? ' The Daily News , FRliNUE HUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PiiMishf (1 Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Hrinc Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LKN. Managing Editor. Trail jleit Display Advertising. . . . $M0 per -Inch' per Insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.. ...??,$&perinch Locol Readers, per insertion. . . ?25c pe Jine Classified Advertising, per insertion. '.2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion t5c pe Kayale line i; Contract Rates on Application, - i ,. ?v All advertising should lie in The Daily News Office before jxm. on day preceding publication. All advertising received... subject to approval. '" ." Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor end Reporter Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. OAtr.7 Dmoii our it QMinci 98' M Thursday. Sept. 2. 9S6. Many Local Residents. Were Hard Hit. Prinoe Rupert people who were born in the Umled Stoles, Norway, Sweden, Denmark. France, Belgium, Italy, Ureere and dozeirother rouiitrie- would nut be allowed lo vole if ome of tfie CoiiservntiV.es had their way. i Sonic1 Cuuservaliyes here object lo .being tied up to a policy of-that kiiid Lnt ittmn;t be remembered that when (ieorge Wright made hi address at Lemiox in which he !-aid he would restrict lie liaUut'tu 1hp?e Jjfirti in Canada or the British Mes, Premier MHghen finil Ihrep oOier minister were on Ihe pUilform with hijn and lliey 'lW iib exception whatever lo it as good Conservative poTicy. , $ Tli' difficulty, with. .Mr. Meighen is that lie has. one story iftriinfnM SlHr'afloIfiCr for-the West."' He clmnge? his tune acforditiJTto the "province tir district he viits. . Mniiy uf Prince: Rupert's movt prominent ritiiens- .werjf iforeigu born. " A large number of the best, worker in Ihe city were n'ul born in Canada or the lirilih Isle. They came here n good faith believing that they would gel British Ireotmenl and then Ihey are threatened with Ihe los of their badge of citizenship. What are Ihey to think? As they remark, it is impossible for them to vole fur a jiarty that agrees to such a (policy or thai' even hints at it. Some of them were disfranchised fjtice before but they will support no party that will do it again. Good Omen for The Election. Yesterday Conservatives were Jollied by many Liberals at one of their candidates being stuck up by the mud Meigheu was slinging from Ihe hustings u that he was unable to gelMo 4 lie nomination-. pjace ii! Provencher. The election of fi Libeml-I'rogressivjj there i$ a, good omen for Hie whple ejection; It was he Tipst 'blood for '.Murkenzie King, i j A, a ...matter' .of fact it does not pay lo throw mud. The person who does it is bound to be contaminated himself. Some people would very likely say that the loss of Ihe chance to fight 4he ejection through the intervention of the. Manitoba mud was 0 "judgment of Profidence. At any rabj the Liberals are off to o-joodslart and they are expecting toVinwhTch is more than the Uotiservutives caii honestly say for their chanres. Important Event in Life of Community. 1 An ' election is an important eveirt in Ihe life of any com-niunily. tl means a great deal for it sets forth in a general way Ihe policy which our government is. to pursue. If we. return a ,Uoijcrvalive government we indicate thai we favor autocracy of agitinst democracy, Ihe interest oT the classes as against the inasses. WWlrow thai we want protection so Uiat tlio rich may befofjie richer and the poor poorer. We indicate, that we are not in fahir of ocial legislation such as old age penwns and that we do. not want the. Senate reformed. On Ihe other hand, ir we Mipport Ihe Liberal candidate wc indicate very cleurly that we waul a Liberal policy under which every, niafj ha an equal chance. We are opposed to autocracy iiltauy -fofm, especially such a was shown in the action of the novernor recently. We believe in . giving all the rights of cili. eenship bxall except Orientals, criminals, lunatics and children. We want our old people lo be cared, for by the slale and mir young people to grow up. real Canadians with Canadian idea or .nationality. Efforts are made by politician to hide Ihese important policies, under a smoke-screen of words, but thev cannot be hidden from the intelligent. It is only the ignorant and those who nit easily influenced by others who allow themselves to be led flvyay by the.-wile "f the common enemy, ; Remember this, that iinlhe. final analysis Liberalism means liberty, whereas Conservatism means bonds. Do' Not Always Live " ' , Ud to Their Prlncloles. - ;V H."ir !radnntledUlial Libera do.nol jifirav live up U Liberal lfriiifdiiliW iinrt llinl 'iininm -i:. ?L.ni t i ...... . befayse Ihey are forced to do mi. When Liberals slrav frnm .iberiil principles Ihey lose jrround. .Happily in Mackenzie King Hi? .country ha a leader embued with the-e priHcipIes who will "v "unit, me pains oi i.iucraiism as rapidly as iltisosMbli; In go. One by one the old barriers are broken down uud new, and beiJer plicies evojved as is hown in Die viu ., itiisi,,s poury wfiicti was recently initiated and which tlte Lonservalive fear mi nilicb Ih.-ii ih Ihoo who wish lo see democracy triumphant cannot do V'lK " ne Miierai caiididale. Thoxe who wih to ee a relrograde movement set in, shoirtd support the . IT'. 1 , ,s ,1r,?e,r ""PPftrt his party and tile party is v iMllfi IIIUI JOSl lOW, lcool! SHREDDED WHEAT is icooling and nourishing fine for breakfast or lunch envy of tae oaliois to be cai on Replenilxr It in the- liiiu Canadian general elfclion. No man Or' woman fsv reipiircd or allowed 4 d(vul. tlin nauu or i ne fauuiiiaio for wnotn ne or At ifcls tiifti1: while the eliin- laivn :s rea.'hims its height. and voters are preparing to march en masse to the polls ) elect a new parliament, a re cme of the regulations of tin Dominion Elections Act. t timely, ftie Act snverns all fed eral vfttsts and amply provides for the puanlinsr of the cilUen right to Ihe secret ballot. . No Information Tbe Mi mniires evry candi ddle, officer, clerk, -atrenl or OlUer person in aljenilauce at a pollin? station or at the ..count ing of the votes lo eld in main, (aining the secrecy of ihe vo'-inp; and no candidate, officer. tlerk or other a? ent ;$h1l: 'a Before Ihe poll ,s cbised communicate to anyaiemon any fnformation as lo whether any person on iue usi oi voters ins or has not apjiBeYlj fr a ballot paper or voted ab:i that pollina slailon; or (b) At he polling station in -Icrfere with or attempt to inler-?ere with a voter when marking 'tis ballot paper, or otherwise ai-lenipl to ub'aln information as :o the candidate for whom an voter is about to vole or has voted; or c At the counting of thj votes attempt to ascertain the humber on the back of any ballot paper: or (d) At any (lum communicate fexcept to a court or Judze Iaw' fully requirinft him to do so' any information as to the number on the back of the ballot paper civen to any voter at a polling station; or (e; At any tune or place, -di- colly or indirectly induce or endeavor to indupe any voter lo iiow his ballot paper after Kv ha markHl it, so as u make known to any person the nam--of the candidate for or against whom he has o markml bi vole; or ff) At any time communicate t any person any iuftirmatii ii obtained at a polling station to the candidate for wbum any voter a neh pniliug xliHion about to vole or lis voted; or T At such countin? attemot lo obtain any information or communica'te any information obtained at such counlin? a In he candidate for whom an volf ifivcn in any particular iiallot painr. Clause two of the sect Kin tates that "any person who vio lates any provisions of this sec-lion .Call be guilly of an illegal ftractiie and or an offence against this Act punishable by summary convlrtlons it, in tin Act provided." Ten; Years Ago In Prince Rupert September 2, 1916. . The first vessel lo cross t!i Pacific Ocean from Janan In Prince Ilupert was the brlgatinc Hokuto Maru, Card. iaiiiiiii, which arrived here this evening. The vessel, which was met off Dijrby Island by J. II. Mid.eo.l, collector of rnslom, and K. Ola of Jedway, brought a cargo of salt here and will go lo Jedway lo oad a return cargo of sailed dojj salmon. Two weddings were solemnized in the city today. Miss Aina Or-Wg was married at 3 o'clock Mils afternon In" Leonard flelth and this evening at six o'clock miss Margaret fiherman became Ihe bride of V . Cornish. Canon Hi officlaled at the former wedding which was in fit An. drew' Church and Itev. j, p , Ulmmick was the pastor at th Cornishherman nuptlal.t 'whT6!i; were perform! at the home of Ihe bride parents, Mr. and Mrs , W. II. gherrnan. Ma?IlMle Alfred Oarss ha received a cable -aylng thai hli son. Ljeul. Adair Cars, I02ndi Heglweril. has been wounded In action. Advertise In the Daily .News. THB DAILY RKWa SECRET BALLOT I URGES REFORM ELECTION DAY; PRISON WORK Regulations Are Intended to j Lady Visitor to Province Lec Mske Sure That no Person Knows How Other v. . 11 Vote , '. OITAWA, .Sept. 2. Exceed insly sine! Jaw? protect Die .,- tures on Treatment of or- fender's Afialnst Laws CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Would, Have Women Magistrates worKlng m conjuncuon With Men "Penal reform is sninetliinii more than nni' bellrrment ! prison conditions. U embraces ho wh,le srii'iilific attitude t wards, tbfi! prtsveulioir of crim and takes into amount th causes which breed "rriniinal. with a view to n'liMtvlng or remedying those causes. One 0t !lie most important phases ot irisou reform that directs ajgainst ifi'e manuractiirtng of liarderied, crinintMls out of first offenders and to ibis end we in Kugland are fighting ajsinsi h sending of young people lo prl son for Ibeir first offenre." This is qui of Hie interesting lews prpriounded by Miss Mar- scry Fry, honorary secretary of (lie rjoward League of rrai Jtrit-ain. who is vfitlng Vancou ver Islandl Daughter of Judge As a fihusli!'-r of the late fti Hon 5tr -Edward Fry. a former Lord Justice .f Appeal. .Miss Fry has Inrar. been interested In the penal system of Oreat Itrilnir. and Us rami f irations. Her ob servation led to her s. social 'on wHh Ihn Howard Leepue, for merly ,KljTvn as Ihe Penal Ite-form Lcactie f P-ita'n. of a hieli Lord Hcjicy 15'iitinrk is the r - sident. TitiM league has fo vear'"?been intvuiir on a piie but effective -a. irk in ediicalina nubile, opinion i.i a broailer vi.w on tho wliol- inttler nf penal prfurm and ir"eiit'v Its prjograui is a broad one, rinliri4CtU' ninr in!.iiint lii.'n iire parlictiUrly intrtiug ii Canada l.ecii-- pamllel ine- ure have iieen advM'ale -from time ! time by women Safeguard Young Its grrtate-t aim is lo nrevem Ihe iiMiinfariire of criminal. To i his ejld U :ia wal a nn ftjrhf luratnM :be couiiii:l!al ni first offenders. nartitilarlr tit- Vounif jwoje lo prisiwiS, wller ui sjdte of My rotation ah-1 walebful care.. liie i nnr in con-taCf 'with harden?-! and dgradril nnnnals wlio all ton freiuntly help Hi. in furttur down Uir roan af wron-iioing. The Hrsi iitasvi of this fight wa won with the tlaMUhmen- In lmdon of a prison for inal firs' offenders, fnljowing Iht )ia.ing of a bill which M League wus inxtrumeiitat in promuValinU. nils pri-vn h.s ben established ahotil eievAit months and Of the 800 or men who have passed Uirouirf) lis walls in inart lime only font, were ro.-onviclHl, an amazingly Small pereenLve when coniar-ed lo Ihe reeonviclions asnins! first offenders after a term hi the ordinnry prisonh. Work and Education In llier jirioiis for first of fender, the r.leui followed In rludey n eburse of hard work fir eigtH Mur? jlailrr followed In the evefllas by Blaise fpl" lhoh whr, ars( t,4 bKc them, a! a prinoti of fhls kind at Peter head. sotl4n'ii. ihese rfasttVit am taken by prisoners, and all the men are on parole to keep onler anions tliernelves during Hiene recreational hours. Ivbatina washes are held, and leclures of varioim ki-id are arranged, Hie pruoner taking eager advantage of tli.- ediicalioiml opporti-nitles thus offered. Abolish Death Penalty Oilier measures of reform on Hie pro-jrim of the League In- elude me.iicai lnsMclfon nf alt criminals, the establishment of home f,)r horderline caes, tb-aboliltou .f capital punishment, increase r the prniration Jya- eni. and 'he "cousbicralioit Uy 'he i.eag'n- of Nations of an In lernattonal standanl In the treat mem of criminals. on rue (iiibject ftf the anotttlon of capital punihmenl. Miss Fry had .uue i!ilei"tiir view--. She depli.r. the effect on the pub-lie -.iiind of the trial of a man for his life, .imd is of the opinion that the death sentence. In-sICHd of art pig v; dftierenl h olbiirs, frequently hns Ihe effect of drivui Htrdrrlipes cases U imilation or (he crime or whict, the ialty was imposed. Miss Fry refute, the suggestion often adva'.e-d to the ef- fivt that the abolition of itipilalj punishment wmld lead lo an iii-J creise in crime, by pointing ' Norway .weifen, I Denmark and) Holla1, i', v!iere I lie abolition ol ! Hie death iH'nallj' has bfsn fol-KfweJ by a distinct lessening in Hie numlHT of murders. Women Magistrate Mis- Fry is alu a siren; ad-vcaie of nnnien uiairislrate. but ' in e)-operalion wifti' mer masistrales. She l of tbej opinion that (be view of ht!t men and womep U essential ! particularly i:i eae ' dealm-wiUi offence, awaits' children. ' The Howard l.eawue Include; in ils pnr-raiu a nteaure askui .'' Tor the etipoinlmeul of Iwn wv-, men matfi-tratesl without pay. o every rii'i-Wen's court hi Lon don. To insure thai Ine moc eapable lie of women fill thes. oosls in FnifUn.l. the Leact)-a Hen rondueiin; stimmer courses for vimen maitUlraloo, wiiere lecture on suitable ,idi-iccls are ylven," and where Ihe women have an oiMiorlunlty nf dirusinir thoe problems which nrse trom t'.me lo (hoe In I Ik iir: with which Ihey are n sorlated. THE MAN IN THE MOON ' " 1 : . : r What 1 lUr aooiil the plioii..-iraph i thai it iPk-s not irodHt political fMehe. If all the speetfheft in Ihe pre sent campaign were placed end u end there would lie eiitHig i -alk to tal unlit Ihe oeil eleo ion. Jake tnys onien ean talk a ol but thew iKililtrians heal heiti all to trlHre. Thank heaven for the Kirls oi d.y. Tbry do 'dre tensility nyway. even if thay do not at-a talk lhat way. TlilHgs are not iulle the sain-ince trady become a partv Nililirian. 1 F n ko. joti there wa raid n Ihe prairie ee Ihe , farmers toftld not have had time to talk olllies. I Ud you Hrady never knew ilt exactly what snri of a clmp 'ic whs until he trot out on the volillral slump and bit; an lo ell people (w lo run the eoun- n- Hon, jtwim out inlo Ihe mid-lie of the lake unless you hav , I least en lhou.ip;d dollars It's a difficult for a motor si lo keep the eaption out of hi ijjrine us for a . CoiMervatlve Valo? to keep the dirt out iiMbl teech. Hotb seem to come laturil. IM like to he't on Ihe elect inn euU hut I eart't iret a dollar -.e, not even a dime. If the Liberals can'l win any decllon money this time, how-ire they going to live nnlll the icit contest comes onf lere's a dollar I wanl to bet ' would put it on Mork but yet, I hale to lake cash From those who are rash, "tut what clo am I going to KP " SLASHED THROAT ON C. P. H TRAIN Man Claimed to Have Ben Defrauded by "Bank Book dame" In Vancouver KAL.MO.N AIIM, Sept. 2. )e. raudeil of approximately 1 .200 y meiins or a "bank book ame' in Vancouver by a casual iciiuatnlaiice, Ob: lloulanl, who ay he came lo lliilioh lloluin-lila from his home in the l ulled Elates to epend a holhhiy in he Hiilmon Arm Hospiial, recovorlng from an alleged al-'euipl lo end his life ,y .nh-tug his Ibroat west of here Tuesday evening on an easl-bound Canadian Pacific passenger train. v Thursday. i tv lj intfwnii imnm .iltliVA IPACinC No RubMn You Just Rinse! 4t For millions of women the makers of Lux have taken the hart! work out of washday with Rinso. When you use Rinso you simply soak the clothes a couple of hours, ' or overnight, in the rich Rinso suds, rinse; and that's all. Change the hard work of wash ing into just rinsing. Pinso The new kind of soap laryc T.cka$c Low Trice Made t the Maker of Lux Steamship and Train 1 J i ji . . 1 Service 4ii:i. from raiftcc fturiRT tr vstcouvie, victohu. Mimi rtrb MOnOAV trtd TMURIOSr 4 00 t .. SATUKOST. S.00 e rT SHVOX ! mWAAT tODT. fWIOAT. 140 Tur ALASKA WtOHIAOAT, 4 00 -. mr Astrrr iniit wonoat. oe -. rtr scioiOATt iilct aini south qvua cmahiotti mum rrttMtr. PASscnom traim have pmimcc nueist " I Lio Ajn. for pmincc oiOAor, comoftToft, woinieio. i FantdA, I nilMl SiAle. AftMf (II 0t. (It.mthl Lift. L' i:n4un Xtuonil Cipro fcr Mftv "rlrt, r - t AM tor fmr urn upmfit Cn Tkt.t OflU. BIS TklrO A, print pn. flet tl 1CAHAD1AN, T HUhUii, ttilHn, PMINCtSS BIATRICS. CAeiAMII Klttr, t4 VuMaiir ' Bttwr4f 11 A.m, for Byl.d.U, ttt Billt 0ftn fHlt, Nm, Altrt Ml- AftMf ft til SlMmiDlA llM. 'oil UftM""1 r W. C. ORCHARD O.n.fil Ai. MriH t 4m r.tl ti4 SrO At.iut. Print. RuMrt, 11 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert wi A Wrwi.ll, iiint.u n4 Skt e . S, 1. N.B T VtHCOMitr, Vlciru MUI 4, l) 11, 14, II. 21 ;UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED , iminn frnai Pn aupn. f VARCOOVIR. VI0T0RIA, Sotntta S.f. AUM Stf. ! ' , f VANCOUVtR. VIOTOAIA. AI.M Bit, t4 Bt. Stlvrtl. fr PORT SIMPSON tn Rim Rlttr C.nn.rl.t, Thwrttflf Pm- . - . ......... . .. . . . . . . BL 121 24 Attnut. R. M. SMITH, Af.et Prlntt eup - A REPUTATION FROM 1858 TO 1926 "(SlADIAMCa QVhisry i i