I'll. V SiESLIil For FIRST salt requirements AID KITS he Daily News Bicycles Repairs and If pjnsatlon workmen's Doard Com. Parts piiones,82ao(1200 PRINCE RUPOT AUTO 707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 J- VOL X NO. 135. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1919. Z PRICE FIVK CMT WINNIPEG POUC DISMISSED TO TRY THE GENERAL STRIKE CALLED WAR INSTIGATORS FOR urn lAFUMM tTPIAlT urn BY TRADES COUNCIL AT ;.pcclal via 0. T. P. Telerraptis. Berlin. June 10. The consti tutlonal convention has completed MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT me consideration of bill crcat Ml SCONDUCT CARS TO OPERATE a ; irig a state court to try those ac cuscd of starting, lengthening SEVERAL UNIONS REFUSE TO COMPLY WITH ORDER; and losing the war. It will bo SEPARATION IN LABOR FOLD THERE 18 NO Many Strikers Return to Work at Prairie Capital; Telegraphers bly presented soon. in the National Assem DISPUTE WITH EMPLOYERS HERE Return to Their Jobs and City is Well Protected by Sfkc; for Fishermen. Swivels, At a meeting held last evening, the Union men decided to call 50c. dozen: hooks 3c each. Ful a general strike jn Prince Rupert, commencing at 0 o'clock to Volunteer Police both Foot and Mounted. ler's, Ltd. Phone 45., tf night. Of the unions involved the B. C Loggers, the Longshore men and the railway workers are; already but and four unions, (Special to Tlie flews vl 0. T. P. Telegraphs. JOHN BULL NAILS.THE OLD FLAG TO THE MAST. the Retail Clerks, Eleclpical Workers,- Typographical Union and Winnipeg, Juno 10. The Winnipeg police force has been t lie Carpenters, have decided not to come out. Calculating from u.mlssed as a result of their attitude toward the strike. They the details of the vote taken on Sunday, it will thus be seen that rnt-e Given an ultimatum yesterday that they would be dismissed Ihe general strike willJ)ring out some two hundred more men. at three o'clock, and this was followed by action on the part of There are several hundred other the authorities. It is charged that the men refused to accept the workmen in the city who do not ultimatum and by continuous acts of insubordination and misconduct beloug to any union and it is not FIVEUNIQNS that will be affected expected they made reorganization absolutely Imperative. by the strike order. Any constables who are'willing to sign the new agreement ; Tl. T, J. Ilosc of the Trades and REFUSE TO OBEY will be reinstated immediately. The police say they never sup Labor Council, when giving out ported the sympathetic strike and the issue is one of their own tbe information this morning, STRIKE ORDER Winnipeg Is well protected by special mounted and foot stated that this general strike was called in with the metal sympathy police. H Is expected that the street cars will be running tomorrow wmSSsi Jaw workers at Winnipeg, who were afternoon, according to Information given out at the city on strike for recognition of "collective Engineers, and Carpenters Met hail and following last night's meeting of the city council. bargaining" by the employers Last Night and Decided to Continue to Work. Many strikers are returning to work individually. Seventeen there. The men have no operators on the G. N. W. Telegraph system are back on their dispute in this with city. any of the employers The engineers in the city met jobs. . j ..i'LLSa Mr. Rose was indignant with last evening and after discussing Maac a!a a .limn 1(1 Thfl MnnsA .law fitrAPt ran man ctrtirb the four unions who, not having the strike situation decided that would not be justified in yesterday for shorter hours and better pay. It is a local quarrel any grievance locally, would not they out strik the call coming on on and the strike is sanctioned by the International union. come out on strike at the call of of the strike committee. According the strike committee. The case to their union rules a vote of was not so bad against the Retail their whole union would have to Clerks, whom he nicknamed the be taken before they could strike, "profiteers," because they had with the permission of their international. been against the strike from the MORE TROUBLE; FOR SOLDIERS' beginning, but he expressed his This makes the fifth union whose members refuse to of dislike for tbe action of two obey tbe orders of the local tlie other unions, who first had Revolt Against Bolshevist Regime HOUSING PLAN expressed themselves in favor of strike committee.Carpenters. the strike, but when it was put , up in Western Part of Country. WILL INVESTIGATE .. - SEVERE STEPS to. them xefused to come out. Mr. At a special meeting of the Carpenters., held jn the Sons of Agreement With the Provincial hose was ortrie6'i5ihton that this PRICES CHARGED Canada Hall last night, at which i5pe.nl via 0.T. r. Televrapoa.) Government Sanctioned Last action would cause a separation about fifty members were present, Vienna, June 10. A serious Night by City Council. BY THE MERCHANTS in the labor fold. the following resolution passed molt at- nst the Bolshevist re-rime unanimously: "That we do not s d by a llussar regiment At the meeting of the City Information has been given out INVESTIGATE ALLEGED participate in the sympathetic s reported from wes.tern C. Ballantyne in Speech Says but financial council last night the and strike, we give our mayor locally that the government is Hun&ary. Counter revolutionary Will Deal With Those Who LOCAL PROFITEERING assistance to the striking work city clerk were authorized to sign entering upon a scheme whereby Advocate Destruction svcnwnls from are reported ers, and stand ready at any time, 'the parts of the country by the ngreemenl with the provin a survey of the profits obtained of Authority. Committee Appointed by the City should further,developments warrant, farmers and members of the cial government under which the by retail merchants may be computed. Council to Get Specific to lay down our tools also." inking lasses who refuse to city gels 350,000 of the Dominion This action has been un (Special via O. T.P. Tcleyrapns.) Information. The unions which will not fefimuc Dolshevisim The new Government grant towards improving dertaken owing to complaints Montreal, June 10. Severe strike are carpenters, engineers, funganan minister has opened housing. iaid at various times. Through steps to put a slop to the activities At the City Council,meeting last retail clerks, electricians and " K'tiat with the Vienna So-i.iis Under the plan returned soldiers I he Retail Merchants Association -of those who advocate the night a committee consisting of typos. regarding, the transfor-i get the first opportunity to delegates will be appointed who destruction of constituted authority Alderman Casey and Acting Mayor !i f the Duda Peslh Govern- secure the money, ami already will make inquiries for iem-selves and law and order are to Perry were appointed to investi For corsets see Mrs. Director. meat applications for more than the as to the actual amount of be taken by the Federal Gpvern- gate alleged profiteering. They sir kboim, June 10. Estonian amount available have been received. money made in the turn over byjment, declared Hon. C. C. Ballan-the reported to tbe City Council that ' wj clashed with the German It is expected that some various storekeepers. The tyne, Minister of Marine and they had heard of cases. The Undwehr troops in the region of u f the cash will he available almost actual buying price will bo ou- Fisheries and JNaval Affairs, in council was inclined to doubt the Riga where Lettish troops alt.o immediately even though the tained and compared with what is addressing the Verdun Council of aulhenticityNof the cases cited, 'avebeen in sections fighting with Dominion Government has not Charged to the consumer and then the Imperial Order of the Sons of but after some discussion the 'to ernians. according to an yet paid it over to the province. the report forwarded lu Ottawa.1 the Empire at Verdun City Hall committee was appointed to secure "Slniai statement issued at Estonian Under the scheme the principal The delegates' who have al- Saturday. specific information. The FOR QUALITY at 5 cent, is been appointed here-are J. The Government recognizes headquarters. . and interest per ready motion appointing them was SERVICE AND SATISFACTION guaranteed by the city with the G, Frizzell, T. McMcekin and E. n. that the movement is very largely moved by Alderman McMeekin and rood 5oard Licence No. 10-7340. OLYMPIC COMINQ exception of $300 which is taken Tabrum. of a revolutionary character and seconded by Alderman Currie. off the final payment in case of must be suppressed. (Special via a. T. P. leirraphs. returned soldiers as a donation The baseball game to be played Wanted at Once FISH SOLD AND SENT Ottawa, June 10. The Olympic from the provincial government. tonight on the Acropolis grounds "nnging homo 5,000 returning The cily agrees to pay union ought to prove a' great attraction EXCEPTION TO AWAY TO KETCHIKAN soldiers is expected Id dock here wages on Ut-a work, and to insist for all lovers of outdoor sport 10 Carpenters tomorrow. The Lapland is in. that alL contractors do the same; Doth teams have been practising that returned soldiers be employed steadily since the last match in WHITE BUDGET A few boats arrived yesterday for Construction Reserve, your 3eats eaily for as far as possible; that the which the Sons of Canada were and sold their catches at the Work "hat Happened to Jorifs." i -c. dwellings be insured and tlral no victors aifd the Colts are deter local exchange. The Reliance, "c and 75c seMs on sale t,t profits be made by the city but mined to have things in their Opposition Asking for Tree Trade 10,000 lbs. was bought by the. At-lin Apply Mr. McNEILL rUllis Drug Store and box o'Tce. that one half of one per cent, be favor this time. For a long time on Food Products and Development Fisheries to be delivered at Prince Rupert Dry Dock and allowed for cost of administration. it has been hard to organize uie of Resources Ketchikan at 10.2 cents and 6 Engineering Co., Ltd. the strike ar eagnin being out-interest, cents per pound. The Niagara, Those getting the money must but now that the young (Special via . T. P. Telerraptis.) with 5,000 lbs. was bought by the June 10. An amendment Pacific Fisheries and also Ieftgor "DEMEnS" again Ottawa, reside in the houses for ten years men are taking the gamo up We have just received a them over to other soldiers, there will bo lots of opportunity to the budget recently Introduced Ketchikan to unload 'there. The "ipment of voile dresses, or pass but no one with an income to arrangea good series. into Parliament by Sir selling price was 10.1 and 0 cents, X"ESTHOLMF n two alike. Theso are $3,000 a Is eligible for Thomas White declares the proposals The Haysport with 18,000 lbsrur-rived VJ' pretty and reasonably over loan. year Harry Killas has made applica of the finance minister 01 yesterday, but did not sell. priced. Also some-llling u Mayor McCIymont said that no tion at the city engineer's office tariff revision are unsatisfactory. Today's arrivals are the Gjoa, William Fox Presents store The amendment asks for free lbs., the Satsuma 5,500 a littlo.differcnt in 25 'foot lots should be used un for a permit to remodel the 14,000 Print and cotton crepe der this scheme. Tlie soiaiers which was formerly tno Arcane importations of food and the development lbs., and the Norma with 4,000 Theda Bara nd house of natural resources. pounds. dresses."'The seemed to wish for sites In taction priol Room. 'w prices on these dresses and in case -vthe houses It also urges the acceptance of Many of the boats which have IN 2 ' sell them on sight. i ... 1 I nfnnnffnniA?lf B Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., are the United States offer of reciprocal been tied up lately on account of t UOWE AND SEE were seplic ouiu tanks were would uijauacunu..have to expecting two scows of building trade between the two the strike are again being out "The Soul ft for They must decide material within the next two countries. fitted and are leaving for the made. be ' The fishermen are hope banks,. whether the city would build the to weeks. STRIKE WEDNESDAY ful that they will be easily able to of Buddha" the money advance houses or They might get 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the sell all the fish that can be mm Express private parties. 0. T. P. (Special via Telegraphs.) brought in. Theatre $25,000 from the fund. est on the Pacmo uoasi, jusv another trrlved. Send your orders to the Chicago, June 10. Tomorrow Two Reel Fox Comedy FPIukip MPf Present INVESTIGATE rlnce Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. morning at 8 the telegraphers and The work on the residence of "Live and Love" X. BUSHMAN BEVERLY BAYNE WILL telephone operators of the United Fred Stork at the extreme end of BRA'ss (Special via 0. T. r. Teiwapm.) Prlnc Rupert Spruce Mills, Slates as well as the maintenance, Section two is going ahead very Coming Tiiursdav & Friday 2K? CHECK' June 10. Fifteen Ltd., can furnish you any oimon-slon construction and repair men will fast. The building when com The Farcical Comedy, ofVeof the best coddles Washington, of Repre, In spruce lumber at short go out on strike. Orders to that pleted will have a very Imposing "What Happened to Jones" year. 5 Parts members of the House and notice. Agents, Albert A Mc effect were givon from the international appearance on account of its ydney Dr.w n j j sentatlves, ten Republicans Ltd., Second avenue. u headquarters at Springy situation on a high bluff. gMonlh.y Gazette five Democrats, have been appointed Caffery', field, 111. Admission, 15c. and 30c. to conduct Ave investigations Shows 7.15 and 9.15 8moke "PLAYER'S NAVY CUT" Carhartt's overalls and gloves. 7:15 and so and centa 9. into war time expenditures Clgarettss wrapped IN TIN FOIL. What happened to Jones? Agent, J. F. Mtgulre, Smith Block. in the- War Department.