WEBB, READ & CO.. eee tn Tee ee Winnipeg, 20th December; 1919, $174,989,057:47 $174,989,057:47 cbmppestlinteniens i 'OHN GALT, President H. DP. SHAW, General Manager SS o _- ee = LS W. H. MALKIN of Vancouver, Director Union Bank. of the a ga SR QS —_ grand aggregate interest-bearing deposits which actually represent the public savings contributed $84,376,709, a gain of $15,939,219 ol per cent. But for the heavy public participation in the Victory Loan savings probably would have stood even higher. The total shown, however, will be accepted as highly satisfactory | evidence that the banking cain- paign for increased economy and thrift, based upon the country’s | necessity, is accomplishing a very | full measure of its design. | From the public viewpoint in | } terest will be found in the total of the current loans which reaches | $86,520,156, compared with $74, 021,028 an increase of $12,508,- {27 or 16.89 per cent. | Expansion. | | branches, of whieh 89 were open- | ed during the Park-Union Foreign Banking Por. | vear, a working} Canada to take care of its rapidly « ; : : : : partnership was éntered into with | Increasing rreaiinna! eres he National Park Bank of New/and to provide for vanadian ex-| ae hich branches of the| porters and others doing business: Jook through the classified column York y which shes } york. Jy iabroad, The success , ua | | pe “Puppy Love,” winner, reviewers MR. SHAW Union Bank of Canada. i ; Pp Pore re opened in the addi é xpansion of; poration we , * ea an theta the Do-|Oricut, in the Pacifle coast states| while the story deals ; Er Ares . " sian t aif to a total of 890/}and in Europe, The arrangement se f ; mmion 1Ls¢ ’ Sait oaante i. Ree aa a ‘on Page 5, LEE STARS AT THE WESTHOLME achieved by Lila Lee, the dainty, youthful star, in ier brief cinema experience |placed her in the front rank of / American screen celebrities, Her ‘work in “The Cruise of the Make Believe,” “Such a Little Pirate” and “The Secret Garden,” proved indisputably that she is a stellar attraction of vast importance to exhibitors and her latest picture, should prove a big Lila Lee has been declared by everywhere to be the embodiment of grace and beauty, and ingenuousness personified. In addition to her personal charms, her youth and vivacity, she has mimetic talents of a high order. In her new _ photoplay, Love" she is an ideal heroine, for loves of a girl of sweet sixteen, Miss Lee, being just sixteen her- self, fits the part to a nicety, When you have read the news has We Deliver Promptly When you want coal you do not want to be obliged to wait. The demand for our coal grows daily. Ask those who now use it. LUMP, sacked, $13.50 MINE RUN $12.50 MINE RUN, loose $11,50 per ton, delivered. WHY PAY MORE? Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co, “Puppy with the