Pear we nae eg ] { ' ; “Not what we wish but what we want. ” Mer Special Attraction ONE NIGHT ONLY A Three-Act Comedy ‘BREEZY POINT’ Presented by the Bethany Girls EMPRESS THEATRE Friday, Feb. 2nd at 8 P. M. Proceeds for a “Bethany” Ward in the Hospital THE DAILY NEWS. HE a se PP Pd PA Ts a in Oh OP Pk ss tt OS PS OS OS PS OS PS YS THERE ARE NO ‘DEAD ONES” es ee SE as ess ess ees rs a E | ferme mae en emery rey ROCK CRUSHED FOOT i For Rent A es es PY SE me John Byman, a City Employee, is Injured on Retaining Wall FOR RENT—Two rooms, over Wallace's | Suitable for offices or apartments Ap —— | ply H. 8S. Wallace. istr | | John Byman, an employee OF |g seaisonipniotaddennasiomnermearcnteser nts ithe city on Foreman Thompson's retaining wall gang = on Phird} Insurance Avenue, near McBride Street, was | cc SO pone laldl allt cis iwtcsinchomacob and injured the other day by a heavy OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just stone which slid onto his foot. | § settlements. We write every known class of |He narrowly escaped having a Insurance. The Mack Realty and TBERYR HES OS | lserious accident, but fortunately | "RorSale lonly one side of the foot was For Sale erushed, Byman had to lay of} { work, and will not He back. fora. > SC day or two. This is his first ac-|FOR sale—Single barrelled oun) ee cident, although he has been EWE SAS Tee es working on retaining walls EVER | meee errerermeral | since they started to build them} Wanted i in the city. He is an exception-| { ally good workman, os aiidhn nh Mn ta ln ene nanan pa tounitiems THREE DAY CURE FOR DRINK HABIT Appeals to the Business and Professional Man, the Banker, and Man in all the Higher Walks of Life BECAUSE OF THE TIME IT SAVES THEM When a man’s time is worth , of the poison by a rapid sys- a great deal more to him than | tem of elimination, leaving the the cost of a drink habit cure | drinker in the condition that he is not going te drag along | he was before tasting liquor, for twenty-eight to forty-two | so far as the effect of alcohol days taking a treatment when | may be concerned—~all appe- he can get a cure in three days, | tite for drink gone—and he a without hypodermie injections, | new man. and be surrounded with every ie ; Anton otee: The treatment consists of the internal administration of A PERFECT CURE. a harmless remedy, tonic in The Neal internal treatment | its action, that removes the ures the periodical, occasion- | eraving for liquor in a very al or moderate drinker and the | few hours. nervous man who has to drink to keep from becoming nerv- DRUG HABIT CURED. ous, It takes away all inclina- At the Vancouver institute tion to drink, all desire and | we also treat drug addictions craving to drink, by neutraliz- | with uniform success. Call, ing the poison of alcohol in the | write or phone for booklet, giv- system and ridding the blood | ing full information. THE NEAL INSTITUTE 1250 Broadway W., Vancou ver, B. C. Phone Bayview 686 TO CURE folie Mathieu’s Syrup not only stops a cough but cures it. Its tonic and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. J. lL. MATHIEU CO., VOT) (UU OF TAR & COD LIVER OIL “AS TOU WERE” |i gies (cowie i 50 T0 SPEAK rst et parties in litigation, Alderman Montgomery expressed himself as against the acceptance by the city Prop. SHERBROOKE, [by Qarnilesion of the Mayor, while No Change in the Situation Re- garding the Contractors’ Law-/of the proffered compromise of suits After Discussion Lateja selilement at $500 by F. Kelly Last Night. instead of $575 aceording to the, judgment against the city. This Contractors Watson and Kelly|Vview was adopted by ‘the Council, attended the session gf the City Nothing at all was done over the Council last night that an effort|Watson case. The probability is in conference with|now that the appeal will be gone Mayor and Aldermen to arrive at|on with. some solution of the difficulty of Iii the grading accounts rather than Highest Average. | by appeal. There was no definite Scott, the result. The conference lasted expert, has might be made | hard-| himself Joe popular ware proven three-quarters of an hour, and|expert in bowls as well, He holds at 14 p. m. Aldermen Clayton and/the high average of 224 points, Bullock-Webster left the board|being the record for the league, | Rasadee ot as Le rT |) interesting | tion, WANTED—Two plasterers at Cold eaves age Prince Rupert's s leading hotel—| Pant, Seal Cove. 6-28 Savoy. Arrivals by Steamer. The Prince Rupert arrived this WANTED—Two waitresses at Hotel Cen- tral, Qt rWO gentlemen to share room and board 412 Fourth ave, E 4t WANTED—At once, young man with gen morning with the following pas-| “ral omce expérience. Box B 100, sengers: Miss Johnson, W. Post,| News. u Mrs. R. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Maternity nurse open for engagement. Apply 4 2 2w Baxter, 1’. W. Hopper, J. A. Cor-| 3o* 2159 News. - ¢ * Gle . “e s. Mr.| CLEANING, pressing and dressmaking. Mrs. van, J. EF ile ne, Mr. Hrakins, Mr. | Chas, Percher, 820 3rd avenue Phone Lawrence, R. O’Henseng, Mr. and Red 294, Mrs. O. Janvier, T. P. McDonald|wanrrep—a second-hand cash register and A. E. McInnis. Apply Box A 105, News OMce. 25-20 CITY COUNCIL — AS IT SOUNDS Some One's Verbatim speech | Business. Chances Reaches the Press Table from | 6@.0 imi eee ierel an Unknow Source—lIs It 8) MARRY Suggested Model Report? WANTED range, for about 9-tf Restaurant outfit, especially also bedding and cheap furniture ten rooms P. O,. box 105. FIRST class lady stenographer wants em- ployment in law office or general office; best of reference Address box A100, News. 13-16 meee mar ere Ideal Introduction Club ledds Strictly private, high c Best in the West. Addre The to happiness, and reliable. patent I. C, Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C, . $9 f24 Following ‘copy reached the ot mt me me rs meee re rele press table at the city hall last night from an unknown source, Lost and Found Whether it is merely MSS. Of Q11 | dermermermermeermer me rer mer mer eres: aldermanie speech, or whether it}pounp—an trish terrier female pup. is a suggestion that the press Owner may have same by paying for this advt. at News Office. 298tf should give all council speeches : verbatim is not clear. Citizens|4OST—|A sold watch, between the wharf and New Knox Hotel, -Apply Knox Hotel who attend Council meetings may for reward. recognize the style. LOST—A red leather pocket notebook. leat : Finder return to The News and receive Phe reason I undertook to ex- reward, 12-18 plain that is to add a rider to the A Oh dS —_ '“The News” Classified Ads. ~Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== HERE— } teers er a | | | aa — oh Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident ‘Plate Glass Employer’s Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies waaeren Direct ) Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY, P.S.—Houses and Rentals. Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in city are requested to visit the lodge. the A. DOUGLAS, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec A SPECIALTY Dressmaking and Repairing Cleaning & Pressing Work Done SOO HOPE Avenue Prince 533 8th Rupert For Electric Lights, ° That form the founda- tion for a very artistic CREPE paper decora tion, which produces a quiet diffusion of light and adds greatly to the furnishing of a room, PRICES: 35c., 40c., and 50c. McRae Bros., Ltd. motion is because as I say that is you will understand what I mean ’ when I tell you that I cannot see MORRISSEY S RE- my way clear as I said before, PO U and deliberating on this matter RT IN CO NCIL to my mind would perhaps, that is, peradventure; moreover as it Continued from Page 1. mere. noLwitnstanding, which 4)” ee time goes on for time does go on| never read, and that he could save it is a way that time has) and)the city several hundred dollars if you accept a suggestion from/a month by omitting them. me IT would say, that is, all things “What would [ do bringing in heing eensidered which wonld you|reports every week after that on prefer now as I say [ cannot make|/how the work should be done?” you a suggestion, etc., etc.” asked the Superintendent of} Works. “If I could bring in such reports what would be the use of DRAGON KING the Engineer?” Mr. McNeill finished speaking, and the Mayor appealed to the T0 ABDICATE Council to try and come to a de-|} cision on this. “Everything is held up,” he said, ‘‘until this mat- ter is settled. There is a want Emperor of China to Resign the Throne and Accept Conditions Imposed by the Victorious Re- publican Party. of proper organization affecting the Board of Works departments all over, eral hold up of all city work.” Other desultory references were (Canadian Press Despatch.) and amounting to a gen-| Dakin; Jan, 34.-Au immediate made by aldermen regarding the} abdication of the throne has been matter, and mention was made | ' that the G. T, P, was now after decided upon as the result of the eonference held yesterday between the rebel leaders and the Imperial ihe present Council to clear away from the reserve all the old lum- jthere were Everything for the Office THAT DRAMA OF WAR Servians Give Another Thrilling Drama in Empress Theatre. Last night's performance the Empress Theatre, given the Servian Young Men, gerarkedl performance from ‘very point of view, from before the footlights the mystic pre- cinets behind. the first place bhan thirteen at by was a or lu less no j acts, thrilling in the intensity of ; om - |ber left around by ex-Alderman Government, The abdication is ; , : | ’ Hilditeh after his moving of the} in accordance with conditions BP ainathar’ hind laid down by the republicans, The} ° CArEINEP HUllcing, Imperial family and princes are! In a lengthy speech the Mayor summed up the permitted to continue to reside in the condition Pekin, to retain their empty titles emphasizing and to receive annual pensions hold-up and reiterating to the aggregating two million dollars.| Council the need for definite ac- tion, Breaking into the speech with insistence, the Superintendent of Works demanded as a ratepayer, let alone a cily employee, the whole discussion be left over SERVIAN PLAY ‘POSTPONED There Will Be No Repetition of Balkan Empress on Thursday. The proposed cane bition of the Servian historic drama of thelthe City Engineer, Balkan Empress on Thusrday Though mildly rebuked by the night in the Empress Theatre| Mayor for his insistence, Mr. Mc- cannot be arranged for, owing to| Niel! carried his contention, and| a difficulty in arranging the east. The repetition of the play is ac- cordingly indefinitely postponed, Regret is expressed by a number of citizens who wished to see this dramatic representa- tie Council passed a motion that the matter be deferred until Col, Davis returns, Kaien Island Dance. eal POST & CO. a dance on Friday night, Febru- REAL ESTATE ary ist, for and their —_—— members friends. TERRACE general situation, | of} | |the performers as much as the | play itself, each crammed jamful }of the blood and thunder inei- dents of internecine warfare, In the last three scenes there were }80 Inany dead stretched upon the jstage that one expected the last rise of the curtain would disclose one man, wrinkled and hoary with the stress of patriotism, the last | | until the return from Seattle of|it was all about, survivor of a sanguinary conflict, Lionel Crippen between each of that|the acts acted as interpreter, and told in fairly good English the what play itself |being given in the Servian tongue. The play was remarkably well costumed, the acting was good and the attendance large. The usual Thursday night dances in the Motntyre Hall have been changed to Wednesday night. Good music, .Gray’s orchestra. it Hint for Prince Rupert. Toronto is planning to bury all jtelephone wires in the business section of the city, and eventually all over, The scheme will cost| of thousands, as eae rae rick. The News Wi ay is a Good Wa Woy LAND LI Skeena Land D j Take notice ¢ Christian Gard Rupert, B.C., prospector, inte lease the followi; Commencing at « the Tyee Stat ately a ASK UNCLE JERRY CT 27 mile 40 chains, the chains more westerly 25 c} (4) \ grade to point Y TUN | 70 acres or |e its } N AN GaRpp Date Nov, 238, 19 INSON Pub. Dee. 6, i911 | Skeena Land One lot, block 5, section 1, $1,995; $1,000) Take not a | cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 mo aanich he trem One lot, block 16, section 1, $6,500; $2,500) to apply fr | arti Neng | ish, bal. 6, 12 mo lowing des 4 fo. }One lot, block 14, section 1, $16,000; \% Commen cash, bal. 1, 2 and 3 years ee ast ¢ 0 @ northwe 4.25 soys rhree lots, block 7, section 1, $2,500 each; | ga, Inlet A; y tit Ae | % cash, bal, 1, 2 and 3 years north eight I Two lots, block 29, section 1, $6,500 pair; | chains, thenc % cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 mo point of comu One lot, block 6, section 5, $1,500; $300 hundred and tw 4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 mo | less One lot, block 28, section 5, $525; 226 | Al TREMAIN} cash, bal. $50 every three months | Dated Nov. 1 we Young, Age One lot, block 7, section 6, $1,750; 4%} Pub. Dec 15, ! ash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 mo | One lot, block 7, section 6, 81,600; $1,000) Skeena Land | » cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 mo i Tak ct i \Ueeg Two lots, block 21, section 7, $1,500; 6 | vic ate ao ‘ ev, cash, bal. 6, 12 mo | to apply for : 7 1 broke nie One lot, block 16, section 7, $650; $300) lowing descril 4 fal cash, bal. 3, 6 and 12 mo | Commencing Two lots, block 42, section 7, 550 each; | three-quarters \% cash, bal. $25 per month ne ‘ada \ had t ‘ . One lot, block 9, section 7, $600; $200) oth he nan et cash, bal. easy | thence west or Lot 1b Two lots, block 49, section 8, 8400 each; | less, thence ; : $50 cash, bal, $15 per month | east to the : Ube Two lots, block 10, section 8, $315 each; | point of I ate a $75 cash, bal. $15 per mo, Two fronts fee and forty a 40), more @ rwo lots, block 16, section 8, $300 each; | '®55- 1 #75 cash, bal. 815 per mo hie OR i ;One lot, block 40, section 8, $375, $100 Dated Nov. 15. 19 TOURS, Agent, cash, bal, $15 per mo Pub. Dec. 156 | FOR GALE. Skeena Land D Restaurant on Second avenue _ ol ‘ Farm land at Lakelse, only $25 per acre de manni ghee tN Wright Young of Sas oe \ ; | FOR RENT. tends to apply | I othe . following described Store, corner Second avenue and Seventh Commencing : snted |} street southeast ‘ J Seah east of the northw 5 yey re thence north t ¢ — Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. : ‘i Phone 317 ? Dated N { Pub, De i Skeetia Land | Horseshoers ' 7. obs | Carriage Repairing Saanich, B. C., | to apply for pé General Work lowine dbscribe Commencing southwest ¢ let, thence east south sixty-f I FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET | 500 ') Sy four ' ‘ ent Phone 59 Red Sonos | Dated Nov. 14, 1 | Pub. Dec. 15, 191 ' ———— LAND PURCHAS PICES | | Skeena Land District Lange § i Take notice that L« 2 | Rupert, b. C, oceups «a to apply for permiss« " | described lands : Commencing at 4 | * in a northerly direct post of Lot 18¢¥, Range : east 30 chains, thence on west to bank of river +a bank of river to f | taining 160 acres, & | Dated Sept. 9, 1911 | Pub, Oct, 10, | |} Skeena Land D é | Take notice tha of Victoria, B j mission to | scribed lands j Commencing at southeast corner 80 chains, thence horth 80 chains point of commen acres, more or le Fre Dated Oct. 31, 191! ° Pub, Dec, 9 On February 15th in the Empress The atre at 8:30 p. m., we will hold the first Skeena Land District assist of a series of monthly auction sales of | Take notice that Her 7 qianoe HUDOKE TRAY GB tate We will hold | eouver, B, C., occupati » these sales in the evening in order that} ¢ anply ior permission t us everyone may be able to attend, and tt 18! described lands: safe to say that all the prospective buyers| Commencing at a post ob in town will be there. So your property,| uence of Blackwater t if listed with us for this sale, will be Of-| about two miles sout! fered to practically every possible buyer.| Telegraph cabin. | is if there is a man in town who wants your! Corner, thence 80 chair oa particular lot he will have a chance to offer] west, thence 80 chains what he thinks it is worth, He will also| east to point of comm have it brought home to him what the| acres more or less other fellow thinks it is worth, which| Dated Sept. 23, 1911 H often helps a man to a true realization of] Pub. Nov. 2 values. In other words, it offers the best jpossible opportunity for buyer and seller to wet together. On February 1st we will Skeena Land District mete begin advertising a list of property to be] Take notice that Tho offered, so that buyers may have ample] couver, B. C., occupati sl jopportunity to look It over before the sale.| apply for permission Better come in today and talk the matter} described lands: over with us. Commencing at 4 Pp 4 fluence of Blackwater river raph Ep two miles south of the six “ cabin, Post marked T. A. \ ‘ 80 chains north, thenc | chains south, thence ) s 0 M Hel er. Ltd commencement, conkainis ir q i oO awe 9 g Son, © | Dated Sept, 28, 1911. Pub Nov. Rea! Estate Brokers Skeena Land District Offices Helgerson Block Take notice that Cha Vancouver, B. C., occup4 oh to apply for permission to tescribed lands: Commencing at a post | a of Blackwater river | about two miles south } Telegraph eabin. Post me io Corn thence 80 chains wa east, thence 80 chains sou 4 west to point of commenc: | acres more or loss For R ent CHARL! Dated September 25, 1911 = Pub, Noy, 2. Skeena Land District Take notice that Jam o ast of Vancouver, 0cé uy ation p ice sec i “nds apply for pé Ollice on Second avenue, intends, 10. 8 ply f close to Government office .$20 a I | direction from the Naas villas | eight miles north of Alys ws ; } | thence north eighty cha f 3-room house ‘if Ave. | elghty chains, thence 80 use on Fifth ave jelehty chains, thence cna nue; partly furnished,.... $18 commencement, art nal ee Hs ' Dated Oct, 31, 191! Pub, Dec, 14. i-room house; across Hays Cree Skeena Land District-—D on Kress e beeen re neecs $15 | Take notice that Clare j attle, Wash., oceupal' | E tends to apply for perm the following described y (08 Commencing at 4 P j oe miles east of the Naas ! | five miles north of Alya eighty chains, thence § ; oe e | thence east eighty chat 1 eighty chains to Po vO] N Limited, 4 5 a Dated Oct, 81, 1911 Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C | Pub, Dec, 14