"Ann six Silverware A large stock lo choose from. Our prices are sland-ard according lo quality as sold all over Canada. Rogers' Community Plate all at SPECIAL DISCOUNTS this week. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 'years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North j "Do You" Live in Apartments If so. we have just the thing you have been wanting fur a long lime. "Kindling" Our fine split Kiln Dried fire starters rannot be excelled. Just the right length for the stove, and nicely tied up in bundles 2'ic each. Any order of $1.00 or over delivered. If you have room why not buy a full load and split it yourself. G.OO delivered. Taxi Our Taxi business has increased greatly so we have added anulhiT New Sedan to our list. 11 costs only 5(ir for you an'd a friend to be taken any place for 1 his small sum. (Jive us a trial. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Opposite Old P.O. Open Day and Night. Phones 112-189 DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut lo any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Nlght.or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25c Wednesday Evening, songs by K. Sabourin and G. Coulee. Thursday Evening, 6ong by II. Astoria. Free Admission AIRPLANE BASE DIGBY ISLAND Third Place Coming Later In Season Under Squadron Leader Tudhope A base is beiuz established at Dijrhy Island for this year's air-1 plane patrol operations by Flight Lieutenant Karl Mcl.eod who ar rived yesterday. The planes will be kept there but the wireles outfit will be .set up at Seal Cove, the disturbance from the Iighy Island radio station making it impracticable lo operate there. Ik-sides the piano which Flying ollicer A. II. Ihfll wijl bring here, a third machine is expected: later in I lie season" Squadron LVader Tudliope, officer com- Lniandjng at Jericho, will prob ably bring it north. Lieut A. L. Morfee, who figured in a crasli at Camp Borden during the win ter, will be stationed with tin-detachment here for a while during the season, it is expected OONA RIVER COUPLE AREJARRIED HERE i Wedding Took Place Last Even ing of Miss Tyra Llnnca Anderson and John Bergman At the residence of Mr. ami .Mrs. A. O. Franks. F.levenlh Ave Fast, the wedding took place lal evening at 5 o'clock, Hev. George (J. Hacker" officiating, of John Iterginan and Miss Tyra Liiinra Anderson, both of Oona JUver. 1'orcher Island. There were a few intimate friends present ami the ceremony was witnessed by T. Anderson and Mrs. Franks. Mr. and Mrs. Iterginan will leave tomorrow for their native laud of Sweden on u fou." months' honeymoon 'rip after which they will return lo Oona NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RESERVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Out tlx reserve cuveriuir certain land near tin? juncHou or utsiaii ana stceua uivivi designated Lot , Hantre I. Const Di-trlct. Is cancelled. OfO. K. JUDEX. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lauds, i Victoria, B.C., May 4lli. t5. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land lu Skeena Land District, according District of Prince Ilupert and situate ai Port Edward, B.C. TAKE NOTICE' thai the Skeena Hlver Parking- Company, Limited, or I'ort Edward. t.C occupation Fish Packers, In I lends to apply for permission to least . ' . 1. , . I I . . . . . 1 . . .W .t i 1 . . I .. . . ' Commenclnr at a nost nlantcd at the southwest corner or Lot 4 476 ll.V. coast district; thence southerly alonir low water mark, Sou ft.; thence southwesterly, parallel to the southerly boundary or Lot 4476, ISO rt.; thence northerly parallel lo water mark, 200 reel; thence northeasterly alonir the southerly boundary of Lot 4474 produced, 110 feet to the poml or commencement, containing- hair an acre, more or less. S WEEN A IllVEft I'ACONO COMPANY, LTD. Applicant nalert Ma 1st. 1SS WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) TAKE JSoTICK that Wllllaul Morgan. I whose address Is Eoi-kport, B.C., will apply! Tor a licence lo take and uw j.ooo gal-1 Ions dally or water out or Spring on I west side or Uickeporl, Q.CJ., B.C..I Ullll-tl fllilV. S,HlfltMllf ailH llmli., lit!,.1 west arm. "Ijinfrrellow" Mineral Claim, duly Crown Granted Tin. 2361 Q.CJ. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point risrlit at source, about l.&oo reel or so rrom Uickeport Harbor, and will be usea ior Domestic cannery purpose upon uie Domestic cannery ai uiraeport. y.c.l. This notice was misted on the lth dv or Mar. 1026. A com- of this notice and an application pursuant tnereio and tn the "Water Art,1 1914." will be riled In the orrice or the Water Ilecorder at I'rlnce Itupert. II.C Objections to the anollca- llon may lie riled with the said Water Ilecorder or with the Comptroller or Water IllBiils, Parliament Ilulldlnirs, Victoria, B.C., within thirty days arter the rirst appearance or this notice In a local newspaper The date or the rirst publication or this notice Is May Jftlh, ISJ&. WILLIM MOIICAX Applicant. WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9.15 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "THE SEA HAWK" An irdaiilulioii of Hitfael Sabalini's futnoiis slory, conceded to be the mosl dramatic uml artistic success of the year, wilh an irresistablo uppeul lo both old and voting. A million dollar production wilh every ceul of expense evident on the screen. The speclucular adventures of Sakr-el-Halir, Uie "Sen llnwk," the -most dashing personality that ever leaped through the pages of fiction, the boldest, bravest, the most daring gentleman pirate that ever roved the seas, the mo4 romantic lover that ever foiighl for u maiden's kiss. Four pirale ships at the cost of $280,000. More Hum .fSo.OOO worlli of gorgeous gowns and costumes, 3 000 players. Unrivalled cast of principals. Wallace Beery, Lloyd Hughes, Wm. Collier Jr., Frank Currier, Marc McDermott, Kathleet Key, and Milton Sills as .Sir Oliver 1'ressiliau, afterwards Sakr-el-Huhr, the "Sea Hawk." Enid Bennett as Hosiirnund Ciodolphin. TOPICS OF THE DAY. 50c and 25c. Notlca SUCCESS in "bahing" is assured when oi use MAGIC BAKING POWDER It contains no alum and leaves no bitter taste ! . - River lo lake ui their residemi'. t lie groom is a well known fili-" iniau and bus resided here for a number of years, the brid? arrived in tins country from wed en aimui iw years ago. LAUREL WHALEN OFF 'TO BARNARD COVE Floating Cannery Left Port This Mornln" In Tow of Hecate Straits Tug Cape Scott - In tow of Uie Hecate Straits lowing Co.'s lug Cape Sc-oll, iipt. Hrown, Hie omerville CaM-nury tio.'s floating cannery, Laurel Whalen, left port at noon to day for ltarnard Cove on Princess Royal Island where il will be operated during the coming .sal-it.on packing season. Advertie in Uie Daily News - LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT Oistrlct or casslar. Stlkloe Dfvlslou. TAKE NOTICE that I. Waller Julian 'lieiurned Soldier). -jf Teleirraph Uieck. Ii.:., occupation Miuer, Intends to apply r.ir ertnlssl(n to purchase the rollowing described lands: ' CominenciLZ ' a post planted about one mUe eat nf MrLendt slouirh near the Stlklne Itlver and about 32 miles southwest or Telegraph ;reek; theine north 80 chains; thence eat 40 chains; thence south CO :hlus; thence west 4i .halns to point or cotniiiencement and rontalnlng- 3S0 acres. more or less. WALTER JUUAN, Applicant. rn fnh. 1B LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Laasa Lands. In the Land Itecordinr District or Prince Uupert, and situate on the norm uest coast or I'earse Istaiid, B.C., approt-Imately three miles north rrom the uiuutli or Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that J. Eleldlna- Strang- or siinnaKle, 1 B.C.. occupation camieryninn, iiiuxiuvu aei"y 'or a lease ui inc IM-Iowiiik described lands: Commniiclnr at a post planted approx imately three tulles north from the moutli r Winter Harbor, I'earse Island; then'-e northwest two (Si chains, more or less. lo low water mark; thence northeast along low water mark one hundred and sixty (16(1) chain; thence southeast two (H chains; thence southwest ou hundred and sixty (160) chains, more or ics. to Mile i or rnmiiieiiremeiit and con wining iniriy-two (am acres, more or loss. JAMES riEl.ni.NO STIIAN0 Name or Aupllcanl. LAND ACT. or Intention to Appl to Laaaa Lands. - . In l tie Land Itcconllng Olstrftt or j'linic itupptt, and situate on the tiorth t roast or reiirse Wand, H.C.. antirox imately three inllci north rrom tlic mou'.li or inier naroor. Take .Notice that FrlMcll'f Limited of ciiiice iiupuit ii.i;., occupation parkcrs niu-iiu 10 apjii.v ior a jease 01 me 101 IowIiir described lands: Cohihienc.intt at a lotl planted approx liiiately three miles north rrom the mouth or winter liar ior. I'earse Is and: tliem northwest two tii rhains, more or less, to low water mm k: thence soulhwesi alonir low water mm If one Imndred and sixty (llilii chains: thence southeast two it rhatlis: thence horlheast one hundred and sixty (IAU) chains, more or Icm, to point or comment emcni and con-talnlnif thirty-two (33) acres, more or less. FIUZZEI.L'8 LLMITKI). Name of Applicant. Paled Mav 1 8111. 86. LAND ACT. Notlca or Intention to Apply to Laaaa Lands. in the Land Itecordtnir District or rrince uniieri, ana suunte on tlin norlli-west coast or I'earse Island, U.r... aimrox- milteiy six miles north rrom the moutli or Winter Harbor. Take Notice thai Oosse-Mlllerd Limited or aiicouver, Ii.i;., occupation iiacfcers, iniriio hi Hfipiy ior a lease 01 ine 101-lowlnir desrrllied lands: . tlomitienclnir at a tins! tilanted antirnt- liiiiiie'v si utiles north rrrom the month or Winter Harbor, I'earse Island; then" northwest two (i) chains, more or lesa, to low water mark: tbenc.e northeast alonir low water mark one hundred and sixty (160) chains; thence southeast two (8 chiilns; thence oiiihwesl one hundred and sixty (M)) chains, more or Ies, to point or comiiieiirement and con' taluihg tlilrt.v two (3!) acres, more or less. ' , aossE-Mit.t.r.nD limited. . Maine or Applicant. Dated UayMlltb. 1885. THE DAIL? rTKWS Friday. June 19, SALMON SEASON OPENS SUNDAY All Canneries In this District Will Run Except Prince Rupert, Dominion and Alexander With all the canneries in tin Skeeua River district operating wilh the exception of the l'rine") Rupert vniuiery and Dominion. and Alexander, which has no. run for years, I tie soekeye sal mon season will open on Sunday night at G o'clock it is announced a the Dominion Fisheries oftice. I'be season will remain open un- ul October 1. W ith last years I......L' iiioiaI tAf.ll.i ..II , 1 1 .j I ir b.il Ilf il is expected this will be a profitable season for the carineries although it is not generally expected that there will be a bumper i'aefc. The weekly close eauu this year will be from 0 o'clock Friday nights to 0 o'clock Sunday nights. BOYS' BAND IS PROPOSED Colonel Nlcholls Suggests Ttiat Regiment Would Provide an Instructor In an address tn the Rotary Cluh yesterday Odonel J. W. Nicholls drew attention to the desirability of forming a boys' hand in l'rinrc Rupert. He explained thai Uie reiviiiient now had half a dozen boys but it was impossible lo provide instrument for a large number. Any boy who would buy his own in-strumenFor whose parents would buy it for him could join and get instruction. He askwJ for sympathetic eonsiderution for the formation of a boys' band by members of the Rotary Club and business live ii generally. SIMILAR PRICES FOR U.S. AND CANADIAN HALIBUT HERE TODAY l'rires for Canadian and American fish at the exchange, today were practically the same J Sales were: x- American Magic, 18,0(10, to Cold Storage al U.COc and 4c Anna J., 15,000. tn lbmlli Fish eries al io.joc anu be. Sirius, 11,500, lo Cold Storage at 10.10c and 5c. F. "Xeilson. 7,500, to Booth Fisheries al lOiiOc and 5c. Canadian Dolphin, 0,500, lo Cold Stor age at inc. anil oc. Itingo, 2,500. lp Allin Fisher- ies at 10c and Go. Kobe, 2,000, to Royal Fish Go. at 10c anil tie. Cape Spear, 8,000, lo Allin Fisheries, at 10c and fto. l'air of .lacks, 11,001), to Cold Storage at ltlc and 0.50c. Mayflower. 5.000, to Allin Fisheries al He and Or. BUFFALO PRODUCTS WILL BE SHOWN AT FAIRS IN CANADA WINMPKO. June 10. That arrangements have been made hy L. S. Ductus or Kdmonloiv Wednesday al i.00 p.m. with the Dominion goxernmenll Full informal ion Troili Cily for the exhibition and sale of Ticket ollire, 528 Third Avenue. Inirfalo products al the bin l'rone 200. l17 fuirs throuKhout Canada was the inforniation receiveil by Can-inlian Nalional officials here this morning. Mr. Duclos is now on his way west to arrange the first exhibit which will be shown at urainiou exhiliilion opening June 20. Huffalo Park, at Wain- wrighl, Albertu, is conlribuliiiig Uie products which will be shown. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. J. Campbell, Hlair Fleming, It. D. Fraser, H. MacCivnl, ll. U. MeCuMajih, K. F. Carrulhers, and F. CI. La firue, Vancouver; ). Hkllhrcd, F.ugene, Oregon; J. Ii. Frey, Winnipeg; M. K. Whil-lier, Juneau: Thomas H. Thiis, city; D. G. Freiseman, Fdinonlon; Dr. H. P. Kinsman, Anyox; Mrs. J. (lilison, (Seorgelowit. CcntraC A. W, neckinV'liani, Port1 Ed wind; F. Diiggah and W. Bcolt, CJS'.lt,; 11. tl Nicholson, Triple. IdlaiUd. . AN INACTIVE LIVER IS THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION When your liver el sluiotlsli an1 Inactive your whole health surfers. Your bowels lieconm cons tlpu ted; you have sick and bilious headaches; your tongue coated and furry; your, breath bud; specks flout before, your ryes, and orten you reel as ir you were fulnir to ralnt, esierlally ir In crowded placf where there la Utile or nu vontllallon. When In this condition there M one tlilur to do, and that la to taku LAXA-LIVER PILLS only They will stimulate the slugirlsh liver so Unit It will iTKiilute the' flow or bile to art propeiiy on the bowels, and thus clear awuy all the poisonous matter thai la responsible ror all your liver .troubles. Tor sale it all rirutaists and (tealei'i; put tip only by The T. Mllburo Co., Limited, Toronto, Or.t. in i?S Saturday and Monday -SPECIAL the BIG SALE Special prices prewiil for Saturday mid Monday on nnofy odd line, wlijrh w. enrllied in Uie past Ihree tluys. Cost lins ben enlirelv forgotten m order In n, ,r. uml positive disposal. !f 1 1.50 Kmicy liecoraled Lump ... $7.90 m.'tU Fonry l!ani . . $3.90 $18.00 Mn-Joiigg Set $11.20 trS.OO Alarm Clocks .. .. $1.29 SlO.tIO Dellah Pearls $7.00 .SI. 50 Knr-rings : 80c tj.25.00 Hk Pearl Sol Sunlnirsl .. $14.50 s-JO.UO Ilk Pearl utid Dhiiltoul Set Sunburst . . $15.50 SM:.50 Ilk Pearl Sel Sunburst . . . $5.00 50.00 Diamond Tie Pin .. $34.50 $22.00 While ('(ltl Diamond Itur lltooeli ..; $14.50 ;i5c Silver !ulili . . . . . ... . 25c t 2.00 Pierced Sail tihuker. blue glu-- lined $1.40 J55.O0 Siler Hrwid Trny $3.65 Jfi.00 Men's .New St!e Wuldeiniir Watch Chains ... . . f . . . $2.90 ir7.50 Wnlch Uhaiiii, .... . ... .... $4.90 5.50 Silver SutidveYi.Tray $3.80 $2.50 Curr Links ... $1.70 .27.5 Sni--ilk' 15-jevdled' !.die' Wrist Wolfh $10.50 $22.00 Tine ijlialily Octagon Shape 15-jewel Wrisl Wulch $15.50 Decorated China Cake Plate s , , Calholic llosaiy Heads, ifi.nn Ladies' real l.twlher Ilundl.iK-enl colors in Hie uw sh ape-. : 725U, for ... ... . . ; . Mahogany Wwliuinsler Ch ti. j05.00 for llaronieler or Weather (lla- Pair Slerling Silr Mihlar 18.00 for ... Camp (iramophone, ptay f I ' - cords .3U fr 'Cul (ilas Sugar ftd Uream m OnuiiiiiiiHy SHwpr Dessert k for ; . . lllue alid lined Ohenl ennt.i, silver napkin ritigt. $2.wu ! Deeoraled China Taot SUml (kilored Fans, Oslrlrli feallni ! 9.(0 rur , ..... Silver Pyrx lined Cansrolc M $05.00 heavy solid (iold Kii.m tiled Wrisl Watch SPECIAL VALUE PURE SILK UMBRELLAS. All colors, some villi Sterling Silver lops wdh rum v ti.. 11.00 lo )20.t0. J-nduy sailing southbound will be Mi" .S.S. Orinne lieorge, inaugurulma Hie suinnier seuvice, leaving I'rince Itupert Saturday, June 27, at 0.00 ii.m. Affer Uml dale, bonis will leave Prince Ilupert each Monday ul. 4.00 p.m. and Wednesday and Saturday at 0.00 n.in.. Arrivals from the south will be Wednesday, June 21 audi l'riday, June 20, 'at I0.:i0 a.m. Arter these dates, boats will arrive from the south earh Monday, .Wednesday and Friday al lO.ao a.m. KtfecHvc June 20,' boats for Anyox and Stewart willj sail each Monday und Friday at 1.00 tun., and for bkugrwity eacii I! 93c 65c $4.29 i $43.00 S4.S5 $11.50 $3.90 $4.C0 $3.20 c $1.40 45c $2.70 $6.90 $4500 $S,70 BULGER & CAMERON SUMMER SERVICE C.N.S.S. HMaVaMHaaaMHaHl The last boat on the Sprm? Ifedule will leave Prince Ilu pert for Vancouver on Sundav. June 21, al 10.00 p.m. The next Dollar Days! WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, June 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, Are Dollar Days Hale at Jabt'in - Look over this list; it means money saving! MO' wide Scrim, 5 yards for wide good tpiajily Scrim, reg. Hoc, While Cotlon. Ml sale 2 wide, reg. 2:c, ole f ynl While Colloii, MV wide, reg. .Or, sele ; ru l!iihle,aclied Collon, JIO" wide, 7 ynrd- for Unbleached Collon, U" wide, reg. :rr. vle i jut lo different pallerns of Voile, reg. 7.V and 8.ir. rx rial. 2 yurds for This is mi exreplionnl orrer in Voile-": do n .i n (iiiigham, 27" wide, rep. 2oc, sale 0 yards for (iiiiL-liimi. L7" w de. heller ouallty, reg. .ii". Kniriub :ui" wide Oinchiitn. reg. 00 c, sale Uj -J We have HTt pieces of (liugliain in -lock mid vv to sacrifice Ihem lo reduce Hie siock (liiction. Col Ion Oepe, till colors, 1 ynrds for Kimotiu Urepe, reg. 05c, sale 214 ynnls for . . Whilt! Klaimelelte, M0" wide, 5 yards' for . . . While Klnnnelelte, Mv wide, yards or Hand Towels, reg. 7v a pair. Mile ittjir r-r . Ladies' Monarch Silk Hosiery, reg. l-4i5. si"1 Ladies' ('.ollon Hose, II pairs for ... Ladies' Lisle Hose, reg. 050, sale a pairs n Ladies' Kid Gloves in Hlack and Hrown, reg, Ladies' Si'ii'ii'tiieVvests.-reg. iOC, sale 4 fur Ludies' "WATSON'S" Summer Nwls. eg. Ladies'' Sillimi'e'r'Combs, reg. 'i r0ne . . Ladies' Hloomers, Ooc reg. salcMor . Children's Hloomers, Pink und While, reg. eivn o u ifinoig i ' . ,j Men's Fine Cashmere Socks reg. ( ..r, sale - M.m'u 1011 S K..n BOIl C.iltni reir. ItuC. nun SIIIC -1 101 v ' l M. orr for salt' irn- s-d '. ' ' .: t n !. :tt). n" Children's Hummer esis, sizes n.. - Children's While and Hlack Hurler Hrown hMt Stockings, reg. foe, sine im.i.- . Children's Sunif und Hrown Socks reg. Joe. Hi.ir 7r.f sale '2 nairn for ... , M..i.u Ui.i.L-i.n. Uiu.Lm reir. TiOc. sale 'I for ; hp " 1 : y ! 'i" ! 'if 1 I tl' . HI W ,- St il V 'S l 00 tl ' si no st o: ! 00 l oo 0H KM Kl 00 si 00 2 for l oo si oo si 00 :; uir si oo I.-isie s 00 t0PH a, 00 si oo si. oo m.oo LiOlllirs, leg. i Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645. Cor, , 3rd and 7th