Page 10 TUB DAILY NEWS 1'r.lday, Q(!tuW . . ""lO Name of Person Assessed Short Dsrrtptio of Property Name of Person Assessed slwrl Description of Properly j -' ' h m I 1 t ' - Sa " r , H 1 25 S2 h I 3 6ub-DIlalon of 8ub-DIlslon Lota 8 an 10 ruber, W. E. .'tut 10, Leii i to is , 00 of D. L. 361, Range S, Coast District, ' Ftatter, W. E. , 'HIk, 11, LOU I to 84 . . 00! Plan 11 OS i Fisher, W. E. . Blk, II, Lots I to 84 . OP- McCafrcry, M. P. and Gibbons. E. C. Bit 6, 1.070 ac 300 nsfcef. W. I ,lllt 14, U I 10 84 . oo i i a i NcCaftcry, M. P. and Gibbons, E. & Bin. , f.oc ar 3 SO flatter, w. t: . ink. 11 LsH t 10 1! ... 411 Hi! ruber. w. t. , Hit 18, Litis I to 84 . - .'.n If.. Sub-DIlslon of Let 474, Graham IsUneV i Fisher, W. E. lilt I, LOU I to 0 . I 4V Queen Charlott Island District, Plan 1116 W. E. , Bit i. Leu I to 8 . OU Jl Carlln, Michael and Crease, Arthur Dourlas. bit 1, u.88 ac rttber. W. E. . Blk. 80, Lau It to 81 . to l Cartm. Mlcliael and Crease, Arthur Dourlas. Blk. I. 11.87 ac SflMth. J. II. . 'MtSO. lUil 38 30 1 1 ' Carlln, Michael and Crease, Arthur Dourlas. Blk. i, 14.7? ae ruber. W. E. . Blk. 81, Lot I to It . to j i l Carlln, Michael and Crease. Arthur Dour.ts. Blk I, 16.81 ae .. rther, W. E. .Bit 88, Lou I to , 1 1 u Fcnner. Mabel F Blk. (, (S 1-1) 10.0S ae W. K. . UU, St, Let I to 81 . . V ! t il Carlln, Michael and Crease, Arthur Dourlas. Bik. e, S8.07 ae Flstoer! w. i:. . Bit 8 Lot I to SS .. 00 i J ' Carlln, Michael and Crease, Arthur Dourlas. Blk. 7, 18.31 ae Fier, W. E. . Bl'. 16, Lot I to S3 .. oo ! V:' Cameron, Hush Blk. 8. 38.81 ac I Marshall, Albert P. , Blk , 40.11 ac .Pert of Ellleen Townalte Lot 888 and Perl tarnshaw, Arthur Blk. 1$. 11.88 ac .. 30 : of Lot 778, CaaaUr District, Plan 866A. Brtdrniaa, Arthur J. W. and Simpson, II. P. Bit 71, Lola I too e..R-fMMlalAJl f t At SfS. flPAhjUl l.lftflrf. BrMroMH, Arthur J. W. and Stmpsen, II. P. Hit 73, Lots I to 14 "4 Qton Charlotte Island District, Pln 111 Brtdrman, Arthur J. W. and Simpson. II. P. Bit 78, Let I 10 10 1 s Wood, I. Earle Blk. 1, 31.10 ac I 6 31 BrMtnsMO, Artfcar J. W. and SuatMOB, II. P Bit It. LOW I t IS John Blk. 4. -N 1-S) 10.88 ac , 40 86 Brtdrmaa, Arthur J. W. and tHtmpaaa, II. P, Bit 71. Lot 1 W 14 Met,Lamsdon. Frederick E. Blk. 1. 37.01 ac , i 74 6 Brtdtinan. Arthur J. W. and Simrwon, H. P. Bit 76, LOIS 1 10 , , 1 ' f . Oeorgte . . Blk. S. 41.10 ae 8018 Brtdrman, Arthur J. W. and Ktmnstin. II. P. Bit 78A , . .. Walker,Grerory,Lynn H Blk 7, 30.0 ac , 78 ii Brtdrinan. Arthur J. W. and XlmpSOfi, It. P Hit T7. Lots I lo-ttJ.... las. A I Blk. 8. ae It 88 Biidrman. Arthur J. W. and mutpson, II. P. Bit 71. LU I 10 8 .... Lore, Jas. A. nix. o. 39.04 ae 7t 81 Bridrwan. Arthur J W. and Simpson. II. P, Bit 7. Lots 1 to 13 Fenhy,Lore, IN'orman T. Bit ii. 40.00 ac 78 7 Brldrman, Arthur J. W. and Simpson. M. P Blk. 88, LBt I to II Stobo, Fred J Blk. 18, 37.88 ae 73 01 Bndrman. Arthur J. W. and SUnpeou. II. P Hit II, Lot t t 31 Stobo, Fred J Blk. 13. 33.36 at 60 81 Brldrman. Arthur J. W. and Stnipeon, II. P lilt 88. Lots 1 MS Lyons. James R. Blk. 14, 37.38 ae 74 87 Brtdrman, Arthur J. W. and fttaipsott. II. P. Bit 61, LIS I 18 88 67 30 Btldrtaau, Arthur J. W. and Simpson, It. P. Bit 84 May, Frank C. Blk. It, 34.33 ae I at : ti Brtdrman, Arthur J W. and Stropean, II. P Blk. 81. LOU 1 t 13 I oi , it, Sub-Dlrlaton of Part Lot 124, Range 3, Brtdtman. Arthur J. W. and srmptuD, II. P Bit . Lett I I It . . 181 t Plan 1761 Brtdrman, Arthur J. W. and Simpson. II. P. Bit IS. LOU 18 36 8 61 I Verschoyle, Wm. D. . Blk. 1, Lots 1-1 1 700 iOSOO Brtdrman, Arthur J. W. and Simpson, II. P IMt . L4i I t I 8 63 : Verschoyle, Wm. D. . Blk. 8, Lois 1-0 Itt It landman, Arthur J. W. and Simpson. II. P Bit It. Mt 1 t IS - .. 4 et Verschoyle, Wm. D. . Blk. 4. Lots S-t ... 33 41 Bridrnun, Arthur J. W. and SUnpMtn, II. P Bit 8. LH 1 t II 4 01 I Unk, Charles Ott 3, Lo.t 4 SIS 34 00 it Rrulrman. Arthur J. W. and Slmpeoa. II. P Bit 01. LtS 1 18 S8 I 88 I Verschoyle, Wm. D. . Blk. 1. LOU 8. 10-31 . 16 SI Brtdrman. Arthur J. W. and fi mti,Hi II HIS. OS. LOU 1 to ft 8t ' Verschoyle. Wm. D. . tiv m f All Brtdttuas. Arthur J. w. and Simpson, II Bit S3. IM 1 18 36 Of . St Verschoyle. Wm. D. . 'Blk. 7, Lot 8 S7t 3 B rtd swan. Arthur J. W. and BlUipeuti. II. Bit II, Ult 1 K ll 4 1 Verschoyle, Wm. D. . .Blk. 8, 1.87 ae St 3 Hrldfttuan. Arthur J. W. and Sinipeoo, II Bit 01, Let 1 1 II 4 Of I it Verschoyle. Wm. D. . ;Blt 0. Lou 1-7. 11. IS. I 31 48 Brldriusn. Arthur J. W. and Slmpsuo, II Bit 88, LIS 1 M 88 i- a ot lUtchle. Isabella Blk. 0, Lot 14 ... Brldrman, Arthur J. W. and Biiur-MM. II Blk. Of. Lots I t 86 3t ' Drtdtman, Arthur J. W. and Stnipsosi. II Bit ?8. utH 1 tO 30 184 ' 1 a Sb-Dirlsln of Lot 461, Range 3, Plan 1785 It 6 Brtdrinan. Arthur J. W. and Slmpeaa. II ntk. . Lt 1 14 18 4 38 ' k McCIaren, John Cordon LOU 1-19 104) 80 31 13 13t7 Brtdrman. Arthur J. W. and Stmpeust, II Bit 188, Let) t t S3 6 It NeClaren, John Gordon (LOU 14-SS MOO S8 38 13 41 Brtdrnv, Arthur J. W. and tmn. It Ml ISI loll t M VS . . I Of ISO t 37 81 Arthur J. W. and tUlMMAM II I' McCIaren, John Gordon "LOU 18-37 16310 Brtdrman. OIS. IT. WU I W 19 8 . MeClarth, John Gordon I Lois 41-31 a 31 68 3t 81 Brtdiswn. Arthur J. W. and Uo.pou. II. P Itvlt 188. LOU I to I 3t McCIaren, John Oordon 'LWS 6-18 7 80 3188 Brldrman. Arthur J. W. and 1rrr-Jin. !l r . flMOV.astv a A a l.aa OxJBVIV I I a II IB I II I MeCUren. John Cordon Lots 6S and 83 . . It 80 4 73 34 88 Brtdrnsan. Arthur J. W. and HtHM, II Blk. tt. Lot two 4 87 MrCUren, John Gordon .'Lots 81 snd 86 . . . It 00 4 73 61 31 l.rldrnun. Arthur J W. and ilemfMMM. II P Bit 188 I SI ' McCIaren. John Gordon Lets 60-73 4008 IS 61 1168 Brtdnnaii. Arthur J. W. and SUnpsn, II p Blk. 187. LOU 1 IS II ........... 41 Lomer. fietmald W. ... LOt 76 M 3 17 113 68 Brtdrman. Arthur J. W. and StffiflMM. II P Kit 18. LOI 1 t 3 I II McCIaren, John Gordon LOU 70-38 7S00 S3 63 31 13 brtdrman, Arthur J. W. and tnfiMrv ii r B4t itt. Leu i t ii 114 ! I'd 30 00 6 30 ir McCIaren, John Gordon Lou It and 03 TewnaHe, Pten837 Ceelagloe, Sub-Dlslalen of S. W. 1-4 Sec, 31, Tp. 1 iSloaa. J. J. Cpar Bit S. 11 17 SI 13 4 It ; I t ll teller, Mrs. Anna Maria" Elk. 0, Lot Range 11 3, Plan 1805 1 It 18 S3 1 I 7t 3 71 1 CtmnSnrbam. F V Bit 6, LW5 1 3 71 8 87 l . it Eeslngton TewtisHe Adattlou I He. 1) Plaal Sub-Ditislon of tha South Portion of Let 32, Rang 3, Plan 1838 iiht SlurMoo. Bit 18, Ukt 8 .1 I S 8 6 Darr, Francis Georre . Blk. 1, Lots 1 34 31 43 41 III Ctwrth. Geo. Bit 14. LH 3 8 3 81 Darr. Francis Georre ... Blk. f. Lots 1-34 31 ! igjl Ertnayter. FF si. ii, un u i i .. t 8 Francis Georre . . . Blk. 8, Lots 1-34 3S 73 18 Darr, Church. Eat Oouiias St 30 03 4 3 8t t4 Lot 4 6 I I . ! Darr, Francis Georre . . . Blk. S. Lot 1-36 Cameron. Laurie 4 II 181 II Blk. 18, Lot .1 1-3 '. 30 13 Darr. Francis Georre Blk. 6. Lots 1-36 Bella Coola Townalte, Plan 873 Oraham Ctty Tewaelt (8k M sale Merheur) 14 76 3ub-Oi!st et LCI 3. geeett cnerieue Frank, E. LOU 14 and IS 0 St Dlatrlct, Ptaa a Harrey. Richard O. Let 47 rahasa Ctty Towttelie Co Ltd, tfl 147 of Portion Bit I. Let I 88 18. II 183 . Clojrsh Park, Plan 320, Sub-Dlrlslon A I.rla, I 71 of D. t 64 6 A, Ranga 5, Coast District. Wt 1. Lot II. 14 SI giMwo Cbtrtot le parkltir Co. Ltd. ... Hit I. Lot ft 1.. 3 71 Canadian Trust Co. Ltd. Lots I to IS. Blk. 1 i rahun CHr TawnelM Co, Ltd 4 18 t 18 II 84 Blk t. LMt I to 3. 17 to ft . . Parent. II. r. Lots 1 to 11. Blk. 3 i as Graham City Toalte do. Ltd. 1171 114 Btt t BR. 1 Lot I to 14. IT t 18, ft 18 14 Weeks. Geo. F. Lots II to SS. Lareax, D. SI 8 8 ft Canadian Trust Co. Ltd. Lots 1 to S3. Blk S 16 GorbatR. A. J Bit f. I4H l, I 110 It SI Lot S3. Weeks, Geo. F. LOU 1 to 14. Blk. 7 mt 8. lit Oraben Clly Towestt Co Ltd Hit 4. Los ll to ll ft 1 e Blk 7 Morse B Lot 17, Dans, Lalonde, A. 1 1 go tl Bit , Lots I. I Geo. F. Lots 1 to 8. Blk. 8 Weeks, 0 Graham City Totte Co. Ltd 3 ft 1 71 3 Bit 3. Lou to 4, 1 to II Weeks. Geo. F. LOU 1 10 . Bit 0 Oraham Clly Toeil Co. Ltd. 1 1 1 8 If 08 4 84 Winnans, Henry Lot 10. Blk. 0 13 71 Oraham City TownttM Co. Ltd. St 1t -0 4 34 Canadian Trust Co. Ltd. Lots 11 to 10. Blk. 0 Graham Clly ToiHle Co. Lid. 8 06 4 31 jSt . Lot I to 81 Geo. F. Lots 1. 3, 3. Blk 10 Weeks, g ? :Oraham Clly TovftSttO Co. Ltd. f 18 1 It Bit I. Lot I to I, 18, II Weeks, Geo. F. Lots 3 to 6, Blk. 11 g M.-kker. L-; Allen. The.; All. J.; Oom- weeks, Oeo. F. Lots I to 6, Blk. It 8 74! riipt. V. sad Hooper. K E. C . Bit 8, Ltrl 8 I f I Lots 1 to 6, Blk 13 Geo. F. Weeks, Oraham City TowMtle Co. Ltd. 4 71 Hit 18. LOS I to 34 8 M 4 ll PareA. 11. J Lots 6 to 10. Blk 13 Oraham Clly Ton Mile Co. Ltd. It 888 484 Hit II. LU I to 34 Weeks, Geo. F LOU 13 to S3, 33. Blk. 14 Graham Co, Ltd, city Tamflllt 13 01 Htk. 18. Lots I to 36 4 SI Parent, U. J LOIS S3 10 31. 34 to 44, Blk. 14 Oraham Clly Tenalt Co. Ltd. SS 7 4 34 Hit 18, Lot I to 34 Parent. H. J. Lots t to 11. Blk. 16 , Oraham Towtjafte Co. Ltd. It i s Clly 808 4 14 Wt 44. to 38 ...... Weeks, Geo. F. ....... Lots S3 to 48. Blk 16 Blk. 15 , t 4 1 Oeaham city TowMlM Co. Ltd Bit II, Lt 1 td 36 .... 888 4 tl Robinson. J. T Lot 43 to 44, . 16 t f Oraham City To8Ml Co. Ltd Bit 18. UNI 1 141 3ft 384 4 f I Weeks, Geo. F , Lots to 13, Blk. City TokIU Co. Ltd. n gi.arahsm 17, Lot I to 38 ..... 884 4 14 Weeks, Geo. F Lots 1 to 33, Blk 17 -..j ...i J Oraham cny Touwttr Co. Ltd. ...... If, Lots i H 8 4tl t Claiton Townslta, 8ub-DIltlon of Part Lot :ity Townslie Co. Ltd. ...... If, LOtS I to 34 8rt I SI ft ;Oralim City Totilte Co. Ltd. ...... L8U 34 M ISI 112, Renge S, Plan 888. : S4J, I l ., North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots Ito 36. Blk. 1 8 71 17S 84 ti Lalonde. A St. ltt I it 4. ai 33 W 18 .. 18 4 j S71 . 1 71 84 Mifabam city Towiwlie Co, Ltd. ...... St. UH i to 8 71 1 II North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots 1 to 36, Blk S ,j SI. 8714 It .... j North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots 1 to 36. Blk. 3 8 71 I 73 II (4 Glihert, Stanley II. Lttl 84 Ifl I S 71 1 76 844 Oraham Clly Tormeite Co. Ltd. ...... Wt SS, LH4 I to 4 18 ( fl Korth Coast Land Co. Ltd. LOU 1 to 36. Blk. 4 II. 84 r 37, 88, 18. Melekev. L.: Allen. Tboa.; AHest. J.; Qua 8 87 1 73 80 71 Korth Coast Land Co. Ltd. LOU 1 to 30. Blk. 8 ..i Korth Coast Land Co. Ltd. LOIS 1 to S3. Blk. 6 141 1 73 18 10 nipt. V. tad lloojr. R, L. C... Bit ft. Lot It. 88 ft j ' Korth Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots i to 30. Blk. 7 I 60 17 1117 I jiiia. a Hit ft, Lou 33 la 14 1 j 160 17t 14 17 Graham cuy Towuette Co. Ltd. Bit S3. Lots 1 lo I 88 i 4 01 North Coast Land Co. Ltd. LOU 1 to 80, Blk. 8 II, SI to 84 . I Wrlcker. t..; Alleo. Tbo.; A Rett. J.: Cos- I 68 1 71 14 17 Korth Coast Land Co. Ltd. LOU 1 to 30, Blk. 0 .! Korth Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots 1 to J4, Blk. 10 , ! 1 37 1 71 11 60 rupt. F. and lloper, R. K. C. ., Bit 18. Lot 10. 38 .! If North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots 1 to S4. Elk II . I 37 1 71 11 68 Oraham Clly Tonlt Co. Ltd. Dfk. 31. Lot I to 18 , 4 08 I North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots 1 to 34. Blk. It 137 17S 11 Graham City Tomrtslle Co. Ltd. Bit 81. Lot I to 34 8 88 : 4 II u North Coast Land Co. Ltd. Lots I to 20, Blk 13 L1 178 10 81 Orahsm City Towmlte Co. Ltd Bit 38. Lots I to 34 3 88 j 4 84 I Graham Clly Tonlle Co. Ltd. ...... Hit f7. Lot 1 to 3 380 4 14 Copper City Townatta, Sub-Dlilslon of Lots iGrthim Clly Tortnslte Co. Ltd. Blk. ti. LOU 1 I 14 I 88 484 siz ana 3ai, Range 6, Plan 833 JOflham City Tonnalte Co. Ltd. ...... Hit ft. Lot I la II I 18 4 80 fikeei-a Land Co. Ltd : Lots 1 to II. Blk 1 8 ft Oraham ctty Towstslle Co. Ltd Bit 30. Lou I to 34 8 8 484 6keena Land Co. Ltd Lots- 1 to S7, Bit S 8 IS Oroham city TowMlte Co. Ltd lilt 81. LOU 1 t 14 ....... 814 ! 488 Eki-ena Land Co. Ltd Lots 1. S, 6, 10, 11. 1S, IS to $7, Blk. 4 8 tl Graham City Townalte Co. Ltd. ...... Hit 38. LoU I lo 84 ; 4 6 McCartney, Albert J Lots 18 and 14, Blk. 4 .: 3 jg Orabam Ctty Torllr Co. Ltd. ...... Bit 31, Lou I to 17, S3 to 11 . . 8 80 lit Skeena Land Co. LM Lots 1 to 3. 7, 0 to 18, S3 to S6, Blk 1 8 lt;Latonde. A Bit II. LOU II. I S3 i McCuUarh, Martin Lot 8, Blk. 8 S8f . I Akelberr. M. jr. and Martin. M. LOU 10, SO. Jl, Blk. S 4 17! Cranky Bey Townsiie, 8ulDlf talen Lot ICS Skeena Land Co. Ltd. LOU I to 37, Rlk. 7 8 41 vaMier umrici. Plan IOCS Skeena Land Co. Ltd. Lots 1. S, t to $7, Blk. 8 8 30 Sbotle. Wm. Bit 8. Lots 7, 16 184 Skeena Land Co. Ltd. LOU 110r31. Blk. 8 t 31 Nation. Mr, and Morten. Mr. Wt S. Let tg 388 Skeena Land Co. Ltd. LOU I to 31. Blk. 10 si Vaorbin. Wm Wt 3, Lot 14 I 88 if. Skeena Land Co. Ltd.. ... . LOU 1 to 14, 17 10 31, Blk 11 7 88 k"tr. Ml F. J BJt (, Lett It. 16 It 00 a Skeena Land Co. Ltd. LOIS I U It, 17 M XV. HIK. 14 I to Altrde. Frank Bit 4. Loli 7, II 104 cunninrham. C M Lot 31. Blk. 14 111 cainoun, t Vf. Bit 1, Lot II, SI II 10 I keena Land Co. Ltd. Lou 1 to 31. Blk. IS o 48 Kjtie Alfred lift I. Lot 31 1 18 u Skeena Land Co. Ltd.. . . " LOU 1 10 31, BJk. 16 - flisaw, waiter Bit 4. Lol 88 I 0 Skeena Land Co. Ltd. L8IS 1 to SO, Blk. 17 s It Caret, a. p Bit 8. LoU 1 and f 18 88 It Ske-na Land Co. Ltd. LOU I t 31. Blk. 10 t 41 Brewer, Too, and MUler. hoy W. . Wt 8, LOU 7. I, 8 II 18 If Mckenzie. Grtere LOU 1. S. 3. Blk. SO 4 15.Ward, Jen Bit 18. Lol It 7 04 j till kt-na Land Co. Ltd. LOU 4 to 31. Blk. SO 883 Skeena Land Co. Ltd. LOU 1 to 3, S, 6. 10 to 31. Blk. SI 81 MajrtPort Townslta, tvb-Dl.ltlc of Pertloo Mckenzie. Grieve LOU 7. 8. 0, Blk. 31 6 6tl .f 1 Al 4. m.,b . n ... . I keens Land Co. Ltd. Lot 1 to 31, Blk. SS 8 ft Msney, H. L. and Freer. Lemuel . . t e Skeena Land Co. Ltd. Lots 1 to 31, Blk. 31 g it Massey. Louisa L. Bit 1 0.' Lot ft to ii! 71 "to i 6'.',' ! 3 04 .Contois, Joe IHt 11, LoU II to 14. 10 to 41 .. 1611 18 Dalkatla TownalU, tub-Dlrlslon of Lots 2341 indir, A. lilt j. I.,t it a a 3 14 and 361, Quean Charlotte Island, Plan 10321 Leor, waiter Bit 14. Lot II I il Wilson, C M JUOI I, UJK. 6 6 it Mer,arrlrh, M. O Hit it tstt 11 4 t Russell, Thomas . . . Lot 6. Blk. 7 ,. . . SCfitOdtOf, A Bit 10, LOU 47, 41 "Ml 1 Wilson, C. M LOU 0 and 10. Blk. 7 lOMj Wilson. C M f Lots 1 to t, Blk. 16 SI SI K Itt slat Townslte, 8ub-DIlalon of Lot 11 MarretU. D Lot 7, Bit 16 Range B, Plan 878 0 Wilson, C. M SLot . Blk. 16 6 ii Qtrford, c. w. n. Est or BJt S, LOU I to ; 40 Stark. James Lot 18, Bit 10 , g ae Clifford, C. W. I). Est of Hit 8. Lois I. II. and Dan 10 ...... 110 I Wilson, C. M Lot 1. Blk. 17 ?..JMMt. Frank lit I, L8t 7 104 I wtfnsns. G Lot 2, Bit 17 5 CJ Wearthur, J. A Blk. 1, Lo.t It I IP Bachelor k Eadle Lot 8, Bit 17 rtirsui. J. w Bit 4. Lois t. 6 to id 1010 I . frr, IL Lot 4, Blk 17 ., t ci Trfj, ii. n Bik. 1,111 , 788 v Tlnrley, F Lot II, Blk. 17 . 1 et OUlotple, Carlo Hit 4, Lot t; I f 3 , 780 1 i Wilson, A. Lot 1S. Bit 17 ..' g 10 Tliorne. J. A. and Helhuren, J. L. Bit 4. Let 4 3 08 Wilson, C. M Lots 7 10 13. Bit 34 . ........ St 01 Clifford. C. W. V. Est of Blk. I, LitU I, S, 7 to 10 , 780 V Wilson. C. M Lots 1 to S and 8, Blk. Si ....... 87 40 Patterson, J. W lilt , LOI 3. 4 I 4 00 W. Lot . Elk. si ... ..... v; 5 08 Clifford, :. W. D. Et of Wanlasa. C ....... .- UU. 4, LOU 1. 8, 3. 4, 0 10 11 ..... 13 00 I MeDourall, Martin E. . Lot 10, Bit S6 ..J ., 6 Hewitt, a. ... ............ Lot IS. Blk. 3S 1 84 Mattsl Townalte, Sub-Dlilston of Portion Wilson, C M. , Lot 1. Bit 10 ., 6 14! or D. L. 7, Queen Charlotte District, Calvin, pat rr .... Lot 3, Bit S6 I 44 Plan 848. ,1'rtiKe Georr Townslto Lid Bit I, LOU 3. 4. 10 10 11. 17 lo t ... SI 04 16 it ' Dslkatla Townalte, Sub-Dlrlelon of Block I Anderson, j , Bit 1, LOU 1 lo 0 ... 7 00 I 71 'I l A. or Lot 234, Qusan Charlotte lalandr.l MfllOhalJ. Ooo .' Hit 1, Lot 87 ' ' 8 10 I It Plan 1032, Continued I jlVOberls, Tho. U P.Ik. 8, Lot 3 Prosser, W. 1.061 ac. Plan annexed to Cert, of Title! I Prince Georre Tow ntlle Lid HIk. f. Lois 1 to 30 36 8 10 40 80 1 01 87 l" J10. 6SI7 IS 40 PUnOo Georre Townslle Lid 5 10 to Bit 8. Lois 3 to 88 ' 37 0 11 01 H Wilson. C. M. UnrcidlviicS .00 ac 18 SO 47 07 rrttiee Georre Townslta Lid Elk. LoU 8, t -Collwlre, 4, 1, to 16, It lo fj, 8 7 , . , SS 10 S3 84 6 Blade, James .10 ac. Plan annexed to Cerl. of Title NoJ Win. Chas It IK. S, tAlta 17, i I 88 I oo " V7D S 36 SO 1 1 7t 4 40 HuiiijjIirlfS, Halph Blk. 4 Lot! 81, It 4 St 3 31 ' ' . t? -Prine Georre Townilie Ltd Blk. I, 11 I to 6. 11 to ft, 31, 11 .... II 10 11 10 "I ' i- Delkatla Townalte, 8ub-DI s on Block B CoUedre, Wm. Cha me. p, uu p ,n of Lot 234, Qun Charlotte Islands, Plan! I Prince Georre Townsllo Ltd lilt 6, LoU I lo ii SO I 00 64 13 1 01 St 1-'' '! iuji, vonunuta, I jlTliico (ieorre Townslle Lid Bit 7, LOU t 10 If Wearmouth. Cecil M. 1.070 sr. Plan annexed to Cert, of Title I 41 SO 37 17 !"' r I Prince Georre Townilie Lid Ult f. Let I 10 10. 10 lo SI. S3 SO 17 87 II lot I ....jf 6 80 3 77 1 II J 1 71 1S0J Prince Georre Tow utile Ltd HIk. 10 , , 0 00 7 77 ft-' Prince Georre Towiwllo Lid. , Bit It, Lot 8 to If 43 10 16 74 I 13 I Dlkfttl Tflwnlll,. ftiiK-nl.LlAn .f l,t Murj)liy, Daniel F 8 Lot 8 Ult If. 1, till Quten Charlolt Islands, Plan 1032, C Prince Course Townalte Ltd HIk. II. Lois 3 to 3f 43 8 SO 10 36 77 l 4i i: tlnued. ' Prince Georre Townsiie Lid Hit 14, Lots 14, 17 10 30 7 "" 86 CO 81 00 Walt, M. It Lot IS, Hit 80 , Hi 1 64 DS I 7t 8 61 Kami no, 8n Ult It. Lot 4 1 67 i H Baldwin ' Baldwin Blk. 81. Lots 1-S 3 80 i 1 17 I 76 13 01 Prlnee Ceorro Townsiie Lid Bit 16, Lol 8, 10, II, 16, 17 10 8 St II 7 74 t Prosser, W lilt 31. Lot IS 1 80 1 63 10 1 78 4 06 Wlrhtman, Geo. II Hit 11, Lot 0 83 4T Cullins, James Hit 38, Lot o and 10 3 60 SOI I I 00 1 7t 0 16 Lery, Ed. Francis Blk. 16. Lot 11 S 00 1 . Spence, chas Ill Ik. 38, Lou II, is and 13 3 76 36 i 60 1 71 8 Mariner Georre Townsiie Hilt. 1, UH 3 10 6, 0 to II 1011 871 1 8 83 S3 a r ii " Carr. W Bit 30, Lot 16 1 70 1 II I 60 1 78 B it.nnce ucorra itwmiw i.ia Blk. 17, LOU I, f, 8, 0, 10 , 7 81 tit l tl I' McKowan, jack A. . Blk, 30, Lot tO 1 30 1 6 I 81 T I 76 Alienor nin-iinrni txi, Lta HIk. 16 041 t4 feuerford, r. T. .. Bit 40, LOU 17 nd 18 S op 8 63 ( 03 f I 7! I Prince Georro Townsltn Lid Hit 10 , 1100 7 10 1101 lf Prince Georre Townsiie Lid flIK IU iststetat.,t Ellison Townslta, Addition Lot C88A, Cas-I to t. Balance or lilt '. It 00 1101 4J Prlnee Georre Townsiie Lid Hltf I, l,ol 1 t 60 14 60 0 ii aiar District, plan 865. JJlneli, 8. A, 0 HIk. II. Lot to tp on! 9 " Flshor, W. E, , Bit i..Lou 7, 8 and 0 , 1 48 1019 i Talt, James L. Bit S, lu I and t S 00 est Townalte. 8ub-DIlalon of Pert oil Fisher, W. E. . Bit S. Lots 8 10 4 00 unertone Lot 7, gue-n ui.inci, rian 840AI Smith. J. II. . . . lilt t, Lois 11 and It I 60 I Prince Georre Townsiie Ltd, ' ' It 3 4A HIK. 1, MHS I S3 40 10 0 f 4 .. W. . Fisher, E. Hit S, Lots U-17, 10-S4 8 IS I 0 if I Prince 0 eor ne Townsiie Ltd, HIk. ft, Lot 1 10 10. 88, SI SI 00 17 g M t , Kmith, f. II. Blk.8, Lou 1-6 4 10 I Lid. Lots I 10 S ' I 6 si'l'rlnre Georre Townsiie Hit (3. 41 40 ae s II , : iv Fisher, W. E. . lilt 8, Lots 7-83 0 66 1 IS IB, Prince (leorre Townsiie Ltd, HIk. SI, Lots 1 10 88 46 40 10 to II f- . ' .. ii : l Smith. 1. II, nit 8, Lou S3 and ll Si 1 Hi 88 1 70 LoU 'Prince (leorre Townsll Lid. HIk. 35, ii - W. E. . 8 68 46 40 10 so ; Fisher. . Bit 4, LOU 1-S4 14 40 I 17 ii I Prince Oeorro Townslta Lid. HIk V6, Lois I tO 10 48 10 16 74 i fit , ti Fisher, W. r. Bit 6, Lol 1-S 4 14 40 I Prince Georre Townsiie Ltd. HIk 7, Lots 1 to 38 IM' tl 61 17 67. 48 00 40 , Fisher, W K. Hit 7. LOU 1-S4 l.olfl t, t, 6 to II . 14 40 I Prince Georre Tnwiitlle LM. n Ik u. 111 II 17 fi7 4f 80 11 fisher, W E. Hit , Lois 1 10 ti 4 1 lot id 14 40 17 87 Lynch, Felix lilt SI. 8 00 1 88