THIS DAILY NEWS- '"''"'day. Page 6 October & 181ft BOMBARDIER WELLS CLONIE TAIT NOW t . ... . . . IJOXINQ INSTRUCTOR VJSV. r Local News Notes MAY BOX DEMPSEY and G. H. Arnold Sickness CANADIAN FORCES NOTARY PUBLIC Good assortment of pipes 23. Jack Demp- Clonle Accident Insurance London. Oct. Tail, the lightweight FOR SALE Gil's. sey, the foremost American heavy champion of Canada, Edmonton's We represent the Dominion K. M. Haynes. inspector of port "eight since W Hard has given home-grown star in the pugilistic j Lot 5, Block 15, Section 6. Ibe ring, w be wlU, world, has accepted tho position' of Canada Guarantee omces. was among the passengers Jd This is a very exceptional Wells, of cf Instructor Bombardier boxing with tho and Accident Co.. sailing for Victoria last evening. opportunity to get a fine ... England, if a bout now being ar- Canadian forces. Ho leaves for W 1 nitJ war-time level lot for residential purposes, which writes a special Tue funeral scrvico for Miss'ranKed does not fall through. the cast to lako up his duties im close to McBride St., policy oovering indemnity Camillas McKinnon was held this 'The contest, as planned, will tako mediately. Tho position will likely - vt.umy-use with -sewer connection, for against airsickness morning in tho Catholic Church.'placo in London this coming win- carry n commission with it. only and Accidents. tho Row Father McOratlt ofllcial- ter, By enlisting, Clonle will not bo Sunlight Easy terms. The annual cost is very ins. I Boxing never has been so pop ovadlng tho challenges of Pete $650.00 low. jular as it is today in London. Tho Scott, Franklo Bull and other con Victory Bonds will be accepted J. K. Umbach, surveyor-general National Sporting Club weokly Is tenders, as ho will still be open to ooap at par. ror the rrovincial Government, the scene of bouts between tnon battle any claimant to tho title. U is Impossible lo b. , . McCaftery, Gibbons sailed last evening for Victoria,'n tho service. It is predicted that Two months on tho farm finds oap th.a Sunli.M. T-. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. after visiting the land settlement'after the war boxing will become Clonlo In far better; condition than It (. reallr tD, cWtpM( areas in the Bulkley Valley. Wen more popular Uian it was over before'. you can Uy. Tkf I -- -----' & Ltd. .niiriiifffn f r r Doyle, 'hnfnrn thn rnnflirit bpcrnn. and that l.ll.r il.. "H Pat Daly, of Stewart, who has . " tM uu in futliro wm moro inltTm BC0 Estate WORKERS, REMEMBER urcu lor 11.. ..l Real THE DAILY NEWS Insurance been in town for the last Iew national boxing contests than ibe work al libeller days, sailed last evening for Van. have ever been staged before. I. Road Tax does NOT dost, Paying a Classified : Advertising Prince Rupert, B. C. couver. He is one of tho old Arrangements aro already un put your name on the voters' list ony Trotf-lt o ,e U real So.iM w.r.ia(H JT timers of the north country. der way for a busy winter, and it YOU MUST take a declaration. the wash end eboat t! Phone 98 not un,lke' f 2. Owning real estate under Black Jack McDonnell's Hotel jf lh,at a. nui'f LEVER BROTHERS Uwm MISS NORA BRAND !at Xew Haielton is being used as In0r P"jnlnenl agreement for sale or assignment TORONTO WANTED. . boxers will to over i- r.r.n i,i. i go of ngrecment for salo does NOT -P. I WASTED Blacksmith at once, DIES IN VANCOUVER -. TK XTZ JS . 2-1 put your name on the voters' list apply Akerberg, Thomson Co. ll.irr.coir I. nn nf h urnci B.uuv.11 "O'-vv. w.. .v You must take a declaration. -JH 3. The last day for taking a TEAMSTER WANTED -Apply to raetnc Left Here Short Time Ago With British and James boxing no Miss Agnes Grant, of the For- man, declaration under No. 1 is Octo cart re, Ltd. Her Parents to Reside In estry Department here, returned Douglas arja In charge of nr-to ber 31st. WASTED Furnished or unfurnished room Terminal City. the city last evening from her rangements for the winter tour-home I. The last day for taking a with nrt-cls family omce, Immediately. Ap-ly tf at Haielton. where she has'nament, and are striving to ar- declaration under No. 2 Is No New A. S, The many friends of Miss Nora hpen soendintr the last few days, -rango the match between Born- vember 30, up lo 5 p.m. only. WANTED Wooiid Cook Home.wanted. Apply urana, wno lenerjo recently wun ... .: Daruier wens, wno sun is popu 5. If you wnnt a voice In municipal Boarding- Inlandef her parents to reside in Vancou- Many people were pleased 16 lar in England, and Jack Demp affairs, RKMKMUKR and OESTLEMA.V WANTS TWO BOOMS AND ver, will be grieved to bear of her,see Ben Self again on the street sey. ACT. Phone 93 P,0, Eoi M In home with pbone, apply board private stallna terms, doi iox uauy new a. death there. Few details have yesterday after a somewhat severe! Another match that may bo put 6. The nbove applies to both Ci.'f OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT, SOUND On been received in town, as the In- attack of influenza. J. CGavIganJon during the winter will be Deformation men and women. 3rd Arc t . croaen vuicanue or mew; iuo onaye-work. was conveyed in n tele- was also out again attending to tween Jimmy Wilde, the British TRADES AND LAI10R COUNCIL. Box Poji 1J3,ttiem to Vancouver.1. Dunstone,Hlgbesl post-office gram requesting that her brother- business. flyweight tllleholder. and Joe Pacific Cartage, Ltd cash prices frit by return mill. lie In-law, Mr. Ber Wearmouth, be 'Lynch, the American bantam BOY WAITED SAVOY HOTEL. notified of the occurrence. 11,0 Prince Rupert which'weight, who is now In France as Miss Brand was for a lone time,wenl north to Skagway to fetch a .nlriir. Hotel Prince Rupert General Teaminf WANTED Waitress, Hotel Prince Rnpert a member of the telephone ex- numDer 0r passengers who were Storage EXCHANGE change staff in Prince Ilupert, and'stranded on their way out from BIRTH Furniture, Safe and Hano was very popular during her stay,Davvson has reached Vancouver EUROPEAN PLAN EXCHANGE Clear deed to house and lot here, :and is expected to arrive here to Tbvre was borji to Mr. and Mrs. Motrin;- Lareatt and In Section i tor vacant lot, part cash on $1.50 per day up. honse, balance terms. Apply at rear of Her father, E. C. Brand, was morrow as usual. Wm. J. Nelson of the Waldron 3li 8th Ave. West. JlS formerly engineer at tho Imperial Aoartmcnts at the General Hos Oil Company's plant in this city On account of the ravages of pital this morning a daughter. FIRST-CLASS CAFE WORK WANTED and he and Airs. Brand recently Mie influenza epidemic, the Seal A La Carte. WANTED Employment In warehouse by removed to Vancouver and were Cove sawmill has been obliged to A BAGPIPE FESTIVAL DENTISTRY man woo speaas rrencn ana Hirusn; living at 2728 Seventh Avenue, close down. ot sufficient men can write shorthand and use typewriter. . . . : wimnr to siari at Douom ani wore up. esi, in mat Clly. A Sister Of aymmuio lo carry on, ana Un- A Inln ni-rivnl in niishlv from orri' rt j i ut iiaire, Knox liotei. the deceased is the wife of Capt.,1" U'ey tret better and aro fit for France tells of the latest sport in a-m. U If 10a.aa,UIJtsa. V'.o-mn.,IV. ttYirt ntrilln ilia mill L . . . .!. ..-ill',,,,, LOST iinuuiuuiu, I , jwi L'rnni liAinir hno-ninn rj .ntnnrlt STEEN & LONGWILL or. j, s. enowri ClOSeU. In. Koln-. l. "Villi-." n.l OIHTIIT t.i.ia u v v .1 ftuv mine, LOST Fox terrier, female, white with bl LAUNDRYMANDIES- iha Tirinn. ivfirt nlnv n nllv ln Omcei imlth B1l, Tklrl Inus black patch on back, brown spot over SANITArV . MitO HEATIKO Phwia 4. each collar im uvmiuiuuuuii'IUHIni lias eye, with lock. iNotlfy P.O. .ln,mMl .f,llH n W.rnamnfti. Box 63. lit A lfnAl rr if.i ink. i t ,' .t. ......I'"- aMii iu mc I'lvs. LOST Opal brooch between city ball and vw -tiy I w(IU1 J liUUU cuiupai(f ii viiicil will carnt each other tunes with some hospltaL Tinder please phone Black J5 Has Been Here for a Number (commence on Tuesday of next iifllculty and the story Is that a Agsnta for LOST Brown Otter fur. neckpiece, short of Years, Passes On. iweek. Little Is being done locally leighboring English regiment McCLARY FURNACES PONY EXPRESS balr. near Hotel Prince Rupert. Finder however on account of the In- .sked to be sent into action for please return to the Hotel Prtnce Rupert. The death occurred this morn fluenza epidemic. By next week he week of the "Festival." PLUMBINQ PHONE 391. FOUND ing of Alfred Kyte, one of the things may look different. partners in the Canadian Steam Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re- and MOTOR TRANSHI FOUND Bunch or keys at Seal Core. Owner Laiindrv and n vnitntr mnn tvlir. It having come to the knowledge luces fuol bill and nlves SHEET MCTAL WORKS can hare same at The News omce your by Ihad been here of the city health department that Phoue S, 83( Second Avenue. for payinr ror this advertisement. a number of 1 . , allsfacOen. Phone 15. .P. n. CORNER FIFTH AND TWO iyears. He came from England,!"""' 'ci' ueen ill and Coal no. Night phones 678 ros;and for some time was employed I 'f.H in friend, or neigh- and Dluo 270 tltear of Hart Zlzl at Dally News omce by paying for this :as a electrician with Parkin & . 0 8 11 18 re,lusl?d that anyone The right work, el the right advertisement. UlWard. i Knowing or such cases will at I time, and at tho right prid.' i In January, 1915. he went into nce noUfy th PHcc on. the City YE OLDE COUNTRIE 'partnership with Mr.' -Macdonald I,aU aut'orities so that investk I FISH AND CHIPS In starting up the laundry and auon maY oe made. Even rumors 717 Second Avenue. M. M. STEPHENS has been very successful. He was !WUI De investigated. if Will be open every day at Well known bv evrminii nnrl ila' 11 a. m. NOTARY PUBLIC death is deeply regretted 1 Tno deall' look place this morn- TAKE SOME HOME. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! I 1 Inf? at the General Hosnltal nf OFFERS FOR QUICK iMrs- George Walters, a native or Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present SALE (Russia. The home was at 92 Hays Cove Circle. Previous lo her NOTICE -:- Watch this for The space our -announcement Followlnr Choice Properties: death a daughter was born and is Lot 16, Block 31, Sctlon 7 Eighth ' ,1 t II n.. Prince Rupert Feed Co. of a new supply Are., near Cold Storaga and Saw It is illegal to spit on the uuiiik wen. mere is also one Ml" 200. sidewalk or in any public othcijchild. As in another similar PHONE E8 This u a level lot on rrade. Taxes place. This law will be case influenza was well developed WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED paid for 1018. FOOD BOAIID L1CEMCE NO. 9 let uciuie ue entered me Hospital on strictly enforced and BUTEDALE b.C Lot any 10, Block 48, Section 7, $200. uctooer 23. Also on Eljbth Ave. near Seal breaches thereof prosecuted. Cove. Cinnrtra IT A.nnil e . ni HAY, GRAIN, FEED, House and Lot clot. In. Houa THOMAS McCLYMONT. r iiiuti uj iuv t rillCC Ranted, for aale $800.00. Easy nupert Table Supply Co., went Tarme. soul" two weeks ago on a busl. SEEDS AND FERTILIZER COMPARC THESE PRICES WITH ness trip anu was taken with in. 0 r TAX SALE PRICES lluenza at Vancouver. Forlunale. CMcken Feed a Specialty. WHIO H ROAD Iy he was at his home there and M. M. Stephens St. James Hotel was well looked after. Mrs. Arnoll (LATE "QUEENS") was intending to go last night but Wall Ordtra Promptly Atltntftd to. YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE FIRST CLASS ROOMS sue got ward that ho was much FINANCIAL AGENT Hot and Cold Water. improved and would be coming 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 .uuriu on mo nexi ioal. P. a Bat 834. SOc per Klght, and (3 par Wk. O Thlre It l nc BUI'KEHE COURT OF BRITISH I uui,li Al HI A. OIL W TIIE MATTER OF THE ADVI.MSl ItATI'lX the prospects of a LUMBER n order of Your iinr.r."P"i ill. commercial oil field Eyes near Vancouver or September, A. b. 1918.T ii T apwipwd Agents for bavin claims awTn.V .. :'.'.!r"!? THIS Prince Rupert Lumber Co. i "'r.,''""T" lumiMi same. Dronerlvl Are the most delicate of all and your organs and the moat LEADS TO LEADS TO p, Hastlng's Saw Mills sensitive. If your Glasses 10HH 11. UrMUMlw are not exactly right you r,.,.H " ..,. " wi OfficW uciouer.Adminlsirator.I VII. are likely to ruin your COAL i Ott IB sight. YOUR LOSS II YOUR GAIN Agents TIIE SUPHEME COURT OF DIUTlSlll for .......4 COLUMBIA. Tofmake sure that you Nanalmo Wellington Coal THE DECEASED.MATTER OF mrf LUIOI C0MAKD1NI, have the correct thinir get and 1.1 TIIE MATTER OF TIIE ADMINISTRATION your Glasses from Send for copy of Yellowhead Coal above book, Fre8 to n tj iiuiiLK inai in ... i. any address on request Complete Hue of Bulger lo BUILDING MATERIALS comandlnl, deceased, and TAKE NO CHANCES liavlnj claims aralnst ii,e'.m eiuie S. W. MILLER & CO, are Optometrist and Vancouver Stock and Block,Bond Vancouver.Brokers Albert a McCaffery, Ltd. Indcb.eJ o,hJ,,',0n,to the ot esute-Vre'requlrVd tMr 'ndebiednis? Vopa'.u Optician .. WITH FIRES Mimbere Vancouver Stock Wharf Office, Phon. 164 JOHN H. MrMULUN. Tho man you know and can Exchange. omce Bacon Anu, Phone 116 I PUT THEM OUT Dated this Km day of Ociob i.,r,w- rely on, OCt 19