Page 4 THE DAILY NEWS. itit, I In the Letter Box WHICH ROAD ? FISHERMAN WANTS FLOAT Kiddie's Gloi 1 J Doar Sir. YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE n sr., V4lo The llshcrnien of this cilv will lhcm "VW.lV give you a leather mdnl if vou I here in ctriti.t..... t)VtrLtHtT. . gq. after that float a bit stronger. mother---- - - fewui llKCU 01 if . lou nave done well but not well can testify, in thew enough. Give them officials and mounting prices. Well-did Jl f politicians overlasliut? II un occur to you that harsh, tVtr til they come through with what and the ordinary rub andS we went. wash board, break down more.??1 The time of year Is here when . than nr pvit nnt,..n.. we need better protection and use? Its so. Wffir? utere is nobody to Rive it to us h question. That's why THIS THIS but the Government. Why don't you bawl out the mayor and Coun. cil for. holding up the work. They LEADS TO LEADS TO are the ones to get after. Give 32 Sunlight Soap U to them strong and hot and don't let up for we surely do need purest and best of soaps, vai fir., YOUR LOSS YOUR GAIN mat Mr.noat.Editor, if vou can mnb yean thoroughly,hro to without wash clothes ficn.U 1 P" those fellers see what we want and "Sunlight" way. Doubly-fcb J6, 'ft come through with it, wo will buy now. in war time. ww. ,.J ine Plows every day. If they don't must last lonicr come through we shall all know It's raxy to do the trashht wnat to do at election day. I'm with Sunlight, yours juet thinkln' there will be a new-lot LBVKK llKOTIIKKS if they don't see the error of LIMITED TAKE NO CHANCES scraicu.their waj's and come un tn th Once morje. sir. give it to 'em WITH FIRES ana we are with you. FISUEI1MAN. PUT THEM OUT 8ERIES OF KICKS Dear News: i want to sec, just an soon as it can possibly be done, all the Wheat fur nnnrl fro,,, at Prince Rupert Feed Co. oerta go throutrh fW a w s.wu elevator and pass through the PHONE 68 Panama Canal to Liverpool and FOOD BOARD LICENCE NO. 0 88S8 luiuiKu uuru aim h. Wn 1.o... a u. JUU O No, Wpp Editor, the above is not a.u ciuuvi iroin a speech of the HAY, GRAIN, FEED, W,-i .X,.".7 ""V"" " ."y-rourin uuiuinion m n ntpra rf IimiI i.. v..Um-r uui upuu wmcn delinquent taxes are flue has been postponed so rar I'rince Rupert, but from . . . . . a speech ft I w1 In II.. ti-i. r. . ........ . SEEDS AND i. ! FERTILIZER Sir ,j??.,ne. " mo nun. j. u. jieid in vancou --- -w a,wa.av BB1C Will If ver. . ... . tlf?Id flf fltl KJt(ri lanslat l 1 Did you notice th ;niT7r?,"f ir. Chicken Feed a Specialty. DATED.JF- w...HOMER. Assessor and Collector me way- me .Miniafopa" v- v Ilk.i.a V Ki Burns' Cabaret Phone 37 t&Ui this sua dar of October, A. D. j Tommy handled in Vancouver and the way tail Orders Promptly Attended to. LAND REGISTRY ACT we entertained them here? Here For Comfort, Courtesy and (Section 36 and 134.) that Old Women's ninh niA t,. SerTice 8 ta Opes 2, SatertJsg B to 12 ( lo He Applies ion No. 10IJ8-L lioard of Trade, invited them to File tttO f p. o. aoi sax sos Third a. TAKE .NOTICE that a secret session. What took place Fishermen, TJiEJsAJHTOTE .uMuvu uu ieer Loffers and BuaU made to rerlster Brenton 0. Moore and the press did not report. riMsmen spawUlly ir.vltxl HOT L. MOOre Of frlnra . IK...... n t owner In ree under- a Tax.- iiut)sale I,Deed B U, .I iue oanaaian Club gave them Accommodation for Ladies r. T. BOV.WCSS, Ma(f from dinner riu) ntirni- Phone tie Collector of the City of p-lne Rupert, . bUCUi i. lJ Fifth and FraseT SL, Prince Rupert, RC 93 P.O. Box spread themselves. 38 bearln- data lie JSth day of November lh EMPRESS BUILDING Office: tl7. of ALL AND SINGULAR that dressed a public certain meeting where 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. parcel or tract or land and premises situ they told us wlmi n crn .,., O. C. Fisher, Manafer Horn Cooking Runninr Hot aad CaVS ate. lying- and being- in the Municipality of he City or Frlnca Rupert, we had, but never a word about more Pacific Cartage, Ltd 7i ii m t ""cru,ea " Lot elrnteen particu. the fishing industry or the dry. 6KENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ''.fb,ee.,, saon dock. They told v""i . . ..six us we must pro. 'AwTTCyJLAND8, 1- U.1 I ui I I 1 1 1 1 HIIIUM .1 a . ' mmvu nrfliiii 'ill nnv ilia isi 1 . tax purchaser u-ithin L-.Z' General Teaming nt fha - "WUJUH JS IC Debt, but .mi i;j t,9: jm. i-dward Llpsett, J'rcsldcnl Harry LibseU ,,o'wwoh a.m oi i on.feme b ts. oecu. Storage 7 .7 IS fuuucauon),.. and your... attention . wealth producer idle. f Pation sawmm operstors, iatend Ha appjy ilUiward Cunningham, Vise I ei:dcn Clllail tn a. Furniture, Safe and Piano wier tney leave us we are in. .ZzZ, 1" 10 ,C,M " fo'nr w"a "enuments. and . . er"d lands: - Moving. to foraiiprf fhn T i Baggage " uvli;UI4;amv lained: " r.AtJssj 'And In derault or a . . . . - rttt-f I berore' .mv.v nc -. m ui diuck as or tne sub Cunninghi 2. M.1!6!?.Pled fhTrs were four yearn nen idivnion of Lot 7. ihn-a n m a.. rw .T.,V V.. ."' V Person entitled un 'Carvell '"'Kiitaii told us at th i.,Mk. that TZrX VS:!".lea 10 ' - LIMITED The Greatest Enemy we were an inlAiiii - -w. w. uhu we OUgnt to ",ut 'a subdlrlslon, thence FISHING A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE H "uicfiiicrea TO YOUR PIANO IS RUST instrument and an be able to get up and do some- ,0UtneMI'y nJ roiiomm the bitb water thing. tre rtJB"i to contest na claim of SteamshlD SUDDtlea. Omm Fnnln.. anrf Ihmum the under the provisions "or .hlffTS Have thU Never-Rust applied unr .TvM? rMVui: tZaAcTelha 8ecured lbe con-k" LnZZ Fish NettlnBi Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cortqt w Dinugs, l iming Pins, and Iconuainr fni iff t rs.- all Metal Paris in vv Oil I LIB UJ I " VI ICM PRINCE B.C. your piano MASSET RUPERT, 10.000 tons each. v ..t inlet lumber CO- ltb Nevor-Rust Is a Positive Rust here. WHY . " 75,M, c.l.s.. Areot Registered Ofllco": .. DS .., . I JIUIUIl 1UID. 111! r. Vnac. Hupvi Preventive. AND WllFnr.a - w"tuun nas been in Vancouver ih uini.i ! zl 08 Water . ... I made for a rrtin.i. .... Street, na"ole "'-""e"1Dle Title were told by delernHnnnri.ii waters trotection o the : . . act G. C WALKER -O f-lB, UCTII-.-I a Vancouver, f Bremen n u"' '.n the " gation thai flmv i.nH i " "P- II. a I' t Box UN rnone Blua SS8 Tun,. "'' l. Moore. "v' w "ve cer- a Nn ..,r.. investirauni- tbei"1"? luln5 and they were going nrfown. saw win llle company. It appears that . . . ... prior in inn f vih h a,a tytj ii ii v t irifim i'! - i v w ffi nnxir i Hnfol Pfinnn D.,Mn.l J the assessed ot. .L.e,',8"8pecled sinister influent,, wr iV 5rndtS LSf P!r Li UPWl LS ;e t and they whal I got ----- - vi siity mi its mi.a i f suance or such DDiie.r T ' P'-, or Lr,.p,roP"(, 10 bulll on Lot EUROPEAN PLAN certincateordeFeTsT,,,"" '"u.e..!l TI,o People in Prince Ilunerl f,ennS," ''Un w lie u!S High Class Prini lands In thft .ZZ.T.S"?. ",a.aro treaterl IIIcp S1.B0 name or ti, -l.ilH ...i And t.k. .k per day and P' " up. unless you ,..e and pr.Vcu.e"the "not be (old too much T.""1 tire l SW5 r ZSS a FIRST-CLASS CAFE ITrVS, iil hints at cerUinnp lSr.ZW- rased action on m . - "-nuniiances nArrnrmui i... n.. iui..i... ... ... ",.",T rrur to the i A La Carte. -W....CU jjjt iUe new ".uniie works, al bis Sanitary Inspector that the fed S iditt. Ttiel Rune . h"'60."6' ?ra. rnnc. public f?.! ' .'r:' "u "y or hrnlml-.p siiouia not know of. "ruci tbs said ihiT 'ur ," 10 Mn The Daily News Print Shop is equipH lo anada Food Board License 14-1 Be ir.r, ' Tho Hospital Board in recent BepiVmbeV Wf" "UP" itimisy or nnest Kinds of printing: at the most tcb$oW To w l!,f,"t' r C" " the prss not to "'5" mili co: You Never ra, 'I'uuiisu liio nrnnnar n. vi I 019 1 Robert :r 00'. Jtl our .nrices. No inh io mrfft Williams. ..t,... j o Diiutii wj tame wuiiam Jones. a number Of flu Know What Prince Rupert. B. C. wt. uea"18 T m olher cities. attention and none too big for the shop tola What we neerl horn I. A Man I T"E BUPnEC10LU&T 0F "WTISII t.Miuiion oi tne people who will NADkirni go right after Will THE MATTER OF TI.E RATJf,.J mand our .JurI riiri,. .t ...i ... IIUSI.MaSS 7 Do ADMINI81 - uiiu WHO win AND SOCIAL OAIUW keep going till we get them. Mrs. Williams . .... HoionrEpH2ECEv ! n order of in. jiiuiming you for space, TIMBER SALE X 143. NOTU UlaAIlH A NO KWIiLOriW Pacific Mi,k for eo". 'DIlYD0CK., lonsr. MiniVi.P r'V'" V. rcled by th IHSPLAV I'OHTWtS AMI IHiUOVVJi long time. Her hiiRl.nnH i Tsnaka Maokiebi. rt...a,e.or"" ai-i f ....Ji?' .IP?? on the sth using it in his mornin7coffee The News cave f,,.., ,.. Durrha.. ii .::"vilrrSr' '. fur" Ii bo they mllilT Wr port of the ,nei,..; '77,' ' re: W or SpVucTdaV. 'SSHtJM UOOKLISTH AN!) 1XU)K1W never buy fresh - . "Oarfl area adJolnlnr ,"" ; "! " 'ao auy, more. ed to the raoe at which the mim.i..Jteie a toa.t nr..,,,T" "'""i"'! mrer CIUCuLakm AND rOBTAL NOTICIW -ti- .i.... . .. amount of thi .n...riiyia.0 Py 'e yere present, ED.J LoTl0r,.n,y,"r, wl" d uuier evening Mrs. ' wiib. """v""" me ronti- -- l"IWVI, for r. hought some fresh cream to 0"' hcuulun leOT'M.?'.'!"L?W roreater HtATKItNAL SOCILTV WORK give him a tricat (as she at, ioih or?oLAr,'iini',r'fjr Runertr --n r " er, i-rine day f l a IIKCICIIT llOOKH AND CJIKCKM thought) with his porridge and "ftt" to use with his coiree. ' T"E supreme court of britisii "However. Mr. William. ,i.i.. in .SiPM- discovered Bee it that it way was and ?..rr" he'. 'Y t'aectm"er or the administration comanp.n,, n The , ..." . .w.v , NT,Cl: F CANCELLATIO;, OP Daily News Print w.viliij ill LiiM Illiniini. Iia ,.nU..II r..-,. - RESERVE . "u noo-uui,, ' mnicE that In order of in. D,,,u us ,lt. a neen eet-Ir.r Vi I. .. 'ue me 10th day, . "" Uvea that the . .. . " i reriain in.,iAn. '' TIMBER SALE nuiiored .. ..? i' ,-oli Tw X14C2. Third Ave,Prince ?'d igh (job? .hundred Rupert I'lstrlci, u?;ey.d".fX T?r??.. CPM ii?r.,.L'd Aen.1eri WD) be Lois rer.K.rt I.. .h f.icven hundred .n- "..."""' M. Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attend LIH1ITED V o're,h8r ? S Pna.e rea near Lot rfi dVr. n1 "nilocJt on 332 ;i-.Ti."-, r saie curiioua. ' --'!- " "isinrt. DRAKE STREET MsMULLlN, Faotory at Ladner, B. C. iws low day oc0beAr?Tiu.,r,'or' Oct . 0 11. NADEN. k .r"r.!he'PnitiIars or tb. Chi.r , IS Iperi,I..." B,'C v., or nisirln roresier." w'Oct,peine' is Advertise In The Daily Ne