Page 2 THE 0AILT NEW. Mnday june 9 1919. The Daily News SWIMMING AT ' PRINCE RUFERT, B.C. Diamond Published every Afternoon, except Sun-da, BUSINESS IS by The News company.Printing& Publishing Engagement "SALT LAKES uun II. F. Puu.EN,Managlng Editor. There's A Reason Rings Season Opened Yesterday With a to take some Good Crowd of People Monday, June 9, 19 19. We take special pride in Present. SERVICE Zam-Buk with carrying in stock for this AND QUALITY you on your purpose some very fln and The swimming oeason opened yesterday fishing trip. YOUNG HERO perfect diamonds. at the Salt Lakes with several hundred At the Right Price It's just what We guarantee the quality people present. The warm sunshine prov ed most Inviting and the water, while not you'll need for cuts, and good value .of these yet what might be termed comfortably scratches, knocks, OF ZEEBRUGGE rings as we have made special wirm, was sufficiently attractive for most Down Town Store selection of the atones of the visitors to bathe. Among those blisters,sunburn.heat before the last raise in price present were a number of the city aldermen PHONES 44 & 45 rash and bites. Ends IS RECOGNIZED of diamonds. who were anxious to see bow the PHONES Swimming Club was spending the money pain and heals so We recommend one at which they bad voted. Branch Store, Seal Cove Ave. quickly. 375.00 in particular as being The expressions of appreciation of the work of the club were general. The PHONE 534 Banquet and Presentation to quite desirable. All dealers 50c box. cleaning up which had been done, the Lieut. Alex. McB. Young on building of the dam. the beach for the n Saturday Evening. John Bulger younger folks and all the other Improve ments were subjects of comment. The A large number of the friends Jeweler ater Is not yet raised to Its full level FULLER'S LTD. of Lieut. Alex McB. Young, R. N., The Store of Worth, and but considerable.even as It Is, the Improvement Is very gathered at the Prince Rupert Beauty. Hotel on Saturday evening where SAID FAREWELL they entertained him at a ban TO quet and presented him with a fine knew what to do and each man REV.W.S.A.CRUX Akerberg, Thomson gold watch as a mark of appre carried out his instructions. ciation of his services overseas. The gathering then broke up C. H. Orme presided and the Social at Methodist Church Rooms with the cheers for the young & Co., Ltd. majority of the business and pro hero of Zeebrugge. Following Evening Service OPPOSITE POST OFFICE First Avenue present.fessional men of liie city were Yesterday. WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor ...., .. At the Methodist Church "Vvam,ll.ln t The presentation was made by last night Rev, "'i-tjiuillg HI iUUSIC, . s. a. crux preached bis farewell serf UtTEfT POPULAR SONGS AND Machinists Art. Noble who read the address DANCES, VICTROLaa mon to large a congregation, and after the AND VICTOR RECORDS and which recounted some of the ser- service a social was held in the Sunday Repairs to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. ice3 which had been rendered by school rooms when the congregation rath, li BA.ll. HKl luauuwvuu Bows rthiir Engineers the young officer and expressed ered to bid the retiring pastor farewell, rHa r kkowntma(, prince Rupert Academy repaaaea of Mutlo and In adjusted Connwtioa Solos were sung ai the church service appreciation of those services and DEPARTMENT OF LANDS by Rev, R. F, Taylor anl Miss Hunt and wriin in (tors. Have installed an up-to-date good wishes for his future wci there were songs at the social by A. J. The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs fare. The address was printed Lancaster and Mr. Taylor and piano solos North of Vancouver WATER RIGHTS BRANCH Dy miss way. gold and' was signed by all "WATER ACT 1914." Speecbes of appreciation of the services The Heintzman & Co. Piano those present. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE OF WATER of the retiring pastor were given by A. II, Oxy-Acetylene The Reply. NOTICE Is Hereby rtven thtt Hit Honor Allison and Fra nkDerry. both officials of The Weber Piano In replying Lieut. Young spoke ne li. Lieutenant toy and with uovernor the advice or uriiian of his coium Eiecu toe cnurcn. Thomas Organs I F T Miss Crux ably filled the Welding Outfit of the many friends that he had lve THAT Council,pursuant bas been to pleated the provision!to order:of organist and accompanist. position of All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments found since his return, and there .ection et of the "Water Act, UM" beta Chapter St or the Statutes of 1914, that W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. were no friends like the old be reserve of the unrecorded waters of 'THE SOUL OF BUDDHA" friends. He told a number of tefure Creek;, established pursuant to E'pert Efficient Work jraer in uouncu no. o, approved on tne E. L. VAUGHAN py,n.0y.T:n:nPecu1yTtp,irin'-Prince humorou' anecdotes and thanked 7 in nay oi January, iviv, oe cancelled. AT THE WESTHOLME and Perfect them all for the kind expression DATED this 17th day of February, It IV, Prompt w r ri t t-i'i i n of their confidence. He was nut Minister or Lands. Rupert Music Store able offhand to give an account Theda Bara In Characteristic Role of the strenuous times at Zee--brugge DIVERSION WATER NOTICE AND USE Is Star In Splendid but at some future ti .it-he TAKE NOTICE that Hume B. Bablnrton. Photoplay. whose address Is box 848 Prince Rurjert. SMITH & MALLETT would be willing to tell them B. C .will apply for a licence to take and all about it. use two cubic feet per second of water On of the greatest favorites on the out of an unnamed stream, which flows screen, Theda Bara, the great exponent of I Canon Rix. sou m ana drains into llousiunr Bay, Lan-rira the "vampire" role. Is billed to appear at Launch AliceB. island, near the S. W. corner of Lot PLUMBINQ AND HEATING Canon Rix told what a pleasure 98. the Westholme Theatre this evening In ENGINEERS it was to see so many of the boys The water will be diverted from the "Toe Soul of Buddha." This is a photo for the stream at a point about twenty chains play with a particular attraction, first of Salt Lakes Estimates furnished. come back. He liked to see '.hat north or the S.W. corner of Lot 998, and all because of the star, and also because l ' will be used for domestic and steam pur ssssssssssssss button on a man's coat. Thcic or the play Itself. It Is one In which poses .upon ice tana aescnoea as Lot 998 General Service. Patienger were, no better citizens than thorn Oueen Charlotte Land Dlsrtlct. Theda Bara bas an opportunity of the Address, 3rd Avenue, head This notice was posted on the (round finest kind of displaying ber talent. Hunting, fubing who had gone overseas to, fight on the sth day or April, it is. a copy or of Second Street. There Is as well a Fox Comedy, which (or,.their country. Not many had mis notice ana an application pursuant thereto and Is worth seeing. to the "Water Act. 1914." Phono 174 P. O. Box 274 gone to the navy, but it was nice will be Died In the office or the Water Recorder at prince nupert. B. C. J. Myhill Jones to have some. The navy was the Objections to the aDDllcatlon may be SPARKLING only part of ,the JErapire that was filed with the said Water Recorder or with COMEDY Swaoion's Boithouie the Comptroller of water Rlrhts. Perils t prepared when war broke out. ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C within AT EMPRESS THEATRE Canon interesting thirty days after the first appearance of Rix, gave an mis nonce in a local newspaper. Bowling Alley resume of the war developments, HUME B. BABINOTON. ADDlleant. The date of the first publication this of One of the most sparkling, spontaneous with the dealing particularly navy nonce is May to. iwm. comedies of the year Is to be screened at THIRD AVENUE and the work of the submarines. the Empress Theatre this evening, when Lumber Co. Georgetown LAND ACT He told of the various actions the world famous romantic stars, Francis UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT which made the people anxious Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. X. Bushman and Beverley Bayne are cast in yuei-n cnarione islands Land District, and then came the Zeebrugge af Recording District of Skeena. and altuate In the leading roles In "The Brass Check.' PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1G32 in the vicinity of Indian Reserve No. IS, Mistaken Identity, which is becoming For Healthy Exercise fair in which a man from Prince Langara Island. popular In comedies. Is made the crux of Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. to Keep Yon Fit Rupert had volunteered and it was Take notice mat ciirton p. ntei. or this play, and for real lively comedy this prince nupert, uritisn Columbia, occupation FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY to.his eternal credit that he did it. manager. Intends to apply for permis one Is hard to beat. There Is as well a sion to lease the following described One Sidney Drew comedy, and a Ford Cigars and Tobaccos It. was one of the most heroic lands: monthly gaxette. SPRUCE FIR CEDAR deeds ever performed by the British Commencing at a post planted at north west corner of Indian Reserve number 18, navy. One of their great joys thence one hundred and fifty feet more or Consult Us. less in southwesterly direction to low water SECOND BASEBALL today was to feel that the manhood mark: thence 700 feet westerly along low PREMISES MOVED of the nation was not one water mark; thence northerly one hundred reet more or less to high watts, mark; GAME ON TUESDAY whit less manly than it was a thence easterly 800 reet more or lesa along high water mark to point or commencement thousand years ago. The war and containing two P.O. Box KM () acres The second ball game of the season will Phone 37 M. T. LEE had proved that we were not a more or less. CLIFTON P. KIEL. be played tomorrow evening at the exhibi decadent nation. Dated 8tn April, 1919. tion grounds starling at 7 o'clock sharp. LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S Becoming more personal in his The Colts feel confident that they can come For Comfort, Courtesy and Service MERCHANT TAILOR remarks the canon expressed the LAND ACT back with a win, having been defeated by Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. the Sons of Canada In last Friday's game. opinion that Lieut. Young Had iu-vueen unarioue islands Land District, Day will start the twirling ror the Sons HOTEL Third Avenue, Opposite the much to be thankful for in his Recording District of Skeena, and situate or Canada, with Rich receiving, and Lauder THE SAVOY on Langara isiana. Post Office. father, lie hoped he would re Take notice that Charles A. Coulson of and Astoria will be the battery for tne port Clements, occupation mariner. In Colts. F. T. BOWNESS. M.o.t.r side and be the lead here among ends to apply for permission to lease the Phone Red 136 P.O. Box 877 Harvey Frazer, the peppery manager of B.C. i ers of the place. toiiowing ncscriDea tanas: Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, Commencing at a post planted about 3 the Colts, has strengthened his team, but American Consul. chains erst or the N. W. corner or Indian there have been changes also In the Sons The American Consul, Mr. iteserve io. 10: tnence norm to chains of Canada line-up, so t good fist bsll and Cold W.wr thence west SO chains more or less to the assured. Home Cook In e Runnine Hot Wakefield, gave an eloquent address west boundary of Lot 478; thence south game is DENTISTRY 10 chains more or less to shore; thence in which he spoke of the easterly along shore to N. W. corner of MANY experiences of those who went Indian Reserve No. 16; thence east to CASUALTIES OFFICE HOURS: point or commencement and containing to Jf Jt tt st tstss tt si ttrtttrrttr rt tttit its tstttrr i -" overseas and he felt it was up .m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:80 p.m. C, A. COULSON. Ottawa, June 9. In considering the I to him to express the appreciation Dated May 7, 1919. vote for IS8,000,000 for pensions In the To DR. J, 8. BROWN his country felt for the services House of Commons It wis stated that the Prospective DENTIST IN PROBATE. total casualties to t the Cana May among of the British The navy. N THE SUPREME COURT OF Offleti Smith Block, Third Annua. COLUMBIA. BRITISH dian troops Was Jl,81, of which 63,547 I Americans could never have landed BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS Phone 464. N THE MATTER UP THE ADMINISTRATION were killed. troops in France if it had not ACT been for the He spoke of n the matter of the estate of navy. William Mckenzie looan, deceas- Smoke "PLAYER'S NAVY CUT" the spirit of brotherhood between NOTICE ED INTESTATE IS HEREBY 0IVEN TO WHOM ilflarettes wrapped IN TIN FOIL. Feeling that It is up to us to assist in the Housing move-ment St. James Hotel the two nations. T MAY CONCERN or an order made by.His we will, quote rock bottom prices on any of the material In connection with the present lonour, F. McB. Young, Local Judge, in the Notice of Intention to apply to purchase I toove matter on the isth day of April, una. and supplies handled by us, such as: (LATE "QUEENS") parlous time ho advised that all 919, as follows: In Range 3. Coast Land District.. Record including- IT IS ordered that the said John II. ing District of Prince Iluperf, snd situate Electrical material of all descriptions, filings FIRST CLAS3 ROOMS approach the questions of the McMulUn shall be allowed to nur m th. at Jenny Bsy, Deane Channel, B. C. and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, i day in the spirit of justice in order death of the said deceased as occurring on TAKE NOTICE that I, James Z. Hall, or Automatic Hot and Cold Water. mo viii uajr ui.wsj, ivw, uier me expiration Vancouver. B. C, occupation baker and Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, that a just solution may bo of one month from the dam nr ih Soldier. Intend to aoDly for permission to black iron Steam and w arrived at. II ret publication of notice of this order, purchase the following described lands: llanges, etc., Galvanized and 1 uijjcbs in iue lucauiiuio proor is furnished commencing ai a post punted to chains Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Iladiators and "alers' Mr. Collart, Belgian vice-consul, to the Registrar or this Court at Prince nonnerjy oi s. w. cor, 1. 1 no. xsiil d Rupert, B. C, that the said deceased William thence easf 40 chains: thence south SO I Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Iloechk's Paint, u,snn"v, The "GarUand" Boarding House I also made a neat speech of Mckenzie Logan was alive, ni,... chains; thence west 40 chains more or less Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber-Ash, appreciation. quently to the said 6th day or May. 917 to shore line; thence northerly 90 chains, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED ttat (he more or less, following shore line to point Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel an'r0te 416 Sixth Avenue East In reply Lieut. Young thanked said John II. McMuliln do publish notice or commencement and containing 80 acres etc lex ! Near them all. He said that the Zee-brugg9 of this Order In the Prince Rupert Dally more or less. Ornamental Iron Work, Firo Escapes, flnd Dryidock News, a newspaper published at Prince JAMES Z. HALL, the Best Made. Manilla and "'" Board by Month or Week. Phon Bed 245 raid followed a well defined Rupert, B. a, for a period of one month Per William A. Bauer. Arent. Hoofing Very 'f i. If. MCMULLIN, Dated SI March, 1919. Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' sup p fioodii sSee'e''00'000'0'000'000 00000000000000' and fully matured plan. All Offlrltl Administrator. Wo also handlo Goodyear Mechanical uPU.,0S0 and Notice of Intention to Apply to purchase N THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR Packings, una. including "Extra Power" Belting, THE ISSUE OF A FRESH CERTIFICATE In nance 9. Coast Land District. Record. OF TITLE FOR LOTS 8 & 9. BLOCK log District or Prince Rupert, and situate SVcstinghouso Electrical equipment, Equip- ?SECT.!0?' or rniNCE ru. ai Koeye, Fltx Hugh Sound, B. C. Transformers and all olhw" u,c" to Generators, i ab0 jnt, .iniaif via, take, ny tile (hat I, Marshall Beek or NOTICE Is hereby riven that li BOSTON GRILL Intention, unless valid objection Is made Vancouver,to apply o. for u., permission occupation to soldier,purchase intend meat. Being direct factory representatives, thereto In writing, to Issue, alter the ei-plretlon iiv luuuniiia ucavriueu janusj-- mako; very attractive prices. of one month, from the nrst pub-llcatlon Commenrlng at a post planted at south, 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 hereof, a rresn Certificate of Title west to the above corner lot. , thence east to chains; Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. 1 of Ronald C. mentioned Ferguson, lots which In Certificate the name chains,thence more south or 80 less,chains;to shore thence line:west thence 40 Prince Rupert Supply Co., Apr"' .ume,red,,ld,V3S.d..,0,h ,9,S' northerly and easterly along shore line 90 Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. H. T, MACLEOD, cnains, more or less, to point of commencement, off Third Avenue. s89 Street, and Fourth contain! 80 DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 43c. to SOc Dessert at every meal. District Regisirsr of Titles, or less. nr inn. mora Short orders at any time. .and neglstry ornee, MARSHALL j, 13 P. O. Box 772 r" BEEK,' rrlnce Rupert, B. C. nth rf! -William A. Bauer, Agent. pru, 91. Dated I .h April, 1919.