al F | | galls, Kinds, k pyoralls, DUCK nats — hor fines: AGUIRE IND AVE. Ey sacksy all } ‘alative Library sol Legisl Che ‘Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT Daily News We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE 68 NU. een Rebellion Breaks Out In Many Parts of Germany Been Taken by Armed Workmen; Three War- ender at Hamburg; Ruhr District is Aflame with Bolshevism. has ships Surr ; Are Preparing to Advance an Arm (special to iN, March 20.- _Essen orkmen after persons were killed. Freported that » the east of armored cars. has nol *h it was k in the most if not all of which formed the back- the revolt have left the ers continued sally during Thursday Many additional and this hough er, disord A Friday both it killed rred during oon Despatches. mG, March 20. naval sta- (ra0OV- troops in the were disarmed yester- Sailors over the Regens- bloodshed he white lag Schwarzbure. t Wittlesbach. GART, March 20.—Ruhr allame with Bolshevism. s been taken Dy the Red Miutingia ig under con- pove’ time nt troops, DX, March 20.— There y indications that the ¢ preparing to advance ations of troops at Stras- d Metz further into Ger- the country does not in soon. ‘wo thousand have been killed to date uighting incident to the revolutionary movement ( Dances of the past is estimated in Berlin. BEL March 20—The sen was effected on y a Spartacan army of men with 77 guns and an lof armored automo- cording to advices Chappelle today, Partans have Republic, HEVISM IS BOR POLICY AYS PREMIER barge Declares Extremists 'sdain Redress of Grievances. ploclaimed lal by Government Wire.) DUN | Kvening! Lloyd March 20 Pre ier PS declapin y of 100,000 Men with 77 Gung and Armed utomobiles Proclaim a Soviet Republic. rhe News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) violent fighting in which it is estimated comynunists have occupied tive railroad Berlin and that troops are being rushed vet succeeded in emerging from the chaos thrown when Dr. Wolfgang Kapp and his ir coup d’etat took over the Government a week PEACE TREATY from | nonyi, ithey believe may be the possibility ————————— ———————— Their Armies surrendered this afternoon to LORD MAYOR OF CORK IS SHOT DEAD Murderer Escaped in Auto- mobile After Escaping From Residence. ‘Special via G.T.P fslegrapns.; LONDON, March 20.—The Lord Mayor of Cork was shot at one o’clock this morning. The revolver fired was by a masked person, whose iden- tity is unknown. They en- tered his residence and after firing the shot escaped in an automobile. WITH HUNGARY it is “Sentence of Death,’ Says Count Apponyi. (Special by Government Wire.) PARIS, Mareh 20.—The Hun- garian Peace Treaty is a ‘‘sen- tence of death,”’ Count Albert Ap head of the Hungarian Peace Commission, declared. In analyzing. the treaty, he declares that it takes away from Hungary two-thirds of hen territory and population and gives them what is left, the defence of the fron- tiers, which are everywhere open to hostile invasion. BOLIVIA AND PERU MAY HAVE FIGHT (Special via &. T. P. Telegraphs.) MADRID, March 20,— News- papers here are discussing what of war between Bolivia and Peru over the Tacna-Arica controversy. & the extremists I the Labor party | and their poliey | of B Ishevism. | “Ontrol ¢ y Be policy iMdained redress of gerieyv and ty 1 | Ath ‘Mmprovement of } p » What they sought was Oy . ; 4| ae System root and! 1d Plant another tree OKED 10 DEATH ler at § ; Pokane Found D N8ane Prisoner a ead “USpected. ‘al by Sales ( Ament w ANI Wash Ire.) hit, Nelson, ir a th ag bY of the ; Slave MAY 9 » March 20. ’, Was ay in the ity jail ¥ Gl Police ) e mr Potaskey, arreste ‘ _ WSanity sys H the |, Person he time Nelson's Outside the and they believe Slayer. ~ since the fall of 1915. TURKISH CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES ADJOURNED (Spectal via G,T.P, Telegraphs.) CONSTANTINOPLE, March 20. —The Turkish Chamber of Depu- ties adjourned sine die on Thurs- day as a protest against allied occupation and the deportation of nationalist leaders. | John MeKechnie, an old time member of the local St. Andrew's Society, returned on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon after ‘having been away from the cily He joined a Scottish battalion in Scotland in 1916 and spent till the signing of the armistice in the Pianos correctly G. O, Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf —_—_——— A REVOLUTIONARY | service. d His many friends in the city are Cl, giving him a royal welcome home. tuned, $6.00, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1920. DANIEL LEACHY R. L. Maitiand Makes Application for Writ of Certiori for His Release. Magistrate McMordie has re- eeived notice that Daniel Leachy, through his solicitor, R. L. Mait- land, of the law firm of Maitland & Maitland of Vancouver, is mak- ing appeal for a writ of certieri A POLICEMAN setting aside the copviction of Magistrate McMordie sending SHOT: HIMSELF Daniel Leachy to Okalla Farm for nine months for offering to sell jand exposing for sale intoxicating Thomas H. Sharpe, C.P.R. Cone liquor. Leachy was one of the stable at Vancouver, put Bullet accused in the local Duff sensa- Through Own Head. Lion and pleaded not guilty, put- ting up a plausible story in the jpolice court of his ignorance of (Special by Government Wire.) | : VANCOUVER, March 20.—With |'be proceedings. se { The appeal is based on the fol- no motive for the rash act other; lowing reasons: an poseane. & health, the life- | 4. That no legal evidence was ess body of Thomas H.,. Sharpe, | sqduced as to the guilt of the one of the best C. P. R. officers ; : accused. son, the force, was found with a 2. That there was no evidence gaping bullet wound in his head ¢.41 the liquor alleged to have in his room at Clifton Howse, OD ‘heen lit tek intoxicating Granville S8t., at 7:15 Thursday, S$. That the information laid night. It is believed that the inejuded the charge of two of- fatal shot, which was discharged fences from a 38 calibre revolver, was; 4 fired early in the day, the body showing that death had taken place some hours previous to the Magistrate McMordie bad no jur- time when it was found. isdiction : ’ Sharpe was one of the veteran 5 That there was no evidence members of the C. P. R. police. éa support the conviction and, therefore, the magistrate had no | jurisdiction. 6. And such other grounds as appeared on the face of the pro- That the alleged liquor sale did not take place in the city of Prince Rupert and, therefore, COMMUNIST PARTY svovare FOR GREAT BRITAIN “°""** The Presho called here yester- (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs ; day with 47,000 pounds of halibut London, March 20,—Steps are and “on looking over the market being taken in Great Britain to cleared for Seattle. One carload create a “Revolutionary Com- of fish was shipped to New York munist Party,” says the Daily this morning. No more cars are Herald, the organ of the labor looked for before next Tuesday interests. » night. The German Militarists Wished to Prepare For Great War of Revenge Special to the Daily News via Government Telegraphs.) BERNE, March 19.—Chancellor Bauer caused a sensation at yesterday's sitting of the German National Assembly at Stuttgart when he revealed the conditions presented to the Ebert Govern- ment by Dr. Wolfgang von Kapp and General von Luettwitz, when they entered Berlin last Saturday morning. “They wished to prepare for a war of revenge which would have plunged the country into another cataclysm,” cried the chancellor, ‘‘Pitiless punishment must come to these offenders.” Philip Schiedemann, leader of the Majority Socialists; Herr Burlage, of the Centre Party; Herr Kron, of the Gexman Nationalists, wT and Herr Becker of the People's U party are unanimous in con- owe a —— IS COMPLETED An A demnation of the attempted revo- lution, according to advices re- De Vaiera Intimates He Secured ceived here, LONDON, March 20.—Hundneds Reservation to Peace Treaty: of persons have been killed in the mining districts of Germany in NEW YORK, Mar, 20.—-EKamonn collisions between miners and Valera, ‘president of*the Re- troops, it is declared in reports | from Germany received at Copen- public of Treland,"’ announced ast night that the adoption by the hagen the Central News’ corres I'nited States of a reservation to pondent in that city telegraphs. A telegram received froin a big the Peace Treaty approving the principle of self determination town in Germany states that fighting is proceeding in nearly for the Irish people has fulfilled his mission to this country. all the thickly populated areas where soldiers and workers are opposed. ; 2 Si WESTHOLME THEATRE This Afternoon and Tonight an The Super Sensational Screen Production of Ravished Armenia, ‘Auction of Souls’ entirely on facts: vouched for by Viscount Bryce, paren en , British Ambassador, i vith ruling of National Censorship Board no person under Complying wit Tt years of age admitted. Prices, Evenings 55c. Matinee 35c "EMPRESS THEATRE, Tonight ‘WHAT LOVE FORGIVES' BARBARA Fes ge ello Ford Monthly MAKES APPEAL 4 (, PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Senate Rejects The Peace Treaty Failed to Secure Two-Thirds Majority by Seven Votes; Twenty Democrats Voted Against. Special io The Newa via UG. T. P. Telegrapns.) WASHINGTON, March 20.—The treaty of Versailles failed of ratification for the fourth time tonight and then the Senate voted to send it back to President Wilson with a notification that it has finally refused to advise and consent to its ratification. On the decisive roll call the vote stood 49 for its ratification 0 35 ayair st, the opposition numbering in its ranks 20 Democrats who were unwilling to see the treaty go through with the Repub- ican reservations objected to by the president. Three Democrat irreconcilables, twelve Repubiicans and 21 Democrats voted for the ratification, but the division failed by seven votes of providing the two-thirds requisite to ratify. CRS RE “A « LUMBER PRICES ¥ 1 | CANNOT EXAMINE * * * MR. JUSTICE ORDE * * ee + TO REMAIN HIGH * VANCOUVER, March 20. * * —Mr- Justice Macdonald * are * yesterday morning refused * |Bominion Government can see no * to grant an order for a * Way of interfering to Bring * commission to examine * Prices Down. * Judge Orde of Toronto in * obraeiay * connection’ with the Mul- ¥* (Special via vu. T. P. Telegraphs.) * Jlen-Erb case for control * OTTAWA, March 419 — That * of the shipbuilding plant */the Dominion Government, while * in Prince Rupert. The ap- */anxious to seriously consider any * plication was made on be- */suggestion that might help the * half of John L. Mullen by */jgituation, is practically helpless * KE, C. Mayers. */in the matter of bringing prices * *\of lumber down, was indicated . * SKK eH E HHS HK Be vesterday afternoon, following a conference between a score or of western members and more ~ Sir George E. Foster, acting prime minister. Several suggestions of very minor importance were discussed but none of them are believed feasibie, the only one that might H.C. Bell-Irving Warns Packers jaye been taken up was that the That British Government Government assist the smaller Control! Prices of mills to increase their output, but Product. it was pointed out that all such m mills by this time might have laid (epactel 90, Sy 7. PgR out their loggin: »lans and would VANCOUVER, March 20——H.0. not be in a position to increase Reil-Irving has cabled from Eng- their capacity at least for another land a warning to canners advis- twelye months. ing curtailment of packing cheap-| TORONTO, March 20.—Prom- er grades of salmon during the jnent lumber men state that lum- coming season. He says that the per prices, even if the cost of Government, control of prices in production were to Gecrease at the United Kingdom has set a low once, would not come down until figure on canned fish and that B. 4999. CG. Products cannot compete with | W. D. Burlis, secretary of the) B. C. Canners Association, in an} interview here, said he considered | FRISCO SWEDE Board of Control was only tem-| arene ee porary and a palliative measure|Wrestied for 81 Minutes at Van- to propitiate the popular; outcry couver—Olsen Secured the normal condition will be re- gained when the English stocks have been all allocated. Second Fair at Smithers Given Cocd Start at Annual Meeting the huge accumulation of war) stoeks carried in Great Britain. WALKER THREW the low price fixed by the English} against the living costs and that) One Fall- Last Saturday. (Special by Government Wire.) VANCOUVER, March 20.—Geo. Walker, the noted wrestler, ob- tained further honons when last evening he forced Charles Olsen, the big Swede of San Francisco, to concede him the victory after '81 minutes and 45 seconds of grueling work on the mat. The bout closed when Walker caught Olsen with a flying mare which ~ landed the visitor heavily on his The following officers have/)ead. The foree was such that been elected for the year by the! (jcen was unable to continue and ulkley Valley Agricultural and he conceded the bout to the Cana- ndustrial Association at Smith-| ajay jight heavyweight champion. ar Although he lost out in the end, President, A. Kilpatrick. First Vice-President, Dr. H. G: Vrinch, Hazelton. Second Vice - President, J. HK. tostrom, Grassy Plains. Olsen also obtained a fall, this being by means of a painful com- bination of double leg scissors wrist and hammerlock, which he obtained at the end of 43 minutes | Secretary-Treas., L. B- Warner.|,¢ .1iff wrestling. Dinectors —A. J. Prudhomme, sae E. Cc. B , Ge Oult and ‘ XS Henry. LAUSTRIAN CHILDREN ARRIVE IN ITALY (Specia) via G,T,P, Telegraphs.) (Special by G, T.P. Tetegraphs.) NEWPORT NEWS, March 20.— ROME, March 20.— Another The superdreadnaught Maryland, train bringing 600 Austrian chil- the most powerful battleship in dren arrived here from Vienna: \the World, was launched today. It is asserted that still 300,000 ARSON Raat h Nak ‘children in Austria are in a de- We offer steam coal in var load plorable condition in urgent need lots $7.00 per ton f.o.b. car-—_ of assistance. Albert & McCaffery. tf —_—_———o — oe Coal. The best. Prince | &. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41.|/Mupert Coa! Company, Phone 16. ee BATTLESHIP LAUNCHED *