arv 10, 1919. THE DAILY NEW8. . rent "' Page 3 I SMART '& STEEN WESTERN DRAMA AT . m Fuller Grocery EMPRESS THEATRE Canada Food Board License -35652 8amo Company that Played "That tyTOS ELIVPY Dovll Batesso" Now Seen In I ONE 45 PHONE o H "Tho Desire of the Moth." Culler's Vetl Tea, 0c lb. 5 lb, lott at S5c. Spcrlar Tr 50c lb, 5-lb. Thcrp is a western story at Uio Iota at 41c lb. These Teas will U ro ""- Empress Theatre, a story that I"1""1 ,i, Blscu Mc- suit you as well or better than cay P"1 ;". n U H"-a all s'"-i.-i-i,. of the other standard blends, grips. It is called "The Desiro kz-wr-m cheese Ful,cr,m soc ,b- lllrei No. I Japan, -...15c per lb. of the Moth" and is played by the Iiruflirs, brooms and whisks, 'nsV Washboards, etc., or all kinds. same company that featured in m?iexts .). ",r. coffee 31bs i. uact nsi.iarge mwMw nusmail n?2 ma I IDS. I. "i1""' 'That Devil Bateese." JMT' !"" I tt to i.ct ct Tivtot I nTToviae tosiwuT tire sot.Quiurr s t. i (murr Watch Tomorrow's A full I Julian The trio and Ruth Monroe CliTiord,Galsbury,Rupert El 30.00H 2s.oo 22.0010 noo i6.00toi2.00 10.0010 8.00 10.0010 5.00 4.0010 2io 100 to 1.00 line of variety Specials !make a great team. They attracted Candy tobaccos much attention in the picturo WINTER 3.00lo 2i0 225(o 1.75 1.60to UO l.lOlo 0 1.00to .75 .50to .40 SHOT DAMAGED f AND KITTS IT i that was shown hern recently In Always ask for and Insist on FALL 2J0lo 1.90 Wlo 1.60 liOlo 120 l.OOlo AT HIGHEST i the story of tho eastern logging .80 iSlo .60 J5to 2S Jersey Brand Creamery Butter ror MARKET VALUE quality, and L. M. F. Eggs as strictly camps and are said to be equally 'hespchc.reAHcVrUT.?; NURIRAUBCE N?l,URGE N5I MEDIUM N9I.SMALL HI 2 NJ3 THESE fresh. There can be better igooil in the western drama. ' Blackberries. none in TO kVCPAGC EXTRA TO AVCMOt tXTR TO VOUf f rrmt to tvtntst TO Bl QUtlrTr 1 15 TO Wl OUtLITT 'dins aJm,ii'v- for eating. I he Lyons and Moran comedy HEAVr EXTREMELY B ."i Fu,,er-S fecial our own syrups are coming Into and the Current Events round out WfllFnrj 30.00to24.00 22.00to 18.00 16.00(o 14.00 12.00 to 10.00 llMlo 6.00 iOOto 2.00 HIGH PRICES '.'i.'. ... ih s-allon 35C demand. a first rale program. QUOTED FOR COYOTE 22.00IO 18.00 16.00to 14.00 12.00(0 10.00 00to 7.0Q 9.00to 5.00 lOOto liO IMMEDIATE 1M MARSH SEEN IN SHIPMENT For more lhn thlrty.fivc ycar "SHUBERT"hu been giving Fur Shipper!an honert and liber ...ortml-p.,ing thm bih.. m.rk.t price, ..riding returns out promptlf r.nd.riut"btt.rirric." "ouiclc.r." Nollcente Is required tothlpCanadlanRaw Fun from VERY EXCITING ROLE any part ol Canada to SHUBERT." ShlpmenU valued at more than,100 must be marked"GENERAL IMPORT LICENSE P B F 30." "SHUBERT" Wants British Columbia Furs All Yon Can Ship A"SHUBERT TAG ENVELOPE"on your ihlpment meant "more money" Tangle at Country Roadhouse for your fun "quicker" "the belt end SERVICE in the world." Storage Batteries House Wiring Where Heroine Finds Herself GET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY Peculiarly Involved " There Is No Dnty on Raw Furs Coming Into Chicago from Any Part of Canada" rt,raed and Repaired in all its branches No Loss of Time While J and Luckily Escapes. Your Battery Is Being ; Overhauled. Another Is ELECTRIC-IRONS Mao Marsh as Susan Sweeney Available. the factory girl, who went to a Always GRILLS mountain community to claim an Agents For TOASTERS inheritance and found herself jn tVIKRUDE Portable RANGES a tangle of exciting circumstances Motors. HEATERS flnd3 for herself an interesting CAILLE Englnos for VACUUM CLEANERS role in which she is seen tonight Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES at the Westholme Theatre. CERCLE FRANCAISE iiiiiiiiiiiitniHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii REGAL Engines for Instead of the splendid hotel MET ON SATURDAY Trolling. LAMPS which she thought she had in The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS herited, Susan finds a miserable PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS roadhouse, frequented by the La Cercle Francaisc of Prince Dent ENGINE FOR worst element in the country. Rupert, which was formed here istry FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, during the latter months of last ETC. year, had its first meeting on DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH 1 Saturday afternoon. The president Full Iins of Electrical Apparatus in stock. is Mrs. Aivazoff, and its sec & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. retary, Miss McLenaghen. One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your !arkin The object of this new organization Efficiency ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Cox 67 is to promote the knowledge of the French language, and 3SHB T affgTTH H1 Jill I'M I,I 111 'X V J.'.Hfrr.r.t I JB3W through this means, of the French people among Canadians. All the conversation and a Hairs of the Cercle arjj conducted in French. Or ayne Already there is a good membership, and as there are many more lhng Look Brighter people in town who speak- and - OFFICE HOURS: JE s understand the French language, EE Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 3 fj a larger membership roll is ex W arW W"W pected soon. The Prince Rupert EE Dental Nurse in attendance. jfjj Cercle expects to amalgamte later Phone 109 for appointment with tho Cercle Francaise of Van "Mirrd"- Aluminium Ware couver. Ii.:ing Bowls Percolatcrs Breaa Pans Iliililil!li!il!!IHiHl!i!ilHiiiifiiil!NI ii(ifiiiiii!!!.i!iilil!i!i!lllllllll!llllllllllll Thero may be something you Combination Kettle and Double Boiler want. See the classified column Frypans on Page 5. Advertise in tho Dailv Npw ldward Lipsett, President Harry Lipselt, Manager jMirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping Edward Cunningham, Vice-President rs.m 111 ii ill in p 8YNOP8I5 OF v j Call and see the latest shipment at Pre-emption LAND ACT now AMENDMENT confined to surveyed Lipseit-Cunningham & Co. Rather than take the advice of binds only. Records will be granted covering only ustin Strong, a young lawyer; land suitable for agricultural purposes FRED STORK'S HARDWARE and political leader, and return and Partnership which Is non-timber pre-emptions land.abolished, k LIMITED home, Susan determines to stay but parties of not more than four may FISHING. & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with and do what she can to relieve the Joint residence, but each making necessary SECOND AVENUE Improvement!, on respective claims. Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories distress caused by the liquor I're-emplors must occupy claims for IrafTlc in the town. five years and make Improvements to Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes.and Cordage value of $10 per acre. Including clearing Miriam, the sister of Strong, and cultivation recelv g Crown of at least Grant.S acres, before PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. elopes with a dissipated young Where i emptor In occupation not svsa 4 man and they seek shelter in less than Improvements,it nars, and has he may,made because proportionate Registered Ofilce: Prince Rupert Office: Susan's hotel, intending to bo of Ill-health or other cause, be granted 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 Intermediate certificate of Improvement none 131 O.iice-14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 marr.ied next day. When they and transfer his claim. Records without permanent residence-may Vancouver, B. C. . P. O. Box 1698 have registered Susan begs them be Issued provided applicant makes Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. to consider what they aro doing, numj Improvements and records to same extent each of 1300 year.per Failure an. and succeeds iri persuading them same ta will make operate Improvements as forfeiture.or record Title to return homo. cannot be obtained on these claims In lens than 5 with Improvements of m i mmi i Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors The hotel register is about td 110 per cultivated,acre,years,including and residence S acres cleared of at Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 and fJtimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete be used by a rival of Strong's in least 2 years. tho campaign then waging. Dick, Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may If he re- Plant Installations tho young man, tries to buy the ?ulres record without another land In actual pre-emption.conjunction occupation,with provided his For Comfort, Courtesy and Service i Northern B.C. Representatives fellow off and a fur,ious fight en statutory Improvements made and anadian Electric sues in which the blackmailer is residence maintained on Crown grunted WestinirhoUSe Electrical Equipment, THESAVO '"SlKsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 anxious to killed. Susan, save Ranges. Motors, Generators. homesltes; P.o TTnr;if acres, may be leased as Lamps, &c. Strong's political prospects, title io be obtained after fulfilling residential and Improvement conditions. F. TBOWNESS, Manager Poodyear Tiro & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose shields Dick and smuggles him For graalng and industrial purposes, areas exceeding 8t0 acres may be leased Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. h Co., Toronto. "Extra Power" lielting. out of her room at midnight. by one penwwi of company.' Panada Wire This is only part,of tho story. PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. & Cable Bare" and Insulated Copper. The scope of this Act Is enlarged to Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water Ld., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. Include all persons Joining and serving The flshinsr boat H. & R. left for with Hls Majesty's Forces. The time within which the heirs or devisees of a omestic Engineering d,ico" uBht Products her fishing grounds on Saturday deceased pre-emptor may apply for t'O.. Davton .. Isolated Electric Plants afternoon, Tho Allen went out one title year under from this tho Act death Is of extended such person,from Helton vesterday morning and tho Nor- as formerly, until one year after the Water Wheel Co. conclusion of the present war. This Water Wheel and nen arrived from Vancouver Fri privilege Is also made retroactive. IANK- OP-MONTREAL oaa brancisco Hydraulic Apparatus day night. TOWNSITE PROPERTY ACT. ALLOTMENT" acific Coast Pipe Co. Provision Is made for the grant to Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF DniTISII persons holding uncompleted Agreements ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Vancouver COLUMBIA. to Purchase from the Crown of such proportion of the land, If divisible, )odge Manufacturinc Transmission Machinery, fj THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION as the payments already made will "ey8' ACT cover In proportion to the sale price of A Joint CO., Toronto SnglVs, etc. and OP the whole parcel. Two or more persons N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE holding such Agreements may group y'ine of ALUKRT COLE, DECEASED, INTESTATE their Interests and apply for a proportionate Bank Account Westinshouae Mnlnr. I .mn. ,1 fkr F.lec- NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVE? TO WHOM allotment Jointly. If It Is not F'cal IT MAY CONCERN or an Order made by considered advisable to divide the land Equipment and GooJycar Belting carried In stock Ills Honour F, McB. Younj. Loral Juds, covered by an application-for a proportionate in tho above matter on the SOU) day or allotment, an allotment of land Bank Account selected from available A Joint January, A. n. ISI9. a follows: of equal value IT IS ORDERED that tho said John It. Crown lands j" the locality may be McMullln shall be allowed to swear to the made. These 'allotments are conditional enables man and wife, or occurring upon payment of all taxes due the ' ath or .the ssld deceased is the dale rights Crown or of to persons any to municipality,whom the purchaser The two members of the sameV i ft mi the expiration month from from the Crown has agreed to U sell are also protected. The decision of family, to have a Savings WESTHOLME order, unless In the meantime proof the Minister of Lands In respect to the LUNCH to tho reflstrar or this Court at adjustment of a proportionate allotment Account in common, and "rmce Rupert. B. C.. that the saU deceased Is final. The time for making application SECOND AVE. Albert coic was butc for these allotments U limited to make deposits and withdrawals said S7th day of October, 1 8 1 7 1 the 1st dny of May, 1919. Any application HOME AND T IS FURTHER ORDERED that the made after this date will not be COOKING. LADY COOK. considered. These allotments apply to individually. town lots and lands of the Crown sold WINNIPEG BRANCH .., publlo auction. at Fifty a newspaper puuuncu of one month. . For Information apply to any Provincial r. s " 'aia ironi to z.tu anu to a.w. ii iUl. niinV. Ili.nprt. B.C.. tills Ottl Government Agent or to H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. IEil0rto rder all O. n. NAPEN. d.yoFmru..D;,.,, thetlme. Special rates with room and board. Deputy Minister of Lands, Victoria, a. a,