Monday, February Pago 2 THE DAILY NEWS. ip, ,9J The Daily. News MAIL SCHEDULE . . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News iMondays, Wednesdays and Sal-irdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9;30 a. in. 91 The Greatest Name in Goody-Land IBM IF! ,v H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editop.. From the East. mi Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays mi at 5:45 p. m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: II w CityDelivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Tor Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Tuesdays ...5 p.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Thursdays 10 p.m. l! m know the Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. Telephone 98. realm of childhood From Vancouver TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. Sundays 10 p.m dreams .Vpdnesdavs 10:30 a. in Contract Rates on application. 4 ..londay, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22 is a (and of at 9 a. m.- TO SUBSCRIBERS sweets. DAILY EDITION. Monday, Feb. 10, 1919. . For Anyox: Subscribers to The News m - Sundays 10 p.m are asked to pay the delivery Make some of Tariff Controversy VednesJays 10 p. m ! boys each month Very -Important. when they call, except those dreams Developments in the tariff controversy are broadening th where payment has been From Anyox: a delightful Tuesdays scope of intere'st and adding emphasis to the importance of im made for the year in advance. .'hursdays p. m mediate action at Ottawa, says the Financial Post. The deman The boys when reality by hf, that something be done is backed by an increasing volume of collecting which cany should olllcial receipts always For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet faking home public opinion. The idea of the Government that the issue might be preserved. points: be evaded during the coming session, that sleeping political Sundays iu p.m canines might be left in repose during the reconstruction period WRIGLEYS From Port Simpson and Naas is proving untenable. The interests of the manufacturer, of the River Points: worker and of the farmer d?mand that the whole national policy Salvation Army. Tuesdays p. m. frequently. in regard to revenues and protection be considered in relation'lo i'ublic meetings, Tuesdays, the problems to be solved and that the tariff be revised on i Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p Queen Charlotte Islands: For Masselt, Port Clements and How about scientific basis. r.. Sundays at 7:30 p. in. Upper Island points: While the stand of the manufacturers is one in which they tonight? It is just cheap to get or Skidrgate Queen Charlotte are fully justified, it is, however, questionable if they have taken printing done as well and done your at City and Lower Island points the best method of expressing that justification. There is an lome as it is to send it away. Try anuary 23, Feb. fi, 20 March 0 evident effort to convince the public that the maintenance of th The Ncv.'s Print Shop. 20lh, at 7 p.m. SEALED TIGHT tariff is in the interests of the public only.. Why should they not KEPT RIGHT argue straight from their shoulder that it is in their own interest Advertise in the Daily News. rrom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: which of understands and that their in everyone, course, LAND ACT From Skidegale. Queuii Charlotte Flavour tercsts are also the interests of the public? If the tariff cannot City and Lower Island points The SKEENA LA.ND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF be justified from this standpoint it cannot be justified from any QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar Lasts! standpoint. 1 i and 25th, a. m. TAKE NOTICE that. Eugene Huispbrey If Not Justified, Simpson of Prince Rupert, occupation MADE For Skagway and the Yukon. master mariner, Intends to apply for per-mljslou Should Be Change. to lease trie following described anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a.m. The manufacturers should emphasize the important part land: Commencing at a post planted at a wit Yukon. they are playing in national development and national prosperity ness post situated at tne Intersection ol From Skagway and Febuary 1 and 15 They are building up business and industrial centres which pro the north boundary or Lot J33J, with the a. in. shore line; thence north 20 chains, thence vide employment for labor and markets for farm products, they east SO chains, more or less, to the shore Uewart, Maple Bay and Swamp are paying heavy taxes towards the expenses of the country, they line; thence following shore line to the Point. point of commencement, containing 30 acref are so treating raw materials that they, reach the consumer in a more or less, situated near k'lum-Kwol Bay. .lose Jan 31; Feb. it, 28, 10 pin stale which means the highest margin of profit to Canada. If the EUGENE II. SIMPSON. Arrive Feb. 3, 17: March 3rd Morris Doumont, Agent. protection which permits them to do this is not justified in actual Date, December 3rd, to IS. F. 19 When you have read tne news Prince of Music benefits to the people then it is time for a change. But for forty Rupert Academy FORESHORE LEASE look through the classified column years the people have shown by their votes, and Government LAND ACT on Page 5. Phone 104 613 THIRD AVENUE Phone 104 leaders of both sides of politics have been convinced, that a pro ollco of Intention to Apply to Lmii Land INSTRUCTION CIVEN PRIVATELY tective policy is desirable. in SKeena Land itisirici, itecoraing uis- Principal rlct of Sfceena, and situate on the west Wm. Balagno Modern French and Sevcik Violin Schools What is more, the policy of protection has been responsible onh ast and of Smith west of Island,Oceanic about Cannery,two Range miles Will Edmunds Violincello, Mandolin, Cornet and Euphonium for the investment in industry of millions of the savings of tlie ive, coast District. Harry Reid Clarinet and Sasaphone Taice notice iai we tne uosse. Miuera people. Today there are millions more available and American 'acking Company Limited, of Vancouver, MUSIC-ARRANGED FOR BAND OR ORCHESTRA ccupationr Intend to apply ORCHE :SA iinnerymen. MEMBERS OF THE WEST1IOLME THEATRE CONCERT and British capital is also showing a willingness to cxwne in. But or permission to lease tne rouowing ae cribel lands: industrial progress is held up by the conflicting interests and the Commencing at a post planted at the TIMBER SALE X 1208. ortlieast corner: thence south to chains. present agitation. The Financial Post believes that it is the duty ollowlng high water mark; thence west Sealed tenders will be received bv the cnains to tow water marie; tnence norm of Sir Thomas While, as Minister of Finance, to call together the i chains, following low water mark: Minister of Lands not later than noon on hence east 3 chains to place of beginning, the 58111 day of February. 1010. for the STEEN & LONGWILL The Gurvich various interests to discuss the whole matter, the outcome of nn containing s.u acres, more or less. purcuasc ol licence a nun, to cut I,(133, UUSSE, NILLEHD PACKING CO-HTAHY uuu leci, o. m or ceaar ana spruce on an which, we are convinced, would be the appointment of the commission LIMITED. area situated on west shore or Ellerslli I )atcd 3rd December, 1918. FU Channel, Range 3, Coast District. SANITAR . mnD HEATING Transfer of experts to represent industry, agriculture and labor, Three years will be allowed for removal of timber. ENGINEERS LAND ACT which we have so long advocated. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er. Victoria, D. C, or District Forester. Kotlce of Intention to Apply to Leas Land Prince Rupert, B. c. I; Reciprocity in skcena Lana District. Recording a s- Agents for Phone Green 548 rlct of Skeena. and situate on the wcsl TIMBER SALE Best Policy. oast'Ive Coast of Smith District.Island, about two miles X1442. racCLARY FURNACES P.O."'Box 102 Omce. KraserSt The News does not favor the pulling down of all barriers lorth and west of Oceanic Cannery, Range i Scslcd tenders will be received bv the against the rest of the world as yet. We do advocate, however, acklng lane nonce Company mat Limited,we, tne of uosse,Vancouver,Miuera Minister of Lands not later than noon on PLUMBINQ Sell Coal We .. C occupation intend to the J8th day of February. ISIS, for the : : that the widest possible scheme of reciprocity with the United apply for permission lease the following purchase or Licence X 1449, to cut 3,497,-000 and rect, B, M., of spruce. Cedar, Hemlock Slates shall be allowed. The people of the West have been loo uescriDea commencing lanas:at a post planted at the and Balsam on an area situated on Big SHEET METAL WOilKS iruiwesi corner: inence east iu cna ns: Lake, Ellerslle Channel, Range 3, Coast Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. long exploited for the benefit of the manufacturers of the East. hen co south 20 chains; thence west 10 District. The open door to the south would prove the salvation of this nains 0 chains to nign following water high mark;water iiienre mark norm and of Three timber.years will be allowed for removal Night phonos 576 Barsalou's ontaining is.o acres, more or less. Further particulars of the Chief Forest-, and Blue 270 country. UUSSE, MILLEJ1D l'ACKINO COMPANY Victoria. B. C. or District Forester. LIMITED Prince Rupert, It. C. Th right work, sit the right ATF.D 3rd December. .1018. Ft 4 time, and at the right prise. Motor Transfer N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC COLUMBIA. TION ACT TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow Moving the vClty of Vancouver In the Province Furniture of British Columbia did on the 23rd day and Baggage R. S. C. Chapter 115. of January, A. D. 1919, Issue a Wrir of Express The Northern B. C. Fisheries Mmltrrf Summons out of the above Court herein, Hotel Hyder hereby gives notice that they have, under claiming as against you specific performance "section 7 of the said Act. deposited will of an Agreement for the sale or Lot WE HANDLE COAL the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa 19, Block 31, Section 8, City or Prince I' ' B" ' na in tne onice or tne District Registrar Rupert, and, payment or the balance of the Portland Canal, B.C. Nlttut ana Dy Thorn i2 f the Land IteiiStrv Dislrlrl nf Prlnrn purchase monies, and Interest duo under Rupert, at Prince Rupert, B C, a descrln saia Agreement ana an accounting, and f lion of the site and the nlans rnr iinnm declaration that he Is entitled tn a v,n. M. JAMIESON, Proprietor docking and mooring of cannery and fish- aor Lien upon tne lot arorrmenlloned In ra uuaia as proposed on a portion or respect oi me purcnase monies, in teres) ur cg&iiiitiuii uaroour at I'on tssington taies and costs and the enforcement o FOR ELECTRICAL VVOilK 1 front of Lots 3 and i. BlorU 3. Eialnir. the said Lien by sale of Your inter,-t tm Gi'.tuSay !u ihe a.-nom .Jjtu!, A.',e ton Townslte, being a sub-dlvlslon of Lot der the said Agreement and an Order can-celling Go to , Range 5, Coast District. the registration or the said Agree . i And take notice that after the expiration merit in the Land Registry nmce and cost? one month from the date or tii nrm DATED at Prince Rupert. D. C , till-?5lh . Now Open for him publication of the said notice, the Northern day of January, A. I), to I a. CPA Wddfl! i.. r unrries LiiiiiieQ will under section TO WILLIAM FRASER. Of tho said Act. BDDlv to the Mlnljlpr r,r Public Works at his omce In the City of THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Ottawa for armroval or the sairi iia ni COLUMBIA. 336 2nd Ave. plans end for leave to use the ald fore- IN PRORATE. snore ror tne storage, docking and mooring Phones F T"E ADM1:V,3TnA of cannery and nshrrmen's boats. TJON ACT" Kolci IVnce R: OREEN-W I'sreu at Vancouver, U. C this 3rd day and perl CL'CK 367 January. 19 to. THE MATTER IIP THE ESTATE OF In Lamps- N'iflTIIFHN II. C. FISHERIES LIMITEH. PETER l.YSVK; DECEASED: Save Money C. A. Crosble. Secretary. FS8 TAKE NOTICE that In nrrW r.r m, EUROPEAN PLAN ; Honour F. McB. Young, made the 88th lav WATER NOTICE of January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed S1.C0 per day and up. ! administrator to tho estate of I'eter Lvsyk deceased, and all parties huvinir eliii, IiIVERSION AND USE. against the said estate are hereby required FIRST-CLASS CAFE DENTISTRY TAKE NOTICE that Thru J. klrVnait Irk to furnish same, pronerlv verini-ri tr. hoso address Is Terrsce. n. r. . uiii .nr.u- on or before the 3rd day of March 1919 A Ln Carte. for a licence to lake and use l ruble font and all parties Indebted to the estate arc per second of water out of Thornhll! Creek required to pay the amount of their In-debtcdness office novn which flows north and drains Into Skeena to me forthwith. to 6.3B ' 1 130 p.m. River about 100 feet west of Ferry Landing. JUHN II. MULLIN, 9 a.m. to 121 Official ArlmlnllifB The water will be diverted from th DATED this 3 1st day of January. tOlff! DR. J. S. BR WN Sfcf ream at a point about itoo reet inmh. St. James Hotel DENTIST east of the Skeena River, and will bo used In tha mattar of an bii'iIa .... Third for power purpose upon the land derrlb. ssue of a fresh Certinraio r ifui.fnii.i! Offle.1 Smith Block, as Lot 839, Range 6, Coast District. 7"IfHp.VJf.." (LATE "QUEENS") Phono .?? njort 7. section rrn'M This notice was nosted on the rpmmii nn , FIRST CLASS ROOMS v. i nuiirri, may VK3, inp win aay or January. 1919. a copy of Notice Is hereby riven iimt n i. Hot and Cold im. iiuui-u aiiu an application pursuant !mer,lSn o u. fter the eiplratlon Water. therrto and to the "Water Ad oii win thirty days frcm the nrat nnhiti-.n,, hi..' -MA be filed In the omce of the Water Recorder of, a fresh Certificate of Title to the above 60o par Night, and S3 par Wk. WAY At the Empress Thettre tonight i rrince iiupert. mentioned lots, In the name of Tho North MISS M. A. Objections, to the appllettlon may be wwrhrm,.?."'1. ,nfment Company filed with the said Water Recorder or with la tstti TEACIIEKOFMU Ihe Comptroller or Water March Queen Cliarlollo Islanders Rights, Parliament m1- Jnd.KWI.rS,,"'re1 on appllciuon can. Subscribe for The Daily News thirty Rulldlnrs.days after Victoria,the first appearance n r. within of i"s?CNoV.eiiBi.,,nd rebrury- mi. and lot do bettor than mall tholr 309 Second tw"f Avon"9 una iiiuire in local n'wspiper. Land 'Registry' omce Prince Rupert. B C printing needs to. The News Print TVln with .tuJmtl of " n rims, j, kiliKPATRlCK, Jinuary ConMryntolr. Applicant. nd. 1919. Toronto BU,1 The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia The date of the first Dubllratlnn or ihia ii, r, Maci.EOD, shop and got tho work done ! primary to iwlvancou. notice I January 8, 1919. i District Registrar of Titles. romplly and well, . I