ouT OF WORK ropert pegislativ® vy: ea Ad. Way. ie III, NO. 27 Rae JENATED LAND FOR TIMBER SPECULATORS e Wardens Better Vote Chasers Than Fire Fighters and Ex- perts at Extinguishing Liberal Opinion a ee tens ad (Special to Daily News.) afternoon in criticizing the gov- WELCH’S | Victoria, Feb. 4—When the/ernment’s forestry bill. He al- eo opened yesterday Mr. Mc- eged that the government's past 9 Guire Vancouver, asked what DOTEOe SHSnewe annie? are j : vince and placed in the hands of DROTE ER S WIFE had become of his resolution, speculators timber iands worth passed by the House last Febr-| $214,000,000, or enough to build railways and trunk roads to con- nect up every settler in the pro- vinee. As for commission to inquire into the price of coal? He that it had poet sent to the Federal govern- Agnes # Walety ities iiane|oT?: calling for’ a ed Martin Welch, brother of e Great G.T.P. Railway Con- actor, is Suing for Divorce was informed fire wardens who were ae hharit-andtenored: by. aiden cnstll drawing salaries to aid in the dian Press Despatch.) July when it was stated that it protection of the forests, he Jan, 34 - On the! would be taken up shortly, The|found they were more expert in cruel and inhuman} jections intervened; but if the|extinguishing any liberal — in- Mrs. Agnes F, Welch, |pre sent administration at Ottawa| fluence or doctrine that appeared| lartin Welch, brother of did not investigate, Mr. McGuire|/in their district than anything h and partner in his im-| was informed, the Provincial/else. They were better vote oad construction pro~| Government would issue a com-|chasers than fire chasers. filed a suit for divorce.) mission for the purpose. Mr. Haywood moved the ad- for $400 a month Mr. Brewster spent most of the} journment of the debate. Mrs. Welch places her actual earnings at ear, exclusive from his in investments, Welch j x the case, CORDOVA ‘SHAKEN uP r Distinct Tremors Recorded There and at Valdez. ISSUES—PRINCE RUPERT'S PRESENT SYSTEM DESCRIBED CLEARLY AND APPROVED EY “CANADIAN FINANCE.” in Press Despatch. palities sold debentures to the | place is occupied by South Van-| WS NOTES OF amount of $30,295,838, compared | couver, with $1,660,000 4 %’s,| with $29,043,325 in 1910, and the/due 1964. “The Canadian municipality,” ithe articles further states, “is be- lcoming more and more dependent jupon London and the market for |Canada municipal bonds is te nd- record aggregate of $31,532,960} in 1909,” B. C. Issues Lead. Of this total it is shown by tab- PORT ESSINGTON Constable Gives Reception ef Ice Still Troublesome. RECIPROCITY NEEDED if the mouth of the Skeena DRIVEN MAD BY arene oe s still a serious hinder- |Immense Quantity of Wheat Re- navigation, only yester- maining on Farmers’ Hands j eaking ice carried away a TOOTHACHE —— of the approach to Friz- Canadian Press Despatch. lock, Winnipeg, Feb. 1 According! made here) Extraordinary Effect of “That a to official estimates of All Diseases on a Promi-|ihere remains tn the hands of the! nent Calgary Buiness Man—) farmers of the west at the pre- Lay Down and Yelled. sent time 61,000,000 bushels of ——- wheat, Social Evening. Constable Foresight of the social functions ever Essington. Bridge f was most suc- held con- t for one fuled the principal entertain- Calgary, Jan, 28.—Driven tem- of the evening, while the} porarily insane by aching teeth, | | WIRELESS beautifully rendered by}a prominent business man a ss Fanny Noble and Mr. Louis|suddenly insane on Eighth street, plonstall, was mueh appreci-|He threw himself down and et R THE COAST | by all. Supper was served/{o beat his head against the pave- toward midnight. Ameong}ment, all the while yelling ° My present were: Mr. and/teeth! my teeth!’ He was pic ket \dams, Mr. and Mrs. Noble,|yp and taken to a drug store py| Prince amv + Will Bo Abie te d Mrs. Morey, Mr, and Mrs.| passersby and atte nded to by Dr. Sooner . 4 a naldson, Mr. and Mrs. Letness,| Shipley, who restored him to his Japan en an rancisco | ind Mrs, Morrison, Mr. and] senses. Gets Her Tower Up. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Noel, areas — ind Mrs, Rudge, Misses Phil- Dubiety San Francisco, Jan, 34——A let- Noble, Taylor, Orwig, Messrs.| les cata ter received here today from Geo, ltudge, V. Noble, Christie, Phe apres ars foe ‘ vdit “Li Mbvors” backethiy-“ateihe | . sah ae would be stronger navy, tells of government plans EHC “Were the light bills growing}for the establishment — in San | Just pe a sins : less. Francisco of the highest power- } and aiehii ae ial: a a wirele - area, a wane. ' RT Na . a ae 2 sles ower, complete tf Best meal in town at Savoy. sa oe tok tilatb: se ail place San Francisco in communi- Washington, Key Honolulu, all Alas- vessels on the Paci- vessels on the cation with West, Colon, ka stations, fie, and possibly coast of Japan, By the plan now being consid- ered, the station will be placed in a memorial tower to be built for PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO Chermometer in sunshine registered 64 degrees still ing, Big sacrifice sale of slickers and overshoes, Meanishkinisht right-of-way arbitrators resumed session | a house, the Panama-Pacifie exposition in| ‘he Mayor went down town. 19415 L. Crippen’s-new industry across harbor in full blast, * AR ar ee Hoste ‘king 25 tons Prince Rupert herring. tinig Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Police report dragging operations for tug boat yvielims Sh AnACE: successful, Local men are going to prospect in Bolivia. CITY FINANCE MINISTER | cusToms INCREASE Alaska, Feb. 1—Sev- a . ake shocks were felt Of vital interest to the Chair-|from western cities, the article Vuldez shortly befor mon of the Finance Committee, |e es On Vane ver, B. C., as- terday. Four. distinet|and indeed to all Prince Rupert lsumed the lead with her issue last ere recorded, the first}at present, is an article on mu-| Mare h of $2,800,000 4’s due 1961. was most severe, the|nicipal debenture issues which|Then comes Vancouver's neigh- wing felt 350 miles in-|appears in the most recent num-/|bor, Victoria, B. C., with her re- damage was reported,|ber of Canadian Finance, jcent issue of $2,009,887 and her} excitement prevailed. “During the year 1911," says!spring issue of $560,000, with the writer, “Canadian munici-|various periods to run. Third | Grant-MecLean 1d stateme ‘ ‘itish Co- © Friends—tIce Destroys Part ulated stalament that mien h re ling very rapidly away from Can- Df Wharf—New Launch Near- ee erkta eet : re ©) ada toward Great Britain. irgest share, viz: $9,440,014, an) ng Completion. {more than three and The Fiscal Agency System. Increase ¢ > t aan. An interesting observation of} la half millions over last year’s] ‘ipal bond market dur- Enrich, Davidson and} B. C. aggregate, and this doe ae a ete : otal wet ene } , » pas ear is » clearly} ire just putting the finish- | not include Prince Rupert's issue| BS the | Lint llion and a half} defined tendeney on the part of} } sir le 5 ‘lose £ and a hi . | ches on their launch, | of close on a million a the larger-cities.of the Dominion| when completed, will be} ($1,371,000). in the ferry service be- By far the greater number of 7 . Port Essington and Prince} the largest individual issues came Continued on Page 4.) | Vancouver, OUR FINE WEATHER Meteorological Figures for — and the Past Month DOUKHOBOURS FOR PROVINCE katchewan to British Columbia. Special to Daily News. | Ottawa, Feb. 4.—Peter jis here making an effort to obtain | from the Government for the re- | moval of eight thousand Doukho- jbours from Saskatchewan British Columbia. Two thousand already gone there, where ae »y obtained 12,000 of land near Nelson for purpose | of fruit raising. | have acres the Quarters of Million Over | Last Year. | Canadian Press Despatch, | Ottewa, Feb. -4—Customs re- for January show an in-| ere of over three quarters of a million above the last year. The receipts were 598,193 as against $5,783,822 the previous year. The increase in ten months amounts to $11,359,- 1/944; the figures being for 1911- 142, $70,268,251, and for 1910-114, | $58,098,307. WELL-KNOWN je eipts ase same $6,- OLD-TIMER' Wedding of Miss Constance Mac- Lean and Mr. Leroy F. Grant Is Announced—Mr. Grant Prince Rupert Pioneer. On Tuesday, January 16, at St. John’s Church, Vancouver, British Columbia, by | the Rev. E. Leslie Pidgeon, Con- stance Mary, daughter of the late Maleolm Alexander MacLean and Mrs. MacLean, to Leroy Fraser Grant of Vancouver, formerly of Montreal. On Tuesday, January 16, al St. John’s Church, Broughton street, the Rev. Leslie Pidgeon solem- | nized the marriage of Miss Con- stance MacLean, daughter of Mrs 1M. A. MacLean, Broughton street, and Mr. Leroy Fraser Grant of formerly of Montreal. From the Vaneouver papers the above interesting wedding notices THE DAILY NE Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist = ee PRINCE: RUPERT, B.C., TuHuRspay, FEBRUARY 1, 1912. ‘ODAY’S TEMPERATURE—64 DEGREES IN SUNSHINE Following are the weather fig- | ures this morning and sulmmary for January: Bar., 30.150; max. temp., 55.0; min. temp., 47.0; precipitation, .28. | For Mean temperature in January,! 30.0; precipitation, rain, 4,28;) snow, .12; total, 4.40. ling her. } Verigin Seeking ing Aid of Federal) ff( eo) Government to Remove Eight, Prince Thousand of Them from Sas-| minor repairs to her engine. Verigin| to} period | ——— NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m, Princess May...,.Saturday, 9 a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS PRINCE RUPERT BOUND POWER BOAT MISSING Wireless Searches for Launch “Viking” Which Left Ketchikan Fifteen Days Ago For This Port in Rupert, time since she was Captain Babington, her this morning, Wireless messages have| | been sent in all possible direc- | tions along the coast and to ships at sea to keep a lookout for her, as it is feared that she may have eee disabled and drifted out at least a fortnight the|The launch is known gasoline launch Viking of Ketehi-!but it is some MORE BLIND PIGS men have seen heard of the ROP Viking lately kan has been missing, and anxi-|last here. ety is keenly aroused now regard-|asked about remembers having seen her, but neither he nor any of his launch- As far as can be: ascertained! Chief Vickers Kee Keeping Pretty Close After the Wild and Wick- ed Curly Tails These Days and Makes Them Squeal. or from meagre flashed particulars as yet to hand, worthy, | the boat was sea- | though none too big for The Viking left Ketchikan some days ago on a trip to|a lengthy trip. It was intended} vei aed Rupert for supplies and|that she should make a call at} A bunch of Indians kow-towed Two}Port Simpson on the way to|lo Magistrate Carss this morning, Prince Rupert, but inquiries there jand three of them admitted hav- _jing imbibed too freely of the | white firewater. One of men, and it is believed a possible third, were on board. They were }accustomed to handling the boat. fail to bring out any news of her Organized search will be insti- man's Nothing has sinee been heard of|tuted-for her by Ketchikan and|these was a dusky maiden named them. Today the wireless was|Prince Rupert launches if the| Margaret Larsen. She was one kept humming in the search for| wireless fails to-locate her within of those alleged to have been sup- the Viking, but without result.| the next twelve hours or so. plied with liquor by John Pow- t jlonis, who yesterday’ was fined os ~|$100 for supplying Indians and PRESBYTERI lis now in jail for a couple of | months. Margaret was awarded $1 and HAD P costs, but two bucks named | Henry Collison and _ Richard given $5 and costs, drunk but Douglas were as they were not only FACTS OF IMPORTANCE REGARDING MUNICIPAL DEBENTURE Receipts for January are Three | | ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PAST TWEL\ TWELVE MONTHS SUMMED UP] disorderly. John Demetrius, charged with supplying Indians with liquor, was arraigned and the hearing of | AT MEETING OF CONGREGATION AND MANAGEMENT LAST NIGHT—NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR WERE ELECTED. | | . wm . . | An excellent year’s work has The following: office bearers|pis case adjourned till tomorrow. |been done by the First Presby-| vere elected: For three years, alee ita terian Church of Prince Rupert. i Pe eae eee os W. Me-|" Ppubsc debate is to be held in With to its credit the maintenance} Kinle y; for one year, L. W. Pat-| {he MeIntyre hall on Tuesday next ; ;more. Managers who do not re-|at 8 p. m., under the auspices of = eee ern regular services every | tire from last year: F. G. Daw-|the Anglican Club. The subject Sunday in the Empress Theatre! con. A. M. Manson. F. Stork and : : “Te 7 aia ed the largest available public|n. nh Nadas ee rs : for discussion is: “It is resolved are avaliable = public) G, R, Naden, Treasurer (re-elect-|{hat there should be an educa- building jin the centre of the city),| eq). Dp. G. Stuart ; . , , ” : ; aed gt: Ve Eas tional qualification for voters. the erection of a new substantial} Tho ratinine omenrecware:.C 6t iechurch and recreation hall on)... . pr ens: . |Fourth avenue, the purchase here| ¥: Bennett, Dr. J. O. Reddie and rears of four fine lots for a permanent). ©. Stuart. church site, the maintenance of a There was a good attendance qualified deaconess and the thor-jal the meeting, which was held in roughly successful carrying on of|the new chureh and reereation all religious and recreative work| hall on Fourth avenue. This hall of the church for the past year,|is now paid for and debt free, ow- the First Presbyterian Church/ing to subscriptions in hand and has a record equal to that of any! promised. Miss Pearl La Velle Becomes the of the other churches in Rupert. Five thousand eight hundred| Bride of Mr. Clyde Rogers, Pop~ At the meeting of congregation|and ninety dollars ($5,890.00 ular Young Man and Energetic and management last night full| was the total amount raised by Member of Baptist Brotherhood. expression was given to this|the Presbyterian congregation Tes lhealthy position of affairs, and|during the past year. The pre-| Last night a pretty and popu- the work of the young pastor,|sent value of the church property |!@? wedding took place at the Rey. F. W. Kerr, was heartily|is $8,500, and church collections residence of the Rev. W. H. Mc- commended, lamounted to $300. Leod, the bride being Miss Pearl - Ia Velle, and the bridegroom Mr. Clyde Rogers, both of Prince Ru- Only immediate relatives of the lbride were present. Direetly after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Grant left on a six weeks’ trip | to Montre al, New York and Wash-| | ington. | lare quoted, Mr, Leroy F, Grant is an old-timer of old-timers in | Prince Rupert. Here with the, first Grand Trunk survey parties, ibe knew the townsite in its In- fancy. “Grant place,’ Fourth javenue, is named after him, He was in business here with Mr. |L, ucas of the City Engineer's de- }partment and did extensive sur- MEXICO IN REVOLT BETHANY GIRLS pert. A gathering of intimate —_---—- | friends of both attended. Mr. Jaurez Garrison Rises Against Ed. Waterman was groomsman the Madero Government and the bride was attended by - FRIDAY NIGHT her sister, Miss Zealia La Velle. Canadian Press Despatch. |The wedding supper served in the kl Paso, F.eb 1—The garrison Royal Hotel was a most enjoyable at Juarez revolted last night ag-|Record Sate of ‘Seats for Second) .,6, and many and cordial were “ ainst the Madero government, Performance: of" Breexy Point” | the " good wishes showered upon 7 , — Direction of Mrs. Jack Chis-|),,() (he happy young people. Firing is reported to have oecur- holm ie Ree Handsome presents, too, have red in the streets. : or | Bben showered as liberally, for PRAIA Under the capable direction offhoth are popular. Mrs. Jack Chisholm, and with the As the son of that well known GOLD GETTING PLANT ON WAY Hydraulic Mining § Equipment of Cassiar Company to Be Trans-— the bride- himself promi- Rogers, known As a old-timer, J. H. is as well in Prince Rupert nent office bearer in the Baptist | wit the Brotherhood, Clyde Rogers has Friday night in the Empress The-| made himself well liked by a host The dual role of Mrs. Hard- }of young men and older benedicts, that the drama Point” same all-star cast success- | fally : groom Charming | > last week, | produced “Breezy appear in repetition on atre, ported Up River—J. E. Doyen,)seratch and Mehitable Hard-} ae on Se a will reside in Secy., Superintending Erection.) <¢paich will be assumed as om ne ae Passing through Prince Rupe wrt | PY Miss Annie: Brown, In Fairness to Crippen. at present on his way up river to| Keeley reports an exceptionally | Our dramatic eritie in last Gold Greek, near Kitselas, is Mr,|heavy demand for seats, and th; at} night’ s issue referred to the J. KE, Doyen, seeretary of the!a erowded house will greet the| Servian war drama and incident- Cassiar Hydraulic Mining Gom-| pjay. rs on Friday night is an as-|ally did an injustice to L. Crip- pany, Limited. Mr. Doyen Is here) cur d certainty. Then again the| Pen. Everyone knows “Crip,” to took after the erection of the : land everyone knows as well of : , ‘ “oceeds are for sweet charity. ca large shipment of hydraulie en-| PPO ods: are ae a {his remarkable command of Eng- vey work in all parts of the Skeena) gineering plant landed here re- " lish, and instead of interpreting River valleys. Amongst the old-\jcently and just sent up river to Kaien Island Club Dance. lithe ‘play in fairly good English, timers of Rupert none is more the scene of operations at Gold| he Kaien Island Club will give lhis efforts -were the subject of popular, and the news of his wed-|Creek. The plant will have to be} “hop this evening to membe "S| favorable comment on all sides, ding is cordially welcomed, His} transported one and a half miles|only and their lady friends. | Lame pride,too, is well known in Ru-| from Kitselas to the creek, where —_—— — | pert. During her latest holiday) it will be erected as soon as pos _ King to Visit America. ’ meee ete stay in the city she achieved al|sible to begin work this spring. rhe trip of the Duke and For the purpose o elec ng of- reputation for wit and good | With a fourteen-inch centrifugal | Duchess of Connaught to Now | boars and the transaction 0 cd humor which made her extremely} pumping plant weighing some York prepares the way for the/other business that may ky . popular, and congratulations to| sixteen tons, turbines capable of|fulfilment of one of King Ed- |fore it, the annual meeting o 18 Mr. Grant are most cordial. |deveolipng 400 horsepower, and | we ird’s dearest wishes—the visit) Prince Rupert Liberal sae ae os liwo four-inch nozzles to directjofa British monarch to the White| tion will be beld in the K, of P, Dance. | the jet of water on the working s| House. Pall Mall Gazette. Hall Friday evening, Feb, 2nd, at Given by Sons of Norway in the} the results should be good. A, St.| ——-—--—---—— 8 o'clock, All Liberals, whether Sons of England Hall Saturday,| Marie is president and general} If you Sadie: up in the morning| members of the association or 3rd, at 8:30. All Scan-| manager of the outfit, He is ex with a grouch, try and lose it be- ng are requested to be present, February }dinayians are Iny iLed, St jfore you get to your work, 5t . W. ANDERSON, See-Treas, | peeled here shortly.