rrldar.OctobcrO- 1018. TUB DAILY NEWS. Page 3 $1,200,000,000 IN WAR ORDERS JVlusic Lovers Amazed by HAVE BEEN PLACED IN CANADA rtik 4Jr k Edison's Daring Test STOPS TIIE PAIN - AND ACTS QUICKLY VICTORY LOAN HA8 MADE POSSIBLE A GREAT STIMULUS lm! Ismbaxx nenr-lr" na-dns, Mtk, RhenmttSpm toothtehe.ew All told, 2,000,000 music lovers in Canada and TO INDU8TRY HALF BILLION MORE ORDERS sehe sore throat rwtllen fnU snl ill olmilar troubles are quietly ritlevtd by llirtt'n Pain Kt'iirinstor It hss been sold for 4 yetrs, Lnitcd States, on more than 1 500 different FOR NEXT YEAR THROUGH THE p s fd nhonld he In every houelwild"is a hundred nee. he V Att dealers or wHtPttt IMtt -1 'f ar CO. 11-mMen.Csnsdi. occasions, have gone to one of their local theatres MUNITIONS BOARD Ultd with curioity regarding a startlingly novel musical recital to VYIill.ll UISJ 1IU UCCII K1VJICU. The Imperial Munitions Hoard has placed $1,200,000,000 of. In each case the war orders in Canada to date. As a result of this huge outlay of Phone 37 P.O. Bos 1704 have come away amazed money business activity throughout the Dominion has reached a V-SSrT'i'-.tmii i- V at the almost unbelievable climax during the year 1018, and tho whole people are getting For Comfort. Courtesy and Service demonstration the benefit. To enahle the Board to place such a volume of business go to y j wnicn hail taken place it ig receiving advances from the Dominion Treasury & before their very eyes, amounting to $25,000,000 a month, 'and this has been possible 1 3 t ":----3- ana cars the most because the people subscribed ample funds for all war purposes F.T. BOWNE33, M.c(,r daring test of through tho 1017 Jf a phono-ff Victory Loan. I.1 At Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. graph or talking j S VI V4 y s a macnine ever made. amounting to 500,000,000 are to be iilnnml Thuu u.-ill .r,. i,. Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water They saw a noted Edison artist stand beside ufocturers and sundry otben in- Just Camouflage J lf.pMla in... IIia lk.nl..f 1 ...111 it.u wiiiiiiiuti mm win have to be financed to a consider. NEW EDISON uuie cxieui out 01 tue proceeds of Women have attained to the e the forthcoming Victory Loan. ncflk of their ambition. Tliev now "The Phonograph with a Soul" Over 300,000 Employed. ,II a T c Vliu 11511 1 u iuao yai 111 bito A few figures will help to an proceedings of the mother of Tltf hfrd ike loitrnmtnt thg In the sn'ut'i voice in otker understanding of tho manifold ac- 'parliaments. Some old fashioned wurdi, n-frtdU btr Toict. PnrKniljr the sn'ut Herself begin to tivilies of the Imperial Munitions women will still prefer; to be REMEMBER THE HIGH QUALITY OF ,ir e I t note with the imtroment. Muiicll trained tin jjoaru. i-rom .zau.uuu to 300,000 mftlhcrs of men ote iii u to dWrjuiA the fjintot ihide of difference between lllirHlinrf nr.. nl rir...nn I ,.n,..A.l nM I 'ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR' lie ruil oic nJ the Re-Cietkn. Then, suddenly and with-cat war contracts,. . whilo another 00.-1 NV"llu lw0 "iHlon bright young I f t At 1L. BUT HELP TO SAVE wri!iPf, the iftkt ceued linpnr, loving th iiutrnment to 000 are liandiing supplie. Tho Americans urging iuem un, ijju consume the air Wrx. Only by watehiog the inkt'i Kp did the noaru nas placed orders with over uua" u v- WHEAT ttixott Inow that ihe bid crrd tingjrg itd tint tfcejr heird the l.OOn Pnnlrarl . 'suaded to return to their own f w.-.. v w h l0V.ltr faatfument slot. Thii U the funooi Ediwn Tone Tet. 400 inanufnellirrx nr In rnn. 'country. Today by using these dependable Cereal Substitutes: traclural relations with the I ' CtfRN FLOUR RYB FLOUR Only Edison mte hi lert. Only Eduon tn mte thb tet, been' fining but surrender for ,he YELLOW CORNMEAL the New Editon actually re-tmta the hamin oice Over 60 million shells have fcecjue Ka.ser but belter terjm, for he Uutmnjenu with produced, a. well as 60 million ROLLED OATS tad the tnwk of homn-flJfeJ emy tone cjuality lhC' 0ff and copper bands, over 45 million f,e?p,e 'f, OATMEAL Ordinary m4 ncrr ikie of exprcuion. pLooorriplu, taltiej yoke That was the casei. tUobemoIlern cartridge 30 million fuses, Jdr rtfrthtt. mscfcioei, r. .. , . message which the Kaiser did not f ti .rr kti ftrttmt fi'lit 7& 0 iiiiiiiuu million I'uuuus pounds ui of iiuviucr high uuu ex....,.,like yesterday. The didlculty with Vancouver Milling & Grain TVs f, trt rrt EJitnl'i tnwJtrfil xrtr f. t4 1 1. .. .-? .i Wilson is that he has no respect CO., LIMITED tirrtfb tt nr jttrf. flult thl lipt It ittt jttr fntttuntt. . Tl :0UY', ..n8 for the Lord's Anointed. sivci huib ucen ustu 111 ihu pru. 1 Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" ducllonof war materials, of which i Xhe pre88 reports yesterday Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-195 j3 Charlei Wesley Tceticl, Prince Rupert, B.C. i.jO,ooo tons nave been produced '8uted that women might sit in Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2013 in Canada. (parliament but made no mention Air Force Expenditures. of their being allowed to speak in The Hoard has built, equipped 'parliament. Possibly the scribe anj operated seven national 'at the other end of the wine was plants on which over 815.000.000 1 a married man. sfssgsysSsey 9 0 l d Lipwtt, President Harry Ltpsetl, Manager has been spent. It has built up Edwd Cunningham, Vicc-Prc Idenl Indus- Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 an airplane. manufacturing. FJne Letterheads at The News 4 ri I t a Ann AAA I try in oanaua. .eany eo.uuu.uuu 1 pf-iot Shop, has been spent on buildings for 1 Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. & Co. lipsett-Cunningham the Royal Air Force in Canada. SYNOPSIS OF The monthly expenditure for LAND ACT AMENDMENT equipment and maintenance Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors LIMITED amounts to J i,300,000, and the rrc-cmpUon now conQncd to urreye Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete" flSMIN3 A CAriNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE expense of tho aviation service, ItacuriU will t rtUJ coTciins otilj Plant Installations Ul.d unM for gTtcuMural purposM outside of rjalion and medical aiMl whW la con-timber Und. SUamshlp Supplies, Ota Engines and Accessories fartnvnhlp preemptions aboIuceA. Northern B.C. Representatives services, amounts to 830.000,000 out parties of not more Unit four rosy Flih Nettlna, Twines. Lines, Ropes and Cordage to Ihe present. The Toronto rranie for Adjacent pre-emptions, wltn up Joint teoMencx. but eli nviHnr nce. Canadian Westinghouse iwHcipment,nPJLeftiic PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. plant has built many airplanes lYe-rmplr.nl ry Improremenls matt on occupy resevtlre eUlras CisJms.for CO., Hamilton ' Camps?tc and the output of high grade engines St ye ath and males Improvements to ItgUUrrd Office: Princ Ilupert Omce: is expected to reach hundreds and tsJu cultivation of tl per of sxre.at least Including k acres,clcarlnr os-fors Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose the next nino reci K Crown Grant. CO., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. tl Water Street, Telephone No. 95 during Where emptor In occupation not months. less than .tars, and has made proportionate TiDcouvfr, H. C. I. O. Uox 1608 Improvements,- he mar, because Canada Wire & Cable Care and Insulated Copper. - Tho Hoard has-established im- of Ul-healih or other cause, be (ranted Montreal st Iron Wire- Co., Intermediate certtflcate of Improvement Imenao nlants in Dritisb Columbia and transfer his claim. 'to procure spruce and fir for the Itecords without jierinanent apnUcant residence makes Domestic Engineering . "Dew ught Producu be Issued provided I airplane industry both at borne mar Improvements to eitent of MM r " CO., Dayton Isolated Electric PlanU each num and records same year. 'an.i in Great Hrilain and has ure to make Improvements as forfeiture.or record Tlue Pelton Water Wheel Co. water wheel and RUPERT Contracted for 250,000.000 feet of cannot kuiii will be operate obtained on these claims in San FrancisCO Hydraulic Apparatus S. S. PRINCE I.. y ft t t..ttl: .I with Improvements of years, those woous. in snipuuuuuiK 11 clesred ?pr acre. Includes S acres on has given an impetus tnal means and cultivated, and residence of at Pacific Coast Pipe Co. Wood Stove Pipe, Tanks, etc. much to the future of Canada. 'teimptor holdins Crown Crant may Vancouver S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Ninety ships arc being constructor record another land in pre-emption.conjunction U with M requires his Dodge Manufacturing TrmyshafunT for tho Hoard at a value of farm, statutory without actual Improremts occupation,made pro-Vlded and Co., Toronto Hangers, etc. SAILING 66,000,000, and the slcel indus- residence maintained on Crown crmted v is beintt auRmentcd to provide UlMurreyed areas..not J'lnlt " A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical IDNIQHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, for tho needs of the shipyards. fluTto"! oMllned leased after as rulfllllnr residential Equipment and Goodyear Beltingcarried in stock Octin Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. and Improvement co""0"- IDNIQHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Qranby Day. Manufacturers Eichtr-flve ner on cent,War Basis.of the arias e sraxlnr xceed In r and(19 acres Industrial may purposes, or company. by one person manufacturers are operating on EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. PRE. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. a war basis. Canada's trade re The scope or this ACl is emarseo w Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. turns show the stupendous strides lnciuav . ., our business activities have taken witnin deceased wnicu pre-eraptor u may apply for TRAIN SERVICE since tho war began, largoly UUe under this Act ts extended from one year from the death of such person, High Class Printing Wntfr MOftDAV, WIDNCSOAV nd$ATUAOAir tt l:0tjn. for Smiinef through the ability of tho Gov-nnimtuii is formerly, until one year war.Jt This of the present frtr (Wrr. tdmontoo it4 WlMipvf, aU itteet eonneetloo rot u to finance some of the oonduston privilege ts also made retroactive. point! (tit ind Mtttn. purchases of the Imperial Government. TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT In 1913 our exports of Provision is made ACT.for the rrant to tlr For Information and reservations apply to manufactures amounted to 83,- persons holding uncompleted Airee-menU Q. F. JOHNSTON, Clly Passenger and Ticket Agent. n',708; last year tliey jumped 10 such proportion to 1-urchase of the from Und,the if Crown divisible will of The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the City Tlekst Office, B28 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 JOJ6.000.000. as cover the in payments proportion already to the sale made price of This is but an outline of tue the holding whole such parcel.Agreements Two or more may persons group finest kinds, of printing at he most reasonable work of tho Imuerial Munitions their interests and apply for proportionate allotment JolnUy. If It is not prices. No job is too small to receive careful Hoard. The work will go on If considered advisable to divide the land we aro nblo to mako advances ns covered allotment,by an application an allotment for a proportionate of Un attention and none too big for the shop to handle. have in the past. of equal value selected from available we Crown lands in the locality may be PACIFIC RAILWAY made. These allotments are conditional CANADIAN upon payment of ail taxes due the Crown or to any municipality. The i ALBERTA TRAVELLERS rights of persona to whom the pur I chaser from the Crown hss agreed to HU.SINKSS AND SOCIAL CAIUW nil Eastern Points eell are nlao protected. The decision oi Lowest Rates to MUST WEAR MASKS the atlutster of tJinils In res(ect to the via Steamer Vancouver and the adjustment of a proportionate allotment .NOTE Ilium AND EN VELOPES to s is diiU. Ths time for making applica tion for these aUotmenta is limited to Pacific Railway Canadian Tho nmvineial minister of DISPLAY POSTEKS AXD DODGEUS tlon made after this dte will not be health of Alborla, Hon. A. G. Mac-L'nv ronsldered. Th'e allotments apply to Meals Steamer find Berth Included on hna Mlimcd an order which town lots and lauds of the Crown sold HOOK LETS AXD FOLDERS at public auction. will greaUy widon tho regulations for Information apply to any Trovln-olal Government Agent or to CIRCULARS AND POSTAL NOTICES FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE with rcnard to the llgnung 01 in- O. R. NADKN, r Deputy Ui Isler of lands, tJrd fluenia in that province. Victoria. B. C. FRATERNAL SOCIETY WORK Mincus sophia MIU rrom rrlne. Ilupert September llth. Tho order provides mai an Aiiinc on street cars RECEIPT HOOKS AND CHECKS ro" ALAIHA or trains in tho province will be KKTCHIKAN, SKAOWAV, JUNIAU. WRANQEtL, Cleaning, Pressing 11 compelled to wear masus us inscribed "') Sophia imu rrom iTlnee nuprt Sepiembfr Sih. by tho provincial board of "fiobir 10th. tut tad tltt. health. These may bo obtained and Repairing each.from tho railways for five rents The Daily News Print Shop W. 0. ORCHARD, Qenoral Agent. LADIES AND GENTS ntr Fen.lU C. . , . . n.l.. K.mtrt. H.C. MINISTRY RESIGNED Third Ave.,Prince Rupert ! uictii rnd iitird Anu, ii"1" London, October 2L The Brit, Jack Dunbar ish Wireless Press says that the Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention Phon 510 725 StcenJ At: has resigned. Ministry entire Ukrainian Ivertise in "The Daily News"