THE. DAILY HEWS. J'riclay Octab 25, Pagi 2 i98j , ' The Dailv News Get your parcel of MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Tobacco for the For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Soldier Boys irdays at fl:30 a. m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East MADE-UP AT THE Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs Keep WRIG LEV'S In SUBSCRIPTION RATES: days at 5:45 p.m. Prince mind as the longest-lasting Rupert City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c For Vancouver: confection you By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. 0 ! Store & Sundays can buy. Send It to in advance, $7.50. Cigar To United States and other countries, Tuesdays .-.... ... P.m. Thursdays t p.m. the boys at the front. Telephone 98. Billiard Parlor Knlnr.lavs 7 a.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 cents per inch. THIRD AVENUE From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. Best Billiard Hall in Rnnitnva 10 p.m. Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. Town. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. DAILY EDITION. Friday, October 25, 1918. Great variety of Tobaccos, For Anyox: Cigars and Cigarettes, Sunriavi .10 p.m. Being Trained By Pipes and Pouches. Wednesdays 10 p. m.j Suffering Reverse. Saturdays 10 p. in. Perhaps it is well that the American troops should know cnm.ikini. rt nttinf it. mootic in in(Tfr reverses. ADDarentlv they From Anyox: V T 1IU w " ' " - mi tvi(i siiihhnm resistance to the north of Verdun and had to lUHUOja ........... ....; retire before superior forces although they have come back with TO SUBSCRIBERS inursuays fine elasticity and are just as iresn ana reaay as ever. undays P.m. ThPPA were, rinvs when the British and French and Belgians Subscribers to Tho Xcxts and Italians had their bad times. That was the sort of thing that For Port Simpson and Naaa Rlvei . ... ... the de-livery mi 1 i 1 :iu 1 are asked to pay showed the calibre or tne men. iney ueiu uu wuu &iieuuiu boys each month points: War Time Economy tenacity and were always ready to strike when the opportunity Sundays --.10 p.m. whcn they call, except occurred. where payment has been in Sweetmeats Since that they have had their opportunities and have risen made for the year In ad. From Port Simpson nd Naas to the occasion. The help or tne American iroops iius uw ' vance. The boys when River Points: splendid and together they have been able to do euective wor. Tuesdays ...a.m. collecting carry official receipts a 5-cent package of WRIGLEVS will which should always President Wilson's be preserved. Queen Charlotte Islands: give you several days' enjoyment: Clever Message. For Massett, Port Clements and It's an investment In benefit as well There can be no peace negotiations with the people who Upper Island points: disregard treaties and speak of the record of solemn obligations Vednesdays 6. p. in. as Pleasure, for It helps teeth, breath, as scraps of paper. President Wilson spoke in the only language ATTENTION CITY VOTERS which the Huns can understand when he announced that already appetite, digestion. from Masset, Port Clements and two million Americans had left the shores of this continent to either male female Island points? VOTEflS, or Upper take part in the big fight No other message would have any CHEW IT AFTER EUERY MEAL road tax laiming. to vole on cer- ridays, p. in. effect iflcales licence holders must or as President Wilson has a happy way of doing things. Had Roosevelt been sending that message he would have included it le declarations with me this or fikldegale, Queen Charlotte The Flavour Lasts as a threat in the official communication to the Kaiser. Wilson nonth. City and Lower Island points: I will attend at tho City Clerk's 8 aturdays p. in. does it in a more effective manner. He ignores the Kaiser, in so far as the threat is concerned, but the announcement being made fflco on Tuesday, Thursday between and 8 From Skidcgalc. Queen Charlotte Sealed tight Kept right week coincidental with the message to the Huns had the effect without 'riday of every City and Lower Island points nd 10 to facilitate the tak- the form of a threat More than that it was shorn of all bombast p.m. Tuesdays, MAOC IN of such declarations. and must have gone right home. There was not even a suggestion ng " CANADA of what would follow. It was a statement of fact at an FREDERICK PETERS, For Skagway and the Yukon. 4ZTWi2m opportune moment City Clerk. Every ten days. From Skagway and Yukon. Boys are Still Advertise In the Daily News. Every ten days. as llIEIUll Over There Fighting. MINERAL ACT When the fine young Canadians went away there was great enthusiasm and everyone was anxious to show appreciation of their loyalty by sending them parcels of tobacco, candies and Certificate of Improvements. other suitable supplies. It is over four years since they went away. Some have "gone west," while others have taken their KOT1CE Mineral. Claim, situate la t'erra Friction places. Enthusiasm has waned somewhat and there is not that the Sktena Nlnlnr DtUlon ot Caviar Keep up the intense eagerness to remember the boys "over there." District. v AM assured thai Christmas will be here soon and the men will lopk for their Wtxre looted: Sear tb bead or Alter I mail and wonder if the people at home have forgotten them. Arm. my people will rr-spond TAKE NOTICE tbtt I. Lewis W. PaUnore, Laslyear they did that and the parcels arrived weeks after they IW Uln.r'I r.iini-t Ma niftT.r II Food Supply to every cell were due. To make sure of the parcels getting there on time (rent for John Walford Strom beck, Wee to the juc necessary they should be sent early. The postmaster suggests on or before Miner' Certificate No. tlltl-C, intend, fUty dsys from tne due nereor, to spplj with cess of our cause November but earlier than that the 0, even is proper if men are to the Mlnlnc Recorder for t Certificate of far removed from the centre of things. Improvements, for tne purpose of obtain and Help the same indomitaUt Messages from the front seem to intimate that the boys Ins; a Crown Grant ot toe store claim. ardour and devotion fancy the people at home are not backing them up as they should. And further take notice that action, tin der section tl mast be commenced before This coming Christmas will be a good time to rid their minds of the issue or such Certificate of Improve that have filled me with any such idea. Prince Rupert will do great things when it comes ments. Make Victory pride and gratitude to buying Victory Bonds and this smaller thing must not be DATED this IS til daj of Autust, A. D since neglected. 19l. Otl the war began." LAND. REGISTRY ACT. Htj Majesty Ktxo Ctoscs Sure (Sections IS and iSi.) Team Work Needed for Few Days Re Application No. 9761 1 It B771-I, TAKE NOTICE that application has Been made to rerlster Natnan Louis Lando and While the people of Prince Rupert, in common with Dora 8chclnnn as owners In fee under soldiers must be fed; the people at the people in almost every part of the world, are being two Tat Sale Deeds from trie Collector of sorely tried just now it must not be forgotten that the the the fith Cltjr day or Prince of November,Rupert, It bearlnr 17, of date ALL OUR must be fed. Andin spite of men at the front have been in much more difficult situations ASD Sl.tOULAIl that certain parent than confront us and they have come through with tract of land and premises situate, Ijrln Germany's murderous campaign to colors and belur In the Municipality of the City flying. f I'rlnre nupert, more particularly known cut off the Allies' Food With courage we must all face the issue and keep and described as Lot eleven (ii), Olock supply, by sinking cheerful. By helping our neighbors we can best help twenty-rive (ts. Section seven (7), and ship on the High Seasan and every ourselves. Team work and community work is the order Lot thirteen I3) Block thirty-five (35) ample of the day. quired Section to eight contest(, Map the claim fj. You of are the re tu unfailing flow of food to England and It must not be forgotten that in spite of our difficulties purchaser within -ii days from the date here it will be necessary for us to continue our or tto service or this notice which may France must be maintained. be effected by publication In the Dally preparations for providing for the at the money men News, and your attention Is called to sfC front. Victory bonds will be on sale commencing October tlon SS of the "Land Detistry Act" with 28 and we shall all have to do our best when the sale amendments, and to the foltowlnr ettrsct This is National Service opens, even though we have needs of our own to supply. thererrom: 'and In default or a caveat or certificate Not to the Farmer only THE EDITOR. or lis penden beinr filed berore tiw reels tratlon as owner of the person entitled un der such tax sale, all persons so served But to YOU to everybody with notice, , . , . and those claiming tnrourn or unaer tnem, rna an persons This appeal is directed ciaiimm any miereii in me lanu or v riue or any unregistered instrument, snd all persons claiming any interest in me una by descent whose II tie Is not registered under the provisions or this Act. shall be WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden mall or large. Utllue tor ever rsioppea ana aenarrea rroin setting; PLANT ud any claim to or In rcunect or the to SAVE and to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivated land so sold for taxes, and the Rearlstrsr shall register the person entitled under women and children; tho young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food such oia ror tat taxes."sale as owner of the land go aged and the old all can help in the AND WHEREAS application has been Nation's Army of Production. made for a-Certificate or Indefeasible Tttlt of towns can find no tetter Constipation is the arch'Wir.y of health. or to the Nathan above-mentioned Louis Lando lands.and Dora In tha Scbeln name EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps WOMEN Important outlet for thr Conquer this enemy and you. rout a whole army nan. tha cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable of physical foes, including indigestion,biliousness, AND WHEREAS on Investigating the title the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. sick I appears that prior to the llth day of headache, sleeplessness and nervous dyspepsia. Ktouer, iv is (tne date on which the said Beecham's Pills have been a world-favorite lands were sold for overdue .taxes), you Be patriotic in act as laxative for over sixty were ine registered owner thereof, lor information on any subjtct r dating years. They straight to go FURTHEn TAKE NOTICE that II the the cause of many ills and remove it. They act same time I shall effect registration in to tha farm and Cardtn, rnlta: well as in thought. pursuance of such application and Issue DUXKAU INFORMATION and pleasantly Contain promptly, surely. no Certificate or indefeasible Title to the habit-forming drug. These time-tested pills said lands In th0 names or Nathan Louis IHpertment of Agriculture the Lanao and Dora echemman unless you take Use available-Overlook strengthen stomach, stimulate the liver and and prosecute the proper proceedings to OTTAWA every means establish your claim, If any, to the said nothing. Relieve ancs, or to prevent such proposed action on my part. V V DATED at the Land Registry Office. Constipation August,Prlne0 nupert,(911, B.C.. this lnd day of Dominion Department of Agriculture II. F. MACLEOD, OTTAWA, CANADA. WorUi a Guinea a nor District Registrar of Titles. onlr br TVM B.acUra, St.H.l.r.,Urculir.EstUaJ, To Robert lllldebrandt, Prince Rupert, n. C, MlnUter. &ld rbriaCwiaUaBdU.S.AnrU. l- Uac,25 ,u, miens! Byrne, uuite, Montana., HON. MARTIK BURRMA, rrsncls Calve, Prince Rupert, P, C