SfSliTEO I GEO.J.FRIZZELL To.box lflflo The Daily News Good Particular People Meats for: P823nd200 Phones, 10 and 25 - ' d' MUKCE nUPKHT. n.C, FIl I DAY. OCTOBEIl 25, 1918. PKKJE FIVE CENT? ASK FOR HUN GARI AN KING II CAROLYI WOULD MAKE SEPARATE PEACE ALLIES ALLIES MAY ACCEPT TERMS LAID FOUR CASUALTIES COUNT KAROLYI DEMANDS A DOWN BY PRESIDENT WILSON WITH row New 8L Hospital Cases Morning.Admitted Since Yesterday to Borden ' SEPARATE PEACE AND KING OPTION OF EXTENDING THEIR SCOPE Since yesterday at noon, there Of HUNGARY LNBUDA PESTH Save been 8cveral new cases of influenza and pneumonia admit PREMIER WEKERLE AMID GREAT EXCITEMENT IN THE ted to the Street Emergency Borden . U7 r.,r, I Alroirlr Mori Mi fist.. ILJ.. C !J l! UNTERHAUS OPPOSES MOVE OF OPPOSITION v a m u a a f K M II mm v m aa a a arm h a.aaaaBBa bm Hospital. These, however, AND SAYS CAN BE NO TALK OF l a - nr i k it have mostly been received in time Terms or Armistice wouia mean virtual surrender by And n good recovery is to be expected. SEPARATE PEACE Germany; May Not Be Much Delay. , (Spcdtl to Tbe Ntt ru 0.T. P. TelerrapM.) During the same period there have been four deaths, of cases Amsterdam, October 25. Advices received from Buda Pesth, tl M U Tb ilrfl U 0. T. P. TtlffTPb. CARD OF THANK8 which were well advanced when says that In Unterhaus Wednesday, Count Karolyl, in moving a brought to the The October 25. Germany's ptea fop an armistice hospital. Wuhlncton, .Mrs. aiehlnnon wishes to ex-'names of the four deceased are resolution in view of the Independence of Hungary, demanded ..... heforfl the Allied which to it Governments, are .1 nn press her thanks to alt those who 'Johanson, SJoberg, Luchivich and the resignation of the VVekerle cabinet and the formation of a i l.il.. iku m rfltnAton. In rrint PriiilHn( Wllitnnlil.. l .ji. i n fffninn wnruicr uivi w - -- - r-- -- -w n it fctuuiv iiHinwi pr ii inner riji ahami All the other patients coalition ministry. ifiilment to which Germany subscribes and In ac-irecenl bereavement and for the'thorp trsrr8lntr favorably i nf- . . ... .. . . . .. ... were - " ' The resolution also called for the conclusion of a separate i-,HKih United States ask their military advisers and those many expressions 01 sympawy. 'Una morning. alliance peace,the dissolution of the with Germany, the announcement f America to prepare terms for an armistice which virtually will to Germany of the independence of the South Slavonians J.. ft.nnv. and the proclamation of the choosing of a Hungarian king to SUCCESS OF BRITISH EFFORT NEAR No one here lodsy would undertake to forecast the probable reside in Buda Pesth. . . . 111. u.tll Btwa A I f nAmnufe ntfln V l t a m akr rt rtn ta.-cs.ift.Ta, TV "U te. Count Karolyl declared that if the demands were resisted he IS knOWn nOWeteri Wim Wio ouprviug wvuui.ii i.a oiiwuj would take means to secure their realization. f a I 4k.. at.l. Mkait aiania A f f 4 as Sk I t A a VALENCIENNES WILL ENDANGER THE Amid great excitement Dr. Wekerle, the premier, warmly re Certain utterance of Entente statesmen and of Inspired off)-, plied that he would oppose by every means Count Karolyl's stato . . . .. ASa. ai oroini nave iea vo me lurmno ncro uiau wniio accepting ino of revolution and added that there could be no talk of a separate . GERilAN OISESERRE FRONT LINE peace. I t a a a ..a iL tJIIJ...! - a.t inject new niaucn 10 meet ino uiuif iuui ucuioim ui vervain :Uni and la Droooia new notnti bated noon ver th If tin a con- LEAVES LONG FAMILY SHUNS SOLICITOUS Spttlml to Tbe 5fw rti Q.ULT. TtHTipns-i If It kftlfAWJuf. HllaVaBf I I If ank a Km i f 4 nsAit Ihii Washington, October 25. The successful British operations AND FOLLOWS HUSBAND FOR WORKS OF ART i vvuviw) tivrvwvwt Hist if tuvil t ivuiu wvw ssw vvv . . on the Valenciennes front tookgfeiew importance to ofTlcers .t.. I J a a a a. i.i -t t a potnu wouia proDaoiy oe aeau wim in connection wun nnai . here today, in the light ofjhc px&feui sltualioiu .r.t. . . . . .. ugouauons- ana need not decay- consideration or ine lorm Marshal Haig's armies are striking heavily at parts of the Mrs. Georfie Church .Died EarlyfTake- Them Away Carefully In Ux imlttlce. front Ocrman line of resistance and progress already has been This Morning at? Genera! Order to ReturnTftem Un- made, it is thought by olllcers here. This will-insure that the Hospital Formerry uvea aamagea 10 owners Herman retirement, both in Belgium and in France will have to At Port Essfngton. After War. ILYVARDEN be reeumed without delay. (Sprcat tu O.T.P. Telerrtphs-L BOL8HEVIKI ARE South of the new British wedge the French are keeping up The death took place this morn .Octobei' Valuable Londom 25. REPULSED AT DUVINA a continuous pressure against the enemy along the Oise-Serre ing at the General Hospital of RAILWAY BEING front, making it difllcult for the German commanders to disengage Mrs. George"Church, of 131 Ninth works ana of art nrivate belonging owners to in museums the October 25.-The their forces from this most exposed sector of the line. The Archangel, Ave., East. She entered the hos .regions ot Cambrai, Douai and JJritlih and American surccfs of the British effort, however, which is now assured, IValencfennes in the hands of WELLPLASTEREDl- i a . fvAriinfinn nf thft OUa-Serre salient. pital yesterday. now forces yesterday repulsed Tttllllll UH ' I ia w v ww " V' - ---- i i ' alion of thai front would Mrs. Church was born m vic system attacks by the lioU it believed, for the rominunu heavy fthevikl against an advanced be threatened from the flank and rear. toria 30 years ago and lived with'damaged to the owners after the 11 M ber husband and family for a long war. - fvimiru is ur aiiiBn Allied position on the lima at Port Essirigton and Hays- This announcement was made Uh8 In CUIms of 175,000 or Thereabouts.to Amount Duvina front. TWO IMPORTANT ADVANCES port. She leaves a large family in Germany by the Government, and one boy nineteen years or age according- to a wirjeless message is in the hospital from influenza. received here. Ha: IU Ml oka.a... AND Mrs. Church's husband died a The works of art have, under of the closing down of work on OF BRITISH FRENCH; IY MEN STRANDED the Dolly Var!cn line and they few days ago in the Bordeu Street lha orders of the SuDreme Com mand, been sent to a place of Emergency Hospital, and was a have arrived without their money ' 100 GUNS fireman on the "Kelley." lie originally safety from destruction by bom and PRISONERS, ten sr., puierjn tlio j which was not forthcoming 7,000 came from Nova Scotia. bardment, the message adds. "irof, iia iway ens.I wnicis iney are now lasing sipi ea b.:ndriH mon hv. r -to recover. The contract for the construction ENEMY OVERCOME BETWEEN SAMBRE CANAL AND RIVER NOMINATIONS ARE "aiips Arm as a result of the Dolly Vardcn Italhvay SCHELDT FRENCH CROSS OISE RIVER ! MADE AT RED DEER CITY TELEPHONE DEPT. was let to the Taylor Engineering OPPOSITE LANGCHAMPS AND MOVE i Company of Vancouver. Mliun FORWARD BETWEEN OISE Nominations in the Bed Deer Notice to tho Public. the last thrco weeks the company AND SERRE bye-election lo tho legislature Owing to the increase in ."I00T HAS A CURt for has had dilllcuUy in procuring took place Monday. Tho candidates the traffic on the telephone " 'KMC .SPANISH- . IT, riU payment on account of the contract, SprriAl lo The ! Ia O. T. P. Telerripai.) nominated were J. J. Gaetz, system caused by the Influenza lii ... J " u Om or wi to Yua. and checks and lime cheeks Paris, French troops have crossed the Oise canal farmer. Liberal, and F. W. Gal- epidemic, the public iduii know; to workmen to the amount of oppooite Langdiamps, according to the War OITlce announcement braith,.journalist, Unionist-Inde-pendenL is requested to assist aboul $75,000 havo not been met. last night. They have also made an important advance between There were about 150 the department by using l 0 TOURMALINE The men who have arrived here the Oie and Serre rivers. names 6n Mr, Gaetr nomination tho telephone only when and about 25 on Mr. Gal- 'M Oct.ttf iuvm In ha In doubt as to whether London. October 2. British troops nave overcome Ul0 enemy paper necessary. 253. the construction was for the Dolly nong the whole front between the bambre uanai ana me ocneuu brattu's. Vardcn Mines Co- or tho Oranby l,.ivep ,IKi n,e advance is being continued, Field Marshal Haig AM? T.h,Pd Consolidated Mining and Smelting Lri., from headquarters tonight Since Wednesday the British CARD OF THANKS Co. They stale tnai uranuj- ui- . ,.,,.. ,,., and'about half a mile ou n front of E. and family desire - Mr. J. Dyer iummi h. in- nave neiala. hnva taken an active mile and half and F amilnQhnoslnrP aboul a a as n (o exnress their thanks lo than 100 guns. lerest in the carrying on oi mo more result Bois Dully, De Poppy and tholr friends for tbe many i UI u the American Army northwest many miijuuuuuiui that work. Humor has it With the Dot do Belly are within the expressions of sympathy received - "DEMERS" original Intention was that lake tno of Verdun, October 25. In American lines, as also is part of during their recent bereavement. Aboul Gnnnby Company should a local attack east" of the lltver. Bois do Waivrille and Plyon Th Co"et. over tho Dolly Vardcn Hallway anu Keep Your Feet -"v C lino Al.ll the Americans advanced Ktrnye. Udifa ,. , fallen Mouse a. mines but that tho deal has through, temporarily nt least, anu Dry and Warm v tnr is. a a. in tho meantime some of the men Jon ""iiime find themselves absolutely stranded. ,v. 8 uuwn few minutes town ami An Appeal to Men TSIMPSEAN LODGE NO. 68 We are now showing a full to Mntiv nf the men who were stock of US shOW A. F, & A. M. vnii .ronindbaCki.;;.' .r away out on tho work held their FELT HOUSE es checks until tho work was closed, - '.(0 In IIA nn Members and all sojourning VWI"E AND expecting to cash in when they to gel sufllcient lads-volunteer unable SEE As we have been Brethren will please take SLIPPERS left. The result is that wry at the Provisional to attend the sick tho funeral of from fivo Hun nurses notice that - In nil anywhero Street, 1 havo been asked to appeal Also RUBBERS and RUBBER cm- Borden Brother dred to a thousand unpaid Hospital on our lato There over forty male BOOTS for the whole out. aro on hand. . . . lo the men to help Robert J. D. Smith Tho men hove applied io u patients, some of whom may bo your.friends. Those take Saturday family. will place on Provincial Government for J-oneo Borden Streot School qr com-munirate lo compel payment and u willing plcASo phono afternoon. A Mosonlo service MmMLY : SHOE 7 STORE understood tbat nclivo steps with will bo held, at the grave HILL AND TABRUM being taken to see the men paia-In t heir T. McCIiYMONT, Mayor. at 3 p. m. il Now in Full Charge. protect AND tho meantime to SA.Tlft?. 'Oflrt t, "rd i ,. "rui law own Interests tho men nro nun rues No. 10.7340 liens on the railway.