Page 4 THP. DAILY NEWS. Friday. Oeioi r 55, 10l, SUFFERED ANTILOAFINQ ORANGES AND LEMONS The nnli-loailiig law has been EXPECTED TOMORROW amended in such a manner as to FRED TERRIBLE AGONY provide for arrest without war STORK'S HARDWARE rant. "Any peace officer." the Cranberries are Also En Route- amendment reads, "mar arrest Florida Grapefruit Here; Eggs NOTICE or CANCELLATION nr IlESEUVE Establislicd 1008. "Fruit-a-tives" Alone Gave without warrant any person whom Becoming Scarcer and notice is hertb len Hal ths retenra be believes reasonable and on Prices Stiffening. of Lou Two eiistmr on certain portions Him Quick Relief probable ground lo bo violating hundred and nvo (105 and Two hundred and eitnl (108) lunro Three (I) Coasi Buckingham, Que, May 3rd, 1913. lue provisions nereor i.e., me Large quantities of orniiKca and District, turvejea ami anown ai uiu ft FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON nnti.lnnflncr law -and such nence twin nimaiTfl inu iiiij-nunj TrtOLlIN "ForsoTen years,I suffered terribly lemons are expected to arrive on Eiten hundred and Uly-one (lll and GEAR AND 8UPPLIE8. from Severe Headaches and Indiges-thn. officer is justified in making such the boats tomorrow and they will Elcren hundred and suiytwo (tie) Iy In lb Ill.ttsh reason of a.notlcti appearlnc I had belching pas from the arrest. be very welcome. They will be Columbia Oaidte of 17th Iiecember, I07, dear hut here will bo l ranrellrd ror ai purposes. stomach, and I had chronic Constipation. many people litltub Columbia, I tried many remedies bat Oh snvl The News Print Shrm glad to get them at any price this HATED loth day at or Victoria,septemDer. a. m. ivis. SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE nothing did me good. Finallyi a does its work about as cheap as There is also a considerable ship Deputy O II.Mlulster NADEN,of Land. PAINT FOR ROAT8 LEAF friend advised "Fruit-a-tiTes". I most shops and quite as well, ment of cranberries coming north. took this grand fruit medicine and gives you the work on time whenever Some line grapefruit arji offering it mad'j me well. To everyone tUo possible and hands it out this week at 25o each. Thev lias miserable health with Constipa-tionandlndigestlonandDadStomach, with a pleasant "Thank you." are largo and of lino quality. They What do you say to giving tlrem come all the way from Florida. FRED STORK'S I say take "Fruit-a-tives", and you a trial on your next job? There is a slight stiffening in HARDWARE will well". get many.llnes. Eggs are scarcer and ALBEIIT VAKXER. Advertise in the Daily .News. it is possible tho prices may go 8i:CON AVENUE iOc. a box,6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. NOTICE U hereby riven that th Sale higher yet. nf Lands lo be held on Um twenty-fourth At dealers orsent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 Meats remain much the same day of October next upon whlcii delinquent Limited, Ottawa, Ont. late ire due has been poatnooed so far KOTlCE OF I5TEMTI0.X TO AfrLY TO except that at limes it is a little a lrxi in ihe rrtnee Ruj-ert Aeamenl DUtrtct are concerned and mat on tne. sail difficult to get some of the joints. day of .November follow Ins a sale wilt l I.N QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAJID Tho food controller is continually beJd or an sucn tanas in ine saia aikii riQTtitrr. nrrnnmvn ntaTntrr nr nient DUtrlet at- uwu a v i iuvi i j a SkEE.NA AND SITUATE O.N SOUTH . exhorting everyone to buy C W. HOMER.. Assettor and Collector r You Never what meat DATED thU tod of October. A. I) lll shore or LAOOOis i.n let. Moresby uifi usually knowu as day island, about ONE MILE rrtOM ITS i'offals in order to conserve the i SAUQABLE WATEflS rilOTECTIO.N ACT ivnow w nat r MOUTH. iliPtlpp ioint" nnrl nllnw fnr n lnrir- It S. C- Cap. IK. If" 11 TAKE KOUCE that I, JOH.N M. MAC-, xilwi, oi Vancouver, it. u occupation. v.-,-. w.ovue. A Man Cannerrman, Intends to apply for permu- Trices this week are as follows: The 'Oeorretown Saw Mill Company. Limited, hereby sirei notice that it baa if sion to tease tne rouowinr aescriDea lands: I Fish' under section 7 of the aald Act deposited Will Do Commencing- at a post planted on loe saimon 5c vritn tne Minister or moiie worai si ut south and In lb otnee of the tllsinel lli- shore of Uaoon Inlet. Moresby Is-.f"8" swa A Ahead" ... . .. . 1 1' .1 1 1 i n i jr.. or the ITlnce Land Lap liana, sdoui one mile from its mouth: "uu eaiw, niuoia iuu trir Rupert flertitry DlitrUt'a deicriptlon of the alie and Mrs. Williams has been tisinir I thence west SO chains: thence north ?0lCnd. 2 lbs . 2So plan of wharf prcpoaed to be built on Lot Pacific Milk for cooking a long 11 ,?ee ?.cb?"" mcr ' le";Cod fillets : 10c of Ukxlt "f rrlnce Rupert Towmlle, as shown on rian $11 Died In the Land long time. Her husband got to MUllliv roltowl, ,nn. -,r mL .-...JFrcsh black cod, 2 lbs. ..... 2Dc Rerutrr omc nainc ft in hi mnrnincr infT Irmfnt rtf fv.mmanMtnMt. uui.- sAiKirinnn linrliHo Ih . . 4 tin And take notice that after tSe expiration of one month from the date of lb imt an t hot' tiavhp Uittr ftxiort m lib-1 tCTCJ IHOK Of 1J. fllnfihitl U OR of this Dunlop Tires "Traction," a v AJ ka j a a tail lilllA laauiiaukf J uhlicalion notice Tlx Oeorretewn ? aw Mill Company, Limited, will under W more. jjjerring kiperedi ,b i5c wtion 7 or tne said Act apply to the The other cvenintr Mrs. V "iSoles. lb 10c Minister of rublie Works, at hl omca in bought fresh to (Skate, 3 lbs 25c the city of Ottawa, for approval of the "Special represent doing some cream MINERAL ACT said aite ana pun ana ror leave to coo give him a treat (as sho Oolichans, salt 10c true! the said wharf. Dated at Prince Rupert this tith day of thought) with his porridge and Certuicate of Improvements. Fruits and Vegetables. September. IBIS. best what other tires to use with his coiiee Cucumbers, each 10c THE OEOROETOW! SW MILL COM may fANY. LIMITED. Olt Marrows, each ........8c to 10c . . , I Brum Lummon. I XL, Caledonia. Marls. tu-t j .i a ik ak u, uuu ucu e ib,s, Kcnner. Blr Thlnr. Dumfries. ELettuce Unions, dry 6c have been trying to do well. umcuvcreu il was a uiueremi Momaire, index, Malachite. Cupprlte. Orer iOo cream in the Ditcher, ha naked Copper, Wharf and Bunker mineral claims. Tomatoes 25o Tommy Burns' Cabaret .. i .i , . I Situate In tbe Skeena Ulnlnr niniinn.. nr. i nr i i( Hnmn a ni n nppn l-o I i " w. Tomatoes, outdoor, ISc .. . " waie I, Coul DDirlcl, Where located. Jreen tomatoes 0 lbs for 25c iiib Aiiuiiiiiit, uuuiun un toppr crwt, Douruj Chnnl. tt iirinir J!t it id pnn ana txtii. a I rt rna a ninaai s I i Akr.... n inri inn i lAhn n a nfAUni Pears, per doz, 35c Opto 8 (9 2, Saiartfag 8 tt 12 Masters of the Road" ua! inu w vs vs ivii v aa i uiii;i - um vuu ay. nuui;i MvU, t 'stuff." i j. ...-.. or Trail, b.c. sctinr as stent J'car, preserving, per crate M.00 l'"r ,uo unun Lumnon copper Mines, i r -v Pacific Milk Co. if? .Ce"lflie nTflM 5c I Flahermen, Loggers and Dusi-neaamen 0 "v. mieua, uxiy aays from the dite i eapeclally Invited LIMITED ucrcui, iu sppiy to me Mininr neconler viiiuius. ucr u. oc lo izhc Accommodation for Ladies AH 332 DRAKE STREET ror uerilncate of Imnmrrrarnti tnr ir King annles 10c to 12 We Factory at Ladner, B. C. I aoove purpose claims.of obuinlnr Crown Grants of the Celery ioc ZMPRESS BUILDING DUNLOP TIRES And further take notice that action tm u rapes, per id 200 O, C Fiaiier, Manager der section 37. must Le commenced ivrnra Carrots, per lb c I the Issue of such Certificate of Imnrore- Parsnips. Der .lb 444c iments. Dated this Slst day of Seolember. A. n. Casaba melons ,50c lo 4.50 To the Public: 1918. Cauliflower 25c to 35c J. D. A.NDERSO.N. Citron 8c I Sk'EE.NA LA.ND DISTRICT DISTrtlCT or Pumpkin He QUEE.N CHARLOTTE ISLA.NDS. lied cabbat?e 8c HARRY HANSON Inrentor Patentee Sweet Dolatoes 2 lbs. 25c of the Harry Hanson Patented Fast TAk'E .NOTICE that I. John Mcfrtv liar. Egg plant 30a per lb. Heating- Hot Water Coll for Ran res nilllan, of Vancouver. B. C. nmimiinn Hell Denners.. -IOo ner lb. alifbrniia Fruit has returned to town to stay. rannenman. Intends to apply for permission An improvement In said eoll Is to lease I be following described lands: Squash 8c per lb. commencing at a post planted on the ice cream melons 10c lb. now being: offered. It is now made ' south shore of Lagoon Bay. Moresbr Is of brass pipe, and prices are as follows) meats. land, auout one mile from Its mouth. thence south 30 chains, thence west 10 Beef, pot roasts, lb 30c. With s three-years' guarantee S2S. chains, thence north 10 chains, thence Beef, check roast, lb 32o to 35c Gum With a nve-years' guarantee. 130. easterly along the shore Hoe to point of Beef, rib roast, lb 37 c. This coll la guaranteed to beat commencement, containing 40 acres more lieei, boiling, lb 25c. water four tlmta faster than any eoll now on the market. See JOH!t MeLARTY MACMILLA.N. Hamburprer. lb 2r. Dated June SOJh 1918. Stowing, lb 30c. Harry Hanson Sk'EE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF .amD, leg 00c The Rtllable Plumber QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. -amb, loin soc. Phone 4S9 1 38 2nd Ave. Mutton rjOc. Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that the Masset Inlet Pork 8au8aKcs nor. on Lumber Co. Ltd.. of Port Clements, occupation (Tomato sausages 35c. sawmill operators. Intends to 8TEEN A LONOWILL for permission to lease the following apply described IPork, leg 45c. Agents, Phone S, nd Ave. lands: Pork, chops 45c. to 50e. rrlnpe nupert Commencing st a noat nUnt.ri t ,h. Pork, shoulder 40r northeast corner or Block as nr ih. ...k. Ayrshire bacon, lb. sliced... 00c division of Lot Ut, thence N. SO deg IS lllacon, piece ..." una t. oiu reet, thence N. 30 iler. 0 mln. CO W. OS6.4 feet, thence S. SO deg. IS mln. Bacon, sliced nrm Phooe W- S0 reet to tho northwest corner of illam, Smoked Green 156 P. 0. Box 120 50c Lot 10, Block J of aald ISkiv subdivision, thence Ham, sliced, Whllo 55o work-vhen southeasterly snd you V following the high water you SILVERSIDES BROS. are required to contest the claim nr th Bait backs , 45c hungor-when you're dry-any mark of Stewart Bay 1200 feel more or Dairy Produce. BSS -Dealers in- less to the point of commencement and Butter, lb 0O0. tini you want a treat tho Y jjjr Sji'' "' containing SIASSET IIJ INLET acres LUMBER more or CO.,less.LTD. Butter (cooking) lb 50o flavor i. there, there, there. SM M 1 Per Fred. Nash. B. c. r.. Am I Cheese, lb 35r Carry a packet In Jc"" Wall Pap ers laled August I Oth, ig is. oio Eggs, new laid 0O0 your pocket. ? Eggs (case) OQg to 75c Form LAND No.ACT II. The succulent Juice, of finest .Mffi. jf MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE fruits combined with the ' purest 5 tSSljj STOCK In THE NORTH Notice Of Intention In innl. in Ton... t y I.N OUEE.N CllIll.flTTl' IJl mr.a iii,. rrfined chiclo to provide you with fc( tSWtwS&i Prompt and Careful Attention DISTRICT; ItECOniJI.NU DISTRICT OF Given to Out of Town "LAOCION DkEENA AND SITUATK INLET. MOnESbV ON HllllTII ISLAND slinnr . a confection that "fairly makes L BXj Orders. Samples sent on ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. your mouth water". TAKE NOTICE that I Inhn U u..Mltl. Request. Of Vancouver. II. (1. occunatlo'n rannorv.' FULL LINE ....i, ii iniui ia appiy ror permission to TIMBER OF SALE PAINT8, lease the rollowlug described lands: X 1462. fVimm.nMno.. at. . i.i KAL80MINE, ETC. Jl.ll iru Ull the ' south aliore nf Lit-ru-m In1f u..-..t... t. land, about one mile from its mouth ..ttd';n,d"''V. rled by tl lVornlnatitly.liapUy.d "" lueuns weai xu cnains; thtnee north so I Villi OclobVrYitiS dav cha u; ibence east JO clnlns more or less . . urcbas, of ileens xilts', "euV&O.O? stu bumf wnad's- iiiai rar sa w f in 11. souiherly following low water mark to the i n'.?I,ruc.'JF'dar ,ntl "rmloek on a Hit ADAMS (KIJ KlllaU) TUTTI FnUTTIiGUM HV The Greatest ui wiuiuriiceineni, coniainlog 40 "SnSS'nttl..01' K1"qli Itiver. lunt Enemy vi v. i.iui c vr jeaa. TO u.nii uc ioier 10m, ioi. n fiiMi ..v. .i YOUR PIANO IS RUST l.ii7.r . VT."" ;S.Vi.f? oresier A1MS IN THE SUPflEME " wiriti roresier. l'rinn COUHT OF -f,i Have CdLllMnia UIUTI3JI ""I'cri, u. c. . Nevcr-Ilust applied " a IX THE HATTER f)p rimiaTip ninon to Strings, Tuning Pins, and all Metal Pars in your piano I.V THE MATTER Never-Rust is a Positive Rust TlOJt ACT." Preventive. TAKE nmirv ihn in - ., F. Mcfi. Younsr. midn ih gih Hi r n. imi i ..... --.T- "' -7.'rr. G. C. WALKER ' estate nf ih ...M rhriti..... nih. J.-.'. Phone Blue SS8 u uiunni uccciWI t pu0 Tunp Parties havlnr claim agtinai tli TIMBER 8ALE X14C3. arc rruy-requirea to furnls itme, properly verined, to me on or be tore lllA 9 1 ft Hair nr rifn.. r, . Ti and all him h IiiH.kih , Pioneer Boarding House required lo pay tiie amount of ihelr In lie gih day of WoveUVr m "rT ! II. MCMUILIN, fl Of BDruSr'rlrfr."."!.' . ' MO0.O0 TIlHU AVE,. . CL03BTODRYIX)CK 1 Onirlal Administrator. area adinimnV TZT'.rr .""oiock a nan NIm clean rooms,good board. Hot and eoll i Jiana iYclt m:,,,?'' nquil Hirer waur. Uads 00c up. 8UBSCRIBE FOR TWO 151 VIPI O.rlM V . movai nr fimVV: aiiowed for re PHONE ItED am . i The Daily News ie'fi,SwWr,Me"J?..?ti"" " LChlf Forester CANADIAN CHEWING CUM CO imparl. B. C. """"r.jnac UaTITIIJ