CURRENT PRICES , gun pain AUOCAL STORES m mm Qood Pumpkins King Applet for Hallow on Sals E'en and t 6 V - Celebration. 1 In preparation fur Hallow E en SI there ore plenty of pumpkins in town and they are selling at 8c. I .uffered tortures a pound. A new shipment of king apples arrived recently and these are going at from ten to twelve .nt B1D1 ."v.' -.1 and a halt cents a pound. Duller ' ' Ji w"stuff often ene up and eggs remain at about the biUr Ue same ptfee. but U.eydldot i he Umichan eggs are the . m Hut M w" highest priced on the market, re. frill-''1 ' " tailing at t0c. a dozen. They are U O f - sent out by the Cowichan Cream i. i relieved wbeo ery Association and each egg is damped with the date on which v I it was laid and the. name of the poullryman. They are all guar. -- r antted fresh. The Association is ,fil,m;:ca, viwa. a co-operative one and has beln in existence for many years Through it the fanners buy and 1HD ACT AMENDMENT ell a good deol of their; produce ., m confined to urrro but they do not retail. When will it end ? opinion and prunes are pretty . t.rU:ulturl purpowa well off the market, pears and 1KB BOit-'"- .1,1 1. apples with a few peaches being STZZZiiZn four mv the prevailing fruit. The follow. Thousands upon thousands, .lulMM. Hill- WW -- ing are current quotations: teif endless hold their mult oc:ui.r CUIm lor Fish. thousands, -SMI Crown qi urmni.- 1 God,Fresh sultfc salmon Alaska 2 15c lives cheap , as the price of uod, z jus 25c Victorious Peace. Uod liilcts 15c "tT-T- italt of Imnrtrreinent Fresh black cod, 2 lbs 25c Finnan haddie, lb. 18c " i. of itM vr n- Halibut, lb 25c And we as we watch from It maio Soles,Herring lb kippered, lb ! 15c 10c afar their heroic efforts hi. I Tn. W1IB iniUTnr.- " Bkate, 3 lbs 25c be able to" that we may say, "ralUTato. ni roalo.nee of t Uolichans, salt, 10c Ut holdlfif Croon .7n' fruits and Vegetables. 10c the little we at home could Cucumbers, each, tSli mluctWMi with bU Marrows, each be to 10c do, we have done; Onions, dry 6c Lettuce 10c ... lsmi u nomwwi Tomatoes 25c I A tHMHMIf MMMIIIMBa, Tomatoes, outdoor, 15c that in so far as we could ireea tomatoes. ... .0 lbs for 25c ; support them, lighten their m (m or eotnpT 1'tars. ver doz- 35c l.tMPTOftt em of t rt Act OBNT M Hluirf J'ear-. preserving, per crate (3.00 burdens, bring them comforts, luil lil Mnui olKlrf i mi " bananas 50c ir Umitatr. ta Tbo Uno Orape fruit 3 for 25c we have done it; Apples, per lb. Co to 12 He King apples 10c to 12 He hrnMrtr, until m roar aflr tbo oa or u proMBi wm jbi Celery 10c ft u alee nod rotrooettr. Grapes, per lb, 25c that we have striven unceasingly Carrots, ner lb- 4c rnr U nud for Um rrmst I 1'arsnips, per lb, t&t to shorten their Casaba melons ..50c to 1.50 in Hun vgaruoa or u hdo. u sinaiuo. stay the -made Hell; ftt iuomU oiroulr nuvdo win Cauliflower. 25c to 35c Citron c o jpi tot o prvpor Pumpkin Bd i xxnur if it to not lied cabbage 8c that freely, fervently, V piUeUoa for imw Sweet potatoes 2 lbs. 25c unitedly, we have laid our tuJ m ortetd frow ovotUblo Egg,plint 30c per lb. Hell peppers 0e per' lb. U OIMIUOM humble offerings alongside rmmt of on ium 4m tb Bquasb Be per ID Or t MBmW-lMllt ( Ice cream melons . . . . s, 10c ib. their noble sacrifices on the Moats. lleef, pot roasts, lb 30c. altar of Victory and Peace. Tkt Xft Urn fur mitttj. omlics... 32c for - - .tmi. t. m Hccf. check roast, lh Ul r of Mir 11 in Heef. rib roast, Ib 37Vc. kw uu ( wu not bo Hecf. boiling, lb. 25c. i tu ui lime. Aztr' :T Hamburger, lb 25c ' tifonutlati imttr ... r. i-. or lo Stewing,.amb. leg Ib 30c 50c Another opportunity to lend your individual rjnil Hkuiir of Land. loin 50c. weight to the blow that will shorten the war .amb, Vletorto, ft, Q Mutton 50c. cornes with the offering of Victory Bonds Pork sausages 30c. about to be made. Let not the privilege to SIEEN Tomato sausages 35c. do your share find you unprepared. U0NGW1LL I'ork, leg 5c. Pork, chops 5c. to 50c. MXIT1B Mr,o HCATINO Pork, shoulder 0c. Ayrshire bacon, lb. sliced. . . 60c ImimJ tr CuvU'l Victory Lout CommittM trfllNtCM la co-CHMtmttod vita tfca Miawtwf of Fiuac. Uacon, piece ou of tk Domiaioa of C..U. Hacon, sliced C5 54 Afltnle for Ham, Bmoked 50c "cCUWY FURHaXEl Ham, sliced 55c Bait backs &c fLUWItlNQ to Dairy Produce. and butter, lb 6c- 8HEET METAL uetmttm Cheese, lb 35c 5, 631 Second Avenue. Eggs, new laid Kht pboDet 578 Kggs, local fresh ")c- Kgga 50c. to 05c. nd blue 870 Th. rlsht work, at lh. right LAND ACT rOHH HO. 11 WATER NOTICE MINERAL ACT. Uma. nd at lh. rlnhi JV- talk notice tint n. K. IN'dll. whote KOTICK OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO tddrrti It Stewart, B. C, wilt apply for a CERTIl'ICATE Of IMPROVEMENTS. U.ASI W HARDWARE Hrrnce to ouu k. FRED STORK'S IN OLtEN CHAULOTTt I8LAKU3 of walrr r lecond out of the ortn tors TICE. tllSTIUCT; ftiCORWftO DISTORT ur caarada Crrtk. which flowa aoutberly j Cariboo f raction Mineral Claim. Situate ON SOUTH Hirer. The water in the SkotHia Utntnr Itlrlilon or Casslar Salmon SKEOA AND SITUATE and drain Into To the SIIOIIK or UOOON INLET. MORESBY will be duerted from the it ream at a point Iplttrlrt Where located: At the brad of Established 1V08. Public: ISLAND. ABOUT OJE MILE fKOM ITS about 15,000 feet from Caicade Creek,1'Alice Arm In the Skeena Mlnlnr Dlrlalon. hi. mtiini wai no led on the around on TAKE NOTICE that 1, J. E. SUrk. owner ... ... MAC: I of the,above claim. Free Miner's Certificate ..t .1.., I JOHN M the alttn dar of Auruit, It IS. A copy of ....lAftli. ... .117 1 . I I from the - n r AM-nnAtlon. I Hilt noilre and an application punuani No. ftilt. Intend, ality daji Cannrrrnnn.MIMdn HI nunU,.mwini lo fpty "r f""'' Iherrto will 1 died In the omce or the date bereor, to apply to the Mlnlnr Re-curUer a FULL, AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING for a Certificate of Improvements u'.i.. n.innlrr at Prince Rupert. B. C. Mt''S,ii!o7u,t,n,on pt"n"1 . . ... i.Hio.t mi the- Objectloni lo the application may be Bled for the purpoae or obtalnlnr S Crown GEAR AND SUPPLIES. Cumntrnfinf at jki Orant of Urn above claim. with the Mid water iiocoraer or who uto And further take notice that action, under of Walrr lllrhta, Victoria. B. front U Comptrollrr I.nd. about qm mile njouW. section St, mutt bo commenced before north C.. wllliln thirty dart arter the Brit appearance Ilirnc wetl 10 cbttot;chalnt llirnc moro or l of tbl notice. The dale of flnt the Itauaoce of auch Certificate or , SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF lliriic rt.l to rliitiiti publication of thli notice la Xuruit I5t". Improvements. lo low wsicr iur i Dated this 8th day or July A D. 1l j PAINT FOR BOATS toullirrly tollowlnt low wswr. - ! R. K. NE1LL, Applicant. Kolnl of commrntrnifnl; conlimin- 8 KEEN A LAND DISTRICT D1STIUCT OF Thi, , " u"nir. aso. crf more or 1. ..,., THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ,011 JOHN McLARTY ""-ttoSirja' Piled Auruit ItM. IIKCEAEEU;THEUMATTEn OF CHRISTIE OIBSON, TAKE NOTICE that I, John McLarty Mae-nilllan, and of Vancouver, U. C, occupation FRED STORK'S HARDWARE IN THE MATTEn OF THE "ADM1MSTRA ranneryman, intends to apply for irmli-alcn rifiM a rr HaTry to leaie the rollowlnr described lands: Hanson DENTISTRY TAKE NOTICE that In ordor of HU llooo Corumenclnr at a the F. McH. Younr. maaa mo vm uay ui poat planted on It IT, I uai at'pointed AamUUtraior to lU south shore of Larooa Bay, Noresby Island, SECOND AVENUE 1M Art. iionnii Milt or tne enrutit) ouiion. afcasru about one mile from Us mouth, '"net uptrl. orncE lo'30 p.m. and all.-a..paruca hA.Ku narinr MAHlMlt ciaiini Fai fll IMllh thence south SO chains, thence west 10 . ..m. U1l1.0.m. aald rPIW Bin s-vsj irtjuiii'U rhslns, thence north SO thence w chains, amf, rropffly vertfliML to mt on or DR. J. 8. BROWN fore rastrrly tlonr the shore line to point or and m ntl IndAlilArf tn thai ttat irfl commencement, containlnr 40 acres more DIHTIST un,.ir.4 tn natf th amount of their In or less. Omttl Smllh Block, Thlrt rtrlil'(1n lo n.forthwith.nirniiTi.i.m, JOHN .McLARTY MACMILLAN, Advertise in The Daily News Omcial Adminlitrator Dated June lOtb ists.