TUB DAILY .NEWS. Monday, February '919. Page 6 1 1 T.iKnJnil OiiAnmln VNAVY LEAGUE j Notes J Local News 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 Wl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G. H. Arnold i lucouay apouiaio WANTS FLEET the NOTARY PUBLIC The train look out four cars oi t "sweetesi" tish this morning. Christie's Assorted We Buy Chas. V. Smith arrived last Biscuits, in bulk, FOR DOMINION story that ever night on the train frm Haielfon. 35c per lb. Victory Bonds Including the folowing I was told W. P. Herman was among the Large Sum to br Spent in Helping . Peach Sandwich cams from fwtm. i Ma. highest ' market train arrivals from Haysporl last Sailors and Dependents Funds th Utnch. .It turnx) ,i.ia... "T "i Paying Royal Canadian et llt-lmo.t .'"""'lot price for them. nighL Apple Blossom Permitting. wis a wcnd.rful ltti ,..,?..-"? h" a -... picture, cf th. Mk,, Uru ,ni J,, f: Any quantity. All The Rev. A. . Price arrived in Arrowroot (Special rli O.T.P. TeJecrtt-ba.) all to b. th. prI( of till. Bih' maturities.No delay. town from up river on the train Cocoanut Bar Victoria, B. CL, Feb. 10. The last nighL Coroanut Brittle Dominion Convention of the Navy el9 AND to Mlp LO ROSE you k.,p PASTRY..,,r FLOUR mt,,t I. Fig Bar 'League of Canada went on record will b.kt .h .hort Md II H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. C V. Calhoun arrived from Sultana that the Navy League of Canada th.t you will n,.r w.nt u IMP ffi Insurance-ReAl Isate the south on the Chetohsin at Ginger Nut is in favor of a naval policy fon whwt. It I. cultr hn4H tni rH tt lM.t 25 pr cnt. Im. ort.nlnr 2l5SixASL, Pri3ceRiiii-l.SC noon today. Assorted Marshmallow Canada which will have regard to cfnfrc. .'I I Pineapple the needs of the entire British A. R. Lee from Inverness was Assorted Sandwich rood License .lo. lit JJ-ijj. and in deciding such Empire upon among the arrivals on the train a policy the political exigencies ?M VANCOUVER MiLUXG last nighL V- i'C' WW & 6RA1N CO. should be disregarded and the opinion SALE! Tbe Caelohsin arrived in port Rupert Table Supply Co. of the most eminent naval LIMITED FOR Vila OOc.ud USk today at noon, with a very light r PHONES 211, 212 strategists alone considered. The Brmacbc;Victoria.Nuairao,Vancomr Kr WntoW passenger lisL Cual Faea Beard lino. t-3tS fundamental idea shall be empire naval defence and that the fleet Three house room Coining next Wednesday and union may be either acquired or $600 Thursday, with Wednesday matinee, built and that the Dominion shall "The Fall of the Romanoffs.' BURGLAR TRIES retain contrpl of their ships and Five room Bouse that there shall be complete Pie. Cole who has been sojourn standardization of tbe personnel, $850 ing in town for a week or so, left TO FORCE SAFE ships and equipment, and that foe Terrace on the train this Both of these houses are the whole shall be of tbe best, and on rood, level lots, about morning. that in times of war all fleets shall Someone Enters Store of Lips;tt be under one supreme command. four blocks from the dry-dock- If you are feeling: blue, see & Cunningham and Pries The sum of 1900,000 will be Polly AIo ran and Mack Swain in Combination On sent lo England in connection a Mack Sennett comedy at the with the work among sailors and Inner Vault. Westholme lonighL It ... their dependents. Grants will be 0 McCaffery, Gibbons made to dependents of seamen in Pat Phillipson was among the With no clue except a bachelor's passengers leaving for the east button and some finger prints on Canada on the same basis as men & Doyfe, Ltd. on the train this morning, lie in the Canadian Navy. The Lea hr.avW "H continue these has gone to Hazellon on business. incr rnr a'man rhn ir,- in paying ... 1 :l ......1. f;mA I K a f Asi.r,trf Insurance Real Estate open thn, i.f. . Ka cI.m .f iUUUI aui.ll wiuc as .ucivuuu. Miss Way wishes her students & Seamen's Pension Act is enacted BIRTH Lipselt Cunningham on Saturday to be at Mrs. McLennan", Fourth in Canada, funds permitting. WAR VETERANS Prince Rupert, B. C. night on Sunday morning. There was born to Mr . j Mr, Avenue, at 4:30 on Tuesoay for the Apparently burglar was in the DORIES OF KINQ AND WINCE Geo. A. Kelsey, of Scv v. j Ave purpose of forming with them a musical club.. It terrupted by Police Constable LOST IN A THICK SNOWSTORM KILL LEAGUE East, al the Prince R p t oca. Bailey who passed that way soon eral Hospital on Febr iy i a after midnight and turned his The Chinese opium case which .Continued From Page One son light into the window. At any OF BOB ROGERS' was brought before Magistrate a 1 .11 M 1 a 1 M. M, STEPHENS Carss on Friday was again before rate iuc aneuipv uj urea-, irno uesw filw, u nn th. "ind-nendent In "All Woman' Ma: Msrihi safe failed and the ' his worship this morning and ad burglar got ,ay,. by which the ownerg gel omTJ ability to grip the hcx t sti n ROT ART PUBLIC journed till tomorrow. away. 'fifth of tbe entire catch and then At Meeting Last Night True In. of people is her strongest 5$e' ... When Harry Lipsett left the Ihe men share the rest after pay. wardness of Political Association See. hen at the Westh- ' igt Mrs. W. Bellany, J. E. Davey, siore uq eaiuruajr UIgU. uie the operaling expenses. For- was Exposed Mrs. I. LinnelL A. J. Lancaster was open except foe the combina- 'mer,y she took hercalcn to Seattie and Action Taken. and Miss H.L. Crux are the musi uon leaning w me casu auiu Qr Unded it al juneau and had it FffiS ALARM STSTta. cal artists at the Shakespeare The second compartment was for fonrarded by lhe iim steamers to Winnipeg, Feb. 10. The Soldiers FOR RENT Festival in the Methodist Church the books but that the b(keeper thal port Xow ghe ge ber and Sailors Parliamentary ctRcurr no. i. Six-roomed house, bath, hot Wednesday night. seemed to have forgotten to close.'calcn wherever is thought advis- Protective League o f Canada( Bo. 12 IU SL tod Srd Are. ... usea nisei. of its brief . Soi IS lib SL and ird Atc. ab,e and capn Miller expects to ame to the end career and cold waleri electric light, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kremmer Yesterday it was discovered Bo i 14 tb SL tai 3rd Are. thjs is is concerned, j be here oflen as ne sayg so far as Winnipeg eoi IS Junction of ML tod u chicken house and garden, were among the passengers arriving that the hasp on the cellar door the natural-market for the fish. -had at an emergency mass meeting ot j Ird for rent from Seattle on the Chel- been. pried open and the com- , RftSCUed Stefansson. the Great War Veterans Sunday Bor 18 HI Are, ttttvrea Ita utf ohsin this morjiing. They will i uinaiion- .- i uaa a i ueea cuiseien i ou v.i iue I rr-k. i.-.- . i.-, ' iv. SUi Sis. (m Hotel! $20.00 slay with Mrs. Kremmer's sister, surface of the safe door, but he thal rescued stefansson in 1914 j The Veterans assembled lo hear E.i inl 17 Hctrl).IM Ue. and 'th Si Mrs. Scaife, for a while. had failed to open the safe and , tj t.i a ck. -1 4. ..:.v. ,i -....'" ... . . . "' seems in h.VA Kaon HictnrhAjl in - CIRCUIT RO. 2. Pal O'Brien, section foreman bis work and got away. The son and was on ner flrst voxage.j Vice-President J. O. Newton, Sec-1 S 22 Ird Are aod Ird 5 :i at Usk, arrived in town for the tO OCcei. tO have burglar seems tl?ed Th hlat has bn si,own )n lh rMnrv V W I.aa- A. I.nnlpv and' International Brotherhood o f -. 23 -Srd Are. anl H'B' ll t of eel- M. M. Maintenance of enter the store by way the movie3 aU over tne world and other comrades and finally passed Sot 2-tx Are. aod M S" 1: St Way Employees' Stephens but there ad- lar, finding was no b)ols have been .itj about a resolution declaring that Boa 25- KJ ire. and tad S3. held here last He REAL ESTATE INSURANCE, jmeeting night. mission to oe gameo: mat way ne ner Sne is la tnan olber Wheras. it is proven to lhe 3o 28-'-Ate. aod CI SI :returned to Usk this t iL. a;ta J on morning's -1 FINANCIAL. AQENT ' Bif 27 C. T. P. eiuereu mo toilet, vwuuow auu uy fl,hins. boat in northern waters .ali.fartion nf lhl m-Plintr lhat itijiin. Jrom there into the office. passed ber tonnage being 140 gross or the Soldiers and Sailors Parlia- CIRCUIT RO. 3. A ieast of good Ihings the Meard 0,'e: 97 net. She carries eight dories mentarv Protective League is al? S.i 31--.I Are. an- r Sr Shakespeare Festival on Wednesday The tenants who live above the and nineteen men. tool of Hon. Robert Rogers and li" K.drn aod Ttj t 5U. store uearu a noise iu tue store n ,ha rm u.t i , i v 1 i,-f i t-i 34 7ife Ate. aihi f :i SI night at 8 in the Methodist c.i 35 t Are aad i Aie. beneath after midnight, but Church. Principal Brady will soon just arrived she brought in near- be it unanimously resolved that Baa 37- 1 Art. aod D:'Tt U COAL! present scenes, W. S. A. Crux will had no idea that any nefarious ,y fifty though poUnds of fish, we kiH it." j Bo i ss -th Are. aod Th-Z., I - !$9 and Dr. worji was in progress. hn. hf,r Panafitv u &unrthiri?! r-. r.r riioH i interpret a play, Kergin ' The police are worting on the CIRCUIT RO. 4. will be director. ,ike l6Qfi00 ,bs Her sh ere'intenUon of resigning forthwith -2 ... case but have so far not succeed if 6i 41 Ae aod Lmn:a not sold yesterday, but are ex- the secretaryship of the Leatrue. While it lasts, as in a few rU. weeks moie shipments will Word has been received in town ed in making any arrests. pected to be taken today and sie'of returning to eaeh member their c 2 St Aw. ai.i ' telling of the wedding of Dannie will then get away immediately subscription? and of destroying 9ji 43 Sit Are. ar) Crrea SL stop for a period owing to BASKET SOCIAL WAS ' Si. ti- cat Are. asd sau sl Mcllravey in Glasgow, Scotland, for the fishing grounds. the membership roll. 1 the road from the mine to recently. Dannie used to work HELD AT "w w . : rri , . Boi V Jib w. arj Elxru. I iue leteraua were waraeu to SL T Telkwa breaking up, as at - j Sti 141 Jib Ue. ari ir in the G.T. P. shops here, and mm I See the rlatiflel ad. An nairr (un f nnlitif nl n,,ir present we haul over the ice. c i n... nnn rn.An,.n .i ' v. v. went to Scotland in 1915, when - nwi " five. politicians. Delivery charges added, or Pacific, arrived in town on last tbe call for skilled workmen went J arrange your own delivery J ouL Since that lime he has been night's train lo attend the Inter- J from car. i helping to build the much-needed national Brotherhood of Mainle-' 'ships on tbe Clyde. nance of Way Employees' meet-'' $5.00 for $40C 3 Terminal Coal Co. i ... ing held here last nighL The Ladies of the W. A. of the He reports a very successful Phone Black 85 or Anglican Church are giving an dance given at Pacific last Saturday And every dollcr 93, PacIUc Cartage,Ltd. "At Home" at the residence of Mr. al the Nicholl Hotel for the worth more! and Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Fourth benefit of the school there, about 'Avenue, late Pioneer Club from thirty couplesbeing present. Each 3 to 6 in the afternoon, and from lady brought a basket of food 8 in the evening, on Wednesday, which was sold to the highest THE 12th February, 1919. A sale of bidder, tbe purchaser having the Government home cooking will be held and privilege of taking supper with lea will be served in the afternoon. the lady who brpught the basket E CO I E There will be a musical About $75 was realized from Security in programme, and refreshments in the dance. Tbe excellent music 417 Fifth Ave. East the evening. All gentlemen as was provided by Mr. Moody. Mr. Small Denominations Phones 18 and 36 well as ladies are cordially invit Alger returned to Pacific this v ed to the latter. A minimum morning. rood Licence So. Strut. If War-Savings Stamps were offered in denominations charge of 25c. will be made. It SPECIAL At the police court this morning of$40 and $80 only, redeemable in 1924 at Frjday and Saturday with Sat before Magistrate Car?s, Won. $50 and $100 respectively, only a limited number urday matinee, "The . Beast of O'Donnell, an old timer here who ThisMonlh each could the interest return. Helnr 3 iMKUr Catraa.for ret. tbe, bov !.tie Berlin" and the surrender of the has been working up river, was $4.00 of people profit by high Brtnr" f-icAlea, an tic onvicted of drunkeness and fined uih. rrg. UfUlt"now role A fcoans, rt-c oe.ic ennan navy. 11 10 or ten days in jail. He pleaded lltzl Month $4.01 each But nearly everyone in Canada can, and should new S tor sec guilty. invest $4.00 periodically in these Government Bemx's Pork A Beaaa, j-Ql 1 Ask your Grocer or Druggist rt-r- c bov .. .. rcr se compound securities earning 4J& cent, ior inorpo s non-aicononc wine. F AArMrVaaaAMaiMM over per Jusl arrived by the Princess JVC DOT BSC Tibif nn rrc. sse. w . . . c -'na, 800 tons of New Wellington interest W-S.S. are sold at Money-Order Post Table Fir, j.. rtr- t tor tie now t tor lie al Albert & McCaffery. phone Offices, Banks and wherever the sign is displayed. rrw Epr. per Aaua SSc r i iinmn t nnrt nun 115. tf Wlbrat, per sack, rtt- tl-Zi. acv K.St THRIFT STAMPS LATEST DANCES Spirella Corsetire. Black 357. fte!leio Brscerg Csipg t t'jvai utr-ruruce It coe J Ptritic aloraJUapcra wS Byoa Thrift LTD. x -ui- beti Vioa Urtcbtrt. Stastpt, at 25 cti tock. Affix Utn t Ttiw Si&rle teM4 lHMin ft.OS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY of tkm to m Thrift Card bm( ea can Sf-u uan t.a ! uxckoKf fr m WS.S. thU monlA. PHONE BLUE 389. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Second SUBSCRIBE FOR LEONA BUSHNELL hand sewing machine, in good 23 V.ALtEKS KUtIC STORE. 2 AVE. condition. Apply hot 23 Daily The Daily News Xrws oJDce. 35